inanr^otor lEttraing If^ralit ntlDAY, PEBBDMT >, 1960 Drive the Killer Out ^ Help the Aeart Fund • • CbapwMUi Oeurt, Order of By decUBon of the congregatian ooncamlng plana to r the party. Amaranth. wiU meet thia evening at its annual meeting on January Will Be Wed Girl Scouts Serving on the committee are The Weather tTown at eight o’clock in the Masonic 29, the loose offering at the morn­ i __ Mrs. Herman Petersen, Interme­ FeroeeM el D. R. Weather Rorwa Temple. After the business ses- ing service at Emanuel Lutheran diate representative; Mrs. Robert Average Dally Net Prara Ron t Ow ValQmn B«i« skm the annual roU-call will be church, Sunday, will be given to Coe, Brownie representative; Mias PM toe Moath a i Samamtm* *66' Plan Helps Marlon Schlldge, senior reprseen- Johnson Poultry Farm Pair ood eeM tide oftevMoa iMi a n urt*A *<> ^ read, and a social time will be the Manchester Polio Fund. The nod tonighti 8«mday fair oad mm- taXa and attond tbe enjoyed with refreshments in congregation feeU that it has ben­ tative; Miss Evallne Pentland, de­ aebool aodltoriam, charge of Mrs. James McKay and efited greatly from the help given puty commissioner; Mrs. John 9,839 ny with hlghent temperature near polio victims by the National Organize Project to Aid Pickles, Juliette Low chairman; Variety of Chickens *5. ___Jday, Wlawuy 16, at algtit her committee. Mrs. EMward Morlarty, service ilanr Ijrntrr lEurtittig Brralh tfdoek. IB eanaactlon with the Foundation and therefore, is de­ Schoolmates in For* Mmaber of the Audit •dHol banattg program. sirous of giving its people this chairman. DRESSED WEIGHT, LB. Buteeo of CtrealotloM 4 City of Village Charm Arrangements have been com­ additional opportunity to contri­ Program committee chairman la pleted Im Prank J, -Mansfield De- eign Lands to Learn Mrs. William Benedict who, al­ aadtiaiddar Oanpany Ho. 1. tacbmeait. Marine OoSps League bute to the Fund. though flew to Manchester, is a 847 WEST m iddle; TURNPIKE (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS •JCTJ)., win held their amtual for a Valentine dance to be held Manchester’s Brownie, Interme­ perlenced In Girl Scouting. She (UtaMlfled Advorttatag oa Fage tt) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1950 hiM nat a t the fire houae, Satur* James L. Baker, the director, diate and Senior Scouts are show­ S^'pahniary S5. TlckeUjeay at the Rainbow club ballroom in has served on councils in New TEL. 2-0065 Bolton Friday. February 17. Music will give a short talk this evening ing Interest In tho national project London and Glastonbury and Mel­ be purchaaed at the meeting Tues­ will be fumlahid by Gene Wisniew­ at 7:45, on the rules of duplicate of Girl Scouts, explained in Girl rose. Mans. Her activities have day aeeaihg^ AfterwaM the mem- bridge, preceding the regular du­ Scout publications this month. A included acting as deputy commlS' beta abould caU at the fire head- ski and hla Harmony Bells orches­ tra. The public la ftivlted. plicate bridge session In Tinker new International sen’ice project, sinner. Senior advisor, organiza­ ^oaitera for them. hall tonight which will begin ’’Schoolmates Overseas,” has been tion chairman, volunteer trainer, Alarmed Lawmakers promptly at eight o’clock. Win­ launched for the year. and public relations chairman. Commission Urges ners at the recent seasion were as The slogan Is ’’Fill a Schoolbag The camp committee held a re­ follows: Don Gustafson and Mr. For a Friend.” It enables troop cent meeting to outline functions Baker, 67; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest membcM to help children In coun­ for committee members. Mrs. Ungerer, 62; Thomas J. Crockett tries poorly supplied with the tools Elizabeth Lewis is chairman. Miss and Al Whitney, 61. Mrs. Florence of learning ucually taken for Eleanor Gordon is the promoter State Carry Cash Urge Rigid Secrecy; Hayden and Mrs. Grace Baker, granted by our children. for year ’round camping for Inter­ 60. ’The ^ rls will make sturdy mediate and Senior Scouts, and two color school bags and fill them with pen­ Mrs. George Todd for Brownies. cils, paper, notebooks, erasers and Plnehurat Grocery received a Miss Janet Bchreiber Is camp prop­ Laura P. Andlalo crayons, with an additional person­ erties manager; Mrs. Edwin Meyer women*9 All in One Basket surprise telephone call from Pine- al touch such as a hair ribbon, a Is camp re^strar; Mrs. George Groves Facing Quiz hurst, N. C., this morning. The pair of gloves, a toy or a game. Howe .will keep camp records and operator at Pinehurst Grocery Mr. and Mrs. Louis Andlslo of The first collection of these school troops are asked to contact her tuiudress of Would Give Governor thought that the Telephone com­ 461 Woodbridge street announce bags will be made near the Girl concerning dates to use the camp Red Sabotage pany had something mixed up, but the engagemeAt of their daughter, Scout birthday on March 12 whw to avoid conflicts. Mrs. Horace I.ol More to Say Hoover AkHcrts Fucha it proved to be a call from a Man­ Laura P. to William E. Belflore^ a shipment will be sent overseas. Bissell is secretary for the com­ Burlington*s London Little Pluntcil 88 Paid Rua- chester resident who Is at the re­ son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bel ’fhe program committee plans a mittee. About How Money to Push Growiiig sort city in North Carolina, or­ fiore of 132 Charter Oak street. big birthday celebration for local Be Spent; Political fiian Spy in British dering a special fruit basket to be Mias Andlslo was graduated girls at the Hollister school audi­ striped Excited Aliout made up for his wife’s birthday. from Manchester High School and torium March 11, in ^ i c h all TODAY Dynamite Seen in Lat­ Over Europe Atomic ^Setup and troops will pstlicipate. At this from the University of Connecti­ is someone’s birthday give H uh Given IimermoHt cut. She received a degree of time the girls will bring their con­ MEN*S WEAR est Re<N>mmendations Fuchs’ Arrest Master of Science A Social Serv­ tributions to the Juliette Low’ them a camera. Attacks Largely Con­ Atomic Secrets and ice from Fordhan University and Friendship Fund, founded to pro'r RAV DWYER’S PHOTO SHOP mote international friendship. Hartford, Feb. 4.—(A’)— OPEN s : I is employed as the psychiatric so­ In Nassifrs Store •hC. fined to France N»w; Some Hyilrogen Bomb cial worker in the Psychiatric Clin­ Members of the program commit­ 1015 Mala St__ ^TeL 7666 The Commission on State Jailing of Top Atomic ic at St. Fronds Hospital, Hart­ tee are contacting troop leaders $8-98 Government Organization Italy Seen Spot for Scientist Given Less Information to Reds TUESDAYS J ford. proposes that Connecticut Mr. BelflorS was graduated from Biggest Drive in End Spare Than Reeeiit lly- Ilulletin! Manchester High School and is start carrying all its finan­ U N T IL 9 employed as manager of William’s cial eggs in one basket and Paris, Feb. 4—(P)— A Com­ flrogi'ii Bomb Storit's WHHhinKton F«b. 4,— Oil Service in this town. give the governor a lot more munist sabotage attack, aimed at —Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, No definite date has been set for to say about how the state’s smashing the Atlantic pact and London. Fob. 4—(/T)—The arrest wartime head of the U. S. the wedding. W ATKINS money is spent. These and Marshall aid, la spreading over of Britain's top atomic aclenUnt on atomic energy project, indi­ • • otmc Bi other recommendations, many of western Europe. charges of giving away atom ac- cated today that a top Brit­ them considered to be loaded with rets caused much leas excltuinvnt ish scientist suspected of political dynamite, wera coatoined For the moment the attacks lierc today tlian it did in the Unit­ in Chapter II of the commission’a seem confined largely to France. ed Slates. atomic spying for Russia majr Prescriptions report, mode public loot night. But American sources here think The MUwaukee rallrood’e “Oilppewa Hiawatha” He* on Ite side near kaukOlIe, W I*., after Jumping the In the London I’reas tho jailing have had access to data about CMIed "Bewildering Patchwork" the biggest drive ultimately will r^ s andtuftiing o\er. One prrMn was killed and IM Inju'iil In the accldeni. All six care of the of 38-year-old Ur. Klaua Emil Ju the proposed hydrogen super­ Called For come In'Italy. Green Bay to Milwaukee streamliner were deralletl. ' MCA telephoto).___________ _________________ lius kuchs was given less apace PC 'The commission sold adoption ’Two Inunedlate Objectives bomb. Groves talked to and of Its recommendations was nec­ than the recent stories about the Tioga Yarn In France there are two imme­ U. S. Iiydrogen bomb project. newsmen as he arrived at the Delivered essary to straighten out the diate objectives: I*ird Norman. long-Ume governor Capitol to testify before tho Valentine ‘Gifts state's fiscal system which It 1. To prevent imloading of The scientist ia head of the TUeo of the Bank of England, died In Sale ■TeL t-B814 Slimming end smart, called such a "bewildering patch- American mliltary equipment com­ Britain Seen Lewis Asserts Miners retlcal rhyaics division of Britain' hla sleep today at hi* l.,ondon Senate-House Atomic Ener­ with superbly fitted work” os to defy “intelligent ing to Europe under the miUUuy only working atom project—the home at the age of 78. gy committee. Heart and Floral Print Handkerchiefs management” and ’’intelligent un­ Atomic Energy research ostablish- THURS., FRI., SAT.
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