Number 3 Volume 16 March 1988 Treasurer Alan F. Pegg Appointed Interim GM Alan F. Pegg, 42, who lot in accomplishing the Peat, Marwick, Mitchell joined the RTD in July, goals that will benefit our in Rock Island, Illinois 1987, as the District's riders and you," said and Davenport, Iowa. controller/treasurer, was Pegg. Pegg began his appointed Interim Pegg served for four higher education at the General Manager on and one-half years as the University of Chicago January 21. Pegg as- Department Manager of before graduating from sumed his new position Finance and Assistant the University of Illinois February 1. Treasurer of Metra, a at Chicago with a B.S. Pegg succeeds John commuter rail system degree in accounting. He A. Dyer who left his office serving the greater is a member of the on January 31 after more Chicago area. American Institute of than six years as general He also worked six Certified Public Account- manager. years for the Regional ants (AICPA) and the Pegg comes to the Transportation Authority Illinois Society of CPAs. District with a back- Interim General in Chicago, investing In his spare time, ground of more than 16 Manager Alan F. Pegg cash balances and Pegg enjoys working with years in finance, includ- performing special personal computers and ing 10 years of experience putting out a level of projects before being has designed several of with transit agencies in service at the most promoted to Accounting his own computer pro- Illinois. His appointment economical price possible. Manager. grams. He and his wife, was announced at a news In a greeting to the Before entering the Elizabeth, live in Dia- conference held at the employees of the District, world of transit, Pegg mond Bar with their two CMF January 21 by RTD Pegg said, "The employ- served as a stall member children: Alexander, 4, Board Vice-President ees of the RTD need to be and senior tax specialist and Christopher, 2. Carmen A. Estrada. "I proud of their organiza- for the accounting firm of am happy to announce tion. Current [media] that Alan Pegg is the coverage of the District is unanimous choice of this no reason not to continue board for the interim to be proud. We do a big general manager," she job in a big service area HQ Hosts "Farewell to Dr. Dyer" said. and I hope everyone will "We feel his financial continue to do a good Employees at the Head- manager's wife, Beth background and his job." While balancing the quarters Building as- Dyer, who was in atten- transit experience will budget, Pegg pledged to sembled on January 29 to dance at her husband's greatly enhance his keep as much service on say good-bye to General side. Korach presented ability to steer the the road as possible at Manager John A. Dyer. Dr. Dyer with a special, District through the next the lowest fares, to avoid Dr. Dyer announced custom-made bus sched- 90 days," Ms. Estrada wholesale layoffs while October 9, 1987 after ule bearing his employee said. balancing the budget, more than six years as number 2999. Pegg commented, and to move ahead with general manager that he General Manager "My first priority in the the construction of Metro would resign January 31. Alan F. Pegg credited Dr. interim period is to Rail. He was succeeded by Dyer with bringing "an balance the District's "In return, I ask for Alan F. Pegg, the unparalleled transit budget. A number of the your dedication, your District's former control- system—Metro Rail—to District's concerns are in ideas, and your fortitude. ler/treasurer. (See above Los Angeles." the financial area," said So armed, any obstacle for related story.) Legislative Analyst Pegg. "And, that fact can be overcome. And Assistant General Leila Procopio read made me a logical choice finally, I ask for your Manager for Operations letters from County for the position." Along continued personal Robert Korach extended Supervisors Kenneth with the budget concerns, support. Knowing I have opening remarks and Hahn and Edmund Pegg's goals include your support can mean a introduced the general continued on page 3... MARCH 1988 HEADWAY 2 ...continued from page 2 them they had every right to be very proud of Edelman whom she said themselves. "This system think very highly of Dr. carries more passengers Dyer but were unable to in one day than all the attend the ceremony domestic airlines com- because of the nurses' bined carry in one week. strike. A notable excerpt This is an enormous from Supervisor Hahn's tribute to this workforce." letter: "...Against great He encouraged them to opposition you got look forward to the funding for Metro Rail.... future. "My theme is I told you the job that a future ignored is a wouldn't be easy, but you future lost and can never rose to all the chal- be retrieved." He con- lenges." Assistant General Manager for Transit Systems cluded by saying that he Director of Equip- Development William Rhine presents Dr. Dyer looked forward to con- ment Maintenance Rich with an artist's rendering of the Fifth and Hill tinuing his work with the Davis and Equipment Streets Metro Rail Station signed by the Metro staff over the next few Maintenance Superinten- Rail staff. Beth Dyer sits to the left of her hus- months. Dr. Dyer will dent Sam Singer pre- band. continue his work on the sented Dr. Dyer with second phase (MOS-2) of Maintenance's ubiqui- maintenance and me- William Rhine gave Dr. the Metro Rail Project in tous, antique farebox chanics as he does," Dyer an artist's render- the capacity of a consult- lamp complete with referring in part to Dr. ing of a completed Metro ant to the RTD. lampshade. Director Dyer's skill in mechanics Rail station framed with The ceremony ended Davis praised Dr. Dyer's and his hobby of car the signatures of the with Dr. Dyer and his leadership and said, "It rebuilding. Metro Rail staff. wife receiving a long line isn't every general Assistant General In his final address to of employees bidding the manager who has such Manager for Transit the Headquarters Build- couple farewell and good an intimate knowledge of Systems Development ing staff, Dr. Dyer told luck for the future. Board Considers Fare and Service Adjustments RTD Board Directors tion. The Board also business subsidy support with distance-based received testimony from considered proposals for transit including surcharges for freeway the public at a hearing calling for employer and programs designed to express buses. The held February 20 in the increase the use of second proposal provided Headquarters Building existing local Proposition for a peak/off-peak regarding proposed fare A transit funds. structure for all bus and service adjustments. Three fare structure services with distance- District staff pre- The Board alternatives were pre- based surcharges for sented a set of recom- sented for public com- freeway express buses. mended fare and service may choose to ment and final considera- And, finally, the third tion by the Board. The option recommended a modifications to the implement the Board as a means to help Board may choose to distance-based (zone) ensure a balanced fare changes implement the fare fare structure for local budget. In Fiscal Year changes as soon as April and limited stop bus 1989, the District antici- as soon as 1. services with additional The first alternative distance-based sur- pates a $36.3 million April 1. budget shortfall due to proposed was a flat rate charges for freeway cutbacks in government schedule for local and subsidies for bus opera- 111111n111111n111n limited stop bus services continued on page 4... MARCH 1988 HEADWAY 3 ...continued from page 3 riders. During the peak during peak hours are monthly passes for period, Regular riders charged an additional 15 Elderly & Disabled and express buses. Each pay $1.15 and the Elderly cents per trip. The tost Student (K-12) riders are proposal is detailed below & Disabled pay 55 cents. of a transfer is reduced to $17 and College/Voca- including fee schedules. Fares are determined 5 cents for Elderly & tional passes are no based on the time the Disabled riders and longer offered. Flat Fare Schedule rider boards the bus. For retained at 10 cents for The flat fare struc- example, a rider boarding all other riders. Peak fares would be ture increases the Regu- at 6:30 a.m. would pay a Cash surcharges for lar cash fare to $1 and peak fare, while riders Express services are 40 charged between the the Regular monthly pass boarding at 9:30 a.m. or cents per express zone hours of 6:00-9:00 a.m. to $40. Cash fares for at 2:30 p.m. would pay (20 cents for Elderly & and 3:00-6:00 p.m. Elderly & Disabled riders the off-peak price. Disabled) and monthly rise by 50 cents. The Passes are offered in Express Stamps are $14 price of a transfer re- both off-peak and peak per zone ($7 for Elderly & With a 40 cents zone mains at 10 cents for versions. A $34 Regular Disabled and Students). charge, monthly Local Regular riders but is off-peak pass allows Express Surcharges are Zone Stamps are sold for reduced to 5 cents for unlimited travel on all the same in the peak as $16 ($8 for the Elderly & Elderly & Disabled local and limited-stop in the off-peak period. Disabled and Student [K- patrons. Prices for 12]). Monthly Express unlimited use passes for Distance Based (Zone) Stamps for freeway the Elderly & Disabled Fare travel are also $16 with a and Student (K-12) riders In Fiscal Year 1989, This structure allows 40 cents cash zone increases to $20 per riders who travel short surcharge, with $8 month.
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