September 4, 2001 Volume 60 Number 1 September 2001 Pages 3-4 "It is not enough to be good if you have the ability to be better."-Alberta lee Cox Seven students represent LOHS at GSP/ GSA. .. New facultx Justill Latta bolt into action Assistant Editor Page 6 Bush's stem cell decision raises many questions ... Mr. Ben Dew Graduate: M . Kechia Weedman Mr. IiffDew rkan a tate ni er ity Graduate: Graduate: fu:;;(~... ubject Area : We tern Kentucky Univer ity ni er ity of Mi ippi P.E.fHeaIth ubject Areas.:. Pages 8-9 Arts and Humanities Intro to hemistry and Phy ics ubject Area : The Oak "K" tackles Psychology Integrated cience Economics some of the drug abuse A si tant Football oach J.V. Academic oach Head Football oach problems facing teens Head Track oach - Boys/Girl today ... ~vG-... Page 12 The LOHS soccer teams Mr. Tim dams get their 200 7 seasons Mr. cott Ford Mr . Barbara Moble Graduate: kicking. .. Graduate: raduate.:. Murray tate ni er ity We tern Kentucky University Murray tate niver ity -# ubject Area : ubject Area : ubject Area: Pre-Algebra Art and Humanities Special Education f - Algebra I Engli h II Head iris' Basketball oach oncert and ymphonic Band 2 The 0 ak "K" September 2001 secon t at motion. Mu grav / Go hman r pr nt Matinl Owenl Thistlewood LOH at Girl's tat represent LOHS at Boy's State Brittany Fellows Staff Writer ports Editor What do government, march- ing, and boot camp have in com­ Two senior girls, Melanie mon? They are all part of Boys' Mus grave and Emi ly tate, of course! As Lone Oak's Goehman, represented LOHS own, bin Matin, Kaelin T hi tie­ this summer when they both wood, and Blake 0\ en, departed attended a program called Paducah that unday after the end Girl's State. What is Girl's of school la t umm r they had no State? Girl's State is a week­ idea what was to come upon them. long program sponsored by the ure the brochure aid that it wa American Legion Auxiliary more of a chance for students to that focuses on bringi ng high learn more about the American school girls to learn about the Boys' State and Girls' State participant :Kaelin Thistlewood (12), government but it definitely turned out to be more than that. Their principles and functions of the Abin Matin ( 12), Emily Goehman (12), Malanie Musgrave (12) stay at Morehead, Kentucky, for U.S. government. This year, state government. Melanie and how laws are debated." These one week was definitely more than Girl's State was held the first what they needed. Emily heard guest speakers and two learned much about gov­ week of June at Cumberland Crammed into a dilapidated College in Williamsburg, Ken­ even held meetings like a real ernment, but found it also enter­ room with three other guys was tucky. At Girl's State, Melanie Congress would do. As Melanie taining. What was Emi ly's re­ just the beginning. Their counsel­ and Emily participated in vari­ said, "I learned a lot about the sponse to her favorite thing ors were all either fonner or cur­ ous activities such as a mock- way the government works and about attending Girl's State? rent anned forces members who "My favorite thing was meeting woke them up at 6 A.M., et them other gi rl s. It was really fun and up into special fqnnations, and you had to go out of your com­ then marched them to the places 4' The O~k "K" Staff 4' fort zone because you were in a where they needed to be. Do I hear someone say - military? As The Oak "K" is a publication of Editor-in-Chier city with no one else you knew. members of the House of Repre- Lone Oak High School. It is distrib­ Hunter Campbell Plus karaoke night was really entati e or the enate, all the stu­ uted 8 times a year to all students, Assistant EditorlEditorials Editor fun!" Melanie and Emily repre­ faculty and advertisers. Justin Latta dents brought up and debated the sented LOH quite well. The newspaper is designed by staff Assistant Editor/Features mo t controversial is ues of today. members using the Microsoft Pub­ Editor In addition to discussing important lisher 98 system, and printed by Th e Seth Bowen Topes Puff n' Sluff issue , strategies were planned to Paducah Sun, 408 Kentucky Ave., Sports Editor win elections in each city and Paducah, KY . Brittany Fellows 226 Broadway party. Letters to the Editor should be i50 Business Manager Paducah. Kentucky Yep, that' what I call a typi al words or less and signed by the Stacey Jarvis writer. The Oak "K " reserves the Advertising Manager fun summer acation!!! right to edit all letters for placement Lori Speer without altering the meaning of the Circulation Manager letter. Jennifer Gholson Coroner Moderation in pur uit of Justice is no virtue. This paper attempts to infonn and ~ ~ entertain its readers in a broad, fair Abin Matin Extremism in defense of Liberty is no vice. and .ccurate manner on all subjects Staff Writer ~ ~ that affect the audience. Rachel Megibow Tod Megibow, Attorney at Law Final authority for the content of Lauren Wolf ~ ~ the paper rests in the hands of the Technology Coordinator ~~ . , 111 South 6th Street ~ principal. Joshua Woleben ~ - 442-0121 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ September 2001 Ihe Oak "K" 'News 3 "Kentucky's Finest" GSP, FCCLA, and Weldin Team Make LOHS Proud Staff Writer Joshua Woleben Technology Coordinator "So, what did you do this sum­ mer?" This year, five students LOHS has done it again! For the answered, "I went to GSP," Every eleventh year in a row, the Agricul­ summer, one thousand of ture-FF A welding team has won "Kentucky's Finest" students par­ the state welding championship. ticipate "in the Governor's Scholars Lone Oak also won the state Program. championship in individual Lori Speer, Jay Stallons, Kyle welding. Jon Thweatt won this Weishaar, Bryan Wheatley, and title. Josh Woleben represented LOHS. Team members for the 2001 The primary goal of this pro­ championship team were (from left gram is to prepare high school jun­ to right on the picture) Arron iors for college, provide them with Powell(10), Jordan Byrd (11), Josh more scholarship opportunities, Woleben, Speer, Weishaar, and Wheatley Photo by Hunter Campbell Mayes (12), and Jon Thweatt (11). and to introduce them to others Psychology. He said, " I abso­ The team will now represent the scholars from all parts of the state. well worth my whole summer." lutely loved GSP. IT was the best state of Kentucky in the National Each scholar's experience was Stallions attended Eastern Ken­ experience I have tver had. It Mid-South welding contest in one unique to them. Here's what tucky University where he studied really changed me in a positive Memphis, TN in late September. they had to say about them. Physical Science. He said, " way. I just wish I could go back. I This is the highest honor Speer attended GSP at Centre Whoo dang, that was fun." also recommend it to everyone! receivable by a welding team in the College where she majored in In­ Weishaar traveled to Northern (Juniors)." organization. ternational Relations. She said, Kentucky University, and he ma­ Woleben attended Northern Also, Mindy Gordon took first "GSP was the best experience I've jored in Biological Issues. His Kentucky University and studied prize in cattle showmanship at the ever had. I can't even explain it. I thought was, "Everything I ever Astronomy; His thought was, Kentucky State Fair in Louisville. made of the best friends I've ever needed to know, I learned at "GSP is a life-altering experience Josh Goodwin won the regional had in only five weeks. It was GSP." that allows development of social Star Agribusinessman contest and Wheatley went to Eastern Ken­ and mental skills unprecedented received top blue ribbon at the tucky University where he studied by normal, everyday life." Kentucky State Fair. The tobacco judging team placed eighth in the state contest. Team members were Josh Payne (12), Matt Scheer (10), Matt Flournoy (10), and Matt Rudesill (10), Both teams are coached by Harold . Wood who is now in his 40th year as a teacher at LOHS. Congratula­ Kisha Cook (12) Photo By Lauren Wolf tions to all participants on their championships and winnings! Lauren Wolf Staff Writer Kisha Cook, (12), was one of nine students in KY selected as a final­ ist in the cook-off at the state fair on 'August 23. Her winning recipe was an egg recipe for Strawberry Shortcake Swirls. Aaron Powell, Jordan Byrd, Josh Mayes, and Jon Thweat Photo by Mr. Wood 4 News The Oak "K" September 2001 Spees, Mitchell represent LOHS at GSA Jennifer Gholson focusing not only on their art Circulation Manager form, visual art, but also on some of the other art forms. Robert Spees (12) and Metra "GSA has taught me that it takes Mitchell (12) were accepted out time and dedication to achive per­ of over 1000 applicants to attend fection, but I applied myself fully Governors School for the Arts for and am entirely confident in my­ three weeks at Transylavia Univer­ self and my artwork." Mitchell sity in Lexington during the sum­ says. mer. They each prepared eight "GSA has not only prepared me works of art that they showed to for a future in art, but being GSA three judges at Murray State Uni­ alumni means scholarships for col­ versity where they were que­ lege." Spees says.
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