PENNSYLVANIA COUNCIL Non Profit Org. OF TROUT UNLIMITED U.S. Postage Post Office Box 5148 PAID Pleasant Gap, PA 16823 Lancaster, PA Permit No. 280 WINNER OF NATIONAL TU BEST STATE COUNCIL NEWSLETTER AWARD 2007 Contributors and advertisers: Next issue deadline, May 1, 2010 Pennsylvania IN THIS ISSUE Publication of the Pa. Council of Trout Unlimited www.patrout.org Spring 2010 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Rothrock: Change ... 2 along with the need for full-time staff. Further, they felt that we are Winter PATU EXCOM a conservation group that likes to meeting minutes and fish for trout, not a fishing group. State Council actions ... 4 PATU IS AT A We face some major issues: Marcellus Shale development, Great prizes offered in Trout in the Classroom and this years Trout in the CROSSROADS Youth programs, as well as our Classroom raffle ... 6 flagship program, the Coldwater Heritage Partnership. All are de- Mercer Countys North manding more and more of our Deer Creek Project ... 7 time and income. In addition, we have this newsletter and our Teamwork muscles pipes popular Keystone Coldwater from Morrison Run ... 8 Conference. Now throw in the downturn in the economy, and Part 2: How Marcellus weve reached a point where hard Shale drilling affects our choices need to be made. trout waters -- and our I was in Harrisburg last lives ... 9 A special month to meet with DCNR and message see what the future may hold in CREP funds stream t o from State their continued funding to the buffers for better trout tr k o r Council Coldwater Heritage Partnership. habitat ... 10 b ild Treasurer It is up in the air as to what extent ; W to George they will continue to fund this Pennsylvania Landscape o h Kutskel program. We were told that there Initiatives could benefit r p r e in most likely would be some chapter planning ... 11 te S b changes in the future. o B At the fall PATU meeting, I Reports from the stated that it looked like our ad Chapters ... 12 At a crossroads, thats where we are. Pennsylvania State Coun- revenue would be about half of what it was last year. As I write this, cil has reached a point where we need to make some hard choices. it looks more like it will be about 25 percent of what it was last year, Treasury Notes and We just completed our strategic plan, and most of the chapters re- which was already down $5,000 from years prior. Donations to PATU ... 14 sponded that we needed more programs to engage both youth and women, (continued on page 3) PATU Policy: Trout The Pennsylvania TROUT newsletter will be switching to online publication soon, with Management ... 20 paper-copy subscriptions available for a fee. For more on this change, please see page 3. Change. Its something members who would prefer to with which were con- continue to receive a paper fronted in every facet of our Head newsletter to do so. We under- Pennsylvania lives. Change can occur sub- stand that there are members tly over a prolonged period who may not be in a position, of time or dramatically in the of the or would not choose to receive twinkling of an eye. the newsletter via email. It is Most important is when more important than ever that TROUT and how we react to change. Pool all members ensure that they Most of the time change ne- have provided their current SPRING cessitates change. Some A message from email address. 2010 folks act almost immediately PATU President As you can see, PATU is when they recognize that Dave Rothrock doing what is necessary to ad- change is coming. By ac- just to the changes with which cepting and adapting, they we are confronted. We want to THE PENNSYLVANIA COUNCIL OF TROUT UNLIMITED make the best of the situa- be wise stewards of the funds PO Box 5148 / Pleasant Gap, PA 16823 tion. Other folks do their with which we have been en- best to ignore even the most CHANGE trusted. Sometimes the deci- PRESIDENT -- Dave Rothrock obvious signs that change is sions we must make are not 70 Main Road / Jersey Shore, PA 17740 upon them. In the end, many of these folks become vic- easy and the changes are viewed by our membership as Phone: 570-745-3861 tims of change because of their unwillingness to act. a bit radical. In the end, we try to do what we determine E-mail: [email protected] It isnt any different for organizations. When con- is best for the organization and its members. fronted with change, the organizations leadership must VICE PRESIDENT -- Rick Carlson do what it can to adapt to it. If action isnt taken in a 6520 Leonard Drive / Harrisburg, PA 17111 timely manner, the organization can suffer. Lackawaxen is Pennsylvanias River of the Year Phone: 717-540-5738 With the economic downturn, we see things chang- Steeped in a wealth of natural bounties and histori- E-mail: [email protected] ing all around us. Our states budget is not in good shape. cal significance shaping northeast Pennsylvanias ecol- Funding is harder to access because theres just not as ogy and communities for centuries, the Lackawaxen VICE PRESIDENT -- Brian Wagner much money available as in the past. PATU may be af- River has been named the Commonwealths River of the 137 South New Street / Nazareth, PA 18064 fected by the states budget woes, as well. Our Coldwater Year for 2010 by the Department of Conservation and Phone: 484-894-8289 Heritage Program has relied on significant funding from E-mail: [email protected] Natural Resources (DCNR). DCNR to operate. Weve been informed that we may A recreational treasure renowned for its fly-fish- not receive the amount of funding we had received in TREASURER -- George Kutskel ing and canoeing, the Lackawaxen harbors a wealth of 107 Simmons Street / DuBois, PA 15801 the past. As a result, we are considering possible addi- bird and animal species, said DCNR Secretary John Phone: 814-371-9290 tional sources to make up whatever shortfall we may re- Quigley. The waterway also drains the forests of the E-mail: [email protected] alize as a result of a reduction in funding from DCNR. Pocono Plateau, a largely rural and conservation-minded We can only wait to see what DCNR will provide. landscape where communities live closely connected to SECRETARY -- Bob Pennell One of the largest financial burdens on State Coun- their environment. 2319 Valley Road / Harrisburg, PA 17104 cil has been this newsletter, Pennsylvania TROUT. Over Trout fishermen are drawn to the clean, cold waters Phone: 717-236-1360 the past few years advertising revenue has helped sig- of the Lackawaxen River, which flows nearly 25 miles E-mail: [email protected] nificantly to offset the cost of editing, publishing and through three counties before joining the Delaware River mailing of this valuable form of communication with our at Lackawaxen, Pike County. It is where the late Ameri- PA TROUT EDITOR & LAYOUT DESIGN members. Unfortunately, advertising revenue is expected can author Zane Grey lived with his family in the early Linda Steiner to be only about 25% of what we received last year. NEXT ISSUE 1900s, honing a love of fly fishing and other outdoor P.O. Box 207 DEADLINE: We have had to confront the rising costs of provid- pursuits. The historic farmhouse, now the Zane Grey Cooperstown, PA 16317 MAY 1, 2010 ing a paper newsletter and the drop in advertising rev- Museum, is maintained by the National Park Service. Phone: 814-374-4759 enue. The decision has been made to provide an elec- River of the Year designations have been presented E-mail: [email protected] tronic copy of the newsletter to all members with a cur- annually since 1983. rent email address. We have made provision for those PA TROUT ADVERTISING -- Bob Mitchell 41 Bethel Court, Port Matilda, PA 16870 814-692-5232, [email protected] PA. TROUT ADVERTISING RATES Ad Size: Per issue Full year (prepaid) Full back page (color) $1100 $4000 Pennsylvania TROUT offers a unique market niche. Each WEB SITE -- Chaz Macdonald Full inside page (color) $850 $3100 quarter, the newsletter is read by nearly 12,000 trout anglers 5302 Vera Cruz Rd., Center Valley, PA 18034 1/2 page (color) $475 $1700 and conservationists. Our members share a passion for trout 1/4 page (color) $250 $900 610-798-0241 / [email protected] fishing and enjoy many outdoor pursuits. They are dedicated Full inside page (b&w) $720 $2600 to keeping streams healthy and boosting angling for all. Many 1/2 page (b&w) $370 $1350 travel in pursuit of their sport, accompanied by friends and 1/4 page (b&w) $190 $685 families. Advertising in this newsletter is a GREAT way to 1/8 page (b&w) $100 $360 COPYRIGHT 2010 reach them. Each issue you have direct contact with the Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlimited people who are looking for the goods and services you offer. For additional info or to place an ad, contact Bob Mitchell No portion may be reproduced without permission Advertise with us and get more sales! Phone - 814-692-5232 / E-mail - [email protected] 2 PA TROUT ... Spring 2010 www.patrout.org CROSSROADS, from page 1 Join a committee and do your part for PATU! Along with PATU President Dave Rothrock, I have For those of you who have been looking for a way PA COUNCIL OF been asking members and chapters at all the regional to get involved with State Council, may I suggest that TROUT UNLIMITED meetings that we have attended as to their feelings of you share your particular interest by joining one of our making this newsletter electronic.
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