Course Equivalency Guide between Iowa State University 515 294-5836 www.iastate.edu and College of DuPage 630 942-2800 www.cod.edu Based on the College of DuPage 2019-2021 Catalog and the 2020-2021 Iowa State University Bulletin How to Read the Course Equivalency Guide The Course Equivalency Guide lists the courses offered at the community college and how each of those corresponds to courses offered at Iowa State University. Regardless of how a course is listed on the equivalency guide, it is important to keep in mind that the individual colleges or departments determine how each course will apply toward your degree program at Iowa State University. Please note that equivalencies are date-specific and dependent on when the course was taken. • If there is a course that is directly equivalent to the community college course, the Iowa State department and course number is listed. • If there is not a course that is directly equivalent to the community college course, the department name is still listed with either a 1T** or 2T**. This shows that it does transfer as either a freshman (1T**) or a sophomore (2T**) level course. The student's major department at Iowa State will apply these credits to the student's degree as they see fit. • A "z" after MATH 100 indicates that the course will transfer to Iowa State, but will not be used toward graduation from Iowa State University. • CAREER/TECH means that the course is part of a career/technical program. A maximum of sixteen semester hours of career/technical credit can be transferred to Iowa State. • "NC" in the credit column indicates that the course does not transfer to Iowa State University. In most cases the course is developmental in nature. COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ISU EQUIVALENT CREDITS ACCOUNTING ACCOU 0430 Bookkeeping - A Practical Focus No Credit ACCOU 1110-1175 By Title CAREER/TECH ACCOU 1820 Selected Topics I ACCT 1T** 1-6 ACCOU 1840 Independent Study in Accounting ACCT 1T** 1-4 ACCOU 2140 Financial Accounting ACCT 284 4 ACCOU 2150 Managerial Accounting ACCT 285 4 ACCOU 2200-2201 Income Tax Return Preparation I, II CAREER/TECH ACCOU 2205-2206 Federal Taxation I, II ACCT 2T** 3 each ACCOU 2220 Financial Analysis and Valuation CAREER/TECH ACCOU 2241-2242 Intermediate Accounting I, II ACCT 2T** 4 each ACCOU 2251 Cost Accounting ACCT 2T** 4 ACCOU 2260 Advanced Accounting ACCT 2T** 3 ACCOU 2265 Governmental & Not-for-Profit Accounting ACCT 2T** 3 ACCOU 2271-2272 Auditing I, II ACCT 2T** 3 each ACCOU 2280-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH ACCOU 2870 Internship (Transfer) ACCT 2T** 1-4 ADULT BASIC EDUCATION ABE 0700-0721 By Title No Credit ADULT SECONDARY EDUCATION ASE 0840 Citizenship Preparation No Credit ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ANAT 1500 Survey of Human Anatomy and Physiology BIOL 155 4 *ANAT 1551 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIOL 1T** 4 *ANAT 1552 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL 1T** 4 *When ANATO 1551 and ANATO 1552 are both taken, the courses will transfer as BIOL 255 (3), BIOL 255L (1), BIOL 256 (3), and BIOL 256L (1). **ANAT 1571 Anatomy & Physiology with Cadaver I BIOL 1T** 4 **ANAT 1572 Anatomy & Physiology with Cadaver II BIOL 1T** 4 **When ANATO 1571 and ANATO 1572 are both taken, the courses will transfer as BIOL 255 (3), BIOL 255L (1), BIOL 256 (3), and BIOL 256L (1). ANAT 1820-1821 Selected Topics I, II BIOL 1T** 3 each ANAT 1840 Independent Study BIOL 1T** 1-4 ANAT 2860-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH ANAT 2870 Internship (Transfer) BIOL 2T** 1-4 ANAT 2871 Internship - Advanced (Transfer) BIOL 2T** 1-4 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY ANES 1501-1530 By Title CAREER/TECH ANTHROPOLOGY ANTHR 1000 Introduction to Anthropology ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1100 Cultural Anthropology ANTHR 201 3 ANTHR 1105 Practical Anthropology ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1110 Business Anthropology ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1130 People and Cultures of the World ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1200 Discovering Archaeology ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1210 Ancient Civilizations and Societies ANTHR 1T** 3 September 2020 Edition Based on the Iowa State 2020-21 Catalog and COD 2019-21 Catalog 1 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ISU EQUIVALENT CREDITS ANTHROPOLOGY, continued ANTHR 1300 Language and Culture ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1400 Race, Sex and Human Evolution ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1410 Evolution of Human Sexual Behavior ANTHR 1T** 3 ANTHR 1800 Special Project ANTHR 1T** 1-3 ANTHR 1820 Selected Topics I ANTHR 1T** 1-3 ANTHR 1840 Independent Study in Anthropology ANTHR 1T** 1-4 ANTHR 2100 Introduction to Anthropological Methods ANTHR 2T** 4 ANTHR 2150 Culture and the Mind ANTHR 2T** 3 ANTHR 2200 Introduction to Anthropological Methods ANTHR 2T** 4 ANTHR 2210 Field Experience in Applied Anthropology ANTHR 2T** 4 ANTHR 2240 Field Work Archaeology ANTHR 2T** 3 ANTHR 2245 Laboratory Methods in Archaeology ANTHR 2T** 3 ANTHR 2400 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology ANTHR 2T** 3 ANTHR 2420 Bioarchaeology ANTHR 2T** 3 ANTHR 2800 Special Project ANTHR 2T** 1-3 ANTHR 2820 Advanced Selected Topics I ANTHR 2T** 3 ANTHR 2860 Internship (Career and Technical Education) CAREER/TECH ANTHR 2870 Internship (Transfer) ANTHR 2T** 1-4 ANTHR 2871 Internship - Advanced (Transfer) ANTHR 2T** 1-4 ARABIC ARABI 1100 Arabic Civilization & Culture ARABC 1T** 3 ARABI 1101 Elementary Arabic I ARABC 101 4 ARABI 1102 Elementary Arabic II ARABC 102 4 ARABI 2201 Intermediate Arabic I ARABC 201 4 ARABI 2202 Intermediate Arabic II ARABC 202 4 ARCHITECTURE ARCH 1100 Introduction to Architecture ARCH 1T** 3 ARCH 1101-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH ART ART 1100 Introduction to the Visual Arts ART 1T** 3 ART 1101-1102 Drawing I, II ART 1T** 3 each ART 1105 Introduction to Studio Art ART 1T** 3 ART 1140 Introduction to Ceramics ART 1T** 3 ART 1151 Two-Dimensional Foundations Studio ART 1T** 3 ART 1152 Three-Dimensional Foundations Studio ART 1T** 3 ART 1185 Book Arts ART 1T** 2 ART 1199 Introduction to Print Media I ART 1T** 3 ART 1250 Introduction to Jewelry ART 1T** 3 ART 1800 Special Project ART 1T** 1-4 ART 1823 Selected Topics in Art ART 1T** 1-3 ART 1840 Independent Study ART 1T** 1-4 ART 2151 Color Theory ART 2T** 3 ART 2201-2202 Life Drawing I, II ART 2T** 3 each ART 2211 History of Art: Prehistory to 1300 ART H 280 3 ART 2212 History of Art: 1300 to Present ART H 281 3 ART 2213 Modern and Contemporary Art ART H 2T** ART 2214 Non-Western Art ART 2T** 3 ART 2215 History of Adornment ART H 2T** 3 ART 2216 Introduction to Philosophy of Art ART 2T** 3 September 2020 Edition Based on the Iowa State 2020-21 Catalog and COD 2019-21 Catalog 2 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ISU EQUIVALENT CREDITS ART, continued ART 2221-2222 Painting I, II ART 2T** 3 each ART 2231-2232 Sculpture I, II ART 2T** 3 each ART 2235 Introduction to Design Objects ART 2T** 3 ART 2241-2242 Ceramics I, II ART 2T** 3 each ART 2243 Student Art Gallery ART 2T** 2 ART 2244 Ceramics Wood, Raku, and Pit Firings ART 2T** 1 ART 2251-2252 Jewelry/Metalsmithing I, II ART 2T** 3 each ART 2266-2267 Digital Art I, II ART 2T** 3 each ART 2275 Intaglio Printmaking ART 2T** 3 ART 2276 Lithography ART 2T** 3 ART 2281 Time Based Media I ART 2T** 3 ART 2282 Time Based Media II ART 2T** 3 ART 2800 Special Project ART 2T** 1-4 ART 2820 Advanced Selected Topics I ART 2T** 1-3 ART 2860-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH ART 2870 Internship (Transfer) ART 2T** 1-4 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY AUTO 1040-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH BIOLOGY BIOLO 0470 Biology Study Skills No Credit BIOLO 1100 Survey of Biology BIOL 101 4 BIOLO 1110 Environmental Biology BIOL 173 4 BIOLO 1120 Introduction to Genetics BIOL 1T** 3 BIOLO 1130 Fundamentals of Biotechnology BIOL 1T** 4 BIOLO 1140 Introduction to Biology of Aging BIOL 1T** 3 *BIOLO 1151 Principles of Biological Science I BIOL 2T** 5 *BIOLO 1152 Principles of Biological Science II BIOL 2T** 5 *When BIOLO 1151 and BIOLO 1152 are both taken, the courses will transfer as BIOL 211 (4), BIOL 211L (1), BIOL 212 (4), and BIOL 212L (1). BIOLO 1200 Animal Research in the Field: An Introduction BIOL 1T** 3 BIOLO 1800 Special Project BIOL 1T** 1-3 BIOLO 1820-1821 Selected Topics I, II BIOL 1T** 3 each BIOLO 1840 Independent Study BIOL 1T** 1-4 BIOLO 2150 Ecology BIOL 2T** 4 BIOLO 2151 Cell Biology BIOL 2T** 4 BIOLO 2800 Special Project BIOL 2T** 1-3 BIOLO 2860-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH BIOLO 2870 Internship (Transfer) BIOL 2T** 1-4 BIOLO 2871 Internship - Advanced (Transfer) BIOL 2T** 1-4 BOTANY BOTAN 1310 Ethnobotany BIOL 1T** 4 BOTAN 1320 Prairie Ecology BIOL 1T** 4 BOTAN 1800 Special Project BIOL 1T** 1-3 BOTAN 1820 Selected Topics I BIOL 1T** 3 BOTAN 1821 Selected Topics II BIOL 1T** 1-3 BOTAN 1840 Independent Study BIOL 1T** 1-4 BOTAN 2350 Introduction to Botany BIOL 2T** 4 BOTAN 2360 Local Flora BIOL 2T** 3 September 2020 Edition Based on the Iowa State 2020-21 Catalog and COD 2019-21 Catalog 3 COLLEGE OF DUPAGE ISU EQUIVALENT CREDITS BOTANY, continued BOTAN 2800 Special Project BIOL 2T** 1-3 BOTAN 2860-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH BOTAN 2870 Internship (Transfer) BIOL 2T** 1-4 BOTAN 2871 Internship - Advanced (Transfer) BIOL 2T** 1-4 BUSINESS BUSIN 1100 Introduction to Business BUSAD 1T** 3 BUSIN 1111-1120 By Title CAREER/TECH BUSIN 1155 Diversity in Business BUSAD 1T** 3 BUSIN 1161-2200 By Title CAREER/TECH BUSIN 2210 Principles of Finance FIN 2T** 3 BUSIN 2220 Financial Analysis and Valuation CAREER/TECH BUSIN 2255 International Business BUSAD 2T** 3 BUSIN 2800 Special Project BUSAD 2T** 1-4 BUSIN 2860-2865 By Title CAREER/TECH BUSIN 2870 Internship (Transfer) BUSAD 2T** 1-4 BUSIN 2871 Internship - Advanced (Transfer) BUSAD 2T** 1-4 BUSINESS LAW BUSLW 1840 Independent Study ACCT 1T** 1-4 BUSLW 2205 Legal Environment of Business ACCT 215 3 BUSLW 2211 Business Law
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