\': '1. " " J. I 'I, I '. • , " I: ' ' ;" Isarmamen \ • 'I 1 Cion enera I'" 'I res I' " the critical importance of :\ I I ' KODAK broaden cd to stop undcrground peace can be guaranteed only source sait! they were mes­ f\ I 1 American.Russian limitcd nu· by a comprehensive and can· achieving such a goal in the ny JAMES NELSON sages of congratulation and tests, and "even an acceptable i: : i, clear test ban treaty. final ngreement on the discon­ trolled reduction of armaments minths ahead." . .. .: hope for the future, but not , etc. OTTAWA <CP) - Prime Min· tinuance of all nuclear weapOIIS together with effective meas· A source in the Prime Minis: The Prime Minister sent his couched in the same tcrms as " ister pearson has written to So' tests would itself be no more ures for the peaceful settlement " leller to the Russian leader to the leiter ,to Mr, Khrushchcv, tel" s office said the decision to . I. I viet Premier Khrushchev re, than a starting point," Mr, of disputes. I mnrk the successful negotiation make public the full text of the " II I', mlnding him of Russia's severe The Prime Minister told Mr, Pearson said, Iettel' resulted from Tass's re­ tOll's c !I, ' Second World War losscs and of the treaty in ~foscow last Khrushchev that the agreement "As hcad of government of a , I' week, and he made its full text country which has suffered so porting of only the first part or ," I urging realistic action on gen· to ban nuclcar testing in thc Then, in language described . thp. Pearson letter. Thc second I. i ~ tl kin eral disarmament to pl'Omote public Tucsday after part l\f It by a diplomat here as attempt· tcrrihly in war. you will, ! I, atmosphere, In ouler space, and part, reminding Mr.' Khrush· ,was published by the Russian ing to bring evcryhody back (0 know, agree that the leaders of world peace, chev of Russia's war losses I, , kind news agency Tass, underwater is "only the first of rcality and using no, accidental all countries hav,~ a solemn ob· ,I Mr. peat'son's leiter is being a serIes of slcps which will be choice of words, 1I1r, Pearson ligation 10 sccme the realiza· and of the nced for a compre· regarded b~' vctemn diplomats At the same lime, ~Ir. Pear· told the Russian government tion of Ihe goal of peace and hcnsi\,e and-equally import­ I son \l'rote to Prim!' Wnistcl' necessary to ensurc truly peace· I ' hCl'e as an attempt to point up c\lie/: security for Uleir people, ant-a eontrolled reduction of the hard realities of the current r.lacmiUan and Presid~nt KCII· ful relations among states," armaments, was not carried by nedy, but thc Ictters to the , , world situation and to soft­ :lIlIS1' BROADEN PACT "YOll, !llr. Chairman, will be "I ea1'l1estly hope that noth· pedal the sweet talk which has British and American leaders fully aware that an enduring Ing will be permitted to obscure Tass. , .! ,been prompted by the Anglo· have not been made public. A The treaty wil! hal'e to be ~;]l\lTA KHRUSHCHEV 'All forms or , , ' , (UITOMER PROTECTION POLlCY , ' :' Insurance I \,k ,1\1l1\\t thr Go.odwill Warran~ ',. C,m "e It Will r~l'(l Sell - I ' ~:,:t' "l'11 Satisfaction After Sale, i ' THEDAILYNE Water St, l~rr~ Nova Motors ltd. ElIzabeth Ave, nED CAR LOT 12 PAGES SEVE:\, CE~TS ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND~ \vED~ESDAY, AUGUST 14,1963 I , \(1, \"~ r::'?""",,,~~1 t<~~ -. ! :"!] :~':-:"'j •• J I I , ' t':~\-:"'" I",. t , , I , I , ! I • 511 At u.s. Holds , Ba/ance ; , /in I: I " !.ONDO'" ICPI-l'oli~ havp Ilbrovered a hidcout uscli bY I: OfWASHINGTON Power (API _ De. the bandits who staged the great lIlaii train robbery last week, II"., 11,,'11111.1' i 'fence Secretary ~lcXmnara tes, bul the gang apparcntly fled (he site a few days ago along with ; , · ., ::' . lin I tified Tuesday that one rcason the stolcn J:2,;;,)(),000 (S7,r.OO,OOO). ; . ~ :~.' " \ ,i l' Tl:l\~' I Russia agreed to a limited Acting on a tip Tucsday, policp, swoope 11 on a lonely Buck· ,'" .• ;',,' "1111 1"1'1 nuclcar tcst ban is that U,S. Ingham shire farmhouse only 18 miles southeaH! of the scene ot · ';" "~1 .. ,1 \ 1', ~n;lI·l\· military supcriority has in. the Thursday holllull 10 find ~tocks of ranueei foods, a truck, two , ' ~'''''\ ,'l' .. ;n y of 1 creased in the last four yeal'S. army,type ,;chiclcs aorl empty mailha;:s. s. I , , , i ' .. ' ,"I"tl'l'h'l :\!cNamarn said the U,S. lIU' The di,cOlwy lI'as made as 1- ----'-- ... - ,--- ,.-..,-- ,• 1' 1'\\ ''It'':illU''' clear striking force, with "lens the search fOl' the ringlcmlcr 1 E I - f:' \ '~'I\:':'II\:::' 'In of thousands" of warheads, is spread to the Frcnch Riricra, I , Xp IDS I on 1 : substantially larger than the "Thcy got the hreeze 110 l I SOl'ict t:nion's, (scared ." said scotland Yard I Depllty 'Crndr. George Hathe· II/~ _... !.~. " , \ :nu~t ~(l ell :'( '0\,,': n' A ~(I:' t11f' Calling for Senate ratification 32 i He said Tucsdav indications I j .. ;\1 '1'::1;'. 'd!'o::::r,\ to· of the test.ban treaty signed "y rill. I S , , , I ~I l"':\;:~:::i .t .. ' \\ n\l tn PRI;\IE MINISTER MACMILLAN more than 50 nations, including were that the ;:ang left the I Canada, McNamara assured hrick f a I'm h 0 use with its G,\UHATI, India (Reutew - 1:':":'\ \': tlC:11' " t 1~"!H'l' the senators that nolhing in the blackcd . ollt windows two or Three truckloads of dynamite , l:,:~"ll' thl' ('r(\$~' pact will shift the power bal. three days hefot'e, and other cxplosives blclV up as ~ , : :'~ ~"r:-::'t'r:"o hrtw('C'n l, Pre dIC SI anee. SEARCH NEAR SCENE they wel'e being unloaded at a I, t: '~\t'~: ;,.,: >:' Detectives have conccntl'~ted state police storage magazine (ed 'f '\r:;I\~ 11't~ nf'tllon· _ their main scarch 1m the are~ near here Tuesday ki\ling 32 .' '!.·~~I\:"j',~ imnwdi· R Iectlon within a :IO·mile radit·s of the persons, . :l!!nin ee i \lIIkcrli robbery spot on the Gla,gow·to· ,The mc\uded 15 laborers. crowd I Of Torl"es LondOli rail line, SIX polIcemen,d~ad trucl{ Southern dl'lve~s \ ('hcc ,. " US B" h The holdup occlllwd at ched·land,. cmplo~:ees o[ the publJc l I pn\il'r.: 1.0:-lDON (Reutersl _ Prime "" IS OpS din~!ton, 40 miles nortlllvcsi d l"oll,s depaltmen:: , ' hack! :\linistel' :'Ilacmillan has fore. London, .. \ police ,suPcllntcndent said I '('ast the re.election of hi~ Con- p "" " ' " " Fin~erpril1t and olher cxue,'!,! nobody Sllf\'ll'cd tn tell holl' the I, I' " ,~" "ou I e( "'lnl: /\rlllrd so"licr~ anll Imrbpd wIre block s!l'crt III front of lIlorgnc mOl e In 0 Je III rOll:>1 . 'I lC "d t ' ' I " ",~':-: "',,. h.. \\ r\'rr, srr\','ltl'l'C gOI'crnmnnt 'In the ' ',rotest FIlA"" 'I'III"T " tl "i .... ' ,,'. I 'r1' t II I ' 1 t Icxplo~lOn occurred, j. ,)',,; R',~,:,:,:, ("I,'\'.lhl~:1 i,uc~t gencral election, :August 5th'• .during t" demonstration OHr gOl'ernmenl refusal to hanrl ol'rr the bod\". of ~3,ycar,old !1 Lcalhcr,larlenl'll"s 1101'tll'I' Farm,( r IIOal;!rI', 1111'1" ~() I,I' nlOIk C alll,u!pelllnttcfl~ I ll> 10m e till IC c....s~11 o,o· l :" lIIorc' The prime minister exprcssed I BU ddhl Ilrlcs The liriest to ,Math 4th as a (lru(cst ".,,', ;c ' " I .' r· ,ion darkened nn area of • I ' ;~t .'~I~yen Ih~ong. b~l~nfd h!m~elf ~n~l1st dOlled off I he,r~,~) arc", ,oll,e 5qllal e I_TIl e ~n , .calncarl~' c. 1I1~ 1 I dell' at a pl'e.ss conf"renee I By WALKF:R allegerl Rn!t·lluddlllsl I:OI'crtl1l1cnt policles,--(ll'l Radwlrlephoto). of t OJ!c( ,'I d < "h' 'I thi~ AI.A~ ft~alnst rrhgloll~ 'II~ cJt~ O~[r.ld, ~Il!', ~ I ,,'h Fa,t in Slockholm Tuesday shortlv I .~ORO"TO lCP) :- Southern Tile rli"COI'l'l'\' CdmC on:::' 1I'llh heal')' tl~shlight>. lie could ,. ,"~' ,,:_, .. , Ilt't'llcr Ibcfore his return to London fol. t:mted S tat e s bishops com· rB:,', Bllrl1S IImll'; ;Iftel' re~(Jl't' thaI II\' I ;,ee only Illunan ~1;lI!1s an~ " ,.,,' ',:' :' "'" l'herk. lowing a Scandinavian tour plainerl Tuesday about I'esol,,· . uddhl. st Monk I men h i I' r rl In rlril'c "ct3' hmh, ~hout '!OO feet from the "or ! h I I I" • 'I way ear, for 111'.' ~ang h,,! 51 e, I "., ',\,'.: ~,,, "" ,\, it II ' tion~ passed on racial issues ~t I " 't ' I .", '," " .. c' pCI'. .' .. cO,lIrs~, ope ,we Sial 8 C os cd meeting of 100 EPISCO' ,j I I' I entireTile r:'I)\osioll• '''rage maz"zillc,hlell' IIn;m all " ' I '"',, /"'11' I','r ('roll'r\ II Ill, ~ldClnlllan Said. 'I lee no pal (.~ngl!can) bisllops. I "SCIllC:1 Cl ' III oolier! T leI' I\"'r~ I i "" :"f ,,. olilc re:ISOII why wc should not. The llishops decided to sup' i s:lid tn h,n'c ber'lI hired at a I I I " I Lll' II itl' "Thcrc hRl'c been some mis. port clergymen wanting to take H..:" lIDSe If T .0 D,e, at1 1 :flat rate for thc job 1]!I1 decided three tnld;s alii a ncur)y lut " I,.".
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