: www.magi)Ricvallev.com _________ ■!-._______ _ - _ L l Tw in Falls,Is, Idaho/99th year,ir,m No. 247 , I'rid:day, September 3,i, 2004 ' ■ ' 50IIf cct c n ts G ood mqlORNINC ‘ ‘I wish you giguys \vould hilave-given mle e the death' p(penalty.’ _ B ush:‘W< ^Veathkr w ill p r e va il’ — _ *;• Todaylay; Partly ; • V cloudy, u d slight j U e r §g ^ i i chaiMmceofTlght; _ i f e i n Ray casfe p v e r tie r r■or o tl. H ig h 70, JThe.A8soclated.Rfess___ -------- , . ., ^ }q w/4 ; 3 . - ___=By=Mlchel helle-Punlop - ■ ..........' - “‘P <ew8 writer P a g e A 2 TImes-Nev ' NEW YORK -I>residentent Bush faulted DemcKiradc 'rival John. • .BURUiLEy-At tlte.agc of 10. he Iraq Weir ; • a dog-alive. Kerry’s record on tlie Irac : M agic V^a A L L K Y ■ lightand. • Conlroifonted witli his crime, ^ and tax cuts Tliursday nigh IVoy Davi vowed victory over terrcerrorism avid Alonzb admitied he W jrAnieri-. had commtumplated'killing tliat A iuid a briditer futtue for Ai cans, buffeted by a chai:hanging Br dog for w(weeks. - La Wlicnn hell ^v ed at tlie house ■ econom y "Nothing willI holdho us ofKacyKi' Kay Ray on the evening B back." he said in a Reputpublican. or D ue 26,2( 1999. Alonzo dalnis DS Nadonal. Convention accept-ao he did notlot intend to kill Ray, only I ance speech tliat launcheched his )cr. Ray, who shared what I fall re-elecdon ■ 9 ^ 3 has :n called a motliCr*chiId: I campaign. W rclaUonshisliip'witli her dog, asked ' ■ "We are V .• only iliatlat Alonzo not harm lier P staying on the ■ m |9 offensive. - Bond Issue: Fairu r b o a rd . I began as robbery set in • suiking terror- I |j appeals to votenets fo rn ew motionI a sequence of events • ists abroad - I r ^ ^ l b u ild in g . that cndc'ded In tho rape, kidnap* so we do not K 1*9''J nd murder^of Ray. said have to -face B [jM -Page,Bl--ptog_^ojjd Uiem' here' at •laley. Alonzo's public de- , , home." Bush . M oney : fender. - • . AtAlon: ----M ;' Dnzo's sentencing in Fifth B lorgeBiBh Districtt ,(Court in Burley on P S i , ' " pared for a prirhe-ume! a'daddress _ i i t i ^ M Tliursdaylay, Judge John I-Iohn- llj horst ga\ive little credence to ^i-a-com'tintion-halLclo; I Ground Zero of tlie Sepi5ept. II. '0 % Alonzos ooriginal intendons. - 9 •2001 auacks. , "Titcrcire is absolutely, positively ■ "And we will prevail." no m orc're serious oiTen^ tlian ■ ■ ' Bush's speed) markedd ddi ieb e- Uic killingbig of anodier person," ■ ginning of a iwo.morithth sprints Molinhorsorst said. "I believe liad r j ^ ^ S . ■(o Election Day, andd Kerry1 |B<W the statee (elected to do so, a fair | | ' couldn'( wait to Mart. a r^ m cr!nt n t could'have been H In a ferocious-counteratenittack .. ■ ^ ■ l l l g n m ade in favor of the deatli W ' ■ ' f ' . " ' 1 '^after a week ofGOP conveniveniion- penalty."' ' week criticism, tlie Mass;iassachu- _ , ’ . ad, Hohnhorst handed j .■ setts senator called ilie vyaiwartime ’ - Alonzo a sencence o f life in « president and VIcel’resideniJem Dick- prison witivitliout the possibility o f Qieney unfit to lead die nation,nat parole. TilTlie judge took into con- ^ "I’m not going to. hav(la've my Summer slumpi::} Retailers' sideraiionon Alonzo’s criminal liis- , ^ commitment to defend;nd cliis s e e slo w er siUes ii cl mental problems - not ; i country questioned by>y thoset . to bipolar, unii-social • S; : t l and boixlc who have refused lo serye•ye \when • . rderllne p« r;onallty dis- i'j they could have, and by dioset orders. AlonzoAl could best be . i, .V ireatcd in a coninillcd seiUnc, who have misled the.f. nationn: W ekkE ns'D i: . , HoiinhorsDrst .sjiid, A^llele lie will into Iraq." he said In remarksren -pw;pari-d-fnr-4i-mjdnlBl><-< — m rlongerpr poseaiiYrcano-soclei— “ p;ii[m ;>pp>»:ir;inr<»’in -------- ‘-‘1 do• nmn holit-vc.you are a Kerry, won five . mmil ilitary r. bill your huhavior has '■ meclals in the VietnamMil War; r ^ l H E I - Uie'Na. I 'b een mo:ri()|.istr(>ius." H ohnhorst H Busii was stateside' in tlie ' tional Guard and Cheney';ley's five .'H a v 's nniddier. i iudiUi Ray.de'-; ■ dnift-era deferments kept:ept liim rscribed AlonzoAl in.similar terms ' H out o f die service. toHohnhiihorBt in a statement she H . The. president underscerscored delivered:d before the'sentence H his differences witii Kerryrry on< is- ' ' . sue,s of war. tax cuts, viducduesjn.ii 3 ^ K P B i idered. ■ "'nilsi cruel,Cl uncaring anim:il RP more, bill in terms farr lesale; in- ' took it allill awayI wiili the slash o f B ' cendiary that diose used.‘dbyC b h- a kniTe andar the blow of a tire H eney o r Sen. Zel) Mfller.!r.D-Ga.. t . )ucludith Hay said. "’lYoy on Wednt*sday niglit. *MX( SMITH/na H r X f f i n David AioMonzo is an evil man. I Bu.sh said Kerry and Democ-De I m hate (hisis iman. And, 1 will hate TrcTroy David Alonzo was senteiienced In Sth District Court1 ThursdayT to life In prison wllwithout parole for the . ■ niiic vice presidentijil candandldate , John Edwards had. bodidl \voted ease see ALONZO.’Page mtmtUderof Kacy Ray In 1999.9. ' f l i against an S87 billion inn aidal for "troops doing battlettle in _ Wagons, ho!: WaiVagonDays Afglianistan smd Iniq."' "When"V roU in K e tc h u mrtthis tl asked to explain his vo(e/ote, die w e ek en d . senator (Kcrrv).ssiid, 'I aciuallyaci lldernesSS a c f ^ itahds thiie test oof time did vote for tiie SH" billioiIlion be- P a g e d fore 1 voted againsi iC 'i'heI'hcn he The Assocloclated Press________ l ~ •ew dther locations , said he was "proud of ilia t Wilderne:ess areas in Idaho vote." S pOR'I'S . ' . WASHItIINGI'ON - Forty years V , I , beirig considered for 'Ilie president said Kerrlerryhas ■ Size 106i million acres after Con- ^ * J y**L .i wilderrerness designation. proposed "more dian S212 trilliontr First test: TWinn FallsI and hj res designated scided some wilderness !!; in acres in ne\v federal spending11! .so..s> far. o p e n s its 2004 foocbaUfoe not be”spoiled by peo- Craters" of the Moon Nationallal Wilderness 43.243>43 1970 Seec page A2 :md diat's a lot. even forrasena- a : . , s e a s o n to n ig iit; ata t le ro m e .. ple.Uiela^law is such an Icon tliat Frankp Church-Rlver of No RetiJturn Wilderness 2.356,757'57 1980 ® 'to r from Massachusett.s."s." PageD l skcptlcsdi{dare only try to slow Its Gospel” Hump Wilderness . 205,796'96 1978 and honlorseback riding are al- Bush added: 'To pay; forfoi diat conscqueiLienees. , ; ”Hells Canyon Wilderness 83.811i l l 1975 lowed:; ^^azinggr livestock is geil- spending, he is runningng on a - Even 'PresidentT Bush has . .fSawtoctti Wilderness 217,086)88 1975 erally allowed.all OfT-limits are platform of increasing' (a:(axes - O pinion signed offon on adding 529.604 ‘ ' *Selway Bittefroot WildernessS 1,089.017)17 1964 m ountaiitain biking, commercial .'. and diat's the'kindofa promise,pro uu«. ^cres att a time when environ- ^ _______ ;----- 1 lo g j^gg, , Iroad-builditig, oil and a politician usually keeps."ps." Supreme transHio mentalistssts are attempting to use wilderness,wll alUiougli tlie presl-p: on Sept. 3,1.964;• . gas leasirising and mining, except Despite Bitsli's chamctcacteriza- O u tg o in g C h ief ]iJu stice the WildeiJem ess Act to block his dentdei has to sign laws doining it. Motorized vehiclesve and ‘•existing claims. ' tion. Kerry's •economiclic p la n ' . Richard I’ombo. chair- l):o u t ra ise d th e barb for !!'!” “'■ °of more oil and gas TheTh acreage added so farfa in equipment, suchh as a chain saws. lt«P. R calls for rolling baA theie Bush-B and timbering on feder- UuBush's (enure is die least of any are prohibited inir wilderness of tlie House Resources era tax cuis only on thelie ttop 2 . state's leading juriuris., s r " prtpresiden( since Lyndon . John-Jc areas. Camping,;, hiking,li climb- <-ommitKlittee. sends a form letter percent of wage-earners.rs. whiir*\ , to d a y ’s ed ito rialllsays. s Only CoCongress can designate sonsoi signed die Wildernessss Act ing, fislilng, huntintlng, canoeing. Please! seese WILDERNESS. Page A2 leaving the rest in effwt^ Page A6 Ctalg; BBobbitt,i f ^ : — r r r ------------ of Spec- . , j l s COMlNCx u 'p z":iiurf Shop “1 Attemidanceri•ises at T.’.E school Biboume, ■ ■ t g ’ ^ , % By Karin Kowalskikl Knights of Col " “s n tloardsup B ' ' Tlme»News writer W liatdothe;hey do? ‘.his storere Thtirs- ^ ts part of |a*” r~'***3 q a f c / TWINFALLS-/- Attendance S atu rd ayay In J n Z l 'I\vin Falls schoolsIsisupbyabout i ' TheTlmesJ« 132 students compnpared with last lurrlcane' b M . yearandschoolofliofliclalsarccon- I n d e x PFft rices, ' sidering an emeipeigency levy to cover costs beyonc>nd die district's Classified.:...;.'...'.;TT16.16 earlier tiXpec(adon:□ns. Comics ................. "Wlien you opeipen the doors, you’re suiprised."1” said Roben Crossw ord----- -.
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