SUNDAY TIMES (PHOXE CHERRY. 8S00) Sunday, September 20, 1942 PART 4. PAGE 12 DETROIT Former Editor Dios APPOINTED SARANAC LAKE. N. Y., Sept. Mrs. Luce Calls 19 (UP).—Dean Palmer, 52, for- /? , mer newspaper man, editor, pub- rrrTrnBy The Fighting lisher and Par East correspondent, i i k? flight. fadjLO died last I John B. Hughes | f-^roaram Downs Faceless' | TONIGHT | ... 10 O’CLOCK Conn., Sept. - \ GREENWICH. 19. m - i* ig| L Thta program has Men L Kilocycle* Kelly Friend stations (INS). “He one of the many B#b on HJR Mans given Tlmee is WJH 700 BTMBOLB *n»e Detroit SON Kelly, long the sports an- WWJ U Ml by the etatione herein men without faces in Washington." Bob CKLW Ann D— Drama lifted. If the preeonta- nouncer for WGAR Cleveland, Sailor’s Mother WCAR 1130 M—Musical tmne ae ecbeduled are Thus did Clare Boothe Luce, WXYZ, 1270 R—Religious not on the air. to# fault will be the play-by-play WJR an- WJLB 14(*n T—Talk Ilea with the etatlona and Republican candidate for represen- CKLW V—Variety not The Detroit Tlmee. Told There’s No , WKXL 1340 congres- OLIYIO nouncer for the entire schedule of WJBK 1490 tative from the fourth 800 ON YOUR DIAL I ( Nar.ip jf \ games to be played by the Univer- Allotment Due sional district describe her ua Ku y Y • lie* fht Unit ed Stole sity of Michigan thr fall! Jack Democratic opponent, Rep. Leroy White. WJR staffman. will do the SUNDAY MORNING D. Downs. A SAILORS MOTHER: Q—l ¦ Kelly has made an envi- Using the same biting sarcasm WWJ 11:45 A. M. 1 “color.'* hA\e a son in the navy who makes i able reputation at the city across 0 00 A. M ft :4ft A. M. 10:18 A. M. which she employed so effectively * month, WJR—Phil B!Ullman. > - me an allotment each but WJBK—Morning Melodies. EVIHY SUNDAY He is being loaned to WCAR—Musical*. wcaK— Muaitaie. in her primary campaign, the 4 If you expect the lake. (Ml should also receive 1 A. M. M. - WJR for this senes and will do I have heard I 6:08 A. WJLB—Greek Church. author playwright minced no ( on amount the gov- WEXL— Wavn# (jo*p*l K. WJR—New*. 10 *’ill A M. today when the Ranis' professional games a certain from WJBK— Murnin* Melodise. WWJ—New* roundup. WJR—Winge Over Jordan. words she said that in Sunday for his home station. The ernment along with it, due to a 1:1ft A. M. CKLW—Fan Salute M. WWJ—Tom Terris-T. her opinion. Downs was just "a THRIVO MIX “.7,00° to burn coal be WJLB—Organ Reverie*. WCAR—New*; muitcal*. WXYZ—Southernalree-M. Great Lakes navy team will WJl.B—Music salon. rubber stamp.” new bill reeently passed and WXYZ—World new* tin*ee*e j—an——an Michigan's first opponent next 1:3« A. M. WJLB— Flying Cloud* M. WEXL—Rev. John Young The attractive wife of the maga- signed. We have a family and CKLW—Beughey taberl*. WEXL—Rev. Btrandh*rgh. 10:4ft A. ftl. Saturday The Emmoo Insurance WXYZ—Audrey Lynn-M. WJBK—Gilead Baptist. WWJ—VI and Vilma-M, zine publisher Henry Luce, who is next winter South Band is the husband is working but isn't WJLB—Music. CKLW—Pontiac Baptist. Company of my 6:lft A. M. entering into politics for the first he to EDWARD VILLIERS RIPPINGILLE I:4ft A. M. WJLB—Accord tana. sponsor. well and may unable work WXYZ—Morning devotions WJR—Musical. 11:041 A. M. time, said that her husband “ap- Arnold willco-star with W W J—Anne Campbell-T. WJR—New* Edward • 8:0(1 proves'* candidacy. much longer. Due to this 1 didn't . new man . A. M. of her STORM water WXYZ—On a Bu*-V. WWJ—Rhapsody-M. NOW Fay Bainter on Neal reada GET IT think I would he entitled to it at WJR—Uncle 6:38 A. M. WCAR—New*, music. I'' The Detroit Times Sun- WJR—Smilin' R*d A Boy* WXYZ—New* Aqe the present time. Could you ad- day comics. WWJ—Little Church. WJLB—Fong Service CKLW—New*. WEXL—Congraget’l church Metal or Wood SASH CKLW—News Ac*. vise me about this? WEAR—New*. WJLB—Mt. Zion Church vvJBK—Serbian Hour. HUNDREDS OF STOCK SIZE STOAM WXYZ—War newt. Blinds SASH ON HANO A—You correct. Inas- WEXL—Rev. H Welnnert 11 :Ift A. M. Venetian are Rippingille WJLB—Bouthem Singer*. prog WJR—Egon Petri-M Phone for salaeman or mm- Saab Put WJBK—Lithuanian B***m«nl Screen end $495 y as WKXL—Rumanian Bap’at. WCAR—Family worship. intidr opening of your ¦ The Boomer mueh a* you are not clashed 9.4 A A. M. Combination. Each Co. ’¦ WJBK—Elder Jlmersop-R. WXYZ—Dr J F Norna. windows ond telephone or 1 (tailor WJR—Musical Combination Doors. SCB7 a dependent of the the *:IS A. M Army Bd, 11:80 A. M. bring your since to u*. Prompt O & ' V CKLW—Organ Moods. CKLW—Salvafn WJR—Rev. John Zoller-R. ro-xa’B". Each COAI COKE ¦¦ no delivery on metal blind*. i; . government makes provision WCAR—Salvation Armv in o« A. M. WWJ—New*. / Basement Storm Sash. $1.59 AXYZ—Morning minstrels, WJR—New*. CKLW—Anglican Church. for your support. If he wishes On W'Jl-B—Tho* L. Thoma*. YE 2-5054 Water Board! CASH CARRY PRICES ft:3ft A. M. WWJ—Bible Highlight*. A J* ,*i to nuke a regular allotment for WJR—Cabin Folks-M. CKLW—Det Bible Cla**. WEXL—Hlway to Heaven. ALBERT Edward Villicrs Rippingille, gen- CKLW—Pontiac Baptist. •VCAR—News Ace. WJBK—Hebrew Christian. Window Skodo Co. GREAT LAKES SCREEN CO. you from his pay, however, he WXYZ—Wfxjdshedders-M WXYZ—Melody Fantasy. 11:4ft A. ftl. ISS3S Uesmste Av*. UN. i.tsisJ eral manager of the Research WJl.B—Hungarian Church WJLB—Lithuanian prog -M WWJ—Olivlo gantorn-M. 12479 Grand Rivgr HO. 3156 may do so. WKXL—Crace Baptist WKXL— R O Bible Society WJl.B—New* Laboratories division of General WJBK—Dawn Class R. WJBK—Jewish Hour. WEXL—Salvation Army. ' : • ¦ ¦1 What Classification? Motors, was appointed by Mayor MRS. O. P.: Q-Before I mar- Jeffries Saturday, to fill one of SUNDAY AFTERNOON Wtm VVwlnn the air . ried my husband, on Kcb. 11. 1942, two existing vacancies on the TODAY! Eduard Arnold Comes waier Word a classification of 1-B be- hoard of commissioners. 4:08 and he held Rippingille, 11:00 SOON I :80 P. M. P. M. from England that 55 years old,* was WJR—Man Your Stations. WJR —Mother ¦ album. WJR—Yom Klppur. Rollicking A 1 Jolson cause of his teeth and flat feet. Merle Oberon are feudmg and that born and educated in London, Eng. WWJ—Silver String* WWJ —Modern music. WCAR—isazareue Church. regulations Compton-T CKLW—Lutheran rt"V>r WJLB—Uncle Niche Hr quit company rnter- Unde* new will he be and came to the United States in CK’l.W—W’alter WEXL—Fellowehip Club. | M. the WCAR— Old fashion church 2:00 P. A 1 mav WXYZ—Radio *cn«>oin<iu»e. taininr our soldiers over there . rc lassified and. if so, what class? 1907 to join the Bristol Engineer- WJLB—Jewt»h hour-V. WXYZ—Musical. WJBK—ltalian-American. Pidgeon WKXL—Berkley Church 1 :4ft P. M. 4:30 P. M. TO CONCLUSION Maureen O’Hara. Walter I am employed and vve have no ing Company in Connecticut. He WJBK—Csechoalovak prog. w itt—Musical. WJR—Andre Kostelanet*. in the screen Legion. and Donald Crisp, all children. My husband floes elec- worked for the Hudson Motor Cat- 12:1ft P. M WXYZ—American CKLW—To be announced. 2 :(Ni I . M. WCAR—Science Excursions Fun! do Was sent to version, will “How Green trical work on defense homes un- Company and in 1927 was WJR—Woman Power. Wlß—Spirit Of '4*’, WEXL—Nat l Revival-R. My Valley ”or Lux Theater (WJR) der a contractor. Berlin as regional engineer for the CKLW—Voice of 70ft. WWJ—Sammy Kaye-M WCAR—New* CKLW—Army vs Bear* 4:4ft P. M. night . Harry James husband is subject to General Motors Export division. City WCAR—Herman Trio-M. Mondav ’ A—Your P. M. v CAR—Garden is** ARMY- 12:80 start off the six-a-week Spot- limited mili- He has two sons, both in the GM WXYZ—Chaplain Jim. USA W EXL—King'* Ambaa dor wiH Immediate call for WJR—In '>ur oninion. P. ftl. WXYZ Monday engineers. Wj LB—Polish Hour-v. 6:00 light” series on tary service, as selective service service as WWJ—Garden Hour. WEXL—First Nazarene-R. WJR—Family Hour Victory-M. « Galore! ... are CKLW'—On to Thrills night Several sponsors has ordered the In appointing Rippingille to the WJBK—Hungarian Hr.-V. WW'J—Mu»ic of America* headquarters W CAK—Music. CKLW—New*. anghng for ‘‘Cheers from the in 1-B. post vacated hy Douglas Dow. son WEXL—Polleh Church 2:30 P. ft*. indurtion of those WJR—Syncopation piece. WCAR—New* Chicago Bears Camps.” which finishes its run for of the late Alex Dow, Mayor Jef- WJBK—lnvlaihle Church. WWJ—Music. WXYZ—Bud Shaver-T. : Q-My husband GM at Keesler Field. Miss.. Tues- MRS. O. A. R fries said: 12:4ft P. M. WCAR-Salon orenestra WJLB—ltalian berenade. have been years. (WW.T— News. WXYZ—March of Melody.
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