
t ,., ' . , ❖ I I I I I I I I I ■ Pct: 1-1 I ■ Official General Election Ballot l ■ San Miguel County, Colorado 5k'X""ufU...u.. 3«:, I Tuesda , November 06, 2018 CltaandReoorder L_ ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ I ■ Federal Offices State Offices State Offices .. .. ~ I ■ Representative to the 116th United Secretary ofState Regent of the University of Colorado I States Congress ·Congressiohal District 3 (Vote for One) I ■ Dlstrict3 Qte forJ!l~l-·-·-----·- .. -- ---··· ..... , (Vote for One} ■ (_'l Wayne Williams () Alvin Rivera Dernociatlc I ,--~..---·-- ~ ···---✓--..... --....- ■ 0 Scott R. Tipton Rt~ 0 Jena Griswold 0 Glen H. Gallegos Repubbl I (_ -) Amanda Campbell Q Michael Stapleton Uberlartan ■ ------ I () Diane Mitsch Bush () Blake Huber State Senator I ■ 1---------------1oistrict6 ■ State Treasurer . ._i,~ !2,t_O~L-~, I ■ 0 Gaylon Kent (Vote for0~) O Guinn Unger Jr. Democralle I (j Brian Watson Republican CJ Don Coram ■ ----- I ■ In\._J Mary M. Malarsie 0 Dave Young Demoaa11c State Representative I Signed Dedaf1llion to Omit service to no ■ l!ll:Rlhan31armS. 1--O_Ge_ra_ld_F_.Ki_l_pa_tri_"ck__Al_lll!ll_iell_nConstituflon----1'::::~_,,.,_, _ I ■ () Write-in: Atto,:ney General 0 Marc CaUin I ■ (Vote for One) C) Seth Cagin I ■ C) Phil Weiser I ■ Governor I Lieutenant Governor O George Brauchler Repubue111 County Commissioner I (Vote for One Pair) Dlstrlct2 ■ +--C'_,,1_Wi_1_ma_m_F_._R_ob_in~so_n_11_1___u1>e_r11_r1an---1 et9~J~ O~l. _ •-··~ .•.• , ,, , I ■ 0 Jared Polis/ 0ernocra11c Regent of the University of Colorado (J Lance Waring I Dianne Primavera At Large· ■ .~JorQ!ll _~__: -· . --~- County Clerk and Recorder I ■ ( ~ Walker Stapleton / Repu!)llcan () Lesley Smith (Vote foe One) I Lang Sias ■ () Ken Montera Rapublican O Stephannie Van Damme I ■ :_j Bill Hammons/ unity • ~) Christopher E. Otwell unity County Treasurer I Elie Bodenstab i () James K. Treibert I.Jlert1r1an (Vote for One) ■ 1---------------,____,,__ ,,. -··-.... I ■ () Scott Helker/ I O JanStout ~1. Michele Poague ■ I 0 This ballot may consist of multiple pages. Please review and vote both sides of all pages. + - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ County Offices District CourfJudge State Measures . I Shall Judge Steven L. Schultz of the 7th Amendment Y (CONSTITUTIONAL) I ■ County Assessor Judicial District be retained in office? (Vote for One) Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado ■ constitution concerning achange to the way that I 0 Peggy o. Kanter 0emocm1e O Yes No coogressional districts are drawn, and, 1n connection ■ 1---------------+--------------------itherewith,taking the duty to draw congressional districts I Sh II J d K ·A Yod Of th 7th J d" · I wway from the state legislatur& and giving It to an ■ County Sheriff a u ge en • er e u icia independent commission, composed of twelve citizens I ote for One) District be retained in office? who possess spe.,.11"""ed ~·fi1ca tJ ons; "''"''1.......h·b~ 1.ng any on& (V political party's control o the commission by requiring I ■ that one-third of commissioners will not be afliliated With () Bill Masters 0emocm1e () Yes No any political party, one-third of the comm1ss10ners w111 be ■ ...---------------1---------------------laffiliatedwith the state's largest polillcal party, and I one-third of the commissJOners wlll be affiliafed with the ■ County Surveyor 1-C_o_u_n....;:ty;_C_o_u_rt_J_u_dg-=--e_____------1 state's second 1aiges1 political party: prohibiting certain I (Vote for-One) Shall Judge Susanne J. Ross of the San persons, including professional lobbyists, federal ·- M'iguel County Court be reta·ined ·,n office?. campaign committee employees, and federal, state, and I ■ local elected officials, from serving on the comm1ss1on; 0 J. David Foley Oemocraflc • Umtting judicial review of a map to a determination by the I ■ supreme C0\11 of Whether the commiSSiOn or its nonpartisan staff committed an abuse of dlscretJon; ■ County Coroner requiring the commission to draw districts with afoals on I (Vote for One) • • communilieS of interest and political subdivisions, such ■ _,~, ,., -··-- • as cities and counties, and then to maximize the number I Oemo<.:rallc 8allot QUe!tlons referred bythe general assembly or ftr/ of competitive congressional seats to the extent possible; polltlcal subclvision are listed by letter, and ballot and prohibiting maps from being drawn to dilute the I ■ questions Initiated by the~are listed ntlllleT1cally. electoral Influence of any racial or ethnic group or to Judicial Retention Questions Aballot question Nsteq 81111 amendment" proposes a pro~ect any incumbent, any political candidate, or any I ■ to the Colorado constitution, and • ballot pohtical party? {Vote Yes or No) lfsted as a •proposition• proposes achange to ■ lhe Colorado Revised statutes. A"yeslfor" wite on any I =balotquestionlsavotelnl'lvor<>fchangingcooentlaw ,~ Yes/F () N /Ag · t ■ t---oraCol __dO_U_p_re_m_e S __Co U__rtJU_S_C_e_---1 ti or exlstlng cin;umstances, and I •notagainsf'·vote on ,_ _; or . 0 ainS I Shall Justice Richard L. Gabriel of the any ballot question Is ii vote against changing current Amendment Z(CONSTITUTIONAL) I ■ Colorado Supreme Court be retained in law or existing cln:umstanees. office? State Measures Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado ■ conslitullon concerning achange to the rnanner in which I (_) yes () No Amendment V (CONSTITUTIONAL) state senate and state house of representatives districts ■ 1--------------------1 are drawn, and, in connection therewith, reforming Uhe I Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado eXlstlng legislative reapporttonment commlssiOn by Colorado Court Of Appeals Judge _,..,....,Aft Uhe expanding the commission to twelve members and I ■ f---------'-'------=----iconstltution concemlng a'""""'""'' In age authorizing t'ie appointment of members who possess Shall Judge John Daniel Dailey of the qualification for a member of the general assembly from specified qualifications; prohibiting any one polltlcal I ■ Colorado Court of Appeals be retained in twenty-five yeais to twenty-one years? party's control of the commission by reqUirtng that office? (J Yes/For ( ) No/Against one-third of commissioners will not be affiliated with any ■ political party, one-third of the commiSSJoners will be I '.:._) Yes ( 1 No Amendment W(CONSTITUTIONAL) affiliated with the state's largest polillcal party, and ■ I ~ one-third of the commlSs10ners will be affiliated With the I Shall JuQge Rebecca Rankin Freyre of the Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado sta18's setond large5t political party; prohibiting certain ■ I,Colorado Court of Appeals be reta·1ned in consliMion concerning achange in the format of the persons, 1ndudlng professional lobbyists, federal I electi ballot for °Lt<fcial te lion lectl ? campaign committee employees. and federal, state, and IOffice? l ·on l I re n II ans local elected officials, from serving on the commission: I ■ limiting judicial review of a map to a determination by the I, () Yes () No I (_) Yes/For () No/Against supremecourtofwhetherthecommlssionorits I ■ f----------------1--------------~ nonpartisan staff committed an abuse of discretion, Shall Judge Elizabeth L. Harris of the Amendment X (CONSTITUTIONAL) requiring the commission to draw state 1eg1s1at1ve ■ Colorado Court of Appeals be retained in districts using communities of interest as well as political I office? Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado subdiVisions, such as cities and counties, and then to ■ constiMion concerning changing the industrial hemp maximize the number of competitive state legislative I ,---. Idefinition from a constltutlonal definition to I statutory seats to the extent possible: and prohibiting maps from '--'-_.J_Y_e_s_____C_)_N_o_____, definition? being drawn to dUute the electoral Influence of any racial I ■ ~ or ethnic group or to protect any Incumbent, any political Shall Judge David J. Richman of the (_1 Yes/For () No/Against candidate, or any political party? ■ Colorado Court of Appeals be retained in I ■ office? C) Yes/For CJ No/Against I ■ ('; Yes () No I ■ I ■ I ■ I 0 This ballot may consist of multiple pages. Please revie~ and vote both sides of all pages. ❖ - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ?" Federal & State Measures I . , ~ ❖ 11111'1 II All Precincts 11111111 ■ Official General Election Ballot Pct: 1-1 I ■ San Miguel County, Colorado I Tuesda , November 06, 2018 ■ I State Measures State Measures State Measures • . ■ r I ■ Amendment A(CONSTITUTIONAL) Amendment 74 (CONSTITUTIONAL) Proposition 110 (STATUTORY) I Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Shaft there be an amendment to tile Colorado SHALL STATE TAXES BE INCREASED $766,700,000 ■ constitution that prohibits slavery li!ld involuntary constltu!ion requlririg the government to award just ANNUALLY FOR ATWENTY-YEAR PERIOD, AND I servitude as pufllshment for acrime and thereby compensation to owners of private property When a STATE DEBT SHALL BE INCREASED $6,000,000,000 ■ prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude in all government laW or regulallon reduces the tair market WITH A MAXIMUM REPAYMENT COST OF I circumstances? value of the property? $9,400,000,000, TO PAY FOR STATE AND LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS. AND. IN I ■ CONNECTION THEREWITH, CHANGING THE CJ Yes/For O No/Against O Yes/For O No/Against COLORADO REVISED STATUTES TO: 1) INCREASE I ■ 1------------------------------1THESTATESALESANDUSE TAX RATE BY0.62% Amendment 73 (CONSTITUTIONAL) Amendment 75 (CONSTITUTIONAL) BEGINNING
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