©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 21 (3/4) Wien, 30. Jänner 2009 SHORT NOTE 183 First report of introduced and the native common smooth-scaled gecko African Rainbow Lizard Lepidodactylus lugubris (DUMÉRIL & BIB- RON, 1836) throughout the Pacific (PETREN Agama agama (LINNAEUS, 1758) & CASE 1996) and to the endemic night in the Cape Verde Islands gecko Nactus populations in the Mascarene Islands (COLE et al. 2005) that suffered cata- Introduced reptile species can have strophic decline and extinct by competition. various negative impacts on native ones, in- In the Aeolian Islands, on the Mediterranean, cluding predation, competition for food, the Italian Wall Lizard Podarcis sicula (RA- basking sites and other resources, hybridiza- FINESQUE, 1810) has reduced the range and tion and other genetic effects, spread of dis- eradicated many populations of the native eases and parasites, and poisoning through Podarcis raffonei (MERTENS, 1952) partly toxic skin glands or venomous bites. They through competitive exclusion and hybrid- may also alter the habitat of native species ization (CAPULA 1993). In the Madeira Island, and disrupt ecosystem dynamics. These pro- in Macaronesia, the Moorish Gecko Tarento- cesses are especially dangerous if they hap- la mauritanica LINNAEUS, 1758 and House pen on islands (BUTTERFIELD et al. 1997), Gecko Hemidactylus mabouia (MOREAU DE where the number of endemic species is JONNÈS, 1818) were introduced a few de- higher (WHITTAKER 1998) and ecosystems cades ago and are spreading (BAÉZ & BIS- more vulnerable to introductions (SHINE et COITO 1993; JESUS et al. 2002a); in the al. 2000). Unfortunately, it is on islands that Azores, Madeiran Lizard Lacerta dugesii this phenomenon is occurring 110 times MILNE-EDWARDS, 1829 was also introduced more frequently and with a higher probabil- recently. The Cape Verde Islands are rela- ity of successful establishment relative to tively poor in reptile species diversity but mainland systems (KRAUS 2003). CASE & very rich in endemisms (SCHLEICH 1987; BOLGER (1991a, 1991b) examined introduc- CARRANZA et al. 2001; JESUS et al. 2002b; tion success rates for exotic reptiles (prima- ARNOLD et al. in press). The introduction of rily lizards) on Pacific islands and found that alien house gecko species, Hemidactylus communities with a rich reptile fauna were angulatus HALLOWELL, 1852 (FEA 1899) and more resistant to invasion by exotic reptiles H. mabouia (JESUS et al. 2001), is probably than communities with fewer reptile species. already causing problems in the endemic They also presented evidence supporting the Cape Verde Leaf-toed Gecko Hemidacty- hypothesis that predation and competition lus bouvieri BOCOURT, 1870 (ARNOLD et al. set important constraints on the distribution, in press). Given that some endemic forms colonization and abundance of lizards, pre- such as H. bouvieri razoensis GRUBER & dominantly on islands. Other authors con- SCHLEICH, 1982 and Tarentola gigas firm this theory through various case studies (BOCAGE, 1875) are in a delicate situation on islands around the globe. For example, in (critically endangered and endangered, re- the West Indies, where introduced Cuban spectively, SCHLEICH 1996) (MATEO et al. Green Anole Anolis porcatus GRAY, 1840 1997), knowledge regarding additional in- occurred, its ecological analogue, the native troductions is vital. This note details the col- Hispaniolan Green Anole Anolis chlorocy- lection of an introduced reptile, Agama anus DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1837 was uncom- agama (LINNAEUS, 1758) in the Cape Verde mon or absent and vice-versa, suggesting Islands. competition occurs between the two species The specimen was collected dead on (POWELL et al. 1990). Similarly the anthro- the 22 of June of 2006 nearby Porto Novo pogenically introduced Common House (Lagedos, N 17,0184 W 25,0561 - WGS84) Gecko Hemidactylus frenatus SCHLEGEL, in Santo Antão Island. The voucher is de- 1936 has displaced on the Christmas Island posited in the collection of Centro de Inve- the endemic Christmas Island Gecko Lepi- stigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Ge- dodactylus listeri (BOULENGER, 1889) (COG- néticos, Vairão, Portugal (CIBIO). Genomic GER et al. 1983). The same happened to the DNA was extracted following a standard Polynesian gecko Hemidactylus garnotii high-salt protocol. Part of the 16S rRNA DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1836 (CASE et al. 1994) gene (483 base pairs) was amplified by Poly- ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 184 SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 21 (3/4) Wien, 30. Jänner 2009 SHORT NOTE merase Chain Reaction using the universal out the island in 71 sites (conducted between primers 16sA-L (light chain) and 16sB-H 5 to 27 of June of 2006) with at least 2 ob- (heavy chain) (PALUMBI et al. 1991) and con- servers, no other agamids were found. How- ditions described in HARRIS et al. (2007). ever, locals suggested at least two specimens The amplified products were sequenced on had been seen together in the wild. It is an automated sequencer (ABI 310® by therefore essential both to inform local Amersham Biosciences®) and then aligned authorities of the presence of exotic species with other agamas from GenBank and others and to take actions against these introduc- collected in continental Africa (Fig. 1) as tions as quickly as possible. part of a separate phylogeographic study of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We are grateful to these species (unpublished data). These new Dr. DOMINGOS and Eng. J. CÉSAR from the MAA dele- sequences were deposited on GenBank gations from Porto Novo and Ribeira Grande, for the under the accession numbers: FJ159558 to Agama agama voucher and valuable help during field- work. We also want to thank for the logistical support FJ159562. to the President of Porto Novo, Dr. A. CRUZ and to E. Morphological analysis of the voucher FROUFE for help in the lab. This research was support- found in Santo Antão Island clearly indicates ed by grants from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnolo- that it is an agamid. However due to the bad gia (FCT) SFRH/BD/25012/2005 (to R.V.), SFRH/BD/ 17541/ 2004 (to S. R.), SFRH/BPD/26699/2006 (to conservation status of the animal, some J.C.B), PTDC/BIA-BDE/74288/2006 (to D.J.H.) and characters such as coloration and scale count grant 2005SGR00045 (to S.C.). can not be taken into account to allow iden- REFERENCES: ARNOLD, E. N. & VASCONCE- tification to the species level. The results of LOS, R. & HARRIS, D. J. & MATEO, J. A. & CARRANZA, the phylogenetic analyses indicate that it is S. (in press): Systematics, biogeography and evolution an Agama agama since it is nested within of the endemic Hemidactylus geckos (Reptilia, Squamata, Gekkonidae) of the Cape Verde Islands, this species (Fig. 2). The phylogenetic posi- based on morphology and mitochondrial and nuclear tion of the sample from Cape Verde suggests DNA sequences.- Zoologica Scripta, Oxford [Black- it might have originated in Mali but further well]. BAEZ, M. & BISCOITO, M. (1993): First record of sampling would be needed to confirm this. Tarentola mauritanica mauritanica from the island of Madeira (NE Atlantic).- 1st symposium on fauna and Porto Novo is a port, so it is easy to flora of the Atlantic Islands. October 1993, Funchal, imagine an accidental introduction of this Madeira, abstract p. 7. BOMFORD, M. & KRAUS, F. & animal by cargo boats from western conti- BRAYSHER, M. & WALTER, L. & BROWN, L. (2005): nental Africa, from countries situated in Risk assessment model for the import and keeping of exotic reptiles and amphibians. A report produced by front of the Cape Verde islands. In fact, the Bureau of Rural Sciences for The Department of more introductions in the Macaronesian Environment and Heritage. Commonwealth of Islands have occurred in the last 20 years Australia, Canberra. 110 pp. BROWN, R. P. & SUÁREZ, than in the entire history of the islands. In- N. M. & PESTANO, J. (2002): The Atlas mountains as a biogeographical divide in North–West Africa: evidence deed the greatest danger for many endemic from mtDNA evolution in the Agamid lizard Agama species results from recent introductions impalearis.- Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, (PLEGUEZUELOS 2002). Reduction of ent- Orlando [Academic Press]; 24: 324–332. BUTTER- rance events of exotic species by biological FIELD, B. P. & MESHAKA, W. E. JR. & GUYER, C. (1997): control is the only way to minimize impacts Non-indigenous amphibians and reptiles; pp 123–137. In: SIMBERLOFF, D. & SCHMITZ, D. C. & BROWN, T. C. since it is known that after becoming wide- (eds): Strangers in paradise: impact and management of spread, eradication becomes extremely ex- non-indigenous species in Florida. Washington D.C. pensive if not impossible. The Agamidae is (Island Press). CAPULA, M. (1993): Natural hybridiza- tion in Podarcis sicula and P. wagleriana (Reptilia: one of the top-ten most successful intro- Lacertidae).- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, duced families in the world, with a success- Amsterdam [Elsevier]; 21: 373-380. CARRANZA, S. & ful establishment rate around 70% in North ARNOLD, E. N. & MATEO, J. A. & LÓPEZ-JURADO, L. F. America (BOMFORD et al. 2005). It has been (2001): Parallel gigantism and complex colonization patterns in the Cape Verde scincid lizards Mabuya and introduced in many islands systems such as Macroscincus (Reptilia: Scincidae) revealed by mito- in Malta (SCHEMBRI & LANFRANCO 1996) chondrial DNA sequences.- Proceedings of the Royal and in the Comoros (CARRETERO et al. 2005) Society of London; (B) 268: 1595-1603. CARRETERO, possibly also as a result of accidental impor- M. A. & HARRIS, D. J. & ROCHA, S. (2005): Recent ob- servations of reptiles in the Comoro islands (Western tation with cargo. In Florida, the introduced Indian Ocean).- Herpetological Bulletin, London; 91: A. agama population is spreading (ENGE et 19-28. CASE, T. J. & BOLGER, D. T. (1991a): The role al. 2004). After intensive sampling through- of introduced species in shaping the abundance and ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at SHORT NOTE HERPETOZOA 21 (3/4) Wien, 30.
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