LEICESTERSHIRE AND RUTLAND COURrr DIRECTORY . • In order to afford space for the addresses, the abbreviation" esq." for esquire, has no longer been appended to each name in the" Court Directory." It should be understood that such should be added to the name of every gentleman in the following pages, to which no inconsistent addition is affixed. Abbey Jas. Thos. 21 Gopsall st. Leicester Allen Geo. Wm. 104 Upper Kent st.Leicstr Argyle Artilur, Clarendon Park vil1a~ Abbott Geor~e, I "Test street, Leicester Allen Harry R. 6 Napier st. Leicester Central avenue, Knighton, Leicester Abbott In. Wm. 106 Park rd.Loughbro' Allen Matthew, 17 Norfolk st. Leicester Arkwright Arthur Wm. J.P., D.L. The Abby T. 9 Shirley st. Belgrave, Leicester Allen Miss, High st. Market Harborough Lodge, Broughton Astley, Rugby Abel Miss, 4 Kilwardby street, Ashby- AlIen Mrs. I Auckland terrace,Aylestone Arkwright William, Glenville, Knighton de-Ia-Zouch road, Leicester drive, Leicester Abel Mrs. 47 Overton road, New Hum- Allen Mrs. Blaby han, Leicester Armatage William Frederick, Market berstone, Leicester AlIen Mrs . .') Hobart street, Leicester place, Kegworth, Derby AbelW.Rutland ho. Uppinghm.rd.Leicstr Allen 1\1rs. Mowsley, Rugby Armitage Rev. George Dowker M.A. Rec- Abell Mrs.Ivy ho.Sutton Cheney,IIinckly Allen Mrs. Thurmaston, Leicester tory, Broughton Astley, Rugby Abell Mrs. Button Cheney, Hinckley Allen Richd. C.29 Evington I'd. Leicester Armitage Joseph Enoch, The Lodge~ AbellRchd.Mill view,Stapleton,Hinckley AlIen Thomas, Belton, Uppingham Earl Shilton, Hinckley Adam Benjamin Addington, The Cot- Allen Thos.34 t Humberstone rd.Leicestr Armstrong Capt. The Cottage, Birstallt tage, Uppingham road, Oakham Alien Wm. 35 Guthlaxton st. Leicester Leicester Adams Chas. 29 Storer rd. Loughborough Allen Wm. Rose cot. Markfield, Leicestr Armstrong Mrs. E. IIPark st. Loughboro' AdamsFrdk. TheHall, Hnncote,Leicester A11nutt Alfred Augustus, 17 Alexandra Armstrong Robert, 18 Roughton street, Adams Hy. I Upper King st. Leicester road, Stoneygate, Leicester Belgrave, Leicester Adams Hy. 39 Westbourne st. Leicester Allport Mrs. I I Melbourne I'd. Leicester Armstrong Wm. 15 Chandos st. Leicestet Adams In.6 Cross rd.Knighton,Leicester AlIsford John, 2 Nelson street, Leicester Armstrong Wm. 15 Park rd. Loughboro' Adams Miss, High street, Uppingham Allsop Mrs. Fleckney, Leicester Arnold The Hon. Mrs. Langham, Oak ham ~dams Miss, 3 Kilwardby street, Ashby~ Allsop W. St.Mary's rd.Market Harboro' Arnold George, Sycamore villa, Stoney- de-Ia-Zouch AUsop William, 47 Wand st. Leicester gate road, Leicester Adams Mrs. 19 De Montfort st. Leicester Allwood Frdk.N ewtown Linford,Leicestr Arnold John, 57 Aylestone st. Leicester AdamsW.Lebanon v1.Aylestone rd.Le'str Almey Rufus, 122Melbourne rd.Leicestr Artbur Mrs. The Grange, Kibworth Adcock ErnestRowland, 19 The Avenue, Almond John H. 6 New walk, Leicester Beauchamp, Leicester Loughborough Almond Thomas, West view, London Ashby John, Bruin street, Leicester Adcock Hy. Meadow la. Loughborough road, Stoneygate, Leicester Ashby John, 43 Evington st. Leicester Adcock J oel, 38 Crafton street, Leicester Amatt J. H. 24 Burton st. Loughborough Ashby Mrs. 88 London road, Leicester Adcock In. 22 Burton st. Loughborough Anderson G. 92 Kin~ Richard's rd.Le'str Ashby Wm. 307 Belgrave gate, Leicester Adcock John Pearson, The Cedars, Bur- Anderson Mrs. G. West walk, Leicester Ashby William, 47 Fosse road, Leicester ton road, Ashby-de-Ia-Zouch AndersonR.Lorne rd Knighton,Leicester Ashby William, South Kilworth, Rugby Adcock John, 12 st. Peter's I'd. Leicester Anderson S. Knighton drive, Leicester Asher Mrs. Breedon-on-the-Hill, Ashby­ Adcock Mrs. 19 Latimer road, Leicester AndersonW.H.I5Down st.Belgrve.Le'str de-Ia-Zouch Adcock Mrs. 12 St. Peter's rd. Leicester Andrew A. 31 Low. Hastings st. Leicestr Asher Mrs. Gladstone cottage,Gladstonc AdcockN .Drayton ter.Melton rd.Leicestr Andrew J. G .Barrow-on-Soar, Loughbro' street, Loughborough Adcock WilliamJas. Hoton, Loughboro' Andrew Miss, 38 New walk, Leicester Ashford Miss, 9 Castle street, Hinckley Adderley Miss, Barkby, Leicester Andrew Thos. H. 42 New walk, Leicester Ashton Capt.Sam Tudor D.L.,J.p.Burton Adderly Alfred, 31 London rd. Leicester Andrews Rev.E.M.Shepshed,Loughboro' hall. Burton Lazars, Melton Mowbray AdderlyR.Belvoir ho.Aylestone rd.Le'str Andrews E. 120 Melbournerd. Leicester Ashton John, 191 Clarendon Park road, Addison E. S. 2 New Park st. Leicester AndrewsJ.Eastdean,St.Alban'srd.Le'st.r Knighton, Leicester AddisonMrs.Catherwood ho.Mkt.Hrbro' AndrewsMisses,Heathr.Ashby-de-la-Zch Ashton Mrs. Burrow, Melton Mowbray Adkins Wm. Wickliffe ho. Lutterworth Andrews Mrs. 36 St. Albans rd. Leicestr Ashwell Frank, Glenfield rd. Leicester Adkinson R. L. 8 Princess st. Leicester Andrews T. B. 79 Hinckley rd. Leicester Ashwell Mrs. 14 Gotha street, Leicester Agar E. H. 129 St. Saviour's rd.Leicester Andrews Wm. 14 Berners st. Leicester Ashworth Rev. John, Evington, Leicestr Ager Mrs. 3 West av. Knighton, Leicestr Anglesea John, I Filbert st. Leicester Aslett Mrs. I St. James' road, Leicester Ainsworth Ernest Henry, Nelson villas, AngraveC.KibworthBeauchamp,Le'ster Aspell Wm. Laxton,Io Wp.st st. Leicester Hinckley road, Leicester Angrave Richard, Cossington, Leicester Aspinall Miss, The Mount, Gt. Glen,Le'str Akin Charles Thomas, Claremont villa, Annis George, Syston, Leicester Astill David, 41 Park rd. Loughborough Stoneygate road, Leicester Annis William, Gweedore, Queen's road, Astill John Lewin, Bondgate,Castle Don- Albon William, Coalville, Leicester Knighton, Leicester ington, Derby Alcock Mrs. 8 Packington road, Ashby- AnsellR.Maybrookvl.Aylestonerd.Le'str Astill William, XI Park road, Leicester de-la-Zouch - Anson WaIter, 44 Lincoln st. Leicester Astley Mrs. 4 Turner street, Leicester Alcock Richd. '\"m. 3 Avon st. Leicester Anstey Rev. Martin M.A.., A..T.S. 37 St. AstonEdwin,43 Humberstone rd.Le'steI' Alderson Miss, 17 Mere road, Leicester Albans' road, Leicester Athorn In. 136 St. Saviour's I'd. Leicester AldridgeC.H.Round hl.Thurmastn.Le'str Applebee Edmund, 5 Mere rd. Leicester AtkeyEdwd.W.31 Aylestone rd.LeicesteI' Aldridge W. 16 Mecklenburgh st. Leicstr Appleby Capt. G.Morebarns, Lutterwrth Atkey Mrs. 30 Chestnut street,Leicester AldwinckleH.S. Knighton drive,Leicester AppleyardJohnE.27St. Peter's rd.Le'ster Atkins Rev. Edward, Wolseley houses, AlexanderA.W.33Low.Hastingsst.Le'str Arbour Thos. 6 Welland st. Leicester Newport st.New Found pool, Leicester Allbut George Wm. Coral st. Leicester Arbuthnott Lady,SheepyMagna,Athrstn Atkins Rev. Edward D.SC. Wyggeston Allcock In. Hy. Leicester I'd. Hinckley Archer Rev.J.B.Rectory,Desford,Le'ster school, Leicester AndrittMrs.5oWoodst.Ashby~de-la-Zch Archer Amos, Park rd. Loughborough Atkins Hugh, London road, Hinckley Allen Charles B. Grassmere villa, Archer A. Sefton ho.Barlestone,Hinckley Atkins John J.P. The Hall, Hinckley Aylestone road, Leicester IArcher Edwd. Bark by rd.Syston,Leicestr Atkins John, 4 Welland street, Leicester AllenE.S.INapier ter.AYlestonerd.Le'strlArcher Mrs. 253 Humberstonerd. Le'str Atkins Joseph, East Park road, Leicester AlIen Frank Wm. 61 Laurel rd. Leicester Archibald John M.D. Woodhouse Eaves, Atkins Miss, Earl Shilton, Hinckley Allen Geo.24 Avenue I'd. Belgrave, Leicstr Loughborough Atkins Mrs. 23 Bond street, Hinckley .
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