Questionnaire University:- Pune. Department: • IVIanagement Sciences. Research Center:- National Insurance Academy. Dear sir/Madam, I believe that you are the spokesperson for thousands of people who make use of computer software systems for a variety of activities in the day-to-day business operations. Since I am interested in knowing how we can improve the existing computer software systems to meet user needs, I ask for your help. I hope that this study will help in surfacing better ways of utilizing computer software systems to improve operations in various organizations. Would you therefore fill the questionnaire by answering the questions and return it to me. I will collect the questionnaire at your very convenience time. I assure you that am in no way connected to the company and the information will help contribute towards my PhD Research project in "A Study of Computer Software Application In Operation Management In Selected Industrial Units In Pune area". The information supplied by you will be sthctly treated as confidential. The study is only for academic purposes only. Thanking you. Yours Truly. Sign: . Nyangera Ronald Gesicho. 287 Instructions: (Please select your choice from the provided options by marking inside the box with \ X ] And fill all spaces provided^ Section I: - Personal Information. i) Name and address of the respondent: Phone ii) Gender: - Male [ Female [ iii) Designation iv) No of years worked in the company Age_ v) Certificate of qualifying exam employed with_ Section II: - General Company information. Q. 1) Company started: (Year) Number of employees, Q. 2) Product(s) Produced Q. 3) Number of production centers. a) In Pune b) In other states of India c)ln other countries Q. 4) i)Areas of marketing company products. a) [ ] In Pune only. b) [ ] Within Maharashtra only, c) [ ] In India only. d) [ ] In Asia region only. e) [ ] In India and in other Countries. Q. 5) Company is owned by a) [ ] Indian investor(s) b) [ ] Foreign investor(s 288 Q. 6) Company type. a) [ ] Public Ltd Company. b) [ ] Private Ltd Company. c) [ ] Cooperative Ltd Company d) [ ] Private Company. e)[ ] Other(Specify) Q. 7) Major Clients a) [ ] Government(s)1 b)[ ] Companies. c) [ ] General d)[ ] Individuals. Q. 8). Business type. a) [ ] Manufacturing b)[ ] Service. c) [ ] Production d)[ ] Processing. e) [ ] Others (Specifyfv) Q. 9). Major Departments of the company/organization. Section 3: • To be filled by IT Personnel of the companies surveyed Q. 1). i) Type of computer software system of the company. a) [ ] Fully computerized. b) [ ] Partly computerized. c) [ ] Not computerized, ii) Why partly computerized? Hi) If not computerized when is the company expected to computenze its operations? 289 iv) If not computerized, what are the constraints that hinder the company from computerizing business operations? a)[ ] Budgetary constraints. b)[ ] Financial constraints. a) Others constraints (Specify): v) What future plans do you have in further development and improvement of computer software systems used in the company? vi) What is the future expected benefits are you expecting out of improving computer software systems of the company? Q. 2) Financial allocations for computer software systems of your company: Allocation Year 2002 Year 2003 Year 2004 Hardware Software Training IT staff Maintenance of software Other IT related expenses 290 ii) Expenditure in IT in tine period from 2002 to 2004. Expenditure Year 2002 Year 2003 Year 2004 Hardware Software Training IT staff ' Maintenance of software , Other IT related expenses Q .3) i) Company Turnover Year end 2003 Year end 2002 Year end 2003 Year end 2004 ii) Is change in turnover attributed to changes in computation processes? a)[ ]Yes b)[ ]No c)[ ] I don't know. iii) Apart from computer software systems, what do you think may have contributed to the changes indicated in change in turnover of the company? Q 4) Total number of Computers in the organization a) Number of servers b) Number of terminals_ Q 5) i) Total number of employees a) Working directly in IT department. b) Working with computers ii) Are there trained employees in IT but not working directly in IT? a)Yes[ ] b)No [ ] c)[ ] I don't know. 291 iii) Are there employees untrained in IT but working in IT section? a) Yes[ ]. b) No [ ]. C) [ ] I don't know. v) Does the company train all its employees working in IT section? a)[ ]Yes b)[ ]No c)[ ]l don't know, vi) If training is given for how long? a) Managers and Management team i)[ ]0-1 months ii) [ ]1-2 months iii) [ ] 2-3 months iv) [ ]3-4 months v) [ ] 4-5 months vi) [ ]5-6 months vii) [ ] six months and above. b) Operations Staff, i)[ ] 0-1 month ii)[ ]1-2 months iii)[ ] 2-3 months iv)[ ]3-4 months v)[ ]4-5 months vi)[ ]5-6 months vii)[ ] six months and above. vii) What would you suggest to be done to untrained employees in IT section to improve their input to the company? Q 6). i) Type of computer software systems used? a) [ ] Bought ready made. b) [ ] designed purposely for the company. ii)Reasons why the company went for the above software? iii) Is the computer software system fully supporting the scope of business operations of the company? a)[ ]Yes b)[ ]No. c)[ ] I don't know. iv) Is the computer software system easy to learn its usage and how to use it? a) [ ] Yes. b) [ ] No. c)[ ] I don't know v) Is the company using all the designed software in their operations? 292 a)[ ]Yes. b)[ ] No, c) [ . ] I dont know. vi) If not, why is the company not using all its designed computer software system in the business operations? Q 7). Operating system(s) of the company. a) [ ] Unix b) [ ] Windows, c) [ ] Linux. d)[ ] DOS e)[ ] Macintosh. f) Others (Specify). Q. 8) i). Type of computer software system being used by the company; a) [ ] Accounts software, b) [ ] Office software. c) [ ] Manufacturing software. c)[ ] Processing software. d)[ ] Others(Specify) Q 9) Network type of the company: a) [ ] Stand alone computer(s) b) [ ] Local Area Network. c) [ ] Metropolitan Area Network. d) [ ] Wide area Network. e) [ ] Intranet. f) [ ] Internet. g) [ ] Extranet. Q. 10). Cases under which computer software update is carried out in your organization (tick mark all options you agree with) a) [ ] Meet market requirements and functionalities. b) [ ] Meet new innovation and inventions. c) [ ] Meet standards of competition from other rival companies. d) [ ] Minimizing bugs, e) [ ] Any other(Specify) 293 Questionnaire University:- Pune. Department: • Management Sciences. Research Center:- National Insurance Academy. Dear sir/Madam, I believe that you are the spokesperson for thousands of people who make use of computer software systems for a variety of activities in the day-to-day business operations. Since I am interested in knowing how we can improve the existing computer software systems to meet user needs, I ask for your help. I hope that this study will help in surfacing better ways of utilizing computer software systems to improve operations in various organizations. Would you therefore fill the questionnaire by answering the questions and return it to me. I will collect the questionnaire at your very convenience time. I assure you that am in no way connected to the company and the information will help contribute towards my PhD Research project in "A Study of Computer Software Application In Operation Management In Selected Industrial Units In Pune area". The information supplied by you will be strictly treated as confidential, The study is only for academic purposes only. Thanking you. Yours Truly. Sign: . Nyangera Ronald Gesicho. 294 Instructions: (Please select your choice(s) from the provided options by marking inside the box with [ X ] and by filling all spaces provided) in the questionnaire. Section I: - Personal Details. Your name and address: Phone ii) Gender: - Male [ ] Female [ iii) Designation iv) No of years worked in the company Age_ v) Certificate of qualifying exam employed with II) General questions to be filled by any departmental manager/head of the company surveyed. Q 1) i) Impact of computer software systems in supporting the day-to-day business activities/operations: a) [ ] Very highly supportive b) [ ] Highly supportive c) [ ] Fairly Supportive c) [ ] Poorly Supportive d) [ ] Not Supportive. ii) Suggest improvements required in the system to improve it usage in the day-to-day business operations/ activities. Q. 2) I) The impact of computer software system in reducing cycle-time of production per unit output a)[ ] Very highly Reduced b)[ ] Highly Reduced c)[ ] Fairly Reduced c)[ ] Poorly Reduced d)[ ] Not Reduced Q. 2) II) Cycle time reduced in per unit output (Percentage wise) 295 a)[ ] Below 10 percent b) [ ] 10-20 percent c) [ ] 20-30 percent d)[ ] 30-40 percent e) [ ] 40-50 percent f) [ ] above 50 percent Q 3) i) Computer software system in supporting financial accounts and records management systems to improve operations. a) [ ] Very fiighly supportive b) [ ] Highly supportive c) [ ] Fairly Supportive c) [ ] Poorly Supportive d) [ ] Not Supportive. Q 3) ii) Suggest any improvements required in the computerized financial accounts and records management systems to improve operations. - Q 4) i) Support of the computer software systems in the inventory control and management operation systems. a) [ ] Very highly supportive b) [ ] Highly supportive c) [ ] Fairly Supportive c) [ ] Poorly Supportive d) [ ] Not Supportive. ii) Suggest any improvements required in the inventory control and management computer software system: Q 5). i) Support of the computer software systems in stores keeping and management a) [ ] Very highly supportive. b) [ ] Highly supportive. c) [ ] Fairly Supportive. c) [ ] Poorly Supportive. d) [ ] Not Supportive. Q 5) ii) Suggest ways of improving the computer software system to enhance stores keeping and management operations. Q 6) i) Support of the computer software system in marketing management operations: a)[ ] Very highly supportive b) [ ] Highly supportive c) [ ] Fairly Supportive c) [ ] Poorly Supportive d) [ ] Not Supportive.
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