RESEARCH ARTICLES Tree Species Composition and Structure near Road Borders in the Laurel Forest of Anaga (Tenerife – Islas Canarias) Zaira NEGRÍN, José Ramón ARÉVALO* Francisco Sánchez Street, 2, 38206 San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain *Departamento corresponding de author: Botánica, [email protected] Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal, Universidad de La Laguna, Astrofisico Bulletin UASVM series Agriculture 73(2)/2016 Print ISSN 1843-5246; Electronic ISSN 1843-5386 DOI 10.15835/buasvmcn-agr: 12398 Abstract Urbanization is one of the main causes of species extinction. Closely linked to urbanization are road systems, which are a source of biotic and abiotic effects on the surrounding landscape. The continued existence of these fragment forest ecosystems leading to changes in plant species composition and vegetation structure from road bordercorridors to resultsthe surrounding in enormous interior. human activity (Forman & Alexander, 1998). In particular, roads sharply define and This paper assesses border effects on tree species richness and composition in the laurel forest of Anaga, Tenerife, Spain. Effects of anthropogenic corridors on vegetation differed among the study sites. Multivariate analysis revealed that species composition is more related to the sampling site than to the effect of the corridor, pattern. This suggests that main corridor disturbances regarding tree basal area is limited to the immediate road while for density, significant differences were found between the road border and forest interior but not as a regular edgeKeywords: in the laurel DBH, forest, DCA, while disturbances, for species edge composition, effect, tree no density significant differences were found. INTRODUCTION the invasion of exotic species (Suarez et al., 1998). Road systems have an impact on the forest Considering that Tenerife has increased its road surface by 400 % in the last 80 years (Pulido and delimit the forest matrix, and change species Utrilla, 1984, García et al., 1989), the island’s native compositionplant community, and structuredefining fromsharp road borders edges that to ecosystems may have suffered great alterations the surrounding interior (Ranney et al., 1981). derived from area reduction and edge effects. Not only is species composition affected, but so are ecological processes by the presence of corridors in one of the most emblematic ecosys- these human infrastructures (Matlack, 1994). temsOur of theaim Canary was to Islands:analyze the influencelaurel forest. of road We A complete understanding of forest dynamics attempted to evaluate road edge effects on tree requires the study of these edge areas, where species composition and structure (density and ecological processes differ from those occurring basal area) in order to determine the extent of the within the forest (Ranney et al., 1981). effect of the road disturbance. Islands are fragile ecosystems prone to human direct or indirect alterations and are particularly MATERIAL AND METHODS susceptible to the introduction of alien species The study was conducted in the Anaga Rural (Whittaker, 1998). Habitat fragmentation is also Park in the NE corner of Tenerife, Canary Islands known to negatively affect native biotas through (28o 19’ N, 16o 34’ W). The park encompasses a 7 146 NEGRÍN et al to 8 million year- old basaltic massif (Ancochea variables in the three subplots using as a factor the et al., 1990) covering about 130 km2. The park distance to the road border, using ANOVA. represents 7 % of Tenerife’s total area. Today, only Data normality was checked with the Shapiro- 10% of the forest remains, which has been formally Wilk test and the homocedasticity of the data with protected since 1988, currently experiencing a multiple F test. The post-hoc Tukey test was used fewer human disturbances and no area reduction. The annual precipitation of the park reaches the different variables. Basic statistical methods 900 mm, but can be twice this amount considering followedto detect Zarsignificant (1984) differencesand were implemented among groups using for fog drip (Kämmer, 1974). The mean annual tem- the SPSS statistical package (Anon, 1986). perature is close to 15oC with minimal annual and Ordination techniques help to explain com- munity variation (Gauch, 1982), and they can be seasons can be differentiated, winter and summer, used to evaluate trends over time as well as space. butdaily in fluctuations. most years, There differences are no betweenfrost events. the Twotwo We used Detrended Correspondence Analysis most extreme months are not large (Ceballos and (DCA; Hill and Gauch 1980, using CANOCO; ter Ortuño 1976). Braak & Šmilauer 1998) to examine how species We selected the main paved road at El composition changed over space and whether dif- Moquinal, located at the centre of the Anaga Rural - ses. Analyses were based on species basal area. in the park. Four perpendiculars were randomly ferent classes could be identified from the analy selectedPark, which to the carries road beginningthe most intense from the road canopy traffic of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the last tree next to the road. Each plot was 30 x Roads and trails are abrupt discontinuities, 15 m, and was divided into three transects of 10 x contrasting with the wider and more diffuse 15 m, and each transect was subdivided into three edges common to many natural areas (Delgado et subplots 10 x 5m, resulting in three subplots at 0, al., 2001). These road effects can penetrate long 5 and 10 m distance from the road border. distances into the forest and may alter the forest Within each subplot, all tree species were matrix in different ways (Forman & Alexander, 1998) depending on the species. and noted DBH for the calculation of basal area and In the case of basal area (Fig. 1), our results density.identified We (>2.5 looked cm for diameter differences breast between high; DBH)these border and the forest interior. revealed non-significant differences between the Fig. 1. Mean values and standard deviations for basal area at each site and border distance. Identical letters above the bars indicate non-significant differences (p<0.05): A (F2,6 (F2,6 2,6 2,6 =3,080; p>0.05) B Bulletin UASVM Agriculture 73 (2) /=1,859; 2016 p>0.05), C (F =1,801; p>0.05), D (F =0,516; p>0.05) Tree Species Composition and Structure near Road Borders in the Laurel Forest of Anaga (Tenerife – Islas Canarias) 147 Fig. 2. Mean values and standard deviations for density at each site and border distance. Identical letters above the bars indicate non-significant differences (p<0.05): A (F2,6=10,948; p<0.05) B (F2,6 2,6 2,6 The impact on trees=1,765; is less p>0.05), relevant, C (Fthis=1,926; can p>0.05), D (F Species=4,572; and p>0.05)plot coordinates 5 PE be due to the previous presence of the trees to PI the building of the roads (in the case of the road analysed, it was built and paved around 70 years ago). In this case, more time will be necessary in PL LN EP of response to the road is different at the different sites,order torevealing find differences. non-consistent Furthermore, patterns the patternin this PC DCA - DCA Axis II case. IC With respect to tree density, a more consistent MF pattern was found, with more individuals at plots EA near to the border than in the interior. Although VR -1 sites, they suggest a higher density at the border -1 DCA- Axis I 4 inthese relation differences to tree were regeneration only significant and at onedifferent of the environmental characteristics of these plots due Fig. 3. Plot and species scores in the space defined by to the road: higher insolation, more nutrients, etc. axis I and axis II of the DCA. Polygons enclose plots at (Arévalo et al., 2008). the tree distances to the border (Polygon of dashed In the case of tree species composition, the lines for 5m distance to the border, dotted lines lack of differences is also evident, as there is no for 10 and solid line for 15 m). Eigenvalues of axes discrimination between the plots in the DCA ana- I and II were 0.552 and 0.343 and the cumulative lysis (Fig. 3). percentage of variance of both axes was 51.6%). The only notable information is that the Abbreviations for species are: Apollonias barbujana polygon that enclosed the plots at 10 m distance (AB), Erica platycodon (EP), Ilex canariensis (IC), Ilex perado (IP), Laurus novocanariensis (LN), is larger, indicating a more diverse species Morella faya (MF), Ocotea foetens (OF), Persea indica composition. However, as indicated before, there (PI), Picconia excelsa (PE), Prunus lusitanica (PL), was practically no discrimination between plots Rhamnus glandulosa (RG), Visnea mocanera (VM), based on distance indicating no differences in Viburnum rigidum (VR) species composition. Bulletin UASVM Agriculture 73 (2) / 2016 148 NEGRÍN et al 3. Arévalo JR, Delgado JD, Fernández-Palacios JM (2008). Roads in the Canary Island laurel forest per- Changes in species composition and litter production in response to anthropogenic corridors in the laurel forest of mit visitor contact with relatively remote areas Tenerife (Canary Islands). Plant Biosystems, 142: 614-622. and allow local inhabitants to move across the ter- 4. ritory. However, a deeper understanding of the ef- de las Canarias Occidentales. 20 Ed. Cabildo Insular de fects of these anthropogenic corridors is required Tenerife,Ceballos SantaL., Ortuño Cruz F.de (1974) Tenerife. Vegetación y flora forestal to ensure the value of these unique laurel forest 5. Delgado JD, Arévalo JR, Fernández-Palacios JM (2001). remains (Kuiken, 1988). Assessing road edge effect for an introduced predator: In the case of tree species composition, the rats and forests in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Ecography, 24: 539-546. lack of differences is also evident, as there is no 6.
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