DIRECTORY.] LLANGEFNI. 275 .ANGLESEY CoUNTY CouRT (LLANGEFNI DISTlUCT). SuB-PosT OFF ICE, Tynlon.- Owen J ones, receiver. Office, Glan Hwfa road. Letters through Llangefni are delivered at 7.30 a.m.; The court is held every 3rd month, alternately with despatched, 6 p. m, The nearest telegraph office is at Holyhead & Menai bridge Llangwyllog railway station & money order office, The Anglesey district includes all the county of Llangwyllog. Letters should have R.S.O, Anglesey .Anglesey, except the following parishes :-Llangaffo, a~ded . Newborough, Llangeniwen, Llanfair _y- Cwmwd & Assistant Overseer & Poor Rate Collector, W1lham Owen Llanidan PLACES OF WORSHIP :- Judge, Sir Horatio Lloyd St. Twrog's Church, Rev, Daniel Lloyd M.A. vicar Registrar & High Bailiff, Griffith Davies Dew C T 11 Th HAPELS :- Clerk of Court, ~ i iam omas Baptist REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Calvinistic Methodist Superintendent Registrar for the County of Anglesey, Independent, Rev. William Griffiths Thomas Hughes, Llanerchymedd Cerrig-Ceinwen is a parish in the hundred of Mall- Registrar of Births & Deaths for Llangefni District, traeth, county of Anglesey, about 3 miles south-west ~~ll~am Edwards, Tynygongl; deputy, John R. trom Langefni railway station and 14 south-east from "W_Ilhams, Bul~eley square . Holyhead ; in Bryngwran sub-registration district and Regrstrar of l\Iarnagcs for Llangcfm Distnct, Rev. Hugh union of Holyhead, petty-sessional division and county- Hughes; deputy, John T. Grey . court district of Llangefni, rural deanery of Malltraeth, Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, W1lham archdeaconry of Bangor and Anglesey, and diocese of Roberts, Gwaenfangor Banaor. The church of St. Ceinwen is a small but neat Cemetery, Richard Roberts, superintendent ston~ edifice in the Early English style, consisting of Gas Works, Church street, John Hughes, manager chancel and nave and a bell turret containing 1 bell. :Market Hall, Bulkeley square, Robert J ones, keeper The church was entirely rebuilt in 1855. The nave and Police Station, Field street, Griffith J ones, sergeant chancel roofs are of oak. There are about 130 sittings. Stan:p Office, Post office, William Thomas, sub-dis- The registers date from the year 1721. The living is a tnbutor rectory annexed to Llangristiolus, net yearly income Town Hall, Bulkeley square, Robert J ones, keeper £214, in the gift of the Bishop of Bangor, and held NEWSPAPER: Clorianydd (thursday, id.), North Wales since 1893 by the Rev. William J enkins M.A. There Chronicle Co. Limited (Bangor), proprietors; office, are chapels for Baptists and Calvinists. 4 Bridge street The area comprises 1, 573 acres ; rateable value, PLACES OF WoRSHIP. £3,574; the population in 1891 was 468. St. Cyngar's, Rev. Canon Eleazar '\-Yilliams M.A. rector; SuB-POsT ~FFICE. - Miss ~nn Roberts, receiver. Rev. Oliver Harding, curate Letters arnve (from Llangefm) at 7.5 a. m.; despatched CHAPELS._ at 5.50 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph Baptist, ·Revs. Thomas Frimston & Hugh Hughes office is at Llangefni, 3 miles distant. Letters should Calvinistic Bridae street Revs James Donne & John have R.S.O. Anglesey added Williams' b ' • Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, Wm. Williams Independent, Glan Hwfa road, Revs. Owen M. Jenkins Parish Clerk, John Jones & John Williams PLACES OF WORSHIP:- Wesleyan Methodist, Bridge street, Rev. Rowland St. Ceinwen's Church, Rev. William Jenkins, rector Rowlands CHAPELS :- ScHOOLS. Baptist · A school board of 5 members was formed here 20th Calvinistic Rev. Evan J ones July 1875. Clerk, Griffith 0. Williams ' School, Bridge street (built in 1852 for 200 mixed & 83 Heneg1wys is a parish in the hundred of Malltraeth, infants; average attendance, 88 mixed & 38 infants), county of Anglesey, 2~ miles west from Llangefni rail­ Richard Davies, master; Mrs. Ellen Davies, mistress; way station, 14 east-south-east from Holyhead, and 13 :Miss Elizabeth Griffith, infants' mistress west- north- west from Bangor; in Bryngwran sub- National, Penrallt (built in 1853 for 150 mixed & registration district, union of Holyhead, petty-sessional infants; average attendance, 92 mixed & 33 infants), division and county-court district of Llangcfni, rural Robert J ones, master; Miss M. C. J ones, mistress deanery of Malltraeth, archdeaconry of Bangor and Anglesey, and diocese of Bangor. The church, dedi- Railway Station, High street, William Edwards, station cated to St. Llwydian, is a neat stone structure, consist- master ing of nave and a turret containing 2 bells. The old B d Og · 11 · h · th h d d f Ll !" church was erected in the 14th century, and the present o wr IS a sma "t panst d mb te un -re o t y1on,f ed"fi 1 ce was b m"lt on th e o ld SI"t e In· 1845 , Th e nave roo f coun t y of Ang l esey, s1 ua e a ou 4 m1 1es wes rom · f k d tl · fi t · d 1 · d 11 f · d 13 th t f H h d th th IS o oa , an 1ere 1s a very ne s ame -g ass wm ow a~g; m a~ lsoud (-e~~ L~om f01.Y) tea Mon. ~~dr in the east end to the memory of Miss Wynne-Jones, ~oa rom 0 1Y lea _VIa . ang~ m. 0 . enai n ge, sister of Archdeacon Wynne-Jones, who was a former m Bryngwran s~b-regi~t~a~wn distnct, unwn of ~o~y- vicar of this parish. There are about 110 sittings. The head, petty:sesswnal diVISion and. county-court distnct registers date from the year 1698. The living is a. of Llangefm, rural deanery of _Lhfon, archdeaconry of vicarage united with Trewalchmai, average tithe rent­ Bangor a~d Angle.sey,_ and dwcese of Bangor. The charge £337, gross yearly income £383 with residence, nearest railway statwn IS at Llangwllog, on the Angle- in the gift of the Bishop of Bangor and held since 1893 sey central branch of the London & North-Western b h R H S 1 p · ' 1 f T · · l. b t 2 ·1 d" ta t Th h h f St T Y t e ev. enry amue nest y B.A. o nmty me, a ou m1 es 1s n . e c urc o . wrog, C 11 0 D d a small stone edifice erected in the 12th century, is in °T~ge, x or · · s 2 llO cres of wh · h 6 the Early English style, and consists of nave and t e :~ea co~~~Ise . a lC are 1891 377 chancel and turret containing 1 bell. The nave roof wa er ; a- e poi_Ju a Ion m . _wash. · . d · f k Th f th ld h" h b k d · Bod1.1.ordd 1s a small v1 11 age m t 1s pans1 1, situate on IS o oa . e pews are o e o 1g - ac escnp- h tl d f H 1 h d t B d b u- d "tt" Th . t t e nor 1 roa rom o y ea o angor, an a out tion, an d th e ch urc h auor s 80 SI mgs. e regiS ers ~ . t f Ll f · H h 1 !" . 2~ m1 1es eas rom ange m. ere are c ape s 10r d ate fr Om the year 1617 . Th e l1vmg IS a vicarage d d t d 11.- th d" t annexed to Llandrygarn, average tithe rent- charge In epen en s an .u.Le 0 IS s. £104, net yearly value £188 with residence and 3~ acres SuB-PosT OFFICE, Bodffordd. -Mrs. Mary Parry, sub- of glebe, in the gift of Jesus College, Oxford, and held postmistress. Letters arrive (from Llangefni) at 7. 30 since 1877 by the Rev. Daniel Lloyd M.A. of Jesus a. m.; despatched at 6.30 p.m. The nearest telegraph College, Oxford. There are chapels for Baptists, Cal- & money order office is at Llangefni. Letters should vinists, and Independents. have R. S. 0. Anglesey added The area comprises 1,835 acres, of which 6 are Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, Richard water; the population in 1891 was 355. Williams, Bodffordd N. WALES. 18* .
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