9 EDISON f FORD* BEACON Avenel, Colonia, Fords, Hopelawn, Iselin, Keasbey, Port Reading, Sewftren and Edison Vol. LVI - No. 36 Woodbrtdge, N. J., Thursday, November 12, 1964 ~~~ •» •t«Stf 9*. PRICE TEN CENTS reeway eport Repeal 01 Chapter 51 owDut »: of l*ro|M>rli(>s As Aid To HomeownerJ n Highway'* Palli * !!\|MTl«-(l SlioHiv Hut1-" \U\' .- IICMII. n'- in I rwi -Iliiul'l snun l<nmv 1" - (ii not Ihi'ir home,- will 1 •'•!! lor in miwiinicd hiL'l] Request Of Township i :i i cult (if tel"nnnils r\ , ! Iji'irfci'n CiiMticilmnn PROGRAM SET FOR JFK: I irllli'. •i-IK"- l)v\iiilll || (; See Letters :m hill ,iMl'| To Officials I a;j;iin>l " .i. 'Mil linrh ;i, that Board to Dedicate New " M1 Trrvn<nj|i h;is been 1 •' .•:'-' ." '.•"'I l)\ Iliyli As Necessary ' 'I 'I ••'•'tliill. ll||> IfMlVnt'- ti" ,'iiir> ir-kt-il when IVrili High School Wednesday WOODBRIDGE - A caH for i ••''•i "il- «i'tc Livni ihc letter-writing campaign froi ' 'M ll-it niinmiinity 1101 MM, INTKR.VS: Sent to Wowlhriilur hv thf> llnusinj; anil Hum, Kinancc AK«W> in Wnshingtnn to lamiliariw ihetnM-ivi-s with ISKLIN - The dodicat inn of Iht'i homeowners and small busbest • 'itHi Cllli'lll \\;is iiiiirlc A*" ik"* a'im and I)r0(Tll'"''v >lrs- ^nrilvn Kiiit nml (iriKory (iilmore. known as housing interns are working this week new I,SOO-pupil John V. Kennedy men to force the repeal of €ha[ 1 Memorial Hinh School will takel ter 5l-the controverstal tax ae i ' ' f!»' 'ii lliuiieh Mich unner IHc direction n| S. Buddy Harris. Dirccinr nf the Dciiiirtmint nf I'tanning and Development. Above they are wn going over Police Continuing Probe «iTr made time and jar (Mis plans with stall personnel at the I'rnjret Bowiie nffice in S.. Anlhonv's School. Left to right. J»m*s H. MrDanlel, Mrs. Robert place next Wednesday at 7:30 sessntent taw-was made today h p. m . according to an annoiince-l .' .'in particutoilv liy Mr. Wells, Mrs, (.Inria Dlnrrman and Robert Biseholt. Seated, Mrs. Kfat, Mr. Harris and Mr. Gregory. Mr. McDaniel is the Mayor Walter ZirpoJo. slU- representative ol the Urban Renewal Administration who js assigned to the project and was making his monthly inspection ment marie by Miss Mary Con- The mayor said that unfortui when the photograph was taken. ' nolly, principal. In Morals Case Complaint .i i'•;'!> tu a telegram (if pro ately the only group in Na 1 liv Ilii1 Second Ward The program will be as follows: Jersey that does not have a lobbj Invocation, presentation of tho W00DBR1DGK - U. Robert] is the homeowner and he and tb II:,III Mr. Kilmer replied Thompson, who lias been placed I nl |ir<i|4'rlicK on the East- building to Vincent Renz. presi- e small businessman will be th 2 Interns' dent of the Board of Education by in charge of the continuing inves-! ''P '» Home Set tor ones.who will suffer most froi ;••!•(".'.iiy material supplied 1 Thomas Gilmartin, representative tigation of the Joseph Kursinsky* K€ar<>a l Chapter 51. I'lynn (in his specific ro OStmiStre of Frederic P. Wiedersum Asso- case-the 54-year^ld Woodbridge; •!)(! our people are wiring A resolution is now being pn ciates, Trenton and Valley Junior High School teacher who SEWAREN - Mn. Ann Mul- N n[ properties for Wood- Are Studying pared by the mayor to presei Stream. N. Y., the architects. was arrested on a morals charge- !«,• who retired last week as to the New, Jersey League t TwmbJp. Our people who said al press time that a second postmistress of the Sewartn Talk (in "Significance of a sec- Municipalities when it holds it up the lltt cannot see ho* girl is to be questioned further' Post Offlw after more thin <xe of Perth Amboy infar- ond senior high school to Wood- annual convention in Atlantic Cit ProjectsHere todayd . three decades of service, will tkm could impinge upoa the bridge Tunihip" by Superinten- next week, requesting the Leauu The police lieutenant said yes- he homed by the residents of (rests of Woodbridge," W00DRH1UGE - Woodbridfie. dent of Schools Patrick A. BoyBy - p y to go on record asking for repej IUW he hid specifically iliis w«ek is pla-jijg host to two 'an: address by Rnbert Blunt, theilerday that to date preliminary Sewarea at an open house to of Chapter 51. Mayor Zirpolo is "housing interns" sent hv the'"ountv SuperinV-ndcnl of Schools:'hearing for Kursinsky. who has be helfl Sunday from 3 P.M., for tuck information (or member of the resolutions con Housing and Home Finance'"reetiivK b- Jchn Fay. Council- been relcased"*n $1,000 bail by to 6 P.M. at St. John's Episco- slawn rertkati and bad (ill- mittee of the 'eague of Munic Agency. Washington to study ur-man and Freeholder.' present*..Magistrate Andrew D. Desmond,! P«l Church parish house. Cliff receive It, Mr. Nemyo re- ban renewal action and proce-1^" °' «" A™»can Fla« l? l^h<!, ^ "*,*?, Sel. "* ^ JT^ R°"d- j ' '"I n«•" callin» g for the letter writin I campaign to be directed to (loi (.•lease of property to Pfrth rfures ' 'school by William J. Duerscheidt,|gallon is still going on and there Mrs. Mullen is the widow of iRichard J. Hughes, state senatm ita on WoodMdge S • !St. OHia's Assembly. Fourth! is a possibility that there could £ the late Joseph Mullen. Harri Mullen are Inn ^ .CComwumnn the nlavc use our redden* cannot 'I' dy «.jrjeu,.ee Knights of Columbus, ac- be additional charga^' * All (rieads of Mrs. Mul island wby Perth Amboy h« of r r-.sonal propcrt rmation and we are bait tax returns which have coir sues ante ntm <k£ ties in jfront two majar local industrie ,lo a.ss wa?>k iftbjfeiiig ¥ jto prove Ws contention. ;ter«s. being studied for fcO-i acting postmaster is Floyd Io>" tfe iapitprs For example, one ind|stn. ;i tliar identification. " ^ Patfawnk. # Oty Road, who !yW *es assessed at $586,400; i ,ind adartjlstrators pj ; The kinerarv worked out ..jjs Rthoqf'inth'a p, 1 public fattreH." intLtuB. (Jrogor* (iilmor and late present, John pajd %)tt,5Sl h taxes this y. M ..aid yesterday that every effort! Sewaw* toiNBr pwMjfeari.: (jitder Chapter 51, the sam.1 i a re**, Mr. Nemyo ftfd he Mrs.-Marilyn Ke'at, hv Mr. iris i.s being made to sift "fact frorm "~^ • dustry is assessed at only $7:1' cts Ibc Information momen- aceoiiiiis for the entire fiction," but that there are' i *i , t ± r and wilt pay but $13,240 in t;i\" and will release it as soon week. Monday morning they were! given ;i general review of ti Another industry last year « i> received. » Loses Control of Car, of an urban renew, assessed at $115,000 and p;i !i»ugh at a met'tinn in Trcn- ducted tours' of the building. All helin Han Injured 1 proji'd, administrative MALICIOUS MISCHIEF $20,700 in taxes, under Chapt 'In State Highway Depart- of the baUdinR will be open. duriis [or Project Bowlie WOODBMDGE - John A. Mad-51, the same industry is assess* released the exact proper- The modern, fire resistant; COLOMA - Miss Mary Mullen, mentation, public relations • pro-! ruski, 26 Bradford Place, Iselin, at $55,748 and will pay on '•••' will have to no to make 145 355 sc uare foot schonl which principal of Schools 2 and 16 re- INSPECTION: Above S. Buddy Harris, Director of the Department ot Planning and Development, gram and municipal and publicl . l ' was injured Monday night when $10,034 in taxes. ti'i the fr vay in Perth! left, tx showing the two housing interns, one of the homes to be demolished under Project Bowtfe, liaison and participation -In the • fronts on Washington and Carver j ported In police Tuesday that he suddenly lost control of his car "And these are just two '.' H only helped to increase 1 and crashed into a parked vehicle Port Reading. With Mr. Harris are Mrs. Marilyn Keat and Gregory Gilmore, afternoon they studied the finan-' Avenues, was planned as three someone had written ^ ovel, ^ many examples," the may i'unturned on Page 2) cial aspects, procedures and con-!separate units, connected to each in front of 999 Green Street, owned pointed out. "These figures pt tools and records and files of the other by enclosed, window-walled llont ol M>Ml 16 Wlth black by Lorin F. Davis, of that ad- tend disaster for Woodbrid crayon and had smashed two win- urban renewal program.. In the passageways, to take advantage dress. homeowners and small busine fourth Ward evening they attended a dinner of the 27-acxe site and to provide dows. The windows were broken Madruski was taken to Rahway men because they are the or Shortage Seriousmeeting of the Woodbridge Indus- the most efficient layout for the with shingles that were torn off Hospital by the Iselin First Aid who will have to make up trial Development Council with required educational program. the roof of a shed attached to Squad and treated for atoawovljass, jjj tax dollars. The mor the American Vitrified Pipe Com- The architects designed an un- School 2. of the face and released. (Continued on Page 2) Inns In Stew pany. usual feature for housing the gym- iContiaued on Page nasinm, auditorium, music and I0DBR1DGE - The Fourth pd controversy jn the Deino- uV ranks has reached a stage WOODBRIDGE - Tho watert iiffthe-record" comment, but situation in this area is serious.j0iabe£es Detection Board Makes Preparations few are saying much for but not critical, Carl J.
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