Automotive Glass Chip Repairs Tinting JUST ARRIVED Farm Equipment Auto Accessories NEW 2018 LEGO 204-325-8387 150C Foxfi re Trail Winkler, MB (204)325-4012 600 Centennial St., Winkler, MB Winkler Morden VOLUME 9 EDITION 4 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2017 VVLocally ownedoiceoice & operated - Dedicated to serving our communities Journey for Sight hunts for snow PHOTO BY LORNE STELMACH/VOICE The lack of snow in the Pembina Valley region meant this group of nine snowmobilers had to come up with a plan B Saturday for the annual Journey For Sight fundraiser in support of the Lions Eye Bank of Manitoba and Northwest Ontario. Meeting in Morden, they hauled their snowmobiles east in search of snow, and in the end they topped last year’s total by bringing in close to $10,000. For more, see Pg. 8. news > sports > opinion > community > people > entertainment > events > classifi eds > careers > everything you need to know 2 The Winkler Morden Voice Thursday, January 25, 2018 The Winkler Morden Voice Thursday, January 25, 2018 3 GVC students put their ‘skillz’ to the test By Ashleigh Viveiros group, but there are other [fi elds of study] in the school that could easily Garden Valley Collegiate students tap into this.” got the chance to put their classroom The participating courses tested stu- smarts to the test last week at the fi rst dents on what they’ve been learning ever GVC Skillz Competition. this semester through practical chal- Students enrolled in some of the lenges. Winkler high school’s technical vo- The business students had to create cational electives spent Jan. 16 com- a business plan for a new food truck, pleting challenges in the areas of complete with menu and an elevator business, clothing and design, digital pitch; the clothing and design catego- fi lmmaking, digital photography, and ry challenged students to take articles foods and nutrition. of old clothing and transform them “We wanted to see how we could into a new outfi t; fi lm students shot better engage our grade nines and and edited a commercial for Time- Isabella tens with the elective courses that Out Sports Excellence; the foods Neufeld and they’re taking right now,” said Rhon- and nutrition participants whipped Jacinda Young da Kezema, a GVC business teacher up creative meals utilizing the same and member of the PLC (Professional core ingredients; and the photogra- at work on Learning Community) that spear- phy students were brought to Bethel a new outfi t headed the competition’s creation. Heritage Park and Southland Mall made from re- Forty-eight students stepped up to to shoot photos that showcased their cycled clothes participate. It’s a number Kezema understanding of composition and in the fi rst an- hopes to see grow next year. theme. nual GVC Skillz “This is great for our fi rst time doing The competition got the thumbs up Competition it,” she said, pointing out they limited from teachers and students alike. Jan. 16. this year’s event to Gr. 9-10 but will “This is fabulous,” said clothing and consider expanding it in the future. design instructor Jenna Nussey. “I’ve “I know a lot of grade elevens and seen a lot of excitement and buzz not twelves wanted to get involved, but only from the students participating we wanted to start smaller and then but others in the school wondering go from there. what’s going on today.” “And we’d love to maybe open it up further,” she added. “This is our one Continued on page 4 The team of Nathaniel Fedack, An- nica Bauer, Abigail Wall, and Daniel Rempel share a laugh while preparing their menu for the GVC Skillz Com- petition last week. The school hopes to make the competi- tion an annual event. PHOTOS BY ASHLEIGH VIVEIROS/ VOICE 4 The Winkler Morden Voice Thursday, January 25, 2018 Photography instructor Darren mates Kara Wall and Viola Kraemer > SKILLZ COMPETITION, FROM PG. 3 Crane also noted that this gives kids caught the competive bug at an in- a taste of competition that he hopes class event last year. “There’s a lot of interest,” agreed “Yes, it’s a scenario that we’re creat- will entice them to consider getting “It was kind of something different business teacher Susana Hawryshko. ing, but in real-life you would have involved in the Skills Manitoba pro- ... we liked it and was really fun and “I think next year we’ll get even more to work in a team, you would have to gram, which pits vocational students wanted to do it again,” said Wall, ex- kids involved.” work collaboratively, you would have from across the province against one plaining that for this competition the Hawryshko hopes those competing to make decisions, learn to think criti- another. pair transformed an old pair of jeans in this inaugural contest walked away cally, analyze a problem, fi nd a solu- “We wanted to bring it home for and a shirt into a new skirt outfi t. with skills they can use outside the tion. Hopefully they can take all that some of these kids and give them that For photography student Chloe world of academia. with them from here.” same kind of experience,” he said. Neufeld, the competition was a way “This is just the beginning,” Crane to stretch her creative muscles under said, “and we’ll see how it grows from a deadline. here.” “I kind of want to be a photographer For the teens, the GVC Skillz Com- when I’m older, so I thought it would petition was a welcome change of be fun to do something like this be- pace. cause it’s something different and it’s Gr. 10 fi lm student Peter Enns noted a chance to get out all day and shoot that it was a busy morning. pictures,” the Gr. 9 student said. “I could miss half a day of school, The youth spent the morning tack- so why not [take part]?” he said, ling their assignments and then were chuckling, but added that shooting judged by school staff and a few out- footage at the sports store was a fun side guests after lunch. The day cul- challenge, as was trying to get the minated with an awards ceremony fi nished commercial polished up on mid-afternoon. such a tight deadline. “It is a lot to do First-place trophy winners includ- in three hours.” ed Flora Penner, Abbey Peters, and “It’s just a good time and a good op- Charise Wall in the business compe- portunity to display your skills and tition; Juliane Baltik and Anna Froese what you learn in your classes,” add- in clothing and design; Samuel Wall ed teammate Arlen Peters, Gr. 10. “It’s and Rylan Thomas in digital fi lm- not just fooling around the whole making; Adria Toews in photography; time; you’re learning something use- and Kaetrin Huetber, Melanie Jan- Digital fi lm student Arlen Peters, Gr. 10, puts the fi nishing touches on ful.” zen, Marlene Mirau, and Mirna Hil- his team’s commercial for Time-Out Sports Excellence. Gr. 10 clothing and design team- debrand in foods and nutrition. Winkler Police hires new chief from within its ranks mately ended up that the best person Ryan Ryan Hunt steps into deputy chief role for the position for us was Ryan was Hunt exciting.” will immediately, becomes chief in April To aid in the transition, Hunt starts step immediately as deputy chief to work By Lorne Stelmach to current offi cer Ryan Hunt. into alongside Hiebert until April. the “We had a number of conversations “Being able to learn from him and The Winkler Police Service has role of with him that ultimately led us to be- spend a couple months with him is found a new chief from within its own Winkler lieve that he was our best candidate,” nice,” said Hunt. “Learning from the ranks. Police said city councillor and police board guy who’s been doing it for so many The search for a successor to Chief Chief chair Henry Siemens. “We spent the years, I’m really excited about that.” Rick Hiebert when he retires as of better part of a year looking for an this March 31 led the Winkler Police Board ideal candidate, and where we ulti- Continued on page 6 spring. DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids are faith-based programs that help parents and children struggling with the hurt and pain of divorce and separation. MONDAYS, 7:00 PM YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH IT ALONE BEGINNING JANUARY 22 (13 WEEKS) Winkler MB Church, 120 Pineview Drive No Registration Fee, Join Anytime FOR MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER: AND (204) 325-8322 OR [email protected] WWW.WINKLERMB.COM/EVENTS/ The Winkler Morden Voice Thursday, January 25, 2018 5 Morden & District United Way campaign raises $70K By Lorne Stelmach “It’s so important, and not just be- cause they send us a cheque,” he said. The Morden and District United “They bring it to us and they ask what Way fell short of its goal for the 2017 are they investing in ... they follow fundraising campaign, but is grateful up. They ask us to show them what is for the community’s support. happening and what is it that we in- With what directors had termed vest in here.” as an optimistic target of $90,000, The funding helps support YFC pro- the campaign ended up at $70,500, grams like the Young Moms initiative though that money is going a bit fur- as well as its lunch program and sup- ther this year because there were also per club.
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