60Sa01 D. Sadeh, Phys. Rev. Letters 4, 75 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 16O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa02 G. J. Safford, B. M. Rustad, W. W. Havens, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 1, 33, I6 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 235U, 233U; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa03 Y. Saji, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 15, 367(1960). Nuclear Structure: 9B; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa04 G. J. Safford, T. I. Taylor, B. M. Rustad, W. W. Havens, Jr., Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 4, 288, WA6 (1960) Nuclear Structure: 10B, B; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa05 Short-Lived Bromine and Selenium Nuclides from Fission J. E. Sattizahn, J. D. Knight, J. Inorg. Nuclear Chem. 12, 206 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 87Se, 87Br, 84Se, 84Br, 85Se; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa06 Z. Sawa, Arkiv Fysik 16, 519A (1960). Nuclear Structure: 4He; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa07 J. Sanada, K. Nisimura, S. Suwa, I. Hayashi, F. Fukunaga, N. Ryu, M. Seki, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 15, 754 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 4He, 5Li; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa08 Precision Measurement of the Total Neutron Cross Section of U233 between 0.000818 and 0.0818 eV G. J. Safford, W. W. Havens, Jr., B. M. Rustad, Phys. Rev. 118, 799 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 238U; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa09 D. Sadeh, Compt. Rend. 250, 1632 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 14N, 19F; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa10 Decay of Ruthenium-105 B. Saraf, P. Harihar, R. Jambunathan, Phys. Rev. 118, 1289 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 105Ru; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa11 J. Saladin, P. Marmier, Helv. Phys. Acta 33, 299 (1960). 60Sa12 Mesure de Duree de Vie d'Etats Excites par Conversion Temps-Amplitude J. Samueli, A. Sarazin, J. phys. radium 21, 390 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 131I; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa13 G. J. Safford, T. I. Taylor, B. M. Rustad, W. W. Havens, Jr., Phys. Rev. 119, 1291 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 10B; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa14 N. L. Sanders, Thesis, University of Southern California (1960); Dissertation Abstr. 21, 220 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 56Fe; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa15 D. P. Saylor, R. A. Bryan, R. E. Marshak, Phys. Rev. Letters 5, 266 (1960). 60Sa16 S. Salisbury, G. Hardie, L. Oppliger, R. Dangle, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 6, 405, B8 (1960) Nuclear Structure: 16O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa17 Z. Sawa, Arkiv Fysik 18, 365 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 3H; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa18 A. G. Santos-Ocampo, D. C. Conway, Phys. Rev. 120, 2196 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 37Ar; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa19 H. J. Sathoff, TID-6080, App. 2 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 76Br; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa20 H. J. Sathoff, TID-6080, App. 4 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 76As; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa21 H. J. Sathoff, D. L. Dooley, TID-6080, App. 6 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 77Br; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa22 Decay of Cerium-144 H. J. Sathoff, T. Azuma, TID-6080, App. 8 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 144Ce; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa23 Hyper®ne Structure in the Ground State of the Stable Isotopes of Europium P. G. H. Sandars, G. K. Woodgate, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 257A, 269 (1960). 60Sa25 G. L. Salmon, Nuclear Phys. 21, 15 (1960). 60Sa26 J. Sawicki, S. A. Moszkowski, Nuclear Phys. 21, 456 (1960). 60Sa27 Y. Sakamoto, Progr. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto) 24, 783 (1960). 60Sa28 Polarization of Proton Scattered from Li6,Be9 and B11 Y. Sakamoto, T. Takemiya, Prog. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto) 23, 172 (1960). 60Sa29 H. J. Sathoff, Jr., Thesis, Ohio State University (1960); Dissertation Abstr. 21, 3499 (1961). Nuclear Structure: 77Br, 76Br, 76As, 147Pm; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa30 D. S. Saxon, Proc. Intern. Conf. Nuclear Structure, Kingston, Canada, D. A. Bromley, E. W. Vogt, Editors, Univ. Of Toronto Press, p. 197 (1960). 60Sa31 The γ/β Branching Ratio in the Decay Scheme of K40 N. K. Saha, J. B. Gupta, Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India 26A, 486 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 40K; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sa32 The Polarization of Nuclei of Diamagnetic Elements Dissolved in Iron B. N. Samoilov, V. V. Sklyarevskii, E. P. Stepanov, Zhur. Eksptl. i Teoret. Fiz. 38, 359 (1960); Soviet Phys. JETP 11, 261 (1960). 60Sc01 G. Scharff-Goldhaber, A. Goodman, M. G. Silbert, Phys. Rev. Letters 4, 25 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 20F, 20O; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc02 J. E. Schwager, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 4, 249, I8 (1960) Nuclear Structure: 51V; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc03 J. E. Schwager, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 4, 298, SP1 (1960) Nuclear Structure: 52V; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc04 Die Faktoren der inneren Umwandlung beim Br80m (4,4 Std) W. D. Schmidt-Ott, K. W. Hoffmann, I. Y. Krause, A. Flammersfeld, Z. Phys. 158, 242 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 80Br; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc05 Ausmessung einiger weicher Gamma-Linien beim Neutroneneinfang in Europium mit einem Kristallspektrometer O. Schult, Z. Physik 158, 444 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 152Eu, 154Eu; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc06 Decay of Ga66 and Cu66 A. Schwarzschild, L. Grodzins, Phys. Rev. 119, 276 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 66Ga, 66Cu; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc07 Transition Intensities in the Tl208 Beta Decay, the Bi212-Po212 Decay Scheme, and the Bi212 Branching Ratio G. Schupp, H. Daniel, G. W. Eakins, E. N. Jensen, Phys. Rev. 120, 189 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 212Po, 212Bi, 208Tl; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc08 Decay of Pm149 (53 hr) L. C. Schmid, S. B. Burson, Phys. Rev. 120, 158 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 149Pm; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc09 C. F. Schwerdtfeger, E. G. Funk, J. W. Mihelich, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 6, 425, P10 (1960) Nuclear Structure: 148Eu, 148Pm; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc10 H. W. Schmitt, C. W. Cook, Nuclear Phys. 20, 202 (1960). 60Sc11 H. W. Schmitt, Nuclear Phys. 20, 220 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 8Be; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc12 R. P. Schuman, J. R. Berreth, R. L. Heath, C. W. Reich, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 7, 494, C11 (1960) Nuclear Structure: 148Pm; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc13 J. E. Schwager, UCRL-6003 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 52V, 51V; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc14 Contributions to the Decay of Eu152 W. Schneider, Nuclear Phys. 21, 55 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 152Eu; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc15 H. W. Schmitt, R. C. Block, R. L. Bailey, Nuclear Phys. 17, 109 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 10B; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc16 Further Gamma-Spectroscopic Inquiry into the Decay Scheme of Fe59 T. Scharbert, D. Berenyi, G. Mathe, Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. Hung. 12, 305 (1960); Nucl. Sci. Abstr. 15, 2956, Abstr. 22937 (1961). Nuclear Structure: 59Fe; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Sc17 D. S. Schonland, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 254A, 111 (1960). 60Sc19 Calibration of Lutetium for Measurements of Effective Neutron Temperatures L. C. Schmid, W. P. Stinson, Nucl. Sci. Eng. 7, 477 (1960). 176m 177 Radioactivity: , Lu; measured T1/2. Nuclear Reactions: 175, 176Lu(n,γ), E=reactor spectrum; measured cadmium ratio. 60Se01 F. D. Seward, H. W. Koch, R. E. Shafer, S. C. Fultz, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 1, 68, UA10 (1960) 60Se02 K. K. Seth, E. G. Bilpuch, H. W. Newson, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 1, 18, E2 (1960). 60Se03 R. E. Segel, W. R. Kane, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, No. 4, 240, F10 (1960) Nuclear Structure: 57Fe; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se04 New Isotope Te115 I. P. Selinov, N. A. Vartanov, D. E. Khulelidze, Y. A. Bliodze, N. G. Zaitseva, V. A. Khalkin, Zhur. Eksptl. i Teoret. Fiz. 38, 1654 (1960); Soviet Phys. JETP 11, 1191 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 115Te; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se05 On the Decay of 106Rh O. J. Segaert, J. Demuynck, A. M. Hoogenboom, H. van den Bold, Nuclear Phys. 16, 138 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 106Rh; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se06 New Isomer Sn113m I. P. Selinov, V. D. Chikhladze, Zhur. Eksptl. i Teoret. Fiz. 38, 1012 (1960); Soviet Phys. JETP 11, 728 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 113Sn; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se07 On the Decay of 106mRh O. J. Segaert, J. L. Demuynck, Nuclear Phys. 16, 492 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 106Rh; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se08 J. P. F. Sellschop, Phys. Rev. 119, 251 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 8Li; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se09 J. D. Seagrave, L. Cranberg, J. E. Simmons, Phys. Rev. 119, 1981 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 4He, 4H; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se10 F. B. Sellers, Thesis, University of Kansas (1960); Dissertation Abstr. 20, 4692 (1960). Nuclear Structure: 26Al; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties. 60Se11 L. W. Seagondollar,
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