![LINCOLN.] Clark Theophilus, Farmer Patchett John, Farmer Letters Are Received Through Great Hol'ton Thomas, Parish Clerk Sowerby F:Rancis, Farmer Grimsby at 1~.30 P.M](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DIRECTORY. 15 BARDNEY. [LINCOLN.] Clark Theophilus, farmer Patchett John, farmer Letters are received through Great HOl'ton Thomas, parish clerk Sowerby F:rancis, farmer Grimsby at 1~.30 p.m. which jil alSQ Lawson George, carpenter Ton William, farmer . tlle nearest :mouey order oiice BAR.DNZY, with S017TBR.BY, or S017'J,'HRO'W'; In an adjoining meadow, known as King's Hill Close, u and BAR.:Ol\TZY DAJ:R.J:BS. s barrow, to mark his burial-place. Tho abbey was EARDXEY, a parish, large village anq :railway station on destroyed by the Danes in 870, who murdered nearly all the the Hoston and Lincoln railway. and the east bank of the monks. After remaining in ruins 200 years, the abbey was Witham, in the western division of' the wapentake of rebuilt, in the rel?n of William the Conqueror, by Gilbert WraggoP, parts of Lindsey, North Lincolnshire, Lin- de Gaunt, Earl of Lincoln, who endowed it with tithes of coin union and diocese, and archdeaeonry and deanery of all hiil estates. The abbots were styled Lords of Lindiley, Wraggoe, 129 miles from London, 6 south from Wragby, 10 and t~nt aB peers in Parliament. The building filtood up()n east-by-south from Lincoln, and IO west from Horncastle, 6 acres of land, in a moated enclosur6 (lOntaining 25 contained in 185I (including the hamlets of Southrey, ac1>es. Theh· possessions received th~ last charter of royal Bardney Dairies, and Snakeholme) 1,329 inh~bitants, and confirmation 20tll of Henry VII . .l and it is conjectured 5,490 acres of land. The Great Northern railway passes that it possessed 20,000 acres of land, advowsons and through this parish, an~ there are stations at Bardney and pensions from churches, and an annual income of the Southrey. The livinf! is a discharged vicarage, in the present value of £16,000. The revenue was valued at diocese of J... incoln, value £180-..to which value it has been £429 7s., and after the Dissolution the site was granted increase!\ by the munificence of the Earl of Harrowby and to Sir Robert Tyrwhitt. The Earl of Harrowby is lord the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and in the patronage of of the manor. The principal charities consist of a Free the bishop; the Rev.W.,Valker, M.A., is the present incum- Grammar school, founded in 17ll by Thomas Kitching, bent. The church of St. Lawrence is a large edifice in the for the poor children of Bardney, Southrey, Tupholme, Gothic style, and consists of nave, aisles, chancel, and and Bucknall, who eudowed it with landed property tower containing 4 bells; the nave is separated fl'om the which produces £196 per annum,...-and also to relieve poor aisles by octagon pillars and pointed Gothic arches. The widows and apprentice pool' children of Southrey. fleter reg-ister dates from the year 1653. There are also three Handcock':o Hospital wail founded i:q 17l2 for 7 n1en and Wesleyan chapels, two at Bardney and one at Southrey; 7 women of Bardney, endowed with a w~kly payment of there is a Free school and a National school at Southrey. Is., coals, and, onoe in two years, clothing. Southrey has Here ia a W eslcyan school. Bardney Abbey was 198 people. founded before the year 697. Etheldred, King of S~4KEUOLM:& ~nd R\!lDN~Y DAIIUES are 2 miles Mercia, in 705 resigned his crown to become its &bbot. north. Bardney. !Green Eliza (Miss), mistress of Wes~ 1Smith Chades, boot & shoe maker Brown Mr. William Stephen, Pollox fen leyan school Smith Richard, builder Walker Rev. William, M.A, Vicarage Hall WUliam, tailor Todd Cornelius, coal dealet COMMERCIAL. Harrison Henry, bntche1• Todd Richard, farmer Brown William, brick & tile maker Hassell Charles, maste1• ofFree school Weston .John Bennett, grocer Brumpton George~ boot & shoe maker Hassell Eleanor Louisa An~ (~rs.), Willey William, llhopkeeper & boot & Cammack Rooort, carrier mistress of Free school shoe maker Clay John, farmer, Snakeholme Hird Solomon, miller & baker Southrey. Clipsham W m,plnmber,painter& glazie:r Holderness John, coal dealer COM<\JERCIAL. Clipsham Samuel, farmer Hnmphrey Samuel, Railwavlwtel Davis George, Blaster ot' National schl Cockett William,grocer, draper&post~" Hutchinson John, tailor East Thomas, farmer master _ · J ackson William, bricklayer Good year John, farmer ColtonFrancis, coal dealer & parish clerk Keaton John, tailor Good year Robert, beer retailer Cook J ames, saddler & harness maker Kennin~ton John, f~qmer Good year Thomas, farmer Cook Thomas, tailor Knott William, beer retail61' Holland Thomas, ,far1]\er Crowd er Thomas, miller Leach Thomas, fa1Tier Quincey John, beer ret11.iler Darnell William, farmer Leach William, castrator Robinson '.fhomas,. (llerk in charge, Dawson John, beer retailer Larder West, farruer, Abbey farm Railway station Dawson Richard, butcher Lowe 1\Iirza, land surveyor & accountant Smithsons William, farmer Dawson Thos. wheelwright & carpenter 1\Ialtby John Key, druggist & grocer Taylor William, farmer Dennis J ames, smith Moore Sarah (Mrs.), fa1•mer, Tllick TaylOl' Wm. farmer, shopkeeper & baker Dennis Richard, carpenter Thorn farm Tinley George White, farmer Dixon John, tailor Mowbray Jesse, farmer Turner John, baker Dixon Richard, farme1• Nelson John Sumners, shopkeeper Wrighton William, Greyhound. i1m2 ~ Dove Edward,plumber,painter &. glazier Noall Richard, master of Wesleyan schl wheelwright Edman John, boot & shoe make1· Overton Richat·d, carpenter~ wood dlr Bal'd:ney Dairies~ Edman William, baker Overton William, carpenter Chan1bers John, farmer Gambles William, farmer Parratt Matthias butcher Den ton J onathan farmer Gibbons John, Black Horse Pott Edwin, clerk in charge, Railway Han·ey George, farmer Gibbons Phillips, farmer station Hinds Joseph, farmer Gibson John Jereiniah, smith Riggall John, farmer Makey John, farmer Gollings George, Angel inn Sharpe John, farmer Pinning Ban, farmer PosT OFFICE.-William Cockett, receiver. Letters aiTive St. Lawl'ence's Church, Rev. Willlam Walker, X,A. virar by foot post fl;'om Wragby at 10 a.m.; are dispatched at PuBLIC ScHOOLS:- 3 p.m. Tbe nearest money o1·der office is at Wragby Free Grammar, Charles Hassell~ master; Mrs. Eleanor INSURANCE AGENT :-Briton Life, Thomas Crowder Louisa Ann Hassell, mistress Peter Handcock'.'l Hospital, 1\lr, John Sharpe, treasurer National, George Davi11, router to Charity trust(;}es lVesleyan, Richd, Noall, m~ter; 1\lilili Eli21a. Green, miStrs Commissioners to Drain the Fen Lands ·i:n Bm·dney, C.j\.RlUERs.-Robert Cammack (cart), to Horncastl~t Sauthrey, Tuplwlme, Bucknall, Rorsington, Sti:J:.., saturday, returning same day; to Lincoln, friday 1vould, Edlington ~ Thimbleby, meet at the Angel inn; WATER CoNVEYANCE.-.-William Knott k John Nelson'!! William Henry Hofdich, clerk packets to LinQolQ, friday1 returning ~Jlle day BAR.BOLM is a small, well-built village, 5 miles from tower is of a later period than the other portion of the Stamford, 4~ north.. west from Market Deeping, I~ north of church, and bean date 1648. On the exterior wall at the the Tallington station, and 4 from Essendine station of the top there is a very curio]ls inscription. The church has Great Northern railwjty, in the union of Stamford, and Ness -very recently been completely restored, under the superin­ • wapentake, parts of Kesteven, South Lincolnshire, diocese tendence of Edward Browning, Esq., of Stamfbrd. The and archdeaconry of Lincoln, contained in 1851 a popu.. living ii a vicarage, with Stow annexlild, value £16.'l, in the lation of 251 and 1,230 acres of land. David John gift of the Governors of Oakham and Uppingham schools, George Pea.ke Ullett, Esq., is lord of the manor. The who are also owners of some part of the land; tha incumbent church of St. Martin is a small but very ancient structure, is the Rev. William Turner, M.A., whu resides in ~ very in the Norman and transitio:q styles of architecture. The neat mansion adjoining the chu1·ch, Drury Mrs l :Brown Elmer, farmer Parldnson Richard, fanner • Parkinson M:r. Richard Chambers George, boot & shoe maker Pope J runes, carpenter Turner Rev. Wm. M.A.[-vicarJ,Vicarnge Charity John, farmer Warn Abraham, Five Horse Shoe6 inn llllett David John G~:rge Peake, t>Sq Cliff Robert, :farmer Wooda J olm, butcher & parish clerk COMMERCIAL. Cunnington John, wheelwr~~ht: ~ett~rs throngh Stamford byfuot pOirt, Panks George WWiam1 f~rmer Drnry george~ f~er •w~ucb lS the nearest mQney ~rder o~ .
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