CBP Export Manifest Appendix O

CBP Export Manifest Appendix O

CBP Export Manifest Appendix O - Schedule K February 2018 CBP Export Manifest Schedule K Appendix O This appendix provides a complete listing of foreign port codes in Alphabetical order by country. Foreign Port Codes Code Ports by Country Albania 48100 All Other Albania Ports 48109 Durazzo 48109 Durres 48100 San Giovanni di Medua 48100 Shengjin 48100 Skele e Vlores 48100 Vallona 48100 Vlore 48100 Volore Algeria 72101 Alger 72101 Algiers 72100 All Other Algeria Ports 72123 Annaba 72105 Arzew 72105 Arziw 72107 Bejaia 72123 Beni Saf 72105 Bethioua 72123 Bona 72123 Bone 72100 Cherchell 72100 Collo 72100 Dellys 72100 Djidjelli 72101 El Djazair 72142 Ghazaouet 72142 Ghazawet 72100 Jijel 72100 Mers El Kebir 72100 Mestghanem 72100 Mostaganem 72142 Nemours 72179 Oran Schedule K Appendix O F-1 CBP Export Manifest 72189 Skikda 72100 Tenes 72179 Wahran American Samoa 95101 Pago Pago Harbor Angola 76299 All Other Angola Ports 76299 Ambriz 76299 Benguela 76231 Cabinda 76299 Cuio 76274 Lobito 76288 Lombo 76288 Lombo Terminal 76278 Luanda 76282 Malongo Oil Terminal 76279 Namibe 76299 Novo Redondo 76283 Palanca Terminal 76288 Port Lombo 76299 Porto Alexandre 76299 Porto Amboim 76281 Soyo Oil Terminal 76281 Soyo-Quinfuquena term. 76284 Takula 76284 Takula Terminal 76299 Tombua Anguilla 24821 Anguilla 24823 Sombrero Island Antigua 24831 Parham Harbour, Antigua 24831 St. John's, Antigua Argentina 35700 Acevedo 35700 All Other Argentina Ports 35710 Bagual 35701 Bahia Blanca 35705 Buenos Aires 35703 Caleta Cordova 35703 Caleta Olivares 35703 Caleta Olivia 35711 Campana 35702 Comodoro Rivadavia 35700 Concepcion del Uruguay 35700 Diamante 35700 Ibicuy Schedule K Appendix O F-2 CBP Export Manifest 35737 La Plata 35740 Madryn 35739 Mar del Plata 35741 Necochea 35779 Pto. General San Martin 35779 Puerto Borghio 35745 Puerto Deseado 35740 Puerto Madryn 35700 Puerto Quequen 35779 Puerto San Lorenzo 35700 Punta Quilla 35700 Rio Gallegos 35702 Rivadavia 35771 Rosario 35700 San Antonio 35779 San Lorenzo 35781 San Nicolas 35785 San Pedro 35700 San Sebastian Bay 35700 Santa Cruz 35791 Santa Fe 35700 Ushuaia 35795 Villa Constitucion 35796 Zarate Aruba 27703 Barcadera 27701 Orangestad 27701 Oranjestad 27701 Paarden Baai 27701 Paarden Bay 27702 San Nicolas Bay 27702 Sint Nicolaas Baai 27702 St. Nicolaas Australia 60200 Abbot Point 60201 Adelaide 60200 Albany 60200 All Other Australia Ports 60299 All Other Tasmania Ports 60276 Androssan 60299 Beauty Point 60290 Bell Bay 60205 Botany Bay 60200 Bowen 60210 Brisbane 60200 Broome 60213 Bunbury 60214 Bundaberg Schedule K Appendix O F-3 CBP Export Manifest 60291 Burnie 60200 Cairns 60281 Clarence River 60212 Dalrymple Bay 60218 Dampier 60220 Darwin 60299 Devonport 60282 Esperance 60222 Fremantle 60225 Geelong 60224 Geraldton 60231 Gladstone 60227 Gove 60237 Hasting 60212 Hay Point 60295 Hobart 60234 Kwinana 60297 Launceston 60217 Liezen 60200 Lucinda 60204 MacKay 60237 Melbourne 60200 Milner Bay 60239 Mourilyan Harbour 60240 Newcastle 60243 Perth 60249 Port Alma 60219 Port Hedland 60252 Port Kembla 60258 Port Pirie 60261 Portland 60299 Risdon 60267 Sydney 60200 Thursday Island 60273 Townsville 60200 Varanus Oil Terminal 60200 Wallaroo 60200 Warrnambool 60275 Weipa 60280 Westernport 60200 Whyalla 60200 Williamstown 60200 Wyndham 60281 Yamba 60237 Yarraville Azores 47150 All Other Azores Ports 47150 Angra Do Heroismo Schedule K Appendix O F-4 CBP Export Manifest 47150 Horta 47151 Ponta Delgada 47152 Praia 47152 Praia De Vitoria 47155 Terceira Islands 47150 Vila Do Porto Bahamas 23640 Abaco-Snake Cay 23600 All Other Bahamas Ports 23672 Andros Island 23630 Arawak Cay 23683 Bimini Island 23600 Browns Cays 23684 Castaway Cay 23620 Cat Cays 23660 Cat Island 23640 Cherokee Sound 23641 Chub Cay 23635 Clarence Town 23675 Clifton Pier 23675 Clifton Point 23640 Coco Cay 23636 Duncan Town 23619 Eleuthera Island 23621 Exuma 23645 Freeport, Grand Bahama Island 23600 Fresh Creek 23640 Gorda Cay 23623 Governors Harbour 23640 Great Abaco Island 23643 Great Harbour Cay 23653 Great Inagua 23642 Great Stirrup Cay 23640 Green Turtle Cay 23683 Gun Cay 23624 Half Moon Cay 23619 Harbour Island 23635 Long Island 23640 Marsh Harbour 23653 Matthew Town 23600 Mayaguana Island 23661 Nassau, New Providence Island 23665 Ocean Cay 23672 Port Andros 23646 Port Lucaya 23650 Port Nelson 23636 Ragged Island 23650 Rum Cay Schedule K Appendix O F-5 CBP Export Manifest 23600 San Salvador 23645 South Riding Point 23622 Spanish Wells 26344 Treasure Cay 23667 Walker Cay 23647 West End 23600 Whale Cay Bahrain 52502 Al Manamah Harbor 52500 All Other Bahrain Ports 52502 Manama 52501 Mina Sulman 52500 Sitra 52500 Sitrah Bangladesh 53800 All Other Bangladesh Ports 53820 Chalna 53827 Chittagong 53820 Khulna 53800 Mongla 53800 Mungla Anchorage Barbados 27201 Bridgetown 27210 Oistino 27213 Speightstown Belgium 42300 All Other Belgium Ports 42305 Antwerp 42305 Anvers 42311 Bruges 42311 Brugge 42315 Brussels 42315 Bruxelles 42300 Ertvelde 42331 Gand 42331 Gent 42331 Ghent 42300 Haren 42385 Hemiksem 42385 Himixen 42300 Humbeek 42351 Ostend 42300 Rieme 42306 Schelde 42306 Schelde Terminal 42300 Selzaete 42300 Terdonck Cluysen 42300 Terdouk Schedule K Appendix O F-6 CBP Export Manifest 42300 Vilvoorde 42300 Vilvorde 42381 Zeebrugge 42300 Zelzate 42300 Zwijndrecht 42300 Zwyndrecht Belize 20801 Belize 20802 Big Creek 20803 Danigriga 20800 Other Belize Ports 20800 Punta Gorda 20800 San Pedro 20803 Stann Creek Benin 76100 All Other Benin Ports 76101 Cotonou 76100 Grand Popo 76102 Seme Terminal Bermuda 23299 All Other Bermuda Ports 23299 Freeport, Ireland Island 23201 Hamilton 23251 St. Georges 23251 Saint Georges Brazil 35198 Abaetetuba 35198 Alenquer 35198 All Other Brazil Ports North of Recife 35199 All Other Brazil Ports South of Recife 35198 Amarracao 35107 Angra dos Reis 35159 Antonina 35199 Aracaju 35198 Aracati 35115 Aratu 35198 Areia Branca 35159 Barao de Teffe 35121 Barcarena 35199 Barro do Riacho 35121 Belem 35198 Boa Vista 35123 Breves 35127 Cabedelo 35198 Camocim 35133 Ceara 35133 Fortaleza 35137 Ilheus Schedule K Appendix O F-7 CBP Export Manifest 35178 Imbituba 35139 Itacoatiara 35138 Itajai 35138 Itajay 35135 Itaqui 35127 Joao Pessoa 35198 Luis Correia 35165 Macapa 35141 Maceio 35113 Madre de Deus 35137 Malhado 35144 Manaus 35198 Mossoro 35133 Mucuripe 35164 Munguba 35157 Natal 35171 Niteroi 35158 Obidos 35198 Oriximina 35121 Para 35159 Paranagua 35163 Parnahyba 35163 Parnaiba 35120 Pecem 35199 Pelotas 35169 Pernambuco 35166 Point Ubu 35168 Ponta da Madeira 35166 Ponta do Ubu 35120 Port do Pecem 35135 Port Itaqui 35165 Port Santana 35198 Portel 35167 Porto Alegre 35199 Portocel 35160 Praia Mole 35169 Recife 35171 Rio de Janeiro 35173 Rio Grande 35181 Salvador 35167 Santa Clara 35165 Santana 35198 Santarem 35177 Santos 35179 Sao Francisco do Sul 35135 Sao Luiz de Maranhao 35198 Sao Miguel dos Macaos 35177 Sao Paulo 35175 Sao Sebastio Schedule K Appendix O F-8 CBP Export Manifest 35170 Saupe 35185 Itaguai 35185 Sepetiba Bay 35107 Tebig 35198 Termisa Terminal 35161 Tramandai 35176 Trombetas 35160 Tubarao 35163 Tutoia 35163 Tutoya 35198 Urucara 35195 Victoria 35121 Vila do Conde 35195 Vitoria British Indian Ocean Territory 78100 All Other British Indian Ocean Territory 78101 Diego Garcia British Virgin Islands 24815 Port Purcell 24815 Road Harbour, Tortola 24815 Road Town, Tortola Island 24813 Virgin Gorda Brunei 56100 All Other Brunei Ports 56100 Lumut 56151 Muara Port 56150 Seria Bulgaria 48700 All Other Bulgaria Ports 48702 Bourgas 48702 Burgas 48707 Varna Burma 54600 All Other Burma Ports 54601 Rangoon 54600 Tavoy 54601 Yangon Cambodia 55500 All Ports in Cambodia 55500 Kampong Saom 55500 Kampot 55500 Phnom Penh 55500 Sihanoukville Cameroon 74299 All Other Cameroon Ports 74201 Bonaberi 74298 Cap Limboah Schedule K Appendix O F-9 CBP Export Manifest 74298 Cap Limboh 74201 Douala 74297 Garoua 74201 Kole Terminal 74213 Kribi 74298 Limbe 74298 Limboh Terminal 74296 Moudi Terminal 74298 Tiko 74298 Victoria Canada 12203 Alert Bay, BC 08525 Algoma, ONT 13400 All Other Canada Atlantic Region Ports 09000 All Other Canada Great Lakes Region Ports 12200 All Other Canada Pacific Region Ports 15298 All Other Labrador Ports 15200 All Other Newfoundland Ports 03504 Amherstburg, ONT 15213 Argentia, NFLD 13846 Auld’s Cove, NS 13400 Back Bay, NB 13855 Baddeck, CBI 15298 Baffin Island, NFLD 13481 Baie Comeau, QUE 01653 Bath, ONT 13458 Bathurst, NB 15205 Bay Roberts, NFLD 13459 Bayside, NB 12215 Beale Cove, BC 01806 Beauharnoi, QUE 13435 Beaver Harbour, NB 13441 Becancour, QUE 12216 Bella Coola, BC 13442 Belledune, NB 13450 Blacks Harbor, NB 13400 Bliss Harbor, NB 12214 Blubber Bay, BC 13829 Boca Sec, NB 15200 Bonavista, NFLD 15214 Botwood, NFLD 09665 Bowmanville, ONT 09000 Bridgeburg, ONT 13400 Bridgetown, NS 13850 Bridgewater, NS 01528 Britt, ONT 01694 Brockville, ONT 08526 Bruce Mine, ONT Schedule K Appendix O F-10 CBP Export Manifest 15201 Bull Arm, NFLD 15200 Burgeo, NFLD 12495 Burnaby, BC 12200 Butedale, BC 13410 Cacouna, QUE 12207 Campbell River, BC 13444 Campbellton, NB 13445 Campobello, NB 12213 Cape Beale, BC 15206 Carbonear, NFLD 01705 Cardinal, ONT 02641 Cayuga, ONT 13445 Chance Harbor, NB 13466 Chandler, QUE 14471 Charlottetown, PEI 13460 Chatham, NB 12229 Chemainus, BC 13473 Chicoutimi, QUE 14001 Churchill, MAN 15224 Clarenville, NFLD 13476 Pointe Noire, QUE 13451 Clarke Harbour, NS 13451 Clarke's Harbour, NS 01527 Clarkson, ONT 15226 Coley’s Point, NFLD 13481 Comeau Bay, QUE 15229 Come-by-Chance, NFLD 15220 Conception Bay, NFLD 13482 Contrecoeur, QUE 15231 Corner

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