Bloemfonteiner Polisie waarsku oor Thabo Pitse winsins receives top misdaad by Suidpark- prestigious UK fellowship stortingsterrein business awardd PAGE 3 BLADSY 2 PAGE 9 THURSDAY 16 NOVEMBER 2017 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE ‘Ghosts’ roaming FS Gov SEITHATI SEMENOKANE Rockman, at the media launch of the corruption and fi nancial mismanagement. by highlighting that the National Anti- [email protected] International Fraud Awareness Week. The highest number of employees who Corruption Hotline (NACH) currently Rockman stated that headcounts had were charged with fi nancial misconduct has 53 Free State cases which emanate More than 260 government offi cials been concluded at seven provincial were employees between salary level 1 from 2014/15 to the 2017/18 period, with working in seven departments in the departments, namely Agriculture and Rural and 8. Three cases involved employees who the top four types of cases being fraud, province are ‘ghost workers’. This Development, Cogta, Education, Economic are members of the middle management nepotism, procurement irregularities and was revealed by Finance MEC, Elzabe and Small Business Development,Developme Tourism service, which are employees between misappropriation of funds. and Environmental Affairs, Health,Hea Human salary level 9 and 12. Members of He reminded people that they can report Settlements and Provincial Treasury.Trea the senior management service were any case by calling the NACH toll-free Of the 55 231 offi cials on the payroll, only implicated in two of the cases reported. number 0800-701-701 or sending an SMS 54 963 could be verifi ed. A headcounthea The outcome of the cases of fi nancial to 39772. process is currently underway at the misconduct reportedted to the PSC by the Department of Police, Roads anda departments showsws that in 26 of the 36 Transport, Public Works, Sports,Sport Arts, cases reported employeesmployees were found Culture and Recreation, as wellwe as fl eet guilty, 8 of the caseses were withdrawn by management. The headcount is expected the departments, whilst employees were to have been concluded by 15 November found not guilty uponpon the fi nalisation of 2017. the fi nancial misconductonduct casescases iinn 2 of tthehe Provincial Commissioner: PublicPubl Service reported cases. Commission (PSC), Dr Henk Boshoff,B The Provincial Treasury,asury, in partnership indicated that a total number ofo 33 with Standard Bank,nk, South African Police cases of fi nancial misconduct hadh been Services, Pricewaterhouseerhouse Coopers and reported by provincial departmentsdep Accreditation of Fraud Examiners (ACFE) forfor thethe 2016/20172016/2017 fi nancial will be hosting thee Fraud AwarenessAwareness year.year. Twelve of the cases Conference from 16 to 17 NovemberNovember were reportedrepo for 2017 in Bloemfonteintein as part of the ACFE’s gross negligence,ne 8 International Fraudd Week in support for theftth and 7 for of the call to “Join the global misappropriationmisa effort to minimise the impact and abuse. of fraud by promotingoting NineNi of the anti-fraud awarenessess and Provincial reportedre education”. The themeheme Commissioner: casesc were of the conference is Public Service in the “Walk the Talk on Commission, Dr Henk Boshoff categories Fraud Prevention”.”. of fraud, Boshoff concluded FS Finance MEC, Elzabe Rockman PHOTOS: SEITHATI SEMENOKANE TOYOTA HILUX DC 2.4 GD-6-RB SRX HILUX FUTURE DRIVE-DOUBLE CAB Price: R442 700 FROM ONLY PER MONTH Deposit: R50 246 R4 950 Interest rate: 5,83% 36 instalments Linked interest rate: R274 474 Transaction also available with 0% deposit. Terms & conditions apply. 2UDQMH7R\RWD%ORHPIRQWHLQ ZZZRUDQMHWR\RWDEORHPIRQWHLQFR]D Photo for illustration purposes only 2 COMMUNITY NEWS • GEMEENSKAPSNUUS www.bloemfonteincourant.co.za • [email protected] • 16 November 2017 Kenneth Kaunda eis vier lewens vanjaar JERETHA OOSTHUIZEN is wat saamwerk as daar ’n ongeluk wat die pad gebou [email protected] plaasvind. Een persoon reguleer die het of die mense verkeer, die ander help met noodhulp, ’n wat die materiaal Een van die bekende, besige paaie in ander bel die nooddienste en so werk hulle verskaf het vir die Bloemfontein het in dié jaar alleenlik sowat saam om vining op die ongeluk te reageer bou daarvan? “Die 12 ongelukke opgelewer en vier lewens en hulp te ontbied. bitumen is nie van geëis. Connoway het besluit sy wil houtkruise goeie gehalte nie. Kenneth Kaundaweg staan reeds bekend maak en by elke ongelukstoneel ’n Dit smelt as dit te as Bloemfontein se eie Kyalami-resiesbaan. kruis opsit met die woorde, ‘Mangaung warm word, skuif Motoriste ry nie graag net 60 km/h nie Municipality, how many more people must dan rond en word en is nie altyd bewus van die gevare wat die?’ Ons het al verskeie kere gaan kla oor seepglad as dit net hierdie pad inhou nie. die pad en om hulp gevra, maar niks word ’n bietjie water ’n Sekere gedeelte van die pad, ongeveer gedoen nie. Ons woorde val op dowe ore.” kry,” meen Jaco Van die vele ongelukke wat 400 meter, is so glad as dit reën, dat Connoway onthou ’n spesifi eke Connoway, Alicia se al in Kenneth Kaundaweg daar elke keer ’n ongeluk gebeur. “As geleentheid waar daar mense aan die pad man. plaasgevind het. dit reën, moet jy weet jy moenie in die gewerk het en een van die raadslede gesê “Elke keer is daar ’n linkerbaan ry wat in die noordelike rigting het, “This will be the best road in South kontrakteur wat aan die pad werk, maar hy eindig. Hoeveel mense moet nog hul lewe gaan nie, want jy gaan in die moeilikheid Africa.” Nou bevraagteken sy sy woorde, word nie betaal nie en dan word die werk verloor voordat iets aan die pad gedoen beland en ’n ongeluk maak, al ry jy net 40 want die teenoorgestelde van sy stelling is nie klaargemaak nie. Daar word dan ’n word? km/h” sê Alicia Connoway, een van die besig om te gebeur. ander kontrakteur aangestel. Die pad kos “As jy in die aand ’n slag hoor en mense inwoners in die straat wat elke keer op ’n Die vraag wat beantwoord moet word, is al sowat R60 miljoen, en dit vir wat? ’n Pad begin gil, word jy yskoud. Jy hardloop ongelukstoneel is om te help. wie die verantwoordelikheid gaan neem wat net ongelukke veroorsaak?” uit om te help, in jou nagklere, sonder Sy vertel dat daar sowat vier of vyf families vir die probleem? Is dit die kontrakteurs Inwoners wil weet waar die tragedies gaan skoene.” Flower festival in Parys ‘provides no real money value’ SAPD maan oor veiligheid by PULANE CHOANE Also sharing these sentiments is the EFF’s Suidpark-stortingsterrein [email protected] provincial chairperson, Kgotso Morapela who said that he was not satisfi ed with the MARK STEENBOK besit van Manrax-tablette betrap, terwyl daar The money the Free State Provincial reasons provided by the Free State Tourism [email protected] ook alkohol in die omgewing verkoop word. Government has spent on the Parys Flower Authority’s (FSTA) Kenny Dichabe on why DA-raadslid, Rossouw Botes, het vroeër gesê Festival, which will kick-off two-weeks from the festival is necessary for the Free State’s Die polisie in Bloemfontein het ’n streng dat daar tydens die staking van munisipale now, could be used in other areas where it is economy. Morapela said Dichabe explained waarskuwing aan inwoners gerig om op hulle werkers, toe mense hul eie vullis by die much needed. This is according to David van the various value chain processes as well as hoede te wees wanneer hulle vullis by die terrein moes gaan afl aai het, agt persone Vuuren, who is in the DA’s Public Accounts how much the festival would contribute to Suidpark-stortingsterrein afl aai. Die polisie aangerand en beroof is. and Finance Cluster member in the provincial the economy in the long term. se luitenant-kolonel Isaac Ntsomotho sê dat Polisiewoordvoerder Ikobeng Hlubi deel ’n legislature. “We as the EFF feel given the high daar al verskeie voorvalle van moord, aanvalle, paar veiligheidswenke met inwoners: “It is our view that a project like this one unemployment rate in the Free State, that rooftogte, dwelm- en alkoholmisbruik asook “Mense wat hulle vullis hier kom afl aai, moet must at some stage or another become money should be redirected towards making diefstal uit motors by die terrein plaasgevind ten alle koste verseker dat waardevolle self-sustainable. We don’t see that happening sure that people with good projects and het. artikels soos selfone, skootrekenaars en anytime soon and it seems like this project ideas follow through on these to liberate “Die probleem kom wanneer mense alleen beursies veilig in die voertuig toegesluit is. will be one that requires support and fi nancial the provincial economy. But this is not being vullis by die stortingsterrein kom afl aai. Ons raai ook aan dat mense nie alleen na assistance from the provincial government for done and as such, we feel like the provincial Wanneer hulle dan daarmee besig is, vind ons die gebied kom nie. Nadat mense die vullis a long time before it stands on its own two government does not prioritise projects baie keer dat daar artikels uit voertuie gesteel afgelaai het, moet hulle assblief seker maak feet,” van Vuuren said. that will help its youth and make an ongoing word. Ons weet wie van die booswigte is dat alles in orde is voordat hulle ry.” He also said that while the festival will be contribution to the economy,” Morapela said. en ons weet dat hulle soms ook hier slaap. Hlubi sê van die bendelede kan maklik deur responsible for the infl ux of tourists from the Meanwhile, the FSTA’s Kgotso Thole Ons gebruik egter ook van hulle om ons die tatoeëermerke op hul arms geïdentifi seer Gauteng province, which is not too far from confi rmed that the festival contributed oor die aktiwiteite by die terrein in te lig,” sê word.
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