Baton Rouge’s CAPITALCAPITAL CITYCITY Community Newspaper Patriots Day Remember Our Heroes NEWSNEWS® Baker, Louisiana Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Vol. 22, No. 9 • 16 Pages • Circulation 19,100 • www.capitalcitynews.us • 225-261-5055 Southeast Baton Rouge School District FiscalSenate Office Says to Vote TuesdaySenate Passage EBR Would Gain Likely; Real Fight $255 per Student Looms in House Per Year from MFP BATON ROUGE — Bills to create the new Southeast Baton Rouge Com- BATON ROUGE — The Legislative munity School District cleared two Fiscal Office this week issued a Senate committees this week and fiscal note for SB199 by Sen. Bodi are now pending on the floor of the White, which would create the State Senate. Southeast Baton Rouge Communi- Sen. Bodi White (R-Central), ty School District. Here are some the lead author, said the bills of the conclusions: could come up as soon as Tuesday. • While the East Baton Rouge SB199, a constitutional amend- Parish School Board would lose ment, would take 26 votes, a 2/3rds $19 million in state general funds, majority in the Senate, but passage it would actually receive $255 per there seems likely. student more than it currently re- Last year, the legislation fell ceives. four votes short of the 70 votes • The new school district would needed in the House, and the House have revenue of $20 million in is again where opponents plan MFP funds and $52 to $56 million to make their stand. If approved in local revenue. Enrollment was in the House, the constitutional estimated at 6,800. amendment would go to the elec- • The fiscal note says the new torate for a statewide vote next year. school district would be responsi- On Wednesday, Norman Brown- ble for its share of legacy costs and ing, president of Local Schools for on-going construction costs. Local Children, criticized the East • The two school systems may Hudson Stacy by Photo Baton Rouge School Board for have to reallocate students as- SENATE COMMITTEE — Preparing to testify in support of the Southeast Baton spending $70,000 to hire two lob- signed to middle and high schools. Rouge school district were Sherri Morris, Norman Browning, and Joshua Hoffpauir. byists to fight White’s bills. Former Gov. Edwards Returns to Capitol Edwin Edwards Attends Reunion People Gather Of La. Senators To Thank Girl BATON ROUGE — Former mem- Who Saved bers of the Louisiana House and Senate returned to the State Capi- tol Wednesday afternoon for the Their Lives annual Legislators’ Reunion. CENTRAL — On Nov. 30, Former Gov. Edwin Edwards, 2011, 10-year-old Emily Sim- who was elected to State Senate mers died as a result of a tragic in 1965, was the oldest attendee in traffic accident point of service. The former gov- that occurred in ernor addressed the Senate briefly. front of Central Other well-known officials in High School. attendance included Lt. Gov. Jay It is said that Dardenne, a former senator; retired out of even the Judge Jim Dimos, former speaker worst tragedy, of the House; former Congressman some good will Charles Melancon, a former repre- occur. That sentative; District Attorney Charles proved true re- Emily Simmers Riddle of Avoyelles, a former rep- resentative; and Agriculture Com- cently when people gathered missioner Mike Strain, a former at Our Lady of the Lake Hos- representative. For the event, old pital to honor Emily. Each of rivalries and disputes were set Jenkins Woody by Photo one of them received an organ aside, and the former legislitors from Emily that saved his life. reminisced about old times. FORMER GOV. EDWIN EDWARDS and his wife Trina in the Louisiana Senate See EMILY on Page 14 See photos on pages 8-9. Wednesday. Edwards attended the annual reunion of state senators. Photos on pages 8-9. 2 CITY NEWS Thursday, May 2, 2013 COMMUNITY PRESS, LLC CAPITAL CITY NEWS CENTRAL CITY NEWS Vol. 22 • No. 9 and The Leader Vol. 16 • No. 9, No. 343 910 North Foster Drive Post Office Box 1 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Greenwell Springs, LA 70739 Phone (225) 261-5055 • FAX 261-5022 • Entire contents © 2013 Email stories and photos to [email protected] or [email protected] Published every other Thursday from January to August and every Thursday from September to December by Community Press, LLC Capital City News is a continuation of the South Baton Rouge Journal, which went on hiatus in 2008 during its 20th year of publication. The Capital City News resumed pub- lication of the Journal with Vol. 21, No. 1 on Aug. 16, 2012. The Leader was founded April 30, 1998, and the Central City News was founde April 21, 2005. They merged May 4, 2006. Community Press also publishes the Central Community Directory and other publicatons. Editor & Publisher Woody Jenkins Business Manager Candi Lee Graphic Artist Terrie Palmer Business Specialist Jolice Provost Member, National Newspaper Association & Louisiana Press Association Deadline for news and advertising: 5 p.m. Mondays $40 a year by subscription in advance • $50 a year outside East Baton Rouge Jenkins Woody by Photo PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN — Retired Judge Luke Lavergne told the Patriots Day Luncheon at the LSU Rural Life Museum that he is proud to be an American and that Country Living in the City he was honored to serve his country for 26 years in the United States Air Force. Sale of Advocate: Capital Follows Population As Population, Outlook Advocate are wondering what the the direction Louisiana takes than Newspapers have a great fu- future holds for them? Will they he could in any public office. ture, IF they serve their communi- For Orleans Declines, be packing up and leaving soon? Time will reveal a lot, and a year ties and do what they do best — Everyone knows that John from now we will all know a lot cover the people Capital Seeks Markets Georges is a successful business- more about how this drama will and events in their man. Everyone knows that he ran play out and how it will affect our own hometown. With Brighter Prospects for governor and mayor of New Or- state and our community. Look at what leans. Perhaps because he ran for But one thing is being complete- Mr. Georges has Woody Jenkins political office, some question his ly ignored in regards to the sale of done. He took Editor, Capital City News motives in buying the Advocate. the Advocate. Imperial Foods far Is the Advocate intended to be It is simply this: Capital follows beyond the New BATON ROUGE — The headline in a stepping stone for him to run for population. Orleans market. Wednesday’s Advocate was re- high office? New Orleans has been dying It now operates in Woody Jenkins markable: “Georges Buys Advo- Frankly, that’s ridiculous. John for the past 50 years. Katrina was a dozen states. cate”. Now, after more than 100 Georges is a businessman, and you simply the coup de grace. He has Harrison Foods, a “super years, the most important medium can be confident that he will make Consider the Times-Picayune. regional” food distributor in Bossi- in the capital city of Louisiana is decisions in a business-like man- Do you really think the Picayune er City. Far beyond New Orleans. under new ownership. ner when it comes to the Advocate. went to three papers a week be- He bought Galatoire’s Restau- People are wondering, “Who is While he will certainly hope to cause of competition from the In- rant, a New Orleans legend, and John Georges?” and what will his influence things, you can be sure ternet? That too is ridiculous. brought it to... Baton Rouge! ownership of the Advocate mean that he didn’t buy the Advocate in The Picayune went to three days Look at what he has. Impe- to our city? order to run for something. a week because its advertising base rial Foods, 98 years old. Harrison Long-time employees of the As publisher of the Advocate, he has collapsed. There are not as Company, 91 years old. Gala- will have far more influence over many people in the New Orleans toire’s, 108 years old. The Advo- area and not as much retail spend- cate, 171 years old. Community Press 2013 Publication Schedule ing as there was 10 years ago, 20 Mr. Georges wants quality com- years ago, even 50 years ago. panies, which have been around Capital City News - Published Every Other Thursday Going three times a week was forever. And it is absolutely cer- from January to August, Every Thursday from a cost-cutting measure, pure and tain that New Orleans will not be September to December simple. an anchor around his neck. Deadline: 5 p.m. Monday before publication Publicly, it was promoted as a Instead of thinking about the Capital City News is distributed in South Baton Rouge way to put the Picayune at the fore- purchase of the Advocate as a po- front of the digital world. We’re litical event, although it partly is, Central City News - Same as Above leading the pack. We recognize Deadline: 5 p.m. Monday before publication think of it for what it primarily is that newspapers are dying, etc. — an economic event of some sig- Central City News is distributed in the City of Central But newspapers aren’t dying. nificance. Thursday, May 2 Capital City News Thursday, May 30 Capital City News Hardly any have closed their The capital region is attracting Central City News Central City News doors and turned off their lights, capital because our population is Thursday, May 16 Capital City News Thursday, June 13 Capital City News which is something that cannot be growing.
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