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Businesses petition urging Amazon and Hunting With Awaydays, Cheri and the recession and +44 (0)20 7258 1832 that may have previously to change this policy had Barracudas Is Anybody There? networking at Village Senior Advertising Executive benignly co-existed can attracted 10,000 signatures reviewed Drinks Maggie Allen become bitter rivals. The and widespread news PAGE 11 [email protected] struggle for survival can coverage. The result? A DIARY PAGE 34 PAGE 86 +44 (0)20 7258 1991 bring out the killer instinct swift apology from Amazon May’s cultural THEATRE PROPERTY Senior Advertising Executive in people, and sadly, it’s for an “embarrassing and highlights in and Priscilla - The Musical Living in Tooting, Maz Ogden rarely . ham-fi sted cataloging around London reviewed plus Andrew Logan’s [email protected] On the upside, tough error”. Sometimes the HomeStyle +44 (0)20 7258 1777 times can favour the simple act of signing a PAGE 20 PAGE 36 consumer. I’ve read plenty petition can get results. TIGA FOOD PAGE 102 of column inches about Particularly when so many Canadian’s top electro Bocca di Lupo and MOTORING London restaurants having businesses are rightly music master chats to Mango Tree reviewed We test drive the new to off er cheap deals being forced to pay heed to us about new album plus restaurant listings Peugeot308cc Square Peg Media Ltd. to lure in the punters. customer feedback. Ciao!… 37 Ivor Place Other businesses are PAGE 43 PAGE 106 London NW1 6EA bending over backwards I hope you enjoy this PAGE 26 OUT THERE TRAVEL Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 to keep customers happy month’s issue of Out In MUSIC Upcoming scene The magic of Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 – including their gay The City. There’s a great New albums from highlights for May, Marrakech, plus ones. I was astonished to interview with Tiga, plus Manic Street Preachers plus coverage of gay advice from The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not hear that online retailer an illuminating chat with and Tori Amos Fusion, Salvation, Ku the Foreign and be reproduced, stored in a data Amazon had introduced a a volunteer for the Albert Commonwealth Offi ce retrieval system or trasºmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or new policy of not including Kennedy Trust, plus all your PAGE 28 otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions ‘adult’ books in its sales essential London listings JADE EWEN PAGE 112 expressed in Out In The City are not rankings. This blanket move – including information on We fl y the fl ag HOROSCOPES neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2008. unfortunately aff ected the upcoming May Bank with this year’s UK Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In many books with ‘gay’ Holiday weekends. Keep Eurovision entry PAGE 114 The City magazine will not take any themes – including those sending us your feedback. PAGE 70 HEALTH responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one appropriate for all ages. It [email protected] PAGE 30 THE ALBERT Post-Exposure of our advertisers/ Media Partners. FILM KENNEDY TRUST Prophylaxis ! =C :3BB3@A bT`]\b HARD COPY aV]cZRPS^`]^S`Zg TOPOFTHE POST `S^`SaS\bObWdS]TOZZ /aO`SUcZO`dWaWb]`b] U`]c^a]T^S]^ZS0cb ON FIRE :]\R]\7]TbS\^WQYc^ ac`SZgeVObWa\]b`WUVb OQ]^g]T=cb7\BVS Wab]VOdS³Oa/ZSf 1WbgeVS\7aSSWb7Xcab 0`gQSaSS[ab]bVW\Y eWaVWbeOaUWdS\]cbW\ eWZZPSOU]]RbVW\U³O SPOTIFY ]bVS`^ZOQSaW\QZcRW\U Z]OR[]`S`SaSO`QVS`a We’ve only just discovered [g\SQY]TbVSe]]Ra O\ROQbWdWabaUOg]` this but have become total 7Y\]eWba]\ZW\SPcb \]bW\bVS6]caS]T devotees, digging out and T]`[S\]bVW\UPSOba 1][[]\a revisiting lots of old records V]ZRW\UO[OUOhW\SW\ 4]`a][SgSO`a from our youth… [gVO\RaO\RTZWQYW\U STAR LETTER b]][O\g\Se;>a bV`]cUVWb7VSO`Rg]c VOdSVORO^]ZWbWQOZ RWab`WPcbSW\0`WUVb]\ THANK YOU POQYU`]c\Ra^S\RW\U 7abVWab`cS-/\RWTa] BVO\Yg]ca][cQVT]`bVS>SbAV]^0]ga [cQV]TbVSW`e]`YW\U ‘BACK TOTHE FUTURE’ R]g]cVOdSO\g^ZO\a W\bS`dWSe³WbeOabVSPSabW\bS`dWSe7¸dS`SOR ZWdSaW\bVS^]ZWbWQOZ We’re loving this new b]RWab`WPcbSO\geVS`S eWbVbVS[W\OZ]\UbW[SO\R7Z]dSRVSO`W\U O`S\O7\acQV^]aba track from scene veterans SZaS- OP]cbbVSW`Sf^S`WS\QSa]Te`WbW\UT]`9gZWSO\R bVSg[WUVbZSO`\ Stewart Who? and Pagano Robert Smith, Southampton ;OR]\\OO\ROP]cb1VS`¸a·0SZWSdS¸]`WUW\OZZg OP]cbZWTSW\0`WbOW\ - a feel-good celebration 6W@]PS`b³eS¸`SUZOR PSW\UO;ORQVSabS`abgZSb`OQY³VO7eWZZPS PcbbVSgR]a]eWbV of all that’s good about bVObg]c¸`SZ]dW\UbVS aOdW\UbVObWaacSb]ORRb][gQ]ZZSQbW]\]T OVSOdg^]ZWbWQOZ clubbing. [OUOhW\SGSaeS >A0W\bS`dWSea³g]c[ORSbVWaTO\dS`gVO^^g PWOa6]eSdS`[]ab R]\]eRWab`WPcbSW\ BVSW`\SeOZPc[WaP`WZZWO\bO\RbVS\SfbaW\UZSWa ]TbVSaSg]c\U 0`WUVb]\PcbeS¸`S OeSa][S `SaSO`QVS`aO\R DREAM BEARS OT`OWReSVOdS\¸bU]b Baz, EC1 OQbWdWabaR]\]b Our favourite, cuddliest, O\g^ZO\ab]RWab`WPcbS Sf^S`WS\QS`SOZZWTSOa high-kicking cabaret act. R]e\b]A]cbVO[^b]\ ZWdSRPgbVS[OX]`Wbg]T Go Dream Bears! XcabgSb³eS¸`SOT`OWR WIN! bVS^]^cZObW]\W\`SOZ g]c¸ZZVOdSb]abWQYeWbV /\g]\SeV] X]Pa³bVSaS^]ZWbWQOZ bVS]\ZW\SdS`aW]\T]` VOaOZSbbS` eO\\OPSaZWdSW\bVS bVSbW[SPSW\U ^cPZWaVSR ·EVWbSVOZZdWZZOUS¸ W\bVS8c\S A]ZSb¸aVOdS!' WaacS]T UOg;>a³bV]cUV =cb7\BVS eVSbVS`aWf^S`QS\b WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT 1WbgeWZZ`SQSWdSOQ]^g]T WabVS`WUVbTWUc`S THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL \Se128cab2cabg@SZSOaSRb]Q]W\QWRSeWbV ]`\]bWaORWTTS`S\b eVObe]cZRVOdSPSS\2cabgA^`W\UTWSZR¸a%bV [ObbS`0cbbVSg PW`bVROgbVWaRSTW\WbWdSQ]ZZSQbW]\W\QZcRSaOZZVS` aV]cZRQ][ST`][ LIAM FASHION U`SObSabVWbaW\QZcRW\U·7=\ZgEO\\O0SEWbV [O\cTOQbc`W\UbVS Liam Gallagher has G]c¸71Z]aS;g3gSa/\R1]c\bB]BS\¸·A]\ aS`dWQSW\Rcab`WSabVS announced that he is to =T/>`SOQVS`;O\¸O\RZObS`b`OQYaacQVOa·7\ ^`]TSaaW]\abVSVSOZbV launch his own clothing line >`WdObS¸8cab2cabgWa`SZSOaSR8c\SbV`]cUV aS`dWQSO\RSRcQObW]\ – Pretty Green – specializing C\WdS`aOZ Z]QOZU]dS`\[S\b in clothing that he’d like to BVSe`WbS`]T8c\S¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdSO O\Rb`ORSac\W]\a wear himself. Don’t all rush at LOVING IT Q]^g]T8cab2cabgO\RbVS\SeZg`SZSOaSR2D2 bVS[WZWbO`gO\R once boys… /:]dSB]6WRSBVWaOeO`ReW\\W\U4`S\QV bVSS[S`US\Qg /TbS``SORW\Ug]c` TWZ[bSZZabVSbOZS]TOUOgQ]c^ZSW\]QQc^WSR aS`dWQSaQVO`WbWSabVS CHRIS MOYLES U`SObW\bS`dWSeeWbV 4`O\QSW\E]`ZREO`77eV]ab`cUUZSb]YSS^ [SRWObVS`SbW`SRO\R Has had his wrists slapped bVS>SbAV]^0]gaW\ bVSW``SZObW]\aVW^OaSQ`SbT`][bVSOcbV]`WbWSa bVSbe][WZZW]\^Zca by Ofcom for homophobic bVSZObSabWaacS7eOa ³^O`bWQcZO`ZgeVS\bVSgO`ST]`QSRb]bOYSO c\S[^Z]gSRO\R language in a so-called W[^`SaaSRb]ZSO`\ T]`[S`8SeWaVaQV]]ZT`WS\RW\b]VWRW\UeWbV T]`POZO\QS]\S humorous piece on Will V]e[O\g[]RS`\ bVS[/:]dSB]6WRSVOaXcabPSS\`SZSOaSR /ZSf0`gQS³Pcb\]b Young. And that new Channel O`bWababVSg`ObSO\R ]\2D2Pg>SQQORWZZ]>WQbc`SaG]cQO\]`RS`O VWaR]hS\a]TUOg 4 show is a bit rubbish too. QWbSOaW\TZcS\QSa Q]^gObeee^SQQO^WQaQ][ `SaSO`QVS`[ObSa PHOTO © BBC T`][;5;Bb]:ORg B]PSW\eWbVOQVO\QS]TeW\\W\UO^`WhS^ZSOaS G]c`aTOWbVTcZZg 5OUO7bVW\YWb¸aO\ PSac`Sb]W\QZcRSg]c`TcZZ\O[SO\R^]abOZ Lester May, Camden IRAQ Obb`OQbWdSO\R[]RSab ORR`SaaeWbVbVSZSbbS`g]caS\Rca3[OWZ Up to 25 gay men have been _cOZWbgW\OPO\R SRWb]`WOZ.]cb[OUQ]cY murdered in the newly- ]TbVSW`abObc`SO\R democratic Iraq in the last W\TZcS\QSb]a^SOYa] two months, prompting ^]aWbWdSZg]T[]RS`\ W\bS`dWSebVOb>A0¸a QOZZSR>W\Y>O`ZWO[S\b Amnesty International ^]^[caWQ³7¸[ OQbcOZZgVSZ^SRe`WbSWb I=cb7\bVS1Wbg to write to the country’s Sa^SQWOZZgW[^`SaaSR BVO\Ya]TbVS^WSQS ;O`QV 'KeOa president demanding action PgbVSW`QVO[^W]\W\U O\RYSS^c^bVSU]]R P]bVW\bS`SabW\UO\R to stop the killings.
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