E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 No. 120 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- called to order by the Honorable JOHN PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE pore. Under the previous order, the E. SUNUNU, a Senator from the State of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate will proceed to a vote in rela- New Hampshire. clerk will please read a communication tion to the Dayton amendment, No. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s to the Senate from the President pro 1844. prayer will be offered by our guest tempore (Mr. STEVENS). The Senator from Utah. Chaplain, Father Joseph Breen of Saint The legislative clerk read the fol- Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I see Edward’s Catholic Church in Nashville, lowing letter: Senator DAYTON is here. The yeas and TN. U.S. SENATE, nays have not been ordered. There have PRAYER PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, been discussions during the evening Washington, DC, September 22, 2005. about this amendment. I wonder The guest Chaplain offered the fol- To the Senate: lowing prayer: whether the Senator wants the yeas Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3 and nays. I would say the Jeffords As we gather this morning in this of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby amendment, which under the previous solemn hall of the Senate, considered appoint the Honorable JOHN E. SUNUNU, a by those who formed the Constitution Senator from the State of New Hampshire, order is the next pending business, will to be the great ‘‘anchor’’ of the Gov- to perform the duties of the Chair. be withdrawn. ernment, let us call upon God, sov- TED STEVENS, AMENDMENT NO. 1796 WITHDRAWN President pro tempore. ereign Lord of our Nation, to deepen I ask unanimous consent that it be Mr. SUNUNU thereupon assumed the our hearts and our minds to the truth withdrawn, after conferring with Sen- about life, its dignity, and its reflec- chair as Acting President pro tempore. ator JEFFORDS and his staff. tion of the Eternal God. Help us to ap- f preciate the truth that life is always The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- good and that every life is of equal dig- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME pore. Is there objection? nity. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Without objection, it is so ordered. We are thankful for the eyes we have pore. Under the previous order, leader- AMENDMENT NO. 1844, AS MODIFIED to see, hearts to understand, the depth ship time is reserved. Mr. BENNETT. We are now on the to think, and the concern to care. As f Dayton amendment. we take life one day at a time, we ask for guidance and strength. We do not AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOP- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- have yesterday or tomorrow, only MENT, FOOD AND DRUG ADMIN- pore. The vote occurs in relation to the today. Help us to remember the prob- ISTRATION, AND RELATED Dayton amendment, No. 1844, as modi- lems we encounter are but opportuni- AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS fied. ties that are put before us to use cre- ACT, 2006 Mr. DAYTON. I ask for the yeas and ative energies, making a better world The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- nays. for everyone. pore. Under the previous order, the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Lord, thank You for giving me this Senate will resume consideration of pore. Is there a sufficient second? opportunity to express the love and the H.R. 2744, which the clerk will report. There appears to be a sufficient sec- gratitude of the people of our great Na- The legislative clerk read as follows: ond. tion to our lawmakers who so willingly A bill (H.R. 2744) making appropriations have given themselves to public serv- The question is on agreeing to the for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food amendment. The clerk will call the ice. and Drug Administration, and related agen- Bless our Senators now and always. cies for the fiscal year ending September 30, roll. Amen. 2006, and for other purposes. The legislative clerk called the roll. f Pending: Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the Senator from New Jersey (Mr. CORZINE) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Dayton modified amendment No. 1844, to condition the use of funds for carrying out a is necessarily absent. The Honorable JOHN E. SUNUNU led provision relating to prevented planting pay- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. MUR- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ments, with an offset. KOWSKI). Are there any other Senators I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Bingaman (for Jeffords) amendment No. in the Chamber desiring to vote? United States of America, and to the Repub- 1796, to provide funds to carry out the his- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, toric barn preservation program, with an off- The result was announced—yeas 47, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. set. nays 52, as follows: ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10327 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:19 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S22SE5.REC S22SE5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S10328 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 22, 2005 [Rollcall Vote No. 240 Leg.] however, this $1 million would be very men, women, and children. I trust that YEAS—47 well spent. Consumers are demanding such a failure is simply not acceptable Akaka Feingold Mikulski locally grown farm raised agricultural to my fellow Senators. It certainly is Baucus Feinstein Murray products and producers want to meet not acceptable to me. Bayh Grassley Nelson (FL) this demand. In my State and across Biden Harkin Mr. COCHRAN. I thank the Senator Nelson (NE) the Nation exciting things are hap- Bingaman Inouye Obama from Ohio for bringing this issue to my Boxer Jeffords Pryor pening in the area of new markets for attention and note his desire to provide Byrd Johnson Reed agricultural products, but many com- funding for this new proposal to pro- Cantwell Kennedy Reid munities lack the needed seed money Carper Kerry vide cash for in-country commodity Rockefeller Clinton Kohl to get off of the ground. Salazar purchasing. I want the Senator to Coleman Landrieu Mr. BENNETT. The Senator from Sarbanes know that I will work with him Conrad Lautenberg Iowa and ranking member of the Sen- Schumer throughout the conference negotia- Dayton Leahy ate Committee on Agriculture, Nutri- Dodd Levin Stabenow tions on this bill to address this issue. Dorgan Lieberman Thune tion and Forestry, as well as member Durbin Lincoln Wyden of the subcommittee of jurisdiction FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS NAYS—52 over this bill, raises some important Mr. BAUCUS. I rise today to express points about funding in the bill. I will Alexander DeWine McConnell my deep concern with the state of our ARKIN Allard Dole Murkowski work with Senator H in con- Nation’s food assistance programs. In Allen Domenici Roberts ference to address this issue. recent weeks our Nation has seen first Bennett Ensign Santorum Mr. HARKIN. I am grateful to the hand the critical importance of food Bond Enzi Sessions Chair and thank him again for his assistance programs in helping our fel- Brownback Frist Shelby skillful work at crafting a bill that can Bunning Graham low Americans in times of need. After Smith be supported by the full Senate. Burns Gregg Snowe Hurricane Katrina, with Hurricane Burr Hagel Mr. DEWINE. Madam President, I Specter Rita bearing down on the Texas coast, Chafee Hatch Stevens thank Chairman COCHRAN for taking Chambliss Hutchison and with rising fuel costs, our ability Sununu the time to have this very serious dis- Coburn Inhofe to provide the resources needed by Cochran Isakson Talent cussion with me about a life saving Americans need of food assistance is Thomas Collins Kyl proposal that I believe needs to become threatened. This is a critical problem Cornyn Lott Vitter part of this bill before it is passed into one I have seen in the gulf States but Craig Lugar Voinovich law. Crapo Martinez Warner also seen in Montana where many of The proposal, originally suggested by DeMint McCain my fellow Montanans rely on food as- President Bush, would allow a small sistance. NOT VOTING—1 percentage of U.S. food aid dollars to Corzine be used to purchase food locally in the Mr. COCHRAN. I join my colleague The amendment (No. 1844), as modi- country or region of a food aid crisis from Montana in expressing concern fied, was rejected. until U.S. food aid can arrive. For ex- over the condition of the Nation’s food Mr. BENNETT. I move to reconsider ample, if there is a food crisis in Ethi- assistance programs. I too believe that the vote. opia, the U.S. Government would be participation in these nutrition pro- Mr. BIDEN. I move to lay that mo- able to purchase food in neighboring grams may increase due to the recent tion on the table. countries, or even in other areas of hurricane. I look forward to working The motion to lay on the table was Ethiopia where food is available, and with the Senator to provide adequate agreed to. use it to save lives until food shipped funding to meet the demand for food FARMERS MARKET PROMOTION PROGRAM from the United States could arrive. assistance. Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I On average, U.S. food aid takes over 4 Mr. BAUCUS. I appreciate Chairman would like to take a moment and com- months to arrive in countries in need, COCHRAN’s understanding and concern.
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