THE ENGLISH MADRIGAL SCHOOL Transcribed, Scored and Edited by REV. EDMUND HORACE FELLOWES M.A., Mus.Bac, Oxon. VOL. V. ORLANDO GIBBONS First Set of MADRIGALS AND MOTETS OF FIVE PARTS (Published in 1612) LONDON: STAINER AND BELL, LTD., 58, BERNERS STREET, OXFORD STREET, W. 1914 THE^ENGLISH MADRIGAL SCHOOL. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS To VOLUMES V.-VIII. Dr. Guido Adler, Proressor of Musical Research in Percy C. Buck, Esq., Mus.Doc, Professor of Music in Vienna University. Trinity College, Dublin ; Director of Music, Harrow W. G. Alcock, Esq., M.V.O., Mus.Doc, Organist and School. Composer to His Majesty's Chapels Royal. F. C. Butcher, Esq., Mus.Bac, Organist and Music B, C. Allchin, Esq., Organist of Hertford College, Master, Hoosac School, New York, U.S.A. Oxford. L. S. R. Byrne, Esq. Hugh P. Allen, Esq., Mus.Doc, Choragus of Oxford University, Organist and Fellow of New College, Capt. Maurice Caillard. Oxford. Sir Vincent H. P. Caillard. The Right Hon. Viscount Alverstone, G.C.M.G., Cardiff University College Library. D.C.L., formerly Lord Chief Justice of England. F. Clive Carey, Esq. (2 copies). E. Amphlett, Esq. Rev. T. B. Carter. W. Anstice, Esq. Sir Francis Champneys, Bart., M.D. Mrs. Argles. The City Glee Club. Godfrey E. P. Arkwright, Esq. J. B. Clark, Esq. Miss Marian Arkwright, Mus. Doc. Rev. Allan Coates. Frl. Amaiie Arnheim. Mrs. Somers V. Cocks. Franck Arnold, Esq. H. C. Colles, Esq., Mus.Bac. Miss R. Baines. The Hon. Mrs. Henn Collins. E. L. Bainton, Esq. Mrs. A. S. Commeline. E. C. Bairstow, Esq, Mus.Doc, Organist of York Waddington Cooke, Esq. Minster. Sir Edward C. Cooper. The Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P., F.R.S. (2 copies). Rev. E. C. Corfe, Canon and Precentor of Truro H. L. Balfour, Esq., Mus.Bac. Cathedral. Granville Bantock, Esq., Professor of Music in Birming­ Rev. C. E. Couchman. ham University ; Principal of the Birmingham and Sir Homewood Crawford, Past Master of the Musicians' Midland School of Music. Company. Mrs. Baring (Miss Marie Hall). Rev. G. B. Cronsljaw, Fellow ol Queen's College, John Barker, Esq. Oxford. Harold A. Barnes, Esq. Rev. H. A. Cumberlege. Sir John Barran, Bart., M.P. W. H. Cummings, Esq., Mus.Doc, F.S.A., formerly Noel Bar well, Esq. (3 copies). Principal of the Guildhall School of Music. Organist of Norwich Frank Bates, Esq., Mus.Doc. Rev. Hugh C. R. Cunnynghame. Cathedral. J. T. Bavin, Esq. Ernest Darby, Esq., Mus. Bac J. W. Bayard, Esq. Harold E. Darke, Esq. Mrs. Richard Bayley. Rev. T. H. Davis, Mus.Doc, Prebendary and Organist Rev. George Bell, Mus.Doc. of Wells Cathedral. Francis J. Belton, Esq. The Hon. Mrs. Horace Darwin. P. V. M. Benecke, Esq., Fellow of Magdalen College, H. Walford Davies, Esq., Mus.Doc, Organist and Oxford. Director of the Choir at the Temple Church. Lionel Benson, Esq. Richard C. Davis, Esq. Rev. W. P. Besley. Messrs. Dawson and Sons. Rev. Henry Bewerunge. Miss N. Day. Sir William E. Bigge. Miss Emily Daymond, Mus. Doc Birmingham Public Libraries. »E. J. Dent, Esq., Mus.Bac, formerly Fellow of King's Birmingham and Midland Institute. College, Cambridge (2 copies). Birmingham University Library. Thomas L. Devitt, Esq. W. H. Blake, Esq. George R. Dodds, Esq., Mus.Bac. Adrian C. Boult, Esq. Dundee, Albert Institute. The Hon Stuart Bouverie. Thomas F. Dunhill, Esq. Mrs. H. T. Bowlby. Durham Cathedral Libiary. R. E. Brandt, Esq. E. O. Dykes, Esq. Rev. Canon A. J. Brewster. Sir Frederick Bridge, C.V.O., Mus.Doc, King Edward Clifford B. Edgar, Esq., Mus.Bac, B.Sc, Master of Professor of Music in London University ; Gresham the Worshipful Company of Musicians. Professor of Music; Organist of Westminster Dr. Alfred Einstein. Abbey. 'Sir Edward Elgar, O M., LL.D., Mus.Doc, formerly Joseph C. Bridge, Esq., Mus. Doc., Professor of Music in Professor of Music in Birmingham University. Durham University; Organist of Chester Cathedral. William Ellis, Esq., Mus.Bac Robert Bridges, Esq., Litt.D., Poet Laureate. Baron Oscar E. von Ernsthausen. W. Denis Browne, Esq. Rev. B. C. S. Everett. Ill SI 1700 W. A* Everington, Esq F. Ashton Jonson, Esq Alfred J. Eyre, Esq. Miss Phoebe Jull. G. A. Falk, Esq. C. Karlyle, Esq. The Lady Farrer. Lady Kenyon. The Hon. Everard Feilding. George Kirkwood, Esq., M D. Miss A. Fellowes. Professor Dr Kopfermann, Director Konegal Bibliothek, F. Fellowes, Esq. Berlin. Mrs. W. M. Fletcher. Baron Alexander Kraus, jun. Lionel H. Franceys, Esq. F St. John Lacy, Esq., Professor of Music, Cork H. A. Fricker, Esq, Mus.Bac, Organist of Leeds University. Town Hall; Chorus master of the Leeds Musical F. G. Larkin, Esq. Festival. G. S. Leach, Esq. Walter Ford, Esq. A. C. Lee, Esq. Archibald Fox, Esq. Leeds Free Library. Arthur M. Fox, Esq., Mus.Bac. Mrs. Leng. Miss Ruth Fry. J. A. Fuller-Maitland, Esq., F.S.A. Dr. Hugo Leichtentritt, of Berlin. H. Sanderson Furniss, Esq. W. H. Leslie, Esq. (4 copies). Miss M. A. Fyffe. H G. Ley, Esq., Mus.Bac, Organist of Christ Church, Oxford. H. T. Gerrans, Esq., F.S.A., Fellow of Worcester Miss G. M Liddell. College, Oxford. Rev. R. C. B. Llewellyn. The Right Hon. Viscount Gladstone, G.C.M.G., G. S. L. Lohr, Esq. Governor-General of South Africa (4 copies). C. Lowry, Esq., Headmaster of Tonbridge School. Henry N. Gladstone, Esq. Miss Luard. The Hon. Hugh Godley. Rev. E. P. Luard. A. M. Goodhart, Esq., Mus.Bac. W. L. Luttman, Esq., Mus.Bac , Organist of St. Alban's Alan Gray, Esq , Mus.Doc, Organist of Trinity Cathedral. College, Cambridge. Rev. The Hon. Edward Lyttelton, D.D., Headmaster H. Plunket Greene, Esq. of Eton College. W. H. Hadow, Esq, Mus.Doc, Principal of Arm­ Mrs. Macartney. strong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The Lady Valda Machell. Rev. S. Hailstone. George A. Macmillan, Esq. Mrs. W. M. Hale. W. E. F. Macmillan, E^q. Miss A. Hamilton. Magdalen College, Oxford, Library. Professor Dr. Angul Hammerich, Professor in the Rev. J. P. Mahaffy, C.V.O., D.D., D.C.L., Mus.Doc, Copenhagen University. Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Rev. J. Hampton, Warden of St. Michael's College, Mrs. Alexander Maitland. Tenbury, and Precentor of Hereford Cathedral. E. Hugo Mallet, Esq. (2 copies). Herbert Hankinson, Esq. Manchester, Thomas Watson Libiary. W. H. Harris, Esq., Mus Doc Professor Dr. E. Mandyczevvski, Vienna. Basil Harwood, Esq., Mus.Doc, late Organist of A. E. VV. Marshall, Esq. Christ Church, Oxford. Francis D. Marshall, Esq. E. N. Hay, Esq., Mus.Bac. Samuel S Martyn, Esq., Mus.Bac. A. C. Heberden, Esq., Mus.Bac, Organist and Music Sir John D. McClure, LL.D., Mus.Doc, Headmaster Master, Marlborough College. of Mill Hill School. C. B. Heberden, Esq., D.C.L., Principal of Brasenose Miss G. E. M Cormick. College, Oxford. Robert F. M'Ewen, Esq. (2 copies). Lionel Helbert, Esq. Madame H. Middleton. Sir Alexander Henderson, Bart. (4 copies). P. Napier Miles, Esq , formerly President of the Bristol The Lady Dorothy Henley. Madrigal Society. W. W. Hewitt, Esq. Miss A. L. Mixer, Mus.Bac. J. B. Hichens, Esq. Rev. H. O. Moore. Rev. L. D. Hildyard. Charles Morley, Esq. Arthur F. Hill, Esq., F.S.A., Past Master of the Rev. Miles Moss. Worshipful Company of Musicians, C. S. Myers, Esq , M.D., D.Sc. Miss Cecilia Hill. Mrs. W. S. Hodgkinson. T. Neale, Esq. Rev. Morris O. Hodson. The Hon. Alice Neville. A. Gordon Hood, Esq. Mrs. F. Stirling Newall. Rev. E. C. Hoskyns. Newcastle-on-Tyne Literary and Philosophical Society. The Lord Howard De Walden. Newcastle-on-Tyne Public Library. Miss E. Hughes. H. F. Nicholl, Esq. Hubert W. Hunt, Esq., Organist of Bristol Cathedral. Edward W. Nicholls, Esq. C. Hylton-Stewart, Esq., Mus Bac Edward Nicol, Esq. John W. Ivimey, Esq., Mus.Bac. Sydney H. Nicholson, Esq., Mus.Bac, Organist of B. V. Jackson, Esq. Manchester Cathedial. Professor Dr. Zdzislaw Jachimecki, of Cracow. J. E. Nixon, Esq., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Humphrey Noble, Esq. Mrs. Jenkins (3 copies) Miss H. Mary Jenkins. Dermod O'Brien, Esq. Miss Ashton Jonson. Mrs. Orde. IV Oriel College, Oxford, Library. Oscar W. Street, Esq., Hon. Secretary of the Madrigal Lady Ottley. Society. The Oxford and Cambridge Musical Club. The Hon. Richard Strutt (2 copies). The Oxford University Musical Union. H. PI. Stubbs, Esq. Kenneth R. Swan, Esq. Sir C. Hubert H. Parry, Bart., C.V.O., D.C.L , E T. Sweeting, Esq , Mus.Doc, Oiganist and Master Mus Doc, Director of the Royal College of Music ; of Music, Winchester CoJege. formerly Professor of Music in Oxford University. Heibert W. Symes, Esq., President of the Madiigal Rev. A. H. S. Pattrick. Society. Ernest Payne, Esq. W. A. Pickard-Cambridge, Esq., formerly Fellow of C. Sanford Terry, Esq , Piofessor of History in Abei- Magdalen College, Oxford. deen University. Cecil Powell, Esq. R. R. Terry, Esq., Mus.Doc, Organist and Director of Miss Mabel Price. the Music, Westminster Cathedral. R. J. E. Tiddy, Esq. Helen, Countess of Radnor (2 copies). Signor Fausto Torrefranca, Editor of the Rivista Miss Ramsbotham. Musicale Italiana, Turin. Rev. A. Ramsbotham. Donald F. Tovey, Esq. Bernard F. Ramsey, Esq., Mus.Bac, Music Master of J. B. Trend, Esq. Falconbury School. Miss Maud Usborne (4 copies). Mrs. Hastings Rashdall. H. S. Rawson, Esq. Albert Visetti, Esq. Reading University College Library. Mrs. E. L. Voyniez. Dr. A. Mayer Reinach, Director of the Conservatoire Kiel. Ernest Walker, Esq., Mus.Doc, Director of Music, H. W. Richards, Esq , Mus.Doc. Balliol College, Oxford. Bruce L. Richmond, Esq. S H Walrond, Esq: O. L. Richmond, Esq., Fellow of King's College, Cam­ T.
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