THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMfcEft 29, 1870. Staveley Water Works. voir No. 4) (to be situate wholly in the township and parish of Eckington, in a certain field belong- (Incorporation of Company for supplying Staveley ing to the representatives of the late Sir Sitwell and certain neighbouring Parishes and Places Reresby Sitwell, Baronet, and in the occupation in the County of Derby with Water; Construc- of Joseph and George Wells, which field is num- tion of Works; Diversion and Appropriation bered 488 on the map annexed to the Inclosure of Waters; Powers to purchase and maintain Award for the said parish of Eckington, which existing Works; "Agreements with Local award is deposited for public inspection with the Boards and other Public Bodies, and Powers Clerk of the Peace for the said county of Derby, to them to raise and apply moneys, and other at his office in Derby. purposes.) An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes, com- OTICE is hereby given that application is mencing in the township of Great Barlow and N_ intended to be made to Parliament in the parish of Staveley, from and out of the intended ensuing Session, for leave to bring in a Bill for Reservoir No. 1, and passing thence through or the following purposes, or some of them (that is into the parishes, townships, and extra-parochial to say), or other places following, or some of them (that To incorporate a Company (hereinafter referred is to say) Sfcaveley, Dronfield, Great Barlow, to as " the Company,") and to confer upon the Little Barlow, Chesterfield, Newbold, Whitting. Company all necessary powers and authorities for ton, and Staveley, and terminating in the township supplying with water the parishes and places and parish of Staveley, at Seymour Terrace, at or following, or some of them, or some part or parts near.the weighing machine belonging to the thereof respectively (that is to say), Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited, and Staveley, GreatBarlow, Little Barlow, Unstone, the house adjoining thereto, now in the occupa- Coal Aston, Dronfield, Old Whittington, New tion of John Keetley. Whittington, Brimington, Barrow Hill, Staveley, An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes, com- Netherthorpe, Staveley Woodthorpe, Norbriggs, mencing in the township of Great Barlow and Marsden Moor, Seymour Terrace, and Eckiugton, parish of Sfcaveley, by a junction with the aque- all in the county of Derby. duct, conduit, or line of pipes firstly before de- To authorize the^Company to make and main- scribed, at or near the point where the public tain the following works, or some of them, to be highway called Mill-Cross-lane joins the public wholly situate in the county of .Derby (that is to highway called Common Side-road, and termi- say): nating in the said township of Great Barlow and A reservoir (hereinafter called Reservoir parish of Staveley in Reservoir No. 2, which said No. 1) to be wholly situate in the township of aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes will be wholly Great Barlow, and parish of Staveley, and the made or situate within the townships and parishes township of Little Barlow, in the parish of Dron- of Great Barlow, Little Barlow, Staveley, and field, on the stream or brook called or known as Dronfield, or some or one of them. " Crow Hole Brook," or " Far Lane Brook," and An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes, com- in certain lands adjacent or near thereto, num- xnencing ,in the township of Great Barlow and bered on the map annexed to the Barlow Inclo- parish of Staveley, from and out of the brook or snre Award, 789, 790, 791, 792, 626, 625, 624, stream called or known as the Barlow Brook or 623, 622, 621, 635, 628, 627, 634, 633, 636, 637, Millthorpe Stream, at or near the intended dam and 638, or on some of such lands, which award or weir above described, and terminating in the is deposited for public inspection with the Clerk township of Little Barlow, in the parish o*f Drom- of the Peace, for the county of Derby, at his office neld, by a junction with the aqueduct, conduit, in Derby, and with the Vicar of Great Barlow or line of pipes firstly before described, in a cer- aforesaid. tain field belonging to his Grace the Duke of A dam or weir, to be situate wholly in the Rutland, and in the occupation of Henry Bland, township of Great Barlow, and parish of Staveley, at a point seven chains or thereabouts south-east and to be made across the brook or stream called of the bridge called Lee Bridge, carrying Smelt- or known as the Barlow Brook, or Millthorpe ing-House-Jane over Barlow Brook, which said Stream, at or near and on the east side of the intended aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes will Water Corn Mill, called or known as Barlow be wholly made or situate within the townships Mill or Crow Hole Mill. and ^parishes of- Great Barlow, Little Barlow, A reservoir (hereinafter referred to as Reser- Staveley, and Dronfield, or some or one of them. voir No. 2)..to be situate wholly in the township An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes, com- of Great Barlow, and parish of Staveley, in a mencing in the township and parish of Whitting- certain field belonging to his Grace the Duke of tou, by a junction with the firstly described aque- Rutland, and in the occupation of William Mart, duct, conduit, or line of pipes at a point in the which field is bounded on the north-western side turnpike road leading from Sheffield to Chester- thereof by Mawkin-lane, and on the north- field, nine chains or thereabouts south-east of the eastern side thereof in part by the buildings and public house known as the Sheep Bridge Inn, premises known as The Peacock Inn, and is num- and terminating in the town of Dronfield, in the bered 220 on the map annexed to the said Inclo- township and parish of Dronfield, at or near the sure Award. public monument known as " Dronfield Cross," A reservoir (hereinafter referred to as Reser- which said intended aqueduct, conduit, or line of voir No. 3) to be situate wholly at Mastin Moor pipes will be made or pass from, in, through, or or Marsdeu Moor, in the township and parish of into the parishes and townships of Whittington, Staveley, in a certain field belonging to his Grace Dronfield, Unstone, and Coal Aston, or some of the Duke of Devonshire, and occupied by John them. Belfit, which field is bounded on the north-west An aqueduct, conduit, or line of pipes, com- side thereof by the Chesterfield and Worksop mencing in the township and parish of Staveley, Turnpike Road, leading from Norbriggs through by a junction with the aqueduct, conduit, or line Marsden Moor to Barlborough, and was formerly of pipes firstly above described, at the point two fields,' numbered respectively 699 and 776 on where the road passing under the Midland Rail- the tithe commutation map of the said parish of way and leading from Barrow Hill to the Stave- Staveley. ley-Coal and Iron Company'a .Iron. Works joins A reservoir (hereinafter referred to as Reser- the public highway leading from Whittington to.
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