£&& JAERI-CONF 95-005 ^•x—A^^L-4-%- f \JAER1\ S Vol.1 JAERI-Conf—95-005 (v<,l) JP9507237 Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research INNOVATIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES tfM#*. BteV' ii ' Xi :•*!& list &sm JJ V,\ Energy Society of Japan 本レポートは,日本原子力研究所が不定 J~l に公'F IJ している研究報告書です。 入手の間合わせは,日本原子力研究所技1j:汁;')'報部情報資料課(干A*eo|UI^h*«, H*IR^*Bf5fiRfrttffiff/*ffl5tS#*e^» (T319-319-11 H 3&WCW8WSBJ~だ城県別 IJ 可郎東K 海村)あて.お I担し他しください。なお,このほかに財団法人原子力弘前会資料センター (干(T319-1319-11 1 茨域県郎珂3E«I&WJSIIIBIK»i郡東海村日本原子力研究所内)で佼写による実質頒布をおこなってW B -#m-Mmrm) -efs^c «t a§£««#£ i- £ o -c おります。fciJii". This This This report report is is issued issue d irregularly. irregularly. Inquiries Inquiries Inquiries about abou t availability availability of of the the reports reports should should bc be addressed addressed to to Information Information Division. Division, Department Department Department of of Technical Technical Information ,, JapanJapa n AtomicAtomic Energy Energy Research Research Institute ,, Tokai -・ mura. mura. mura, Naka-gun. Naka-gun , Ibaraki-kcn Ibaraki-kcn 319319-H・11. , Japan. Japan. 。© Japan Japan Atomic Atomic Encrgy Energy Rcscarch Researc h Institutc. Institute, 1995 I995 Publishcd Publishcd Published by by JAERI.JAERl, March March I991995 5 編集兼発行 日本原子力研究所 印en 刷m いばらさ印刷附^ ix ^ # f-n m m ^ "-*" — -»• • - • •_«•_. W L ••. •• •. • ••••'•;:,•</»,'• ^»es The 6th Inlemalional Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research "INNOVATIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN NUCLEAR ENERGY" March 23 (Wed), 1994 OPENING ADDRESS Mr. S. Shimomura (President of the JAERI, Japan) Conference Room (Zuiun-no-ma) Honorary Invited Lecture 1 "Lasers in perspective" Prof. A. L. Schawlow (Stanford Univ. USA) The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research "INNOVATIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN NUCLEAR ENERGY" -" **feS5 Honorary Invited Lecture 2 "Improvement of lasers towards its theoretical limit in the light of advanced technology" Prof. H. Takuma (Univ. of Electro-Communications, Japan) RECEPTION Opening (Dr. S. Matsuura, Chairperson, Organizing Committee of the Symposium, JAERI, Japan) (Dr. E. Tachikawa, Secretariat of the Symposium, JAERI, Japan) The 6th International Symposium onAdvanced Nuclear Energy Research "INNOVATIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN NUCLEAR ENERGY" POSTER SESSION March 24 (Thu), 1994 -- Oral Introduction '] Chairperson I Dr. M. Hoshi (JAERI, Japan) ; Dr. H. Shiraishi (JAERI, Japan) Conference Room (Tachibana-no-ma) Poster Session Room (Ume-no-ma) March 25 (Fri), 1994 Honorary Invited Lecture 3 "Impact of laser and nuclear technologies" Prof.V.S. Letokhov (Institute of Spectroscopy, Russia) The 6th International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research "INNOVATIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN NUCLEAR ENERGY" PANEL DISCUSSION "Future of Laser Science and Nuclear Technology" Chairperson Prof. C. Yamanaka (Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan) -, •ul*.~,«~j^-*v^^ Panelists Dr. T. Arisawa Dr. J. J.Ewing Prof. V. S. Letokhov Prof. H. Takuma (JAERI, Japan) (Aculight Co., USA) (Institute of Spectroscopy, (Univ.ofElectro-communi- Russia) cations, Japan) Question from the Audience CLOSING REMARKS (Dr. T. Kondo, JAERI, Japan) \ f&ZI THF fi»h IHTFRNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on ADVANCED NUCLEAR ENERGY RESEARCH INNOVATIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES IN NUCLEAR ENERGY •' ' ,. (A- Sohawlow/*ia;r^9V7sf-l<>:¥*»»la),---:'; '. •. •,-.: -M 's..L.:etaKhbv. Bi/7 •:»«¥St5tmK)a).:.';.-, V";, ;-« 43 <$$0*Mvi&'ffl/ The Announcement Poster of the Symposium 0pai Sy^ JAERI..CONF JAERI..CONF JAERI-CONF 95..005 95-005 VoVol.l. 1 ProceedingsProceeding s of of theth 6th e 6th International International SymposiumSymposiu m ono n AdvancedAdvance d NuclearNuclea r EnergyEnerg y ResearchResearc h INNOVATIVE INNOVATIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIESTECHNOLOGIES IN IN NUCLEAR ENERGY MarchMarc h 23-25 ,, 1994199 4 at at at Mito Mito Mito PlazaPlaza Hotel Hotel Mito ,, Ibaraki ,, JapanJapa n Organized and Sponsored by by Japan Atom;cAtomic Energy Research Institute Institute in in Cooperat;onCooperation with with Science and Technology AgencyAgency The Atom;cAtomic Energy Society 0' of JapanJapan The Japan Soc;etySociety of Applied Phys;csPhysics The Chemical Society 0' of JapanJapan ThThee ιaserLaser Soc;etySociety 0' of JapanJapan 日本原子力研究所 Japan JapanJapan Atomic Atomic Energy Energy Research Researc h Institute Institute Organizing Committee Chairperson:S.Matsuura(JAERI) Members of Committee: S.Arai (Kyoto Inst. Tech.) M.Date (JAERI) T.Fujioka (Tokai Univ.) S.Funahashi (JAERI) T.Hiraoka (JAERI) Y.Izawa (Osaka Univ.) Y.Kaneko (JAERI) M.Kishida (JAERI) I.Kobayashi (JAERI) T.Kondo (JAERI) H.Kuroda (Univ. Tokyo) K.Muraoka (Kyushu Univ.) S.Namba (Prof.emeritus, Osaka Univ., S.Saito (JAERI) Nagasaki Inst. Applied Science) N.Sasao (PNC) S.Sato (JAERI) K.Shiba (JAERI) R.Shimaki (LASER-J) K.Shimoda (Prof, emeritus, Univ. Tokyo) A.Suzuki (Univ. Tokyo) E. Tachikawa (JAERI) Y.Takashima (Prof, emeritus, H.Takuma (Univ. Electro-Communications) Tokyo Inst.Tech.,IRI) S.Tamura (JAERI) l.Tanaka (Prof, emeritus, Tokyo Inst. Tech., T.Tomimasu (FELI) National Inst. Academic Degrees) K.Toyoda (RIKEN) T.Tsujino (JAERI) N.Yamabayashi (JAERI) C.Yamanaka (Prof, emeritus, Osaka Univ., M.Yoshida (JAERI) Himeji Inst. Tech., ILT) Secretariat of the Symposium: Enzo Tachikawa Director Department of Chemistry and Fuel Research Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-Ken, 319-11, Japan Phone 0292-82-5487,6468 Fax 0292-82-6097 JAERI-CONF 95-005 Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research -Innovative Laser Technologies in Nuclear Energy- March 23-25,1994, Mito Plaza Hotel, Mito, Ibaraki, Japan Editorial Working Group Tokai Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken (Received February 13,1995) Records of the 6th International Symposium on Adovanced Nuclear Energy Research, Which focused on the subject of "Innovative Laser Technologies in Nuclear Energy", are contained in this issue. It consists of three honorary invited lectures, 33 invited papers which were orally Presented, 82 contributed papers which were presented on posters, and a panel discussion. The oral presentations were organized in the following four sessions, (1) Basic laser science, (2) Laser development, (3) Laser material processing and (4) Selective Photoreaction. KeywordsrLaser Technology, Nuclear Technology, Basic Laser Science Laser Spectroscopy, Laser Development, Laser Material Processing Selective Photoreaction I JAERJAERI-CON卜CONF95 F 95-00・005 5 第$66 m^tiwmimWii'yxv^A田原子力先端研究国際シンポジウム ーレーザーの聞く原子力技術ー 1994^1994 年 3 月n 2233 日B-2~255 日B 茨城県水戸市水戸プラザホテル2S*ft!|t*Fr|j frp-f 7*?*7-fr 論文集 日本原子力研究所東海研究所 編集ワーキンググループ (1995 (l995#-2J年2 月3 13 13 日受理)0 £11) 第 6 田原子力先端研究国際シンポジウムが「レーザーの聞く原子力技術J のテーマのもと に、fc, 1994^1994 年33 月fl 23-223~255 日にわたって開催された。本シンポジウムの主な内容は、Hi:*3fco-CP§ffi$tLfc0 #v ^V^WHL&fi^li, (1)(l)V-Hfレーザー- 基礎科学、SBI¥l-^J2)v-Hf-ffl5S,(3)v-¥~JpiXW4)V-¥-*Rl&-e*ojt(2) レーザー開発、 (3) レーザー加工及び'(4)レーザー光反応であった。またパネル討論0Sfe^*^f!ri& では、「原子力におけるレーザー科学の未来」のテーマで論じられた。 本論文集は、*HX^I±, 3636ffl«7)ffl#ISS[j|&X編の招待講演論文、, 8282«<*>#**-$g3eit;fc編のポスター発表論文、パネル討論の討論記録を収, v^^ftS&wfltSfrfBas-JR 録したものである。giLfc few-eft a0 東海研究所:〒*«jH9fste3f: T 319-11 319-11 茨城県那珂郡東海村白方字白根^mmwmm&ij^&m-t2・4 ii ii II Preface For the last six years the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute has annually held an International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Energy Research, the aim of which is to stimulate research activity in the nuclear field by exchanging ideas with scientists in other related fields. A specific theme was chosen for each of them, and the sixth symposium in March 1994 was entitled as "Innovative Laser Technologies in Nuclear Energy", Since the invention about thirty years ago, the coherent light source, the laser, has contributed a great deal to many branches of basic science, and its excellent characteristics have also leo to some technological applications. This symposium was motived primarily by an expectation that the recent progress in laser science will not only accelerate the existing laser-related researches, but also enable newer applications in the nuclear science and technology. The topics covered a broad range of research fields from basic physics and chemistry to applied areas such as laser processing and isotope separation. In addition, instrumental development was put on the agenda to discuss free electron laser,' solid state laser, and other types of lasers. During the three days of the symposium, about three hundred and sixty researchers from eight countries participated in enthusiastic discussion through the oral, poster and panel sessions. This symposium was rather a unique one, where researchers from many different fields had a chance to exchange opinions. Although the presented views for the future of applied laser technologies were not totally optimistic in a short term prospect, general recognition was that promising possibilities exist in many directions, and that such a meeting was really useful to find new ideas or to advance practical applications. Yet, whether the symposium was truly successful must naturally depend on our effort to make productive use of the result documented here in the proceedings. I now again express our thanks to the members of the organizing committee, the invited speakers, and all who participated in the symposium. The cooperation by Science and Technology Agency, the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, the Japan Society of Applied Physics, the Chemical Society of Japan, and the Laser Society of Japan is also appreciated. I would
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