THE EXTRA.. POINT STMA NEWS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR tions and demonstrate their products in a special demon- A large contingent of our friends from the Institute of stration area. The trade show extends to 1 p.m. on Satur- Groundsmanship (lOG) in England are planning to attend day and from 8 a.m. to noon on Sunday. There will be the Golf Course Show in Anaheim, CA, February 9-12, special demonstrations on how to mark and paint turf 1989. quickly and professionally on both days. This group has asked the Sports Turf Managers Associ- Sports turf managers have a choice of two concurrent arion to set up a tour of sports turf facilities in the Los educational sessions on Saturday afternoon On an array of Angeles area for Monday, February 13. Possible sites to subjects and ideas. visitinclude the Rose Bowl, Santa Anita Race Track, Indus- Session I: Nuts and Bolts-1.) "The Past, Present and try Hills Golf Course, and the Olympic shooting range in Future of Sports Turf" by Tom Mascaro, inventor of the aer- Prado Park. ifier, the Verti-Groove and consultant to Joe Robbie The following morning, the lOG will present a free semi- Stadium in Miami. nar beginning at 8:30 a.m. at Cal Poly University in Pomona 2.) "Techniques in Painting and Marking Fields" by Steve for all interested industry personnel, students and faculty. Wightman, turf manager of Mile High Stadium in Denver. Seminar topics will include "The Parks of Britain," "Sports 3.) "Sports Turf Sod- The lns'and Outs" by Steve Cock- Played on Grass," "Landscaping and Horticulture," and erham, director of agricultural operations at the University "The lOG and Its Function." The day will conclude with a of California at Riverside and consultant to the Los Angeles tour of the university campus, featuring the new computer- Coliseum. ized irrigation system which utilizes reclaimed water. 4.) "Injuries and Litigation on Synthetic Turf" by Dr. James STMA needs members and friends to assist with trans- Conn. portation, coffee breaks, and hosting the event. We would 5.) "Soccer Field Maintenance and Construction" by really appreciate your help in making our British friends feel John Souter, Scottish advisor to sports turf facilities at home in the States. They were extremely cordial to our throughout the world. delegation when we attended the Sports and Leisure World 6.) "Sports Turf Irrigation-A Real Challenge" by Sally Trade Exhibition held this past September at the Royal Prusia. Windsor Racecourse. They have much to share and are 7.) "School and College Maintenance," a panel dis-, anxious to do so. cussion. This will be the only STMA function associated with the Session 1/: Bits and Piece~71.) "Native Grasses and o'lfeShow this February, and everyone is welcome to Other Plants in Nan·SportsJurfJ\Leas" by Hoger Lemke. atten€J. 2.) "New Concepts on and Design .of Thoroughbred.Horse Race Dr. AlthtJr Read. Kent Kurtz 3.) "The Maintenance a' oWling Greens" by Jim Paterson', ~dinburgh, ..• 4.) "How To Train Qualified ErnQloy.ees" by Sandy Clark. 5.) "A New Approach to Surveying Sports 'Iurt.Areas" by INCREDIBLE LINE-UP OF TALENT FOR Graham Downs, Stirling, Scotland. DODGERTOWN 6.) "Maintenance of Ball Fields in the Off-Season" by Tom The educational opportunities for sports turf managers Burns, superintendent of the Texas Rangers Spring Train- during the First Annual International Sports Turf Confer- ing Facility in Port Charlotte, FL. ence & Show, January 13-15, 1989, are tremendous. The 7.) "Parks and Municipal Maintenance," a panel dis- M conference, set for Dodgertown in Vero Beach, FL, will fea- cussion. ture a talent-laden line-up of top professionals, educators All sports turf managers are fascinated by the care of and commercial representatives. They possess many years professional sports facilities. On Sunday afternoon, four of experience in construction, maintenance, and care of Major League groundskeepers will share their experience sports turf throughout the world. with everyone at Holman Fields the home field of the The educational sessions will begin Friday evening Dodgers during spring training: immediately following the annual STMA business meeting. Speaking during this "Hour With the Pros" will be AI Sessions Friday evening include "The Fututeboo~s Bright" Hicks from the Dodgers; Sa lJ'ber from the Atlanta, 1;) St"MA President Mark Hodnick, "Doegenowr;I fs My Job" Braves; Harry Gill from tfle Mil . r.ewers;~'andRoger Dodgertown Superintendent Carol'Thorrras ...."Sports Turf Bossard frOm the'Chic~goW ~~y will snow spe- ()rth~merica" by Dr. James Watson of Toro, and "The cial techni9ues, ..tri9~S 0 outine.main- Kingdom Connection" by Dr. Kent Kurtz. The even- tenance practtces, 'Bring ance ques- , ill continue with an informal brainstorming and bull tions to Dodgertown fd'bea anelof prps. session to discuss pressing problems related to sports turf construction and maintenance. The trade show opens and demonstrations begin Satur- Clay:morning at 8:00 a.rq, This will be the fi~st n~tional dis- play ofequipmeht and services Clesigned sp'eCifically for ~IilManagers~' . sports turf. > 400 N. Mountain Ave., SUite'3n~, Upland, CA 91786 National experts will be there to answer aU your ques- (714) 981·9'1'99 12 sportsTURF AS FEATURED IN SUNSET MAGAZINE A Revolution in Sports Turf Technology Broadleaf P4 is a super D Cuts plant watering DCost efficient. efficient water -absorbi ng in half or more. A cost-savi ng way to get polymer which absorbs Saves val uable labor the optimum effective- and retains water at the time and cuts water ness from water, plant roots of growing plants usage up to 750;0 - foods and fertilizers, until it's needed. P4's reducing your costs while greatly reducing crystals hold up to 400 and adding to your nutrient leaching. times their weight in profits. One application works water, up to 10 times D Great for all species for 5 years and more! more than other poly- of plants. Available in 10 and 25 mers. Over 950;0 of this Increases shelf life of all pound boxes, and 55 stored water is available pou nd bags for golf plants and minimizes to roots "on demand" course and sports losses and callbacks. allowing for healthier turf managers. Promotes more exten- plants with less water, For more information, sive root mass le~s labor, and increased call or write to: development. Reduces aeration, making your turf Broadleaf Industries, Inc. transplant losses. and grounds projects 7014 Manya Ci rcle easier to maintain. San Diego, CA 92154 (619) 424-7880 or (415) 747-0416. The Polymer that Professionals Use. • • Beware of Imitations Circle 110 on Postage Free Card Radio Bridges the Gaps For Park Inigation System Syringe cycles can be activated by a button on the field station, from the central controller, or On-site weather station. with a hand- held remote radio. or centuries Americans have closely Maintaining these parks has become a beginning of the century. Responsive park guarded their right to have a portion of strategic endeavor, requiring more than directors do their best to accommodate Fthis country's geography reserved for park rangers to guard natural resources. each new sport as its popularity grows. This public use. Our history is filled with exam- Often the land involved is reclaimed from has greatly changed the nature of parks ples of people, such as landscape architect previous use, or is simply impractical for and the resources necessary to maintain Frederick Law Olmsted, naturalist John commercial or residential use. them. Muir and President Theodore Roosevelt, Landfills are converted to parks; flood Griffith Park in Los Angeles, CA, has who fought to save part of our natural plains are utilized for recreation much of the been changing for more than 60 years in heritage for future generations to enjoy. year; and rights-of-way near power lines, response to the recreational needs of resi- Mountain ranges, estuaries, forests and highways and pipelines are put to produc- dents and tourists alike. The park, once other natural wonders were placed into a tive recreational use. The topography of more than 4,200 acres of chaparral tucked bank of protected land, out of reach of such areas can often make installation of between the canyons of the Santa Monica developers, industry and others who might park utilities and communication cables Mountains and the Los Angeles River, is place their personal gain above the public difficult. today the site of four golf courses, the city interest. Decades ago, many of these utilities were zoo, a western art museum, a train As communities grew, millions of acres of not even necessary. The primitive nature of museum, horse trails, tennis courts and land were added to this bank-not neces- parks was part of their allure. Phones, numerous picnic areas. sarily for their natural beauty, but for their plumbing, irrigation, and even electricity To convert the desert canyons into usefulness in serving many of the recrea- were only added as park use increased. recreational areas, the Los Angeles Depart- tional activities popular with the public. Paved roads and parking areas, conces- ment of Parks and Recreation had to come Instead of huge blocks of land, parks sions, lights and irrigation enabled parks to up with one primary ingredient: millions of today often consist of many individual par- carry a bigger load. As communities grew, gallons of water every week. If the Los cels distributed throughout a community. their park departments had new standards Angeles River had not been dry most of the And, instead of being preserved in a com- to meet - with limited budgets to meet year, the problem would have been easy to pletely natural state, they are converted into them.
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