© Амурский зоологический журнал IV(2), 2012. 160-163 Accepted: 15.05. 2012 УДК 595.782 © Amurian zoological journal IV(2), 2012. 160-163 Published: 25.06. 2012 ON THE FAUNA OF PTEROPHORIDAE (LEPIDOPTERA, PTEROPHORIDAE HÜBNER) OF SWAZILAND V.N. Kovtunovich1, P.Ja. Ustjuzhanin2 [Ковтунович В.Н., Устюжанин П.Я. К фауне пальцекрылок (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae Hübner) Свазилэнда] 1Moscow Society of Nature Explorers. Home address: Malaya Filevskaya str., 24/1, app. 20, Russia, 121433. E-mail: [email protected] 1Московское общество испытателей природы. Домашний адрес: ул. Малая Филевская, дом 24/1, кв. 20. Россия, 121433. E-mail: [email protected] 2Siberian division of the Russian Entomological Society. Home address: Engelsa str., 23, app.106, Novosibirsk, Russia, 630057. E-mail: [email protected] 2Сибирское отделение Русского энтомологического общества. Домашний адрес: г. Новосибирск, ул. Энгельса, 23 кв. 106, Россия, 630057, E-mail: [email protected] Key words: Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, plume moths, Swaziland, new combinations, new status, new records Ключевые слова: Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae, пальцекрылки, Свазиленд, новая комбинация, новый статус, новые находки Summary. The data on the fauna of Pterophoridae of Swaziland is presented for the first time. 32 Pterophoridae species (26 from which are unknown in the country) are reported. The species status of Marasmarcha verax (Meyrick, 1909) is restored, a new combination for Walsinghamiella orichalcias (Meyrick, 1916) comb.n. is determined. Резюме. Впервые приводятся сведения по фауне пальцекрылок Свазиленда. Всего выявлено 32 вида Pterophori- dae, 26 из которых ранее не были известны для страны. Восстановлен статус вида Marasmarcha verax (Meyrick, 1909), установлена новая комбинация для Walsinghamiella orichalcias (Meyrick, 1916) comb.n. INTRODUCTION Game Reserve, S 26°59’ E 31°57’, h 190 m. No special research on the Pterophoridae of Swa- TAXONOMY ziland has been done till the present moment. In the Agdistis linnaei Gielis, 2008 catalogue of Pterophoridae of the world fauna [Gielis, Agdistis linnaei Gielis, 2008: 44. (Type locality: Kenya). 2003] only five species were reported for Swaziland: Material: Mlawula, 14-15.10.2009 – 1♂, V. Kovtu- Sphenarches anisodactylus Walker, 1864, Exelastis novich & P. Ustjuzhanin. atomosa Walsingham, 1885, Exelastis pumilio Zeller, Distribution: Kenya, Tanzania, Rep. South Africa, 1873, Stenodacma wahlbergi Zeller, 1852, Megalo- Swaziland. rhipida leucodactylus Fabricius, 1794. From 2009 to Notes: New for Swaziland. 2011 the members of the Russian expedition to South Africa visited Swaziland three times with the aim to Agdistis varii Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin, 2009 investigate the Pterophoridae fauna. As a result, we Agdistis varii Kovtunovich & Ustjuzhanin, 2009: 40. collected a significant material which is in general (Type locality: Northern Province, Rep. South Africa). presented in this article. In addition to our own col- Material: Mlawula, 14-15.10.2009 – 7♂♂, 4♀♀, V. lections we used the materials of DNMNH (Ditsong Kovtunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin. National Museum of Natural History, the former TM, Distribution: Rep. South Africa, Swaziland. Pretoria) and the collections of our Italian colleague, Notes: New for Swaziland. Dr. Graziano Bassi. Agdistis toliarensis Bigot, 1987 Agdistis toliarensis Bigot, 1987: 360. (Type locality: LOCATIONS Madagascar). Malagwane Hill – S. Africa, Swaziland, Mbabane, Material: Mlawula, 14-15.10.2009 – 1♂, 1♀; Nisela, Malagwane Hill. 6.10.2009 – 1♂, V. Kovtunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin. Malolotja N.R. – S. Africa, Swaziland, Malolotja Distribution: Madagascar, Swaziland. N.R., S 26°08’ E 31°08’, h 1530 m. Notes: New for Swaziland. Mlawula N.R. – S. Africa, Swaziland, Mlawula N.R., Titanoptilus stenodactylus (Fletcher, 1911) S 26°12’ E 32°00’, h 150 m. Oxyptilus stenodactylus Fletcher, 1911: 282. (Type Mpisi – S. Africa, Swaziland, between the towns of locality: Mashonaland, Zimbabwe). Mafutseni and Luve. Titanoptilus patellatus Meyrick, 1913: 109. (Type lo- Nisela Game Reserve – S. Africa, Swaziland, Nisela cality: Durban, Natal, S. Africa). 160 Titanoptilus laniger Bigot, 1969: 183. (Type locality: Stenoptilia johnistella Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich, 2010 Elizabethville, Zaire). Stenoptilia johnistella Ustjuzhanin & Kovtunovich, Macrotinactis stenodactylus (Fletcher, 1911), Gielis, 2003:23. 2010: 694. (Type locality: Cumberland N.R., Kwa- Material: Nisela Game Reserve, 16.10.2009 – 1♂, Zulu-Natal, Rep. South Africa). leg. V. Kovtunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin. Material: Malolotja, 07.12.2011 – 1♂, 1♀, V. Kovtu- Distribution: Zimbabwe, Rep. South Africa, Congo, novich & P. Ustjuzhanin. Tanzania, Comoros, Swaziland. Distribution: Rep. South Africa, Swaziland. Notes: New for Swaziland. Notes: New for Swaziland. Walsinghamiella orichalcias (Meyrick, 1916) comb. n. Stenoptilodes taprobanes (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875) Oxyptilus orichalcias Meyrick, 1916: 557. (Type lo- Amblyptilia taprobanes Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875: cality: Mt. Mulanje, S. Malawi). Pl. 140, fig. 54. (Type locality: Sri Lanca). Material: Mpisi, 15.03.1995 – 2♂♂, 2♀♀, N.J. Duke. Platyptilia brachymorpha Meyrick, 1888: 240 (Type Distribution: Malawi, Swaziland. locality: India). Notes: During the study of the type material in Platyptilia seeboldi Hofmann, 1898: 33 (Type local- BMNH (London) the affiliation of this species to the ity: Syria). genus Walsinghamiella Berg, 1898 became obvious. Platyptilia terlizzii Turati, 1926: 67 (Type locality: Libya). New for Swaziland. Amblyptilia zavatterii Hartig, 1953: 67 (Type local- Walsinghamiella prolai (Gibeaux, 1994) ity: Italy). Titanoptilus prolai Gibeaux, 1994: 82. (Type locality: Platyptilia legrandi Bigot, 1962b: 86 (Type locality: Comoros) Seychelles). Material: Malolotja, 07.12.2011 – 1♀, V. Kovtunov- Stenoptilodes vittata Service, 1966: 11 (Type local- ich & P. Ustjuzhanin. ity: Nigeria). Distribution: Comoros, Rep. South Africa, Zimba- Material: Malolotja, 07.12.2011 – 1♂; Nisela Game bwe, Swaziland. Reserve, 16.10.2009 – 1♂, leg. V. Kovtunovich & P. Notes: New for Swaziland. Ustjuzhanin. Distribution: Everywhere in tropical and subtropical Platyptilia longalis (Walker, 1864) regions. Pterophorus longalis Walker, 1864: 943. (Type local- ity: South Africa). Stenodacma wahlbergi (Zeller, 1851) Stenoptilia longalis (Walker, 1864), Gielis 2003: 40. Pterophorus wahlbergi Zeller, 1851: 346 (Type local- Material: Malolotja, 30.11.1992 – 1♂, 18.09.1993 – ity: S. Africa). 1♂, N.J. Duke. Pterophorus rutilalis Walker, 1864: 943 (Type local- Distribution:Rep. South Africa, Swaziland. ity: “Port Natal”, S. Africa). Notes: New for Swaziland. Oxyptilus rutilans Wollaston, 1879: 441 (Type local- ity: St. Helena Isl.). Platyptilia sabius (Felder, Rogenhofer, 1875) Stenodacma iranella Amsel, 1959: 30 (Type locality: Mimeseoptilus sabius Felder, Rogenhofer, 1875: pl. Iran). 140, fig. 60. (Type locality: South Africa). Material: Malolotja, 07.12.2011 – 4♂♂, 1♀, V. Material: Malolotja, 07.12.2011 – 1♂, V. Kovtunov- Kovtunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin. ich & P. Ustjuzhanin. Distribution: Rep. South Africa, Cameroon, Swazi- Distribution: Rep. South Africa, Congo, Tanzania, land, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Kenya, Madagascar, Co- Ethiopia, Swaziland. moros, Reunion Isl., Rodriguez Isl, Mauritius, Sey- Notes: New for Swaziland. chelles, St. Helena Isl., Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan. Platyptilia farfarella Zeller, 1867 Pseudoxyptilus secutor (Meyrick, 1911) Platyptilus farfarellus Zeller, 1867: 334. (Type local- Oxyptilus secutor Meyrick, 1911: 218. (Type locality: ity: Miedzyrzecz, Poland). Pretoria, S. Africa). Platyptilia molopias Meyrick, 1906: 135. (Type lo- Oxyptilus variegatus Meyrick, 1920: 274. (Type lo- cality: Sri Lanka). cality: Cape Town, S. Africa). Platypilia petila Yano, 1963: 851. (Type locality: Sol- Material: Malolotja, 07.12.2011 – 1♂, 1♀, V. Kovtu- omon Islands). novich & P. Ustjuzhanin. Material: Malolotja, 07.12.2011 – 2♂♂, 1♀, V. Kov- Distribution: Rep. South Africa, Swaziland. tunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin. Notes: New for Swaziland. Distribution: Rep. South Africa, Madagascar, Mau- Megalorhipida leucodactylus (Fabricius, 1794) ritius, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, San Tome Isl., Ni- Pterophorus defectalis Walker, 1864: 943. (Type lo- geria, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, Swaziland. cality: Sierra Leone). Notes: New for Swaziland. 161 Material: Mlawula, 14-15.10.2009 – 4♂♂, 3♀♀, V. Material: Malagwane Hill, Mbabane, 25.09.1990 – Kovtunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin. 1♂, N.J. Duke. Distribution: Cosmopolitan. Distribution. Rep. S. Africa, Tanzania, Madagascar. Megalorhipida leptomeres (Meyrick, 1886) Notes: New for Swaziland. Megalorhipida leptomeres Meyrick, 1886: 15. - (Type Marasmarcha bonaespei (Walsingham, 1881) locality: Reunion Island). Lioptilus bonaespei Walsingham, 1881: 281. (Type Material: Mlawula, 14-15.10.2009 – 27 ex., 24 -25. locality: S. Africa). 11.2010 – 1♀; Nisela Game Reserve, 16.10.2009 – Marasmarcha bonaespei (Walsingham, 1881), [ Gie- 1♂, leg. V. Kovtunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin.V. lis, 2003]. Distribution: Reunnion Island, Rep. South Africa, Material: Mlawula, 24-25.11.2010 – 2♂♂, Kovtu- Tanzania, Kenya, Zaire, Seychelles, Madagascar, Ye- novich & A. Sochivko, 6.12.2011 – 1♂; Malolotja, men, Oman, Swaziland. 07.12.2011 – 10 ex., V. Kovtunovich & P. Ustjuzhanin. Notes: New for Swaziland. Distribution: Rep. South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland. Megalorhipida vivax (Meyrick, 1909) Notes: New for Swaziland. Trichoptilus vivax Meyrick, 1909: 1 (Type locality: Marasmarcha verax (Meyrick, 1909) bona sp. Pretoria, Rep. South Africa).
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