(ISSN 0023-6667) Obama uses recess to appoint two to NLRB NLRB now has a pro-labor Obama’s “recess appoint- which workers are “employ- quorum with the only ees” -- announced March 27 ees” who can unionize, and Republican done in August while the Senate is out of ses- which are not, (PAI)--Disgusted with sion for the Passover-Easter Union leaders hailed Senate GOP obstructionism break -- can hold their seats Obama’s decision. Communi- that left 217 key jobs unfilled, without confirmation until the cations Workers President President Obama used consti- end of this congressional ses- Larry Cohen, who urged his tutional powers to appoint sion. Both men are Democrats. members to call the White Craig Becker and Mark Pearce “The Senate has the respon- House and demand the recess An Injury to One is an Injury to All! to fill two vacant seats on the sibility to approve or disap- appointments, said, “These National Labor Relations prove of my nominees. But if, appointments are critical for WEDNESDAY VOL. 115 Board. He also named 13 other in the interest of scoring politi- workers to get justice I the APRIL 7, 2010 NO. 19 interim appointees to agencies. cal points, Republicans in the workplace.” Senate refuse to exercise that Teachers President Randi responsibility, I must act in the Weingarten praised Obama’s interest of the American people “bold stand to restore function- and exercise my authority to ing and balance” to the board, fill these positions on an inter- countering “obstructionists im basis,” Obama said. “Most who put business interests and of the men and women whose partisan politics above the appointments I am announcing needs of American workers.” today were approved by Senate Appointment of Becker and committees months ago, yet Pearce guarantees a quorum for still await a vote of the Senate.” the 5-member NLRB, so it can The Senate Labor Com- again make key rulings without mittee approved Pearce unani- legal challenge. The board has mously and Becker, a Chicago had only two members -- attorney, law professor and Democrat Wilma Liebman, the associate counsel for the AFL- chair, and Republican Peter CIO and SEIU, by a party-line Schaumber -- since the last day vote earlier in 2010. The GOP, of 2007. Their subsequent 2-0 denouncing his past writings as rulings have been challenged in Judge Robert F. Wagner allowed his golfing buddy, Bank of America CEO Thomas a professor, successfully fili- court, in a case the U.S. Montag, to be sworn in with his bible, Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, when Wall Street went bustered against Becker. Supreme Court heard on on trial in Duluth March 26. Montag got a slap on the wrist from the judge but was later Pearce, of Buffalo, and a third March 23. victimized by a citizen’s arrest for his crimes. nominee, a Republican, have The appointments also not come up. Obama’s solve a problem that landed the Duluth puts Wall St. on trial for meltdown appointments did not include NLRB’s 2-0 rulings in legal Area trade unionists joined The Duluth skit highlighted increase aid to state and local the Republican. limbo: The need for three their counterparts nationwide the role that big banks such as governments to save critical Appointment of Becker and NLRB members for a quorum. in putting Wall Street on trial Citigroup, Chase Morgan, and services and jobs; increase Pearce is important because the Even when Schaumber’s term March 26. Bank of America have played funding for neglected commu- full board rules on such issues expires Aug. 27, Liebman plus in the financial meltdown. nities to match people who as labor law-breaking, which the two recess appointees will “Wall Street banks are com- need jobs with work that needs unions represent workers in be a quorum. plicit in the destruction of the to be done; and use TARP jurisdictional disputes and economy, then took billions in money to get credit flowing to bailouts,” Chad McKenna, small businesses for job cre- Field Coordinator for the North ation. East Area Labor Council and “They played Russian skit magician said. “Then they roulette with our economy, and went right back to business as while Wall Street cashed in, usual, paying executives exor- they left Main Street holding bitant salaries – roughly $145 the bag,” Richard L. Trumka, billion last year alone. The the AFL‐CIO’s president, said American people are tired of at a rally in Philadelphia. seeing Wall Street executives “They gorge themselves in a rake in billions and fight trough of taxpayers’ dollars, Bank of America CEO Mon- against reforms that will pre- while we struggle to make ends tag (aka IBEW 31’s Dick vent these types of financial meet.” Sackett) and his wife, Bunny, meltdowns.” In Duluth and Philadelphia (aka Workers United 99’s During the skit, a CEO of a working people are making Emily Flesch), walk to court. major Bank (AKA IBEW 31’s three strong demands of Bank Dick Sackett) was prosecuted of America, Citigroup, for “crimes against working Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan families.” A jury of Duluth cit- Chase, Morgan Stanley and izens rendered a verdict. Wells Fargo/Wachovia: Stop The skit was one of 200 refusing to pay your fair share nationwide, part of “Good Jobs to restore the jobs you Now: Make Wall Street Pay” destroyed, stop fighting finan- events by the AFL‐CIO that cial reform and start lending to took place across the country. your communities, small busi- The AFL‐CIO is calling on nesses and others starved for the big Wall Street banks to pay credit. for a major jobs plan to extend For more information on the unemployment insurance and “Good Jobs Now: Make Wall health benefits; rebuild our Street Pay” campaign visit: crumbling infrastructure; www.aflcio.org/createjobs. NEALC elections Monday, May 3 in Cloquet Wisconsinites, protect wages! The North East Area Labor dates for the NEALC’s 6 geo- bers on which it paid per capita The Wisconsin State AFL-CIO is asking residents to contact Council (NEALC), the umbrel- graphic representatives on the tax to the NEALC for the 12 their state representatives to pass Senate Bill 2, Wage Protection la organization for all the Minnesota AFL-CIO’s General months prior to the month of Act. When a business fails in Wisconsin there is a $3,000 prior- unions in seven counties of NE Board. These 6 representatives the election. ity cap on any unpaid wages and benefits that a worker can try Minnesota, will be conducting will be elected at the state fed- Per Article VII of the to collect. After that, banks and other creditors swoop in to claim elections on Monday, May 3, at eration’s convention in NEALC Constitution, all affili- whatever assets are left. $3,000 doesn't go very far if you have a 5 pm at the Cloquet Labor September. ates are hereby notified of the mortgage to pay, kids to feed and have just lost a job. SB 2 would Temple, 1403 Avenue C. The seven counties under availability of a list containing increase that amount to $10,950, but it is stalled in the State Elections for the officers of the NEALC’s jurisdiction are the following information: Assembly. It is strongly opposed by corporate banking lobbyists. the NEALC (president, execu- Carlton, Cook, Itasca, (i) the name and address of Call or e-mail your State Assembly Representative today! tive vice-president, and finan- Koochiching, Lake, Pine and each of the Area Labor Tell them to put the needs of working families above the special cial-recording secretary) will St. Louis. Council’s elected officers interests of banks by voting for SB 2. The Legislative Hotline take place at that time. The total votes a union may (including Executive Board can identify your Assembly Rep and give their toll-free office In addition, the NEALC cast in the election is based on members); number or e-mail address: Legislative Hotline: 1-800-362-9472 will nominate a slate of candi- the average number of mem- (ii) the name and mailing Sending an e-mail is easy: rep.(insert last name)@legis.wis address of each of the organiza- consin.gov or: http://www.unionvoice.org/ct/rd601C51aBwD. “Matewan” to be LMN feature tions affiliated with the Area Be sure to include your mailing address in an e-mail so a legis- The classic “Matewan” will be the Thursday, April 22 pres- Labor Council; lator knows that you are a constituent. entation for Labor Movie Night beginning at 6:00 p.m. in (iii) the name of each of the No one wins in a business bankruptcy. Banks are structured Wellstone Hall of the Duluth Labor Temple, 2002 London Road affiliated organization’s princi- to handle financial risk, to the tune of billions of dollars; work- (enter via South St. facing Lake Superior). Written and directed pal officers; ing families are not. And when banks fail to accurately calculate by John Sayles, it was released in 1987. (iv) each organization’s pro- their risk, the government uses taxes collected from working The story line is a labor union organizer arriving in an embat- jected per capita voting people to bail them out. Meanwhile, workers and their families tled Appalachian mining community brutally and violently dom- strength and delegate entitle- rely on every single paycheck. inated and harassed by the mining company. ment at the election; and, For more detailed information about SB 2, visit the Matewan, West Virginia was the scene of a coal miners strike (v) to the extent available, Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Blog at: in 1920.
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