BUSINESS LEADERS INITIATIVE ON HUMAN RIGHTS A Guide for Integrating Human Rights into Business Management b 1 www.respecteurope.com www.realizingrights.org Contents Business Leaders Preface Initiative on Human Rights Introduction Getting Started United Nations Global Compact 1 Strategy and 2 Policy the Office of the High Commissioner 3 Processes and for Human Rights Procedures Disclaimer 4 Communications The views expressed in this publica- tion do not necessarily represent the views of the Global Compact 5 Training Office or the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights or any of the individual companies 6 Measuring Impact participating in BLIHR or whose and Auditing case examples are included. More- over, the Global Compact Office and the OHCHR make no repre- 7 Reporting sentation concerning, and do not guarantee, the source, originality, accuracy, completeness or reli- Conclusion ability of any statement, informa- tion, data, finding, interpretation, advice or opinion contained within Appendices the publication. The publication is intended as a learning document. The inclusion of examples of com- pany experiences does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the individual companies nor their human rights policies or practices by the Global Compact Office and/ or the OHCHR. PHOTO CREDITS PAGE 4/ from left to right: all photos © istockphoto.com except for numbers 1 and 5, © United Nations Capi- tal Development Fund/Roger Adams add photo captions 2 Preface A growing number of companies are becom- anti-corruption (see the Appendices). It has been ing aware of the contribution they can make to endorsed by all 191 Heads of State and Govern- advancing human rights within their spheres of ments of the United Nations and has further been influence and the benefits such an approach can legitimized through a consensus resolution by the have for their businesses. While human rights General Assembly. The first two principles of the continue to be the primary responsibility of govern- Global Compact are derived from the Universal Dec- ments, companies can do a lot within the context laration of Human Rights, which is the foundational of their own business to support and respect the framework of the international human rights system. observance of human rights. Being proactive on human rights can make good business sense, as • Business should support and respect the pro- well as being the right thing to do. tection of international human rights; and • Business must not be complicit in abuses of This publication, a joint product of the Business human rights. Leaders Initiative on Human Rights (BLIHR), the United Nations Global Compact Office, and the The Global Compact Office works with participants Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and other stakeholders to provide support, commu- (OHCHR), offers practical guidance to companies nications, governance, and programs related to the that want to take a proactive approach to hu- Global Compact initiative and principles. For more man rights within their business operations. It is information, see www.unglobalcompact.org principally for business leaders and managers in large and medium-sized enterprises, private and What is the Office of the High Commissioner state-owned, who would like to develop their un- for Human Rights? derstanding of human rights in business practice. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is an important branch of the UN What is the Business Leaders Initiative on human rights structure. The current High Com- Human Rights? missioner, Louise Arbour, is responsible to the UN The Business Leaders Initiative on Human Rights Secretary General for encouraging the international (BLIHR) is a business-led program that is developing community and nation states to uphold universal practical tools and methodologies for applying hu- human rights standards. The Office seeks to work man rights principles and standards across a range with an ever wider range of participants, including of business sectors, issues, and geographical loca- the private sector, to promote respect for and com- tions. The ten member companies of BLIHR took the mitment to human rights as widely as possible. lead in this Guide’s development, in which they share For more information, see www.ohchr.org some of their experiences and lessons they have learned. For more information, see www.blihr.org Why we chose to produce this Guide Human rights is one of the most challenging areas What is the United Nations Global Compact Office? of corporate responsibility for companies to ad- The United Nations (UN) Global Compact is the dress; more human rights tools and guidance are UN’s voluntary corporate citizenship initiative based needed. This Guide is intended to help meet this on ten universal principles in the areas of hu- need and, in doing so, help companies make hu- man rights, labor standards, the environment and man rights a successful part of their business. 3 Introduction Human rights are the basic rights of each human For business, human rights provide a universal being, independent of race, sex, religion, political benchmark for minimum standards of behavior. opinion, social status, or any other characteristic. Many national laws and regulations have evolved as Through international human rights conventions, a result of a State’s obligation to implement human governments commit to respect, protect, promote rights standards. Business must, of course, observe and fulfill the human rights of their citizens and such laws in all countries and jurisdictions in which other individuals within and beyond their borders. they operate. A list of the human rights contained in the Universal Declaration, the International Covenant on Civil and The debate about the nature and scope of com- Political Rights, and the International Covenant on panies’ human rights responsibilities is a relatively Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – the three recent one, as is the idea of applying human rights fundamental United Nations agreements on human to business decisions and operations. A number rights – is included in the Appendices to this Guide. of international efforts have been undertaken to Businesses should also be aware of the core con- elaborate on the content of human rights relevant ventions of the International Labour Organisation. In to business. One of the most comprehensive efforts addition, a specific body of law applies in situations resulted in the “Draft Norms on the Responsibilities of armed conflicts: international humanitarian law. of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Its rules have two aims: first, protecting people who Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights” (Draft are not or no longer taking part in hostilities and, Norms), developed by a United Nations expert secondly, regulating means and methods of warfare. group, the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. While the Draft At this time in history, there are compelling reasons Norms have no formal legal status, the inter-gov- why businesses should involve human rights in ernmental UN Commission on Human Rights has their policies and practices. Businesses increasingly observed that they have useful elements. Many of need a stable international environment in which the companies that have contributed to this Guide, to operate, with sustainable markets and a “level especially the companies involved in BLIHR, agree playing field” of opportunities. Human rights offer that the content of the Draft Norms provides a help- a common framework for businesses to under- ful framework for human rights in business. stand societies’ expectations and deliver value to stakeholders in a more sustainable way. This Guide demonstrates that, in a business context, advancing human rights is as much about realizing new op- portunities and managing risk as it is about meeting essential global standards. 4 INTRODUCTION Structure This Guide is based on a conventional management Global Compact system. It follows the Global Compact Performance Model, which is a map for responsible corporate citi- Performance Model zenship. The model allows business to implement the Global Compact principles without undermining their other business goals. The Performance Model was Vision built on practical experience, identifying methods that actual companies followed to mainstream the Global Compact principles into their own business operations and activities. More information about Leadership implementing the Performance Model in practice is available on the Global Compact website (www. Empowerment unglobalcompact.org) and in the publication entitled Policies enablers Resources Strategy Raising the Bar: Creating Value with the United Na- tions Global Compact, listed in the Appendices. Processes Innovation This Guide is intended to be a technical manual and a hands-on toolkit to help any company integrate prac- Impact on Impact on tices consistent with human rights standards into an People Value Impact Chain existing management system. It is made up of seven on Society elements common to most management systems: Strategy, Policy, Processes and Procedure, Communi- Reporting results cations, Training, Measuring Impact and Auditing, and Reporting. The Getting Started section identifies the initial steps a company should take to implement the performance model, and in the Appendices at the end of the Guide you will find tools and resources which the BLIHR companies have found to be helpful in bringing human rights into
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