APRIL 1944 ARNOLD S. lENKER United States ess Champion :5 CENTS bs cr iplion Role E YEAR $3 • , • In this amazing' new book, the "Believe-it-ol'-not" win 01' draw the ending'. The solution is right un­ man of the chess world presents a collection of the demeath each position. You can covel' it up if you most beautiful endings ever composed! The solu­ want to try your hand at solving, but it is just as tions to these delightful compositions are described much fun to play through the sofutions as the ideas by the book's title - sheer magic on the chessboard! are startling enough and the fi nal outcome will :.l"evel' before has one chess book contained so much surprise you. Writes Reuben Fine ill his introduc­ beauty, originality and entertainment! You will be tion to this volume: "There is material to suit every taste ... but fol' all there is amusement and instruc­ showing these astonishing pos itions and their thrill­ tion galore." ing solutions to your friends for years to come ! CllESSBOARD MAGIC (168 pp., handsomely The positions are not "problems" with mate in 2 01' bound in cloth) has just been publ ished and is now more moves (essentially foreign to normal play) but in stock. Send for you]' copy today. The price is composed endings- positions which could easily and on ly S2.50. l\fail your orneI' to CHESS REVIEW natural I,)' occur in actual games. You are told to at the address below . Published and Sold by CHESS HEVIE , 250 W. 571h SI., New York 19, N. Y. • READERS' FORUM CHESS Readers are invited to use these columns for their REVIEW comments on matters Qf interest to chess players. SAL TY CHESS with matloematic~." It apjJearH VOL. 12, No.4 Apri l, 1944 S il' ~: In me thll1 anyone who has a I ,WI !'nte ring YOUI' POHUtl 1{]IOWledge o r a nalytic geometry INDEX Toul'nament., I do not know my and who has read the first few clasi' rating as I ncver have IJnge~ o r y01l1' picture guide NE W S FEATURES played in ft tournnment or, 1'0\' would see that such a statp­ Denker Wins U . S. Ti t le ____ 3 thal maUer, ill a chess club mellt i~ untrue , U. S. Championship Review __ 5 before, but I know the moves FUl'thermorp, if this Ilenon SERIALS as rar baCk as I can remembcr knew that Dr, Alhert Einstein Two Kn i g ht s' Defense ______ _21 and I haNe pln yed in mnny ports and hiR colleaguf' ~ had extended in the world, not the book cheHH the movement or pieceR from DEPARTMENTS Wilh score pads and time clock-s two dimensions to three. t.h e n Chess Briefs __ __ _____ _______ 14 but t he rough and tumble kind, he or she would have g-I'oumlR Game of the Month __ _____ __ 12 i'or blood, in wateri'I'olli dives, to think there is a mathe mnlicnl Postal Chess ____ ____________ 15 flS it is played a tl over t he baHis to tile game, Forgetting Problems __ ____ __________ __ _22 world, You pick 'em up a nd for I he time being the exten­ Reade rs' Games ____ ________ 24 8el 'em dow n; t.he only time you sion or the game from two to Reade rs' Questions __ ____ __ _23 are a llowe d i~ as long as you three dimensions, one may still Sol itaire Chess __ ____ __ ____ __ 26 keep yOUI' finger on the piece believe that the game may bn you can change your move, played indefinitely becallsfl or The only time 1 played for Its basis upon t he principle o f EDITORS & PUBLISHERS any leng-th of time wn~ whe!1 ill infinite series, e. g, 1, 'h, Vi, '4, 1908 RUBINSTEIN'S I. A. Horowitz, K enneth Harkness I shipped on n five-masted 1 '~' ,t" etc, or 1, 6, 36, 216, etc, tulJ rigged ship as blncksrnith S ince I kllow practicall y P OSTAL EDITOR nnrl donkeyman from New York nothing or the movement of Jack St raley Battell 1'01' a two year voyage (which pieceR of th!' game of ches~, CHESS ASSOCIATE EDITORS by the way lasted three years I would grently a]}preciate your Reuben F ine, Irving Chernev, ami ten montbs) when the only confirmntion or \'efutation or Albert S. P i nkus deck 01' canis gave out after ft the stfttemcnt t hat chesR has re w weeks, I had the carpenter Ilothing to do with mathematics_ RPIECES PHOTOGRAPHER make a chess board and a set BEN J AIIIIN RIPTON Ned Goldschmidt or chess m en and I started to \Va~lJington, D, C, An notated by Hans Kmoch teach 54 sail water ~ail or s the Personally, we have enough art 01' chess, Them fellows took trouble with t wo dilllen~ions . T ranslat ed by B. F. Winkelman CHEIOS In)VI!!:W l S pu uli"hed 10 chess like a duck takes to monthly Odoher 10 1I1"y. !li ­ Three would be just too man)'_ monthly .June t o September (total water, Before the voyage was T he "infinite Reries" i d e a of l e n i "~ue~ I""" yea") by cI·n)::;::; over we had IS chess sets on souno.ls intriguing, Too bad the • ]n:vll';W. ~fiU W e~ 1 G7 1h o;lreet. board and we Iliflyed day amI I'ules or che~s don't allow it.. );ew York l ~, S , y, J ';n(~rNl >JS night, 011 watch and off watch, ~~ ~ond (' I ~~ " ,",,( I,'" '\\".Y 5, l~ H, Chess is TlO more "mathemati­ This volume contaIns 100 of "I Ihe 1'0., 1 0111( ,,, ~1 ,\' pw York, \Ve lIU1'ely had a gmat time, cal" than, say, basebalL In the tho most brllllant games played ~' _ Y ., " " d cl' Ihe Ad o f .\[urch 3, j,n, We played in all kinds of' laUer game, the ball is ft sphere by Grandmaster Aklba Rubin­ weather, in fin e weathel' on .~d tl r e"s "-II co rr e~PQnd')llce to and tile diamond ill a parnllelo­ stein, CHESS BEVIEW. 2,';0 West 57th deck, in bad weather bclow, gram, The players throw the St., New York 19, l', y , I espeCially remember the time The artistry and perfect tech­ ball at various angles, All very nique of thi!! great chess master ' when we sailed from North geometrical ami quite menning· SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cape, New Zealnnd, to Cape have never been surpassed. As less so far as playing baseball is Reuben Fine declares, "better One y ea r $3,00, t wo years $5,50, Horn, We sailed the odd 7000 concerned, In t hc same way, three year$ $7.50 In the Un ited miles in 18 days wlth only the chess cannot be played by mor­ Statu, U, S. Pouesslons, Mexico, the chess pieces move in fore main sail and t he Jee· rail tal man." The games of Aklba Central &. South America. Other Hiraight lines and at Jlrescribed Rubinstein are "things of beaut y countr ies, InCluding Canada, $3,50 a wash. It was too cold and too angles~but you can play ches!\ per year. that will live forever," dark to stay on deck so we wi t hout being able to add 2 lilua CHANGE OF ADDRESS nailed the chess boa I'd 011 the 2 anrl a knowl edge of higher Each of these masterpieces is Four weeks' notice required tor table and drilled holes in the mathematic~ will ncit hCl' heIr> completely annotated, The In· change of address, Please give both s quares and put nails in the no!' hindel' you in playing the structive notes will help you to old a nd new addresses, Change. men to keep 'em in plaCe in the game.- Ed, Ilnderstand Rubinstein's superb c"nno! be made w ithout t he old holes and all hnnds played day lddress as w e ll as t he ne w one, P ILLSBURY strategy and tactics, his un­ and night , equalled handling of the end· I have not played Rin ee 1914 Sirs: g ame, Even without conscious are published to any extent, ns I Quit the sea Tn Reuben F ine's account of the career or Harry N, P ill sbury efrort on your part, the sheer dates then, but I sUl'ely would like beauty of the games in this book to start again: therefore the (January CHESS REVIEW ) he says "ihere is no record of will inspire you to play beUer entry ehess ! CHARLES GATl': e xactly how he became interest­ Bronx, N, Y_ ed in chess," May I add the little I know, I liYed in Boston Alter reading this letter, mates, from Noy" '87 1.0 Nov" '89, I we feel like c hanging' the in· was a, member or the Boston structions in Let's Play Chess YMel) on BoylRton St. a nd played ches~ t here in t.he even· COPYRIGHT to read: "The Rook moves fore • and all a nd 'thwartRhips,"- Ed, ings, In t.he l<'nll of '~ 8, Pills­ CHESS REV IEW Is copyright and bury, then a High School repub lication of original material MAIL YOUR ORDER TO ~ppear lng In this maga~lne I. MATHEMAT!CS student. bcgan 10 piny there too prohib ited without w ritten per.
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