Farad Unit of capacitance whereby a charge large conducting body to serve as an earth Inductance The property of a circuit or of one coulomb produces a one volt potential thus making a complete electrical circuit. circuit element that opposes a change in current flow, thus causing current changes difference. Hard Drawn Copper Wire Copper wire that to lag behind voltage changes. It is Fatigue Resistance Resistance to metal has not been annealed after drawing. measured in henrys. crystallization which leads to conductors Harness An arrangement of wires and Inductive Coupling Crosstalk resulting from breaking from flexing. cables, usually with many breakouts, which the action of the electromagnetic field of one FEP Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene is a have been tied together or pulled into a conductor on the other. “Tef Ion” fluorocarbon resin and is a rubber or plastic sheath, used to registered T.M. of the DuPont Company. This interconnect electric circuits. Insulation AmateriaI having hi gh resistance is a melt extrudable fluorocarbon resin. to the flow of electriic current. Hash Mark Stripe A non-continuous helical FIT Alpha registered trademark for stripe applied to a conductor for Insulation Resistance (I.R.) That resistance shrinkable tubingproducts. identification. offered by an insulation to an impressed dc voltage, tending to produce a leakage Heat Distortion Distortion of a material due Filled Cable A telephone cable construction current through the insulation. in which the cable core is filled with a to the effects of heat. Insulation Thickness The wallthickness of material that will prevent moisture from Heat Seal A method for sealing by thermal the applied insulation entering or passing through the cable. fusion. Filler (1) A material used in multiconductor Heat Shock A test to determine stability of a Interaxial Spacing (1) Center to center conductor spacing in paired ‘wire or (2) cables to occupy large interstices formed by material by sudden exposure to a high center to center spacing between the assembled conductors. (2) An inert temperature for a short period of time. substance added to a compound to improve conductors in a flat cable. properties or decrease cost. Helical Stripe A continuous, colored, spiral stripe applied to a conductor for circuit Interconnecting Cable The wiring between Flat CableA cablewithtwo smooth or identification. modules, between units, or the larger corrugatedbutessentiallyflat surfaces. portions of a system. Henry Unit of inductance such that the Flat Conductor A wire having a rectangular induced voltage in volts is numerically equal Interstices Voids or valleys between cross section as opposed to round or square to the rate of change in current in amperes individual strands in a conductor or between conductors. per second. insulated conductors in a multiconductor cable. Flat Conductor Cable A cable with a plurality Hermetically Sealed A gastight enclosure of flat conductors. that has been completely sealed by fusion or IPCEA Abbreviationfor lnsu latedPower CableE ngineersAssociation. Flame Resistance The ability of a material other comparable means. not to propagate flame once the flame Hertz (Hz)A term replacing cycles-per- Irradiation In insulations, the exposure of the source is removed. second as aunit of frequency. material to high energy emissions for the purpose of favorably altering the molecular Themeas re of the material’s Flammability Hi-Pot A test designed to determine the structure by crosslinking. ability to supportcomb stion. highest voltage that can be applied to a ISA Abbreviation for Instrument Society of Flex Life The measurement of the ability of a conductor without electrically breaking America. A general organization comprised conductor or cable to withstand repeated down the insulation. of representatives of more specialized bending. High VoltageGeneraIly, a wire or cablewith organizaitons (including, but not limited to) Flexibility That quality of a cable or cable an operatingvoltageof over 25,000 voIts. the American Gas Association, ASME, component which allows for bending under Hook-Up Wire A single insulated conductor ASTM, The Electrochemical Society, IEEE, the influence of outside force, as opposed to used for low current, low voltage (usually etc. whose primary goal is to disseminate limpness which is bending due to the cable’s under 1000 volts) applications within and standardize technology across their own weight. enclosed electronic equipment. spectrum of disciplines. Foamed Plastics Insulations having a Hygroscopic Readily absorbing and IS0 Abbreviation for International Standards cellular structure. retainingmoisture. Organization. An organizaiton similar to the F.P.A. A trademark of General Cable ISA, but concerned with standardization, Hypalon DuPont’s trade name for their etc. on an international basis. Corporation for fused polyethylene chlorosulfonated polyethylene, an ozone aluminum. It consists of an 8 mil thick resistant synthetic rubber. Jacket An outer covering, usually non- aluminum shield (corrugated or metallic, mainly used for protection against uncorrugated) coated on both sides with an IEEE Abbreviation for Institute of Electrical the environment. ethylene acrylic copolymer through and Electronics Engineers. The world’s Jumper Cable A short flat cable chemical means. The degree of bonding of largest professional engineering society, interconnecting two wiring boards or polymer to outer cable jacket acid is founded in 1884. Its efforts are directed devices. controlled during processing. toward the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical and electronics Lacquer A liquid resin or compound applied FR-1 A flammability rating established by engineering, allied branches of engineering to textile braid to prevent fraying, moisture Underwriters Laboratories for wires and and the related arts and sciences. absorption, etc. cables that pass a specially designed vertical flame test. This designation has Impact Strength A test for determining the Laminated Tape A tape consisting of two or been replaced by VW-l. mechanical punishment a cable can more layers of different materials bonded withstand without physical or electrical together. FrequencyRefers tothenumber ofcycles breakdown by impacting with a given weight, per secondof an ACsignal oran RFsignal. dropped a given distance, in a controlled Lay The length measured along the axis of a wire or cable required for a single strand (In Gang Strip Simultaneous stripping all environment. stranded wire) or conductor (in cable) to conductors inaflat or ribboncable. Impedance The total opposition that a make one complete turn about the axis of the Gauge A term used to denote the physical circuit offers to the flow of alternating conductor or cable. size of a wire. current or any other varying current at a Leakage Current The undesirable flow of GroundA conducting connectionbetween particular frequency. It is a combination of current through or over the surface of an an electrical circuit and the earthor other resistance R and reactance X, measured in insulation. ohms..
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