THE BERMUDA. COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND RECORDER. VOL. LXXXltt -No. 2. HAMILTON, BERMUDA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1910. 20s. PER ANNUM. not. Tbe fact of the matter Is that he Heve that he failed to make good by Day No- 26. A farther communication will be addres- J a cost of 3.73d. per ton. Hand and steam legislative Assembly ought never to have been charged at all, Moa4 20th 1909 1 to you In regard to the payment of tha I steering on deck. because if the evidence as appeared In M& .£*. MS/WK. T& 1' • »y- *•••*« - - iferrod to by tlie General Mnuoger of The dredger carries a crew of 90 all told, print was correct it must have been evident Saturday night between 8 aud 9 o'clock, 'p|, minutes of last meeting ware read Railways, aud the cost of cables itart dndglug, fill hoppers with 0 TOO tous, slip moorings, proceed to sea to the most casual reader that the accused As the petition now stands it does hot put )m,i confirmed. tills Department and the Colon v. ICIAL. iu. .i'v OF DEBATES. was not chargeable under that offence, I am, &c, atxmt 2'. miles, discharge, return and pick tho Hoose la eosssssiau ol ditto ftp* tjgt | Q0VEllJf0!j,g MESSA0E No. 88. and perhaps in any other country have been itated here today and which (Sgd.) T. S. NIGHTINGALE, up moorings ready to commence dredging In 1 hour and 20 minutes. Speed loaded there would have been a case for damages ought to be In the petition if they are to re .-"UBSTDY TO MBBSIIS Et-uBK Secretary. fay No. 25 agaiust somebody. The man was charged with weigh with the House, We have uo right f*!: knots. something on which there was no ground DKMTSTKR & Co. Messrs Sii* John Jackson bare instruc­ Monday, December 13th 1909 I submit, to act upon the bald statements Genera) Manager's Office, 1 whatever foracouviotlon. With regard to the of members—which may be correct or may The following messages from Hi's I ..\ Cape Town. tion ! .to dock the vessel at Cape Town, •PETITION OF MESSRS. E. F. & sureties I can say this much that they raado he wrong. Such statements can only be leney the Governor:— 35th October, 1000. when Lloyd'a Surve.Tor will make Ills In­ O. C. J5UILL. every possible effort to secure Mr. J. B. made nccordiug to the memory of members iKKl'RCTfOK Of DRRtXlfiR "OtSBNH." spection of the hull. At the same time nu Zuill's attendance Ho was considered inventory of all snares, etc.. will bo taken. CONSIDWRATION IX COMMITTEE. to be so weak as to preclude the possibilty using them : what the House ought to act j I will also then be able to examine the of hts getting out of bed. and it was feared upon is the statement oontaiued iu the WALTER KITCHEN HE, With reference to yonr papers No. P.W. fContinued from Royal Gazette, January petition, .As tbe petition now stands", I am Lieut.-General, M. 165 I have the honour hy direction to hopper doors aud report further. 1st, 1910.) that he wonld be too ill to appear at the (Sgd) (i. T. NICHOLSON. not prepared to support it. I shall move Governor and Commander-in-Vh state In connection with the Inspection of Court the following day. On the afternoon Resident Englitecr, IpilBHoK. THE ATTORNEY G-ENEK- preceding the day he was to appear he was therefore, that the committee rise, report tho dredger "Cerne" that the Reddeut X—Mr. Chairman, I think that every seen by one of the sureties about three progress and ask for leave to sit again to i The Governor has tlr ' to transmit. Engineer, acting on the requirements of 2m. member must be of opinion that this o'clock, and he was then apparently very enable the petitioners to present a supple­ td the Honourable House of Assembly for Lloyds Surveyor has addressed a letter, as OAlco ot the Resldeut Engineer. mentary petition embodying material facti consideration the accompanying copy of a par copy subjoined, to Messrs, Sir John Table Bay Harbour. it matter in which the House BIIOUUV have ill. Shortly after however li telegram which has been received from Jaokson Ltd. requesting them to take the jhe fullest Information in the petition with A search was immediately madltsappearode for , | not now before the oommittee. 22nd October, 1900. I'he motion was affirmed. Messrs. Elder Dempster & Company rela- rudder of the "Carne" lifted and tin ;•..•- T'VIN sciiKw (turn:u DUKIKIVM "CRUNK'* ISird to all tin- circumstances which the and the place was scoured by neighbours tiVe to the subsidy Oil account of the home­ pahs carried out, viz " As Lloyds Snr- petitioners rr'lv upon for establishing their and members of the community generally The House resumed, 1 .N'HPRCTIOX OP 1 H.KDiilNi; MACHINERY. ward service performed hy tho H, M. S. veyor lias given Instructions that the Bum. I think every member will see that and on the -aturday evening he was sur­ THE Oil AIRMAN reported progress an<! "Port Kingston " during tne current year, Further to my report of the 6th Instant Ihc most mnterial facts which affect the rendered to the police by one of the sureties. " rudder pintles must be blushed it will he obtained leave to sit again. and desires to invite the attention of the " necessary to unship the rudder and have thi " Cerne " came re mid to Table Buy on Icon si deration of this question, und \*liich I tad it been an offence for which he was Honourable House to the final paragraph of tha 13th instant and was dry docked on the |have been given hi debate are not contain­ guilty there might have been some exception "this work done in order to maintain the 10th, By ^arrangement, Captain Stephen taken to this petition, hut there was no "THE BERMUDA NATURAL HISTORY j tup letter of the 98th of July last on the " vessel in the standard of her chits. You ed In the potlblon, and it is very uufortun- subject, from Messrs. W. T. James & Com­ "might arrange to have this workpcrform- Lloyd's Agent at Cape Town, made a tlior- ie that in a mutter of this gravity the ground whatever forthexiroseautlon, aud it SOCIETY ACT, JG09." pany, a copy of which accompanied the ( OUgll inspection of the hull, etc.. of this 1 seems to mo that that fact might be taken "ed at the lowest price obtainable," petition shonld not hit' " * ~ •'- into consideration. I agree with the 'inn. READING. ; Governor's Message No. 13 of the 1Mb of I vessel aud whose report I append herewith. lifted to Ou motion of Mr. BUI the Bill entitled j September. 11)09. Von will note that this Is a distinct in­ tails which have boa Attorney General that the petitioners might struction from Lloyd's Surveyor, as the I From Mils report it will be seen that the Hire ret have made their petition stronger by men­ "I'he Bermuda Natural History Bodoty i vessel could- not he satisfactorily olassed un­ vessel generally Is in very good condition BHcation. i piesu till! the tioning all the facts; but I am not the only Act, IfHifj." was read tha third time and Public Buildings, Hamilton, less the work was carried out, and conse­ threughout. forth in the petition are corn member of tho community who lives in that ttuttt December, 1000, quently would have failed to obtain proper At the same time I had tho hopper doors lav thnt my own recollectic locality or of the House who knows perfect­ TELEGRAM. insurances at n reasonable rate The cost lowered ami after a careful examination I Emewbat different. The 1 ly well that the statements In the petition "THE A.PPROPRI ATION ACT, 11)01)." | of the work carried out will of course have have to report them to he In very good or­ Mr Smith, also seems to imv utidei are absolutely correct and that every effort 1'itoM MESSRS Eni.r.ii Di-iMi's'iT.n & Co. to be collected from the purchaser as it does der , the plus of the hinges are a trine worn v-c day. 'ii'ii READING. the impression that it was four or uv< was made to surrender tlie accused There TO THK (.OVKIIXIUI OF Bl-.KM.'DA. not form part of Messrs Sir John Jackson's but are Ot for considerable work before re­ iftev the time for MrTsuUl'siippe was no negligence ou tho part of tbe sure­ The :ird reading of the BUI oontract with regard to repairing the dretig. quiring renewal. I also hod tlie false bot­ Bad passed before he was surrendered Tin ties; as soon as tho whereabouts of tho "Tho Appropriation Act, 1900,)' 8th December, 1909. or before her return to Mauritius. tom which laid been lixud oh the ladder well opened up and luspeoted . The diag­ petition states: "On the 17thday of Decera- accused were discovered—aud I was a been called from the Chair, Disappointed homeward subsidy not I have, Ac., ner 10-8 your petitioners Btood as sureties witness of it—he was immediately conveyed (sgd.) ALEX ROBB, onal straps on the well are a little worn iu THIS ATTORNEY GENERA! granted do you recommend continue call V places by friction but this is only to be ex­ in the sum of £100 each for tho appearance to tlie police station, while notice of his tbat the First Schedule to the BUI for General Manager.
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