there is no listing for a station its preceding Program WAAT 870 1 WBYN 1430 1 WHOM 1480 WMCA 570 WOV 1260 Is one air.Last-minute changes. If any. in today's pro- WABC 880 WEAF 660 WINE 1000 WNEW 1130 WPA.T 930 gram appear on the index page of the main news section. WBBR 1330 WEVD 1330 WJZ 770 WNYC 830 WQXR 158S THE WEEK'S Changes for other days are Included in the daily programs. WBNX 1380 WIEN 1050 WLIB RADIO PROGRAMS [the 1190 WOE 710 WWEL 180f TODAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1943 MORNING WABC-Bnglish Music TODAY. SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1943 AFTERNOON WOE-Thj Is Port Dix 4 :00-WOE-Variety Music 7 :OOW3Z_oncert Mu1c S :55-WQXR-N,ws ; Erno Balogh ; MusicIp :00-WEAF-Modern Music WJ-1Cjdoodlers' Music WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins :55-WQXR.-News ; Sympbony Hall 9 :45-WJZ-Ella Fitzgerald. Songs WNYCSUur1e Syphoy lO:OO-WEAP-Prayer and Its Answcr-Dr WABC_Btll Costello, Comments WJZ-Able to Withstand-Dr. Paul WEYC-Virginia Mauret, Soprano 8 :00-WIIAF-Whiteman Orchestra; Dinah \VEVD-Bryce Oliver, CommentS WHN-Badio Newsreel Ernest F. Tittle WOR-Mystery Hail Scherer WNEW-Yohn B. Kennedy Comments Shore; Billy Gsxton and Victor S :55-WQXR-News ; Music \VNEW-Recorded Music WOR-News.-.A.rtlur Van Horn WJZ-Weekly War Journal WMCA-Varlety Program WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WQXR-Gilbert-Suhiivan Music Moore. Mike Pingatore, Guests 10 OU-\VEAF-Spitainy Au-Girl Orchestra '7 :3O.WNW_News; MUSic WZ-Gypsy Serenade WABC-Salt Lake City Tabernacle WNYC-Virginia ilolte. 'cello WNYC-Budapcst String Quartet S :O3-WMCA'--Variety Music WOR-American Forum WOE-John B. Hughes, Comments :45,.WOR..S1lver Stra1n Music WABC-burch of the Air Choit' and Organ WEN-Harry Herslmfield, Comments ;O5-WMCA-Old Refrain S :05-WJZ-Here's to Romance tVJZ-Roy Porter, Comments WABO-Take It or Leave It-Quiz S:OO.W&p.ew5. Organ Recital WMCA-N. Y Times News Bulletins WMCA-N. V. Times News Bulletins WNBW-News ; Recorded Music t :15-WOE-N. Y. Manpower Stabilization 6 :15'-WABC-Dear John-Irene Rich WADC-.Bob Trout, Comments; WMCA-.Good-Will Hour (Aiso WJ1 WOR-News; Childrens Concert WNTC-Opera Excerpts WNYC-Mieing Persons Alarms WEVD-Jewish Melodies Plan-Tom Murtha, Clarence Stoll WNYC-News Reports Waiter Cassel, Baritone ;Music WHN-Recorded Music WNBW-Swing Billies Music 1 :45-WJZ-Martin Agronsky, CommentS WNEW-From London: J. B. Priest- WhiR-Sports Resume WJZ-News; Morning MinStrela WEN-Detroit Bible Class WEVD-News In Yiddish; Music WABC-Colol Stoopnagle. Quiz Icy, Comments WMCA-N, Y. Times News Bulletins WEVD-Studi0 Music WABC_New ; Organ Recital IO:O3-W5&CA-Recorded Dance Music WQXR-Syniphonic Music WHN-Basebail :Dodgers-Phllhies 6 :25-WQXE-News Reports WNYC-Wagner Chamber EnseDble 10 :15WOR-Song Spinners Quartet WMCA_N. Y. Times News BuI1etjn 1O:j5WO-5', lCingdon. Comments WQXR-Tglk-Norman Thomas 4 :30-WRAP-Lands of the Free-Play 6 :30-WEAF-Tha Cleat Gildersleeve WHN-Caivary Baptist Church 10 :SO-WEAF-Quiz: What's My Name WNYC-The Star Gazer WTZ.-Tosn Terriss. Stories 12 :O$-WMCA-Xavier Cugat Records WOE-Manhattan Beach Coast Guard WOE-Upton Close, Comments WHEW-Stars and Stripes in Britain WOE-John Stanley, Comments 'N-RCCOrded MUBIC ID :8O-%RAP-chIldzen PrograQ WNYC-New Reports 2 :00-WEAF--Chlcago Round Table Station Orchestra WJZ-Free World Theatre WEVD-Irish Melodies Variety WABC-_Man Behind the Gun-PlaF SflS-WMC--Sacred Heart Frograin WOR-paujine Alpert. Piano 15 :IS-WMCA-News; Recorded Music WOE-The Show Shop WJZ-Green Hornet-Drama WAEC-Sergeant Gene Autry S :03-WMCA-Recorded Music WNEW-News :Dance Music S:3O-WAp_wjout Fear an4 Without WJZ__Sottthernaires Quartet WNYC-Treasury Concert WJZ_-Chaplaln Jim. U. 2. A.-Play WABC-Kostelanetz Orchestra ;Dor- WMCA-Ave Maria Program S :15-WJZ-Nejghbore-gketch WEVD-James W. Wise, Comments Reproacb-:a Palmer Lewis WABC..-.Wings Over Jordan WQXR-Symphonic Music WABC-St. Louis Municipal Opera othy Maynor, Soprano WNYC-Preedom's Workshop 8 :30-WEAF-One Man's Family-Sketch 10 :43-WOE-Hill Orchestra WMCA.-News; Buddy Clark Records12 :SQ-WEAS'-Tbat They Might Live-Play WMCA-The Pilgrim Hour WMCA-Young People's Church WHN-Voice of Prophecy WJZ-Inner Sanctum Mystery WHN-SportsMarty Glickinan WOIi-TJnle Don Read, the Comici WRN-Anieriean Eagle Club WOR-Soldiers of the Press WEVD-News; Music (Off 3-8) WNEW-News; Dance Mugic WNBW-News; Dance Music WABO-Draina, Crime Doctor WEVO-Treasury Star Parade WJY,-Woodshedders Music WJZ-$tars From the Blue WQXR_Tresury War Bond Concert WNYC-Lohita Uainsborg, Piano WMCA-Headlines on Parade WABc_on Muzic WNEW-News; Recorded Music WABC-'Pransatlantic Call 2 :15-WNEW-Ratjon News-George Brooks4:85-WEAF, WQXR-News Reports WQXR-Concet Orchestra 10 :5O-WQXE-News ;Just Music WMCA-Newg ; Recorded Music WQXE-Vjofln Music WHN-Sports-Sam Taub 5 :00-WRAP-NBC Summer Symphony S :45-WOE-The Ruinor Detective WNYC-Pbilharmrjonic Symphony, ii :00-WRAP, WJZ-News Reports WNW-Nws ; Meditation! 10:45-WOR--Charles Hodges. Comments S :SO-WEAF--John Charles Thomas, Earl- WOE-Leo Cherne, Comments 'I :00-WEAF-Those We Love-Sketch Lewjsohn Stadium (to 10) WOE, WABC-News ; Dance Musie 1O:55-WQXR-News: Brief Classics WNPIW-News ;Hillbilly Music tone ; Young Orchestra WOR-Ellington Orchestra WNEW-News ; Dance Music WMCA-N. V. Times News Summar WQXR-BreaIcast Symphony WQXR-Ernmanuelfna Pizzuto, Piano WOR-News; Variety Show WJZ-Whsre Do We Stand?-John W. S :45-WOE--Gabriel Heatter, Cornmenti WHN-Radio Newsreel Z:45..WB&p_30000 County Neighbors 11:OO-WOR-U. S. Marines Program 12 :45-WOE--News ; Tro Harper WJZ-Sammy Haye Orchestra 'Tandercook; Major George F. Eliot WJZ.-Drew Pearson, Comments WHN-News Reports WABO_Golden Gate Quartet WJZ-Ns; Orchestra WQXR-Words Are Bullets_play WABC-World News WABC-Paflfly Hour WABC-Chips Davis, Commando WEVD-News Reports WEVD-Heip Wanted News ; Music WNYC-News; Masterworks Music WABO-News; Egon Petri, Piano 12 :55-WQXR-Newe ; Religious Talk WNEW-News; Studio Music WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WMCA-N Y. Times News BulletinsS :55-WABC-Ned Calmer, Comments 11 :0I-WMCA-Talks and Music WBN-News; Religious Talk WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins 2 :55-WABC-.-Mary Ann Mercer, Songs WNYC-Nutley Chamber Ensemble WNYC-Masterwork Hour 11 :15-WEAF--Cesar Searchinger, News 8:53-WQXR_News; Concert Music WNYC-Rarry Davis, Piano 1:00-WEAP-Rupert Hughes, Comments WQXR-Viennese Music WHN-G. H. Combs Jr., Comments 9 :00-WEAF-Machattan Merry-Go-Round VJZ-E1dward Tomlinson (Record) WHN-Mail Call; Music WOE-Studio Music WQXB-News; Opera Itxcerpts 5 :03-WMCA-Recorded Music WNEW-Treasury Star Parade WOE-Music for an Hour 11 :SO-WEAF--Tjnlfmited Horizons-Sketch :OO-WEA, WJZ-World News WJZ-ThiIs Official 8:00-WEAF-Reports on Rationing S :15-WOE-Jerome Orchestra WQXR-Brahms Music WJZ-Walter Winchell, Comments WJZ-Dance Music WOR-Fjesta MuSIc WEVD-Muslc and Sketches WABC-Church of the Air WJZ-Moylan Sisters, Songs WABC-Radio Reader's Digest WNEW-News ; Dance Music WABC_News; E. Power Blggs, OrganU:O3-WMCA-$tecorded Music WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WABC-New York Philharmonic- 5 :30-WOE-Bulldog Drummond-Sketcit I :03-WMCA-Recorded Music WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletin WMCA_N. Y. Times News BuUetlnzI_i :15-WQXR.-.-Religion Between Two Wars WIZ-The Musical Steelmakers 'I :15-WJZ-Songs America Loves 11 :55-WJZ-News ; Dance Music -Dr. David S. Muzzey WNYC-Mayor La Guardia-Talk Symphony Orchestra WNYC-Answering You (Recording) WEN-Sports-Bert Lee WHN-Old-Fashioned Revival 12:00-WEAF, WMCA-News; Dance Music WNEWLeatherneck Parade; Mflic11:30-WRAP-News; George Futman WEN-American Jewish Music WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WNBW-News ; Trace Orchestra WEVD-Stanley Richards, Interview WHN-Music to Read By g :os.wIicA_Mothg Meditations WEVD-News in Yiddish WNYC-Gilbert.Sullivan Music WNEW-World News Round-Up WQXR-Sunday Concert WEVD-Sympbonic Hour (To 1) 9 :l'_Eesta Barlow-Talk WOR-Spiritual Foundations-RabbI WNEW-Star, and Stripes in BritainS:O3-WMCA-Voice of Young Democracy WQXR-Americsn Folk Ballads :50-WRAP-Band-Wagon Music 9 :03-WMCA-Labor Arbitration WQXR-News Reports WJZ-Coast to Coast on a Bus Morris Besdin 1 :O3-WMCA-Recorded Dance Music 3:15-WEAF-World News-Upton Close 5 :45-WABC-Wilhiam L. Shirer, News WOE-News-Prank Singiser 9 :15-WJZ-Ciianiber Music Society of 12 :3O-WNEW-News; Music WJZ-.Toseph Margie. Songs 1:l.5.WEAS'-Labor for Victory WJZ-'Wake Up America-Forum WQJfR-Brief CIasicz WJZ-The Quiz Ride Lower Basin Street 12 :53-WEAF-News Reports a OWEAF-Stopak Orchestra WABC-Invltation to Learning EVENING WOR-..Na''y Goes to Church WNYC-Magda Eajos. Violin WOE-Ginger and Lanny. Songs 3:30-WEAF-The Army Hour %VABC-We thPeople-interview WEVD-Talk-Eabbl Max Felshin WRN-News; Mqeic (To 2 A. M.) WMCA_Rejigjons Program WaN-Calvary Baptist Church - WHN-NewsWilliam S. Gallmnore WOE-Joseph B. Davies, Speaking at6:00-WEAF-Cathohic Hour; Chaplain WMCA-Johanes Steel, Comments 9 :30-WEAF--Album of Familiar Music I:OO-WJZ-News; Music (To 7 A. M.) WRN-Bible Aimditozjum WNEW-News; Recorded Music WEVD-Vera Rosanka-Sketch Tribute to Russia Meeting, Eandalls Lt Com John It. Boalet WHN-St. Anthony Program WJZ-Eollywood-Jimmy Fidlec' WABC-News; Music (To 8:30 A. M. WNEW-N5w5 ; Music U :46-WBAF-Olivia Samitora. Yodeler WQXR-Luncheon Concert Island Stadium WOR-Murder Clinic-Play WNEW-James Orchestra WABC-Star Theatre; Fred Allen WMCA-News; (To I :05) 945-WEAP-Recorded Music L:80-WEAF-Anniversary of Yank, OUt- WMCA-Lutheran Program WJZ-News Reports 7 :45-WOE-Samuel Grafton, Comments WHEW-News; Dance Music WNEWMilkman's Matinee WJZ-.Church by tile Wayalde cial Army Newspaper WEEW-News ; Recorded Music WABC-Edward R.
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