1 Parliamentary Bulletin Volume I, Issue 3 14th of April 2007 REVIEW On 19 December 2005 provincial council elec- the Afghan Parliament tions were held on 18 came together for the September 2005. Af- first time in three dec- terwards, the first re- ades. The inaugural sults were declared on gathering began with a 9 October. Final results reading from the Koran were delayed by accu- and was followed by a sations of fraud, and brief speech by the were announced on 12 ageing former King Za- November. Former hir Shah, who was warlords and their fol- ousted in a coup in lowers gained the ma- 1973. “I thank God jority of seats in both that today I am partici- the Lower House and pating in a ceremony provincial councils. that is a step towards Women won around rebuilding Afghanistan 28% of the seats in the were eligible to vote after decades of fight- Lower House, six seats for the 249 seats of the ing. The people of Af- more than the 25% Wolesi Jirga, the Lower ghanistan will suc- guaranteed in the Af- House of Parliament, ceed!" the 91-year-old ghan Constitution and the 34 provincial Zahir Shah told the as- which was launched in councils. sembly to applause. 2004. Approximately The parliamentary and twelve million voters EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF FEBRUARY 2007 In the month of the controversial re- ing turn out of about February, the MPs of conciliation bill came to 15,000 former the Wolesi Jirga the surface. Former Mujahideen in the wanted to discuss the Mujahideen tried to Kabul Stadium. government budget for give the reconciliation President Karzai has the year 1386 bill support and said that he will consult (2007/8). However, conducted a demon- some experts before the issue of insecurity stration to put pressure signing the bill. in the country, MPs on President Karzai by Mujahideen leaders personal security and a relatively disappoint- were expecting a much 2 larger turn out than this. WJ MP arms were fired at them. MPs from Shakila Hashami appeared on a Nangarhar province accused the private television channel to coalition forces for indiscriminately discuss her own personal security firing on the civilians. Some MPs concerns after her daughter was have said that incidences such as killed a few months ago, and to this one have kept repeating over inform the public not only about the past five years and it was time her own personal security concerns to stop the killing of innocent peo- but to let the public know about the ple. One MP said that the Lower need for reform in the Afghan House should call in American National Police (ANP) force, not Commander General McNeil for only in the higher posts but the questioning. Another MP said, "the need to reform the policemen who Human Rights Watch (HRW) kept are in daily contacts with ordinary bringing up old wounds to the at- Afghans. The month of February tention of the people, why isn't the was also witness to the HRW not reporting on incidence announcement of a newly formed such as this one." An MP said that Parliamentary Group called “khat- those behind the killing of the civil- e-seowom“ (Third-Line). This ians should be prosecuted in Af- group is made up of moderate to ghanistan under Afghan laws. Me- pro democracy MPs. The budget dia reported that soon after the in- was still in the WJ - MPs say that cident Thousands of people took to they will only approve the budget if the streets and demonstrated. Two the salaries of the public employees days later Nangarhar provincial of- are raised. The Ministry of Finance ficials and elders asked for the has proposed a raise of US-$ 4 in prosecution of those behind the the monthly salaries of the killings. Two days later, media re- government of Afghanistan in the ported that NATO forces were in- proposed budget for the year 1386 volved in bombing two houses kill- (2007/8). ing 9 civilians in the province of Kapisa. MARCH 2007 Following the two incidents, the In the first week of March, coalition Meshrano Jirga (Upper House) is- forces were involved in shooting of sued a statement, the statement civilians in the province of Nan- said: the Meshrano Jirga condemns garhar, following a suicide attack. the killing of 9 civilians in Kapisa Lower House MPs from the province province and the killing of 10 and of Nangarhar were very vocal on injuring of 35 in Nangarhar prov- the incident happened on the 4th of ince, as well as similar incidents March, when coalition forces alleg- that had taken place in other parts edly fired on civilians after they of the country, which had killed claim to have come under attack many of innocent people. Media from a suicide bomber and after- reported that the Meshrano Jirga wards from small gun fire. Local (Upper House) condemned the people said that coalition forces searching of Muhammad Afzal then fired on the civilians killing Ahmadzai, Upper House Senator between 8 - 16 people and wound- two days ago in the Khak-i-Jabar ing more than 20. Coalition forces district of Kabul by ISAF and local said they returned fired after small police force. Mr. Ahmadzai said to the media that foreign troops 3 accompanied by local police entered approval. The President shortened the his home Friday afternoon and original bill from 11 articles to 6. The searched the house without finding WJ approved the amended bill on 10th anything. He added that foreign of March. Here is the unofficial transla- forces were often misguided by mis- tion of the amended text: Since the information and wrong intelligence, jihad, resistance and the just struggles which was the reason behind people of the people for defending the religion distancing themselves from the gov- and the nation are the highest glory of ernment. the history of our country and are con- sidered our outstanding national hon- On the 5th of March, the Lower ours, and from a different point it is House called in the Minister of Inte- necessary to give the national recon- rior, Zarar Ahmad Moqbil for ques- ciliation policy certainty, end fighting, tioning. Just prior to questioning bloodshed, strengthen national unity some Lower House MPs questioned and create trust between the various the competency of the executives of groups of the society, therefore the the Lower House. They said that following articles will be approved: Lower House Speaker was not in- forming them about the agenda of Article one: the day prior to the meeting and This bill has been adopted for the pur- only announced the agenda minutes pose of strengthening reconciliation before the start of the session. and national stability, ensuring the highest national interests of the coun- MPs directed many questions to the try, ending hostilities and creating Minister of Interior about insecurity trust for all those who have been in- in the country, lack of coordination volved in the fighting, based on ensur- between ISAF, Afghan National Po- ing security for them, as long as they lice and Afghan National Army and remain obedient to the constitution the continued appointment of un- and binding laws of the country. merited officials to the posts of pro- vincial governors and chiefs of po- Article two: lice. Minister Moqbil said that the The National Assembly of Afghanistan reform in the Ministry of Interior was for the purpose of strengthening peace continuing and he is doing his ut- and stability and ending fighting in- most best to appoint suitable offi- vites all armed groups opposed to the cials. Mr. Moqbil added that the Min- government of the Islamic Republic of istry of Interior was a difficult insti- Afghanistan to join the strengthening tution to reform for the reasons that of stability and national reconciliation this ministry was once working for process of Afghanistan and participate one party during the communist in the strengthening of the govern- government and then the Muja- ment and reconstruction. hideen took over this ministry, he did not elaborate further on this. Article three: Minister Moqbil also said that for 1- All political sides and opposition better public organization the num- groups who have been fighting each ber of the police force will be raised other before the establishment of the from 62,000 to 80,000. Interim Administration, for the purpose of reconciliation between the various The now infamous reconciliation bill groups of the society, strengthening was amended by President Hamid peace and stability and beginning a Karzai and sent to the WJ for re- new life in the contemporary political 4 history of Afghanistan, are included sition sides to join the strengthen- in the national reconciliation pro- ing of stability and national recon- gram and general amnesty, as well ciliation process. as benefiting from all the legal rights and will be immune from Article six: prosecution. This bill is binding after signed by the President and will be published 2- A number of persons and groups in an official publication. that are still armed and opposed to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, On the 12th of March, the Lower after this bill is approved, leave House commission sent to the their armed opposition, join the na- province of Nangarhar on a fact tional reconciliation, respect the finding mission reported to the constitution and other laws of Af- House. Members of the commission ghanistan, as well as obeying were mostly MPs from Nangarhar them, will take advantage from the Province. The two members of the benefits of this bill. commission who spoke said that according to local people 10 to 16 3- The provisions of item 1 and 2 of people were killed and more than this article do not interfere with 20 were injured when coalition personal cases and crimes of a per- forces opened fire on the civilians.
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