s! t Last Tha ond A B Self-Adhesive Tapes Electrical Insula� on Tapes Industrial Tapes Packaging Tapes Double Sided Tapes Die-Cut Solu� ons Specialty Tapes Dispensers & Processing Devices Coa� ng Conver� ng Distribu� on Volz Selbstklebetechnik GmbH YOUR EXPERT IN ADHESIVE TAPE SOLUTIONS VOLZ® TAPES is your competent partner for all self-adhesive tape requirements. Our extensive product por� olio offers a variety of standard and specialty tape products, suppor� ng advanced industry applica� ons, as well as standard and complex packaging require- ments. We are the industry expert in double-sided tapes, electrical and industrial tapes, packaging tapes, self-adhesive die-cut solu� ons, as well as tape dispensers and processing devices. VOLZ® TAPES has spent the last several decades developing its core competencies in the areas of Coa� ng, Conver� ng and Distribu� on. We produce turn-key custom tape solu� ons to meet our customers’ most complex industry challenges. Our advanced produc� on facility is capable of cu� ng any tape width or producing die-cut solu� ons to your exact specifica� ons. It is our goal to develop high-end, cost effec� ve tape solu� ons that meet your opera� onal demands. VOLZ® TAPES is an ac� ve and trusted member of AFERA, the European Adhesive Tape Associa� on. AFERA membership provides a front row seat to market developments and valuable exposure to other key adhesive tape associa� ons such as PSTC (USA), CATIA (China), TAAT (Taiwan) and JATMA (Japan). • Coa� ng of diverse carrier materials such as Fabric, PP, PE, PET, PVC, Fleece and COATING: CUSTOMIZED ADHESIVE SOLUTIONS Foam VOLZ® TAPES develops and manufactures high-end electrical and • Available Adhesives Include: double-sided adhesive tapes. We coat customer specific, carrier ◊ Synthe� c Rubber (Hot Melt) materials with high-end adhesives to create innova� ve tape ◊ Natural Rubber solu� ons. Our customers benefit from an extensive array of ◊ Solvent and Water Based Acrylic advanced custom tape products based on different carrier and ◊ Silicon adhesive combina� ons. VOLZ® TAPES is proud to serve a very • Adhesive transfer tapes with and prominent and reputable customer base across many different without glass fi bers industries on a global scale. CONVERTING: CUSTOM MANUFACTURING Certain standard industry tapes may not be qualified for complex applica� ons. VOLZ® TAPES offers custom designed adhesive solu� ons to meet exact customer specifica� ons. Custom tape solu� ons may include mul� ple materials laminated together, coated with specific adhesives and equipped with specific liners and/or carrier materials. All custom and standard tape • Logging, Semi and Fully Automa� c solu� ons are available in single rolls, log rolls or Jumbos, in custom • Cross Wound Spools widths and lengths. Cross wound spools are also available with or • Coa� ng and Lamina� ng without finger li� . • Rewind Sli� ng Produc� on lines operate more eff ec� vely and cost effi ciently when • Single & Double Lathe Sli� � ng they are able to use custom designed, form fi� ng parts. VOLZ® • Flatbed Die-Cu� ng / Kiss-Cu� ng TAPES’ customers greatly benefit from our capability to produce high • Rotary Die-Cu� ng / Kiss-Cu� ng quality, individualized die-cut solu� ons for highly complex processes. • Plo� er & Laser Cu� ng • Prin� ng • Automated Packaging Solu� ons • Core Branding CONVERTING: REWINDING VOLZ® TAPES produces different length log rolls for large scale produc� on purposes or for further conversion to smaller rolls. Electronic management systems keep track of desired length and tension control, which is crucial for further conver� ng. Semi-Automa� c Rewinding: Fully-Automa� c Rewinding: Cu� ng while rewinding into log rolls Turning Jumbos into log rolls in large or master rolls. quan� � es. • Up to 1000 m per master roll • Produc� on of up to 100 Log rolls/h • Up to 300 m per log roll • Up to 1550 mm width • Possible razor or scissor cut • Up to 100 m length • On 3“ and 6“ core • On 3“ cores • Up to 1550 mm width • Diff eren� al and pneuma� c Cross wound spools: core sha� s Produc� on of rolls with extensive length. Custom Cu� ng: • 180 to 300 mm width Manufacturing rolls with a possible • With or without liner tolerance range of +/- 0,1 mm* • On 3“ and 6“ core • Up to 1000 m length • Possible tolerance of +/- 0,1 mm* • 4 to 300 mm width • Possible on 3“ core *) Tolerance range may differ based on material used CONVERTING: COATING & LAMINATING VOLZ® TAPES’ advanced coa� ng and lamina� ng opera� on can mix and match different carrier materials with appropriate adhesives to create excep� onal tape solu� ons. • Adhesive coa� ng of materials such as rubber, fabric, foam, cloth, foil, and metal • Single and double sided adhesive tape • Up to 1700 mm in width • Processing up to four diff erent materials in one opera� onal step • Produc� on onto 3“, 4“, and 6“ roll cores • Coa� ng to exact cutomer specifi caions • Liner changes • Coa� ng of cutomer provided material CONVERTING: CUTTING (SLITTING) Cu� ng/Sli� ng is the conversion process in which we cut logs or wide rolls into thinner slices to meet customer specifica� ons. Depending on the different materials involved, we choose to slit on our lathe sli� ers or cut while rewinding Jumbos or log rolls. VOLZ® TAPES can offer almost any width required. Rewind Sli� ng: Lathe Sli� ng: Individual razor blades are posi� oned A log roll of pressure sensi� ve at sta� onary intervals across the ma- tape is spun at high speed while chine. By rewinding the material and a circular blade cuts the material pulling it through the blades, sli� ng to the desired width. is achieved at the precise intervals of • On 1“, 1,3“, 1,5“ or 3“ cores the pre-determined blade posi� ons. • Up to 350 mm outer diameter • On 3“ and 6“ core • 1 to 1650 mm width • Up to 600 mm outer diameter • 4 to 1550 mm width *) Tolerance range may differ • Tolerance range +/- 0,1 mm possible* based on material, length • Raser Blade, Lathe, Crush Cut Blade and width CONVERTING: DIE-CUTTING / KISS-CUTTING Custom designed, form-fi� ng parts op� mize produc� on cycles. VOLZ® TAPES offers die-cut and kiss-cut adhesive solu� ons to exact measure. Our modern produc� on plant operates on standard flatbed and rotary die-cut presses. VOLZ® TAPES’ die-cut solu� ons are delivered loose, on rolls or on sheets. They can be printed or neutral, and with or without finger li� . Die-Cut Press Key Capabili� es Waterjet Cu� ng, • Hydraulic Flatbed Press - up to 600 mm Laser- and PC controlled • Rotary Press - up to 350 mm Plo� er Cu� ng: • Die-cu� � ng or Kiss-cu� ng VOLZ® TAPES offers these • Tolerance +/-0,1 mm possible* cu� ng op� ons as an • Unlimited quan� � es alterna� ve to standard • Printed or plain die-cu� ng for special • Mul� ple presses in-line possible requirements and • Fully automated process produc� on series. *) Tolerance range may diff er based on form and material CONVERTING: CUSTOM PACKAGING OPTIONS VOLZ® TAPES invests great effort in packaging, labeling and track- ing for all its products. Proper packaging is a key component to our ul� mate goal of complete customer sa� sfac� on. Our op� ons include packaging and labeling of individual rolls, as well as accordion or tower shrink wrapped solu� ons. All our standard palle� zed shipments have re-enforced corner protec� on and protec� ve lids. Packaging: Labeling: Custom Drop-Ship Capabili� es: • Single roll • Front face Upon request, VOLZ® TAPES • Accordion shrink wrap • Side label can drop ship directly to end • Industrial packaging / • Per individual users without any iden� fying tower shrink request manufacturer informa� on • With logo or neutral • Barcode CONVERTING: CAD - TECHNOLGY In our state-of-the-art facility, VOLZ® TAPES u� lizes Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology to design and develop new products. As a reliable partner to an array of customers with highly sensitve and complex produc� on methods, VOLZ® TAPES assures the highest quality standards and con� nuous product reliability. • Design of prototypes and produc� on drawings • Development of custom tools • Crea� on of samples and mass produc� on methods Conversion Solu� ons • Planning and development of new, individual adhesive tape solu� ons In addi� on to standard sizes available from the manufacturer, VOLZ® TAPES also offers these products as conver� ng solu� ons to custom fit specific needs. DISTRIBUTION: NAME BRAND SOLUTIONS Extensive Storage Capacity VOLZ® TAPES offers excep� onal adhesive tape solu� ons by leading Our modern logis� cs center has been manufacturers such as tesa®, Intertape Polymer Group® (IPG), 3M, designed with significant storage capacity to Scapa, Ni� o, and more. We have spent years cul� va� ng strong assure sufficient stock for quick delivery � mes. Its advanced opera� ons and tracking system business rela� onships with leading industry manufacturers to provides key func� onality to our produc� on provide turnkey solu� ons to our customers’ adhesive requirements. facili� es as well as on-� me delivery assurance to our global customer base. • We test according to AFERA standards. Per request, we can also test according to other customer specifi c criteria. • Quality assurance of our die-cut products is maintained by using advanced op� cal measuring technology to compare products against each individual customer specifi ca� on. • All test procedures and their respec� ve results are carefully documented for transparency and future reference. QUALITYMANAGEMENT: CERTIFIED QUALITY ASSURANCE To assure our high standard of quality, VOLZ® TAPES has invested in a state-of-the-art research and development laboratory with the latest technology tes� ng equipment.
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