2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 2, nztnois-Shelby :M. Cullom. their doings be guided by Thy spirit and ordered by Thy will. Indiana-David Turpie and Daniel W. Voorhees. Be the God of this nation! Rule Thou in the hearts of our rulers! Iowa-William B. Allison and John H. Gear. Satisfy our people with good things, temporal and spiritual; and Kansas-Lucien Baker and William A. Peffer. may all men learn to praise Thee for the riches of grace in Christ Kentucky-Joseph C. S. Blackburn. Jesus, our Lord. Amen. Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. The CLERK. Representatives-elect, under the provisions of the Ma1-yland-Cha.rles H. Gibson and Arthur P. Gorman. Constitution of the United States, this is the hour fixed by law Massachusetts-George F. Hoar and Henry Cabot Lodge. for the· meeting of the House of Representatives of the Fifty­ Michigan-Julius C. Burrows and James McMillan. fourth Congress of the United States of America. The Clerk of Minnesota-Cushman K. Davis and Knute N elson. the House of Representatives of the Fifty-third Congress will Mississippi-James Z. George and Edwar d C. Walthall. read the names of those whose credentials show that they were Mis!;ou,ri-Franeis l\L Cockrell and George G. Vest. regularly elected to this body in pursuance of the laws of their Montana-Thomas H. Carter and Lee Mantle. respective States and of the United States. As the roll is called, Neb1·aska-William V. Allen and John :M. Thurston. follOwing the alphabetical order of the States, those present will Nevada-William M. Stewart. please answer to their names, that we may discover if there is a New Hampshire-William E. Chandler and Jacob H. Gallinger. quorum present. New Jersey-William J. Sewell and James Smith, jr. The roll was called, showing the presence ·of the following­ New Yo1·k-Edward Murphy, jr. named Members and Delegates: No1·th Camlina-Marion Butler and Jeter C. Pritchard. ALABAMA. North Dakota-Henry C. Hansbrough and William.N. Roa.ch. Jes.<:e F. 8tallin&-s. John H. Bankhead. Ohio-Calvin S. Brice and John Sherman. George P. Harrison. Milford W. Howard. Oregon-~orge W. McBride and John H. Mitchell. Gaston A. R obbins. Joseph Whooler. Pennsyl-vania-MatthewS. Quay. James E. Cobb. Oscar W. Underwood. Rhode Island-Nelson W. Aldrich and George P. Wetmore. ARKANSAS. Philip D.McCulloch.jr. Hugh A. Dinsmore. South Carolina-Benjamin R. Tillman. - · - John S. Little. Robert Neill. South Dakota-James H~ Kyle and R. F. Pettigrew. Thomas C. McR-ae. Tenne!;see-William B. Bate and Isham G. Harris. CALIFORNIA. Texas-Hora.ce Chilton and Roger Q. Mills. John A . Barham. Eugene F. Loud. GroveL. Johnson. James McLachlan. Vermont-Justin S. Morrill and Redfield Proctor. Sa.mnel G. Hilborn. William W.Bowers. Virginia-John W. Daniel and Thomas S. Martin. James G. Maguire. Washington-Watson C. Squire and John L.. Wilson. COLORADO. West Vi1·ginia-St€phen B. Elkins and Charles J. Fanlkner. John C. Bell. Wisconsin-John L. Mitchell and William F. Vilas. CONNECTICUT. Wyoming-Clarence D. Clark and Francis E. Warren~ E. Stevens Henry. Charles A . Russell. Ebenezer J . Hill. HOUR OF MEETING. Nehemiah D. Sperry. DEL!..WARE. On motion of Mr. COCKRELL, it was Jonathan S. Willis. Orde-red, That the hour of the daily meeting of the Senate be a o'clock m. FLORIDA. until otherwise o.rdm-ed. Stephen. M. Sparkma;_n. - Charles M. Cooper. NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. GEORGIA.. Mr. SHERMAN submitted the following resolution; which was Rufus E . Lester. John W. Maddox. considered by unanimous congent, and agreed to: Benjamin E. RusselL Thomas G. Lawson. Re.soZved, That the Secretary inform the Honse of Representatives-that a Charles F . Crisp. Farish Carter Tate. quorum of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed Charles L. Moses. J. C. C. Black. to business. ~~~~~~~r.ton. Henry G. Turner. NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. IDAHO. Mr. VILAS submitted the following-resolution; which was con­ Edgar Wilson. sidered by unanimous consent,. and agreed to: ILLlliOIS. Re.solved, That a. committee consisting of two Senators be appointed, to .T. Frank Aldrich. JC>SeJ>h G. Cannon. join such committee as may be appointed by the- House of Representatives, William Lorimer. Vespasian Warner. to wait upon the President of the United States 2nd inform him that a quo­ Lawrence E. McGann. Joseph V. Graff. rum of each House is asseii).bled, and that Congre sa ready to receive any Charles W. Woodman. BenJamin F. Marsh. communication he ma.y be pleased to make. George-E. White. Finis E. Downing. By to Edward D. Cooke. Jame A. Connolly. unanimous consent, the Vice-President was authorized George E. Foss. W. F. L. Hadley. appoint the committee on the part of the Senate; and Mr. VILAS Albert J. Hopkins. Benson Wood. and Mr. ALLISON were appointed. Robert R. Hitt. Orlando Bnrrell. George W. Prince. Everett J. Murphy. RECESS. Walter Reeves. George W. Smith. On motion of Mr. HARRIS, the Senate took a recess. for one INDIANA. hour; and at the expiration of the recess (at 1 o'clock and 30 James A.. Hemenway. George W. FaTis. minutes p.m.) reassembled. J. Frank Hanly. ~=~~~a!:e~· Jethro A. Hatch. Mr. SHERMAN. I move that the Senate adjourn. James E. Watson. Georr,"e W. Steele. The motion was agreed to; and (at 1 o'clock and 31 minutes Jesse Overstreet. J.D. eighty. p.m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, December Henry U. J ohnson. Lemuel W. Royse. Charles L. Henry. 8, 1895, at 12 o'clock m. IOWA. Samuel M . Clark. John A.. •.r. HulL 1 William P. Hepburn. g:~fil~H~~~on. 6 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. f~tt~~a~. D.olliver. ~~~d!B~: · George D. Perkins. MONDAY, Decmnber 2, 1895. John F. Lacey. KANSAS. This day, in compliance with the provision of the Congtitution, Richard W. Blue. Charles Curtis. the members-elect of the House of Representatives of the Fifty­ Case Broderick. W. A. Calderbead. O.L.Miller. William Baker. fourth Congress assembled in their Hall and at 12 o'clock m. were S. S. Kirkpatrick. Chester I. Long. called to order by Mr. JAMES KERR, Clerk of the last House. · KENTUCKY. The CLERK. The Chaplain of the last Honse will offer prayer. John K. Hendrick. William C. Owens. Rev. E. B. BAGBY offered the following prayer: John D. Clardy. James B. Mc(JrearJ'. Almighty God, whose kingdom ruleth over all! As we meet to­ W. Godfrey Hunter. Samuel J. Pugh. John W.Lewis. Joseph M. Kendall gether in the halls of legislation we would first unitedly take Thy Walter Evans. David G. CoLson. name upon our lips and acknowledge our dependence upon Thee. Albert s. Berry. Thou art our fathers' God; and we extol Thee. Thou art our LOUISIANA. God; and we praise Thee. Thou hast never dealt so bountifully with any other-nation. The lines have fallen to us in pleasant ~~~l~ <ifX~oa. places; and we have a goodly heritage. We call upon our souls MAINE. and all that is within us to bless and praise and magnify Thy Thomas B. Reed. Seth L. Milliken. holy name. Nelson Dingley, jr. Charles A. Boutelle. Graciously bless, we beseech Thee, the President of the United MARYLAND. Joshua W. :Miles. John K. Cowen. States and his Cabinet, the Senate and the House of Representa­ William B. Baker~ Charles E. Coffin. tives, and all that administer the affairs of this nation. May Harry W. Rusk. George L. W ellingtoQ, :. 1895. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-ROUSE. 3. MASSACHUSETTS. SOUTH CAROLINA. .h.shley B. Wright. Sa.mue] W. McCall.. William Elliott. Thomas J . Strait. Frederick H. Gillett. John F. Fitzgerald. W. Jasper Talbert. John L. McL&Ul."in. Jose-ph H enry Walker. Harrison H. Atwood. Asbury C. Latimer. J. William Stokes. L ew1s Dewart Apsley. William F. Draper. J. Stany5l"D.e Wilson. William S. Knox. Elijah A. Morse. SOUTH DAKOTA, W. H. Moody. John Simpkins. William E. Barrett. Robert J. Gamble. John A. Pickler~ MICIDGAN. TENNESSEE. John B. Corliss. HoraceG. Snover. W. C. Anderson. Joseph E. Washington. George St>alding. W:i.lliam S. Linton. Henry R. Gibson. Nicholas N. Cox. Alfred Milnes. Roswell P. Bishop. Foster V. Brown. John E. McCall Henry F. Thomas. Rosseau 0. Crump. Benton McMillin. James C. McDearmon. Wi.lliJnn Alden Smith. JohnAverr. James D. Richal'd.son. Josiah Patterson. David D. Aitken. Samuel M. Stephenson. MINNESOTA. rfEXAS. Samuel B. Cooper. Joseph D. Sayers. James A .. Tawney. Loren Fletcher. Charles H. Y oa.kum. Miles Crowley. James T. McCleary Cbarles A. Towne. William H. CraiB. Joel P . He~twole. FrankM. Eddy. ~ ~"l~~!t: Bailey. George H. W oonan.. Andrew R. Kiefer. Jeremiah V. Oock:rell. MISSISSIPPI. ~:re~ ~-~~eton.. .Tohn M. Allen. John S. Williams. VERMONT. John C. Kyle. Walter M. Denny Thomas C. Catchings. James 6: Spencer William W. Grout. H ernando D. Money. VIRGINIA. MISSOURI. William A. Jones. Peter J. Otey. Cha.rles N. Clark. William M. Treloar. D. Gardiner Tyler. Smith S. Turner. Uricl S. Hall. Richard Bartholdt. Tazewell Ellett. Elisha E. Meredith. Alexander M.Docke:ry. Charles F. Joy. William R. McKenney. JamesA. Walker. George- C. Crowther, Seth W. Cobb. Claude A. Swanson. Henry St. G. Tucker. John C.Tarsney. John H: Raney. David A. De Armond. N orm:m A. Mozly. WASIDNGTON. JohnP. Tracy. Charlea G. Burton.. Samuel C. Hyde.. Willlilm H. Doolittla. Joel D. Hubbard. MONTA..l..,.A. WEST VIRGINIA. Charles S. Hartman. BlackbUJ:."n B. Dovener: James H. Ruling. Alston G. Dayton. Warren .Miller. NEBRASKA. WISCONSIN. Jesse B. Strode. David H:Mercer.
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