BS THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Founded in 18U by Rev. Michael O'Connor, First Bishop oj Pittsburgh Diocese fur SS»*» 38 PITTSBURGH, SEPTEMBER 17, 1925 No. 38 IT. F.WALSH ST. BONIFACE'S SISTERS OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE LAY CORNERSTONE TUESDAY- NEW CHURCH IS S. S. HOLY NAME M. C. O'DONOVAN, DIED SATURDAY TAKING FORM RALLY TO HEAR LONG PROMINENT REV. DR. HAYES 'Mffard's Pastor Succumbs to Work Be Run Last July Will Be Com- CATHOLIC, DEAD Jp After Very Short III- pleted By End of 1926—Super-' ^B^^^ri in Johnstown—For- structure Started — Will Cost Sectional Rally of South Side Holy McKees Rocks Controller Buried ipawmate Officiates at Fu- Name Men Will Be Held in St. Friday—Business Houses fin» >260,000—Will Accommodate 850 Ma ry of the Mount Church, Oc- Death Nationally Moum«d—life tober 11—Other Rallies Through- Pointed to as Ideal for fstfcsBt At last, after 40 years of waiting out Diocese Men I An immense but silent throng at- hoping and desiring, the parish of mSff 'the funeral services in St. St. Boniface North Side, is getting Tne death, laát week, of MichMl' l S^trtTs church, Bedford avenue a new church. The hearts of these The Rev. Dr. Ralph L. Hayes, su- Collins O'Donovan, aged 61, con- I BEHfaadless street, Tuesday morn- good parishioners are filled with joy perintendent of parochial schools of troller of the borough of McKm« 1 IS|m> the Rev. Father Thomas F. as they see the fondest hopes of the Pittsburgh Diocese, and noted Rocks, and vice president of the Me- 3 fjilb, pastor, who died Saturday in many years now realizing in the con- for his ability as a pulpit orator, will Kees Rocks Trust Co., and the Char- | dgnctoryof the church, struction of a church, which will be deliver the sermon in St. Mary of tiers Trust Co., and a long prominent 1 p^yfl^r Walsh, who was 69 years a credit to the faith and sacrifice of the Mount Church, Grandview ave- Catholic in the Pittsburgh Pliimw, tJ litft, «as stricken with grippe last a truly Christian people nue, Mt. Washington, Sunday, Oc- iá mourned by the entire borough in 1 mSSt and died from pneumonia, the tober 11, at 3 p. m., before the sec- which he lived, and by all those whe Í SEj^wreloped Thursday. He was - 'waiting was worth the tional Holy Name rally. Members knew him. IgllKNbl priest in the Pittsburgh while for the parish will have a of St. Justin's Church, Boggs ave- '¡faffM to die within the last two church, unique in construction, both nue, Mt. Washington; St. Cather- Funeral services were held Friday 1 g|p, the late Father John J. within and without, an imposing ine's, Beechview; St. Bernard's, Mt. morning at 9 a. m., in St. Francia de J structure, showing an exact render- Sales church, McKees Rocks. Ilw 1 Bjgpt St Catherine's church, be- Lebanon; Resurrection, Brookline: celebrants and clergymen at the sol- I gMfirxt ing of the Byzantine style. St. Ann's, Castle Shannon, and St. The foundation is of concrete con- emn high Mass of requiem wen; | Fffc Rev. Bryan Kenne, pastor of Malachy's, South Side, will attend The Very Rev. W. P. Dunlea, pastor 1 struction The superstructure will this rally. lip'* iioman Catholic church, be of solid brick and hollow tile of St. Francis de Sales charca; the ffiirftgn. who was Father Walsh's faced with Indiana Lime Stone. This particular rally, which will Rev. Raymond Conway, deacon; the I mmas at college, officiated at the I he roof of Spanish mottled tile All commemorate Holy Name Sunday Rev. Francis Pearns, sub-deacon; the pill requiem Mass and funeral interior stone work, such as piers and proclaim publicly the veneration Rev. John O'Reilly, master of cere- •gift. The Rev. Thomas Murphy, columns, caps and bases of Brier for the Holy Name of Jesus, will be monies; the Rev. T. L. Coakley, P.P, ¡Hp pastor at St. Richard's, Hill Sand Stone, golden buff and but one of five such gatherings to be D.D.; the Rev. H. J. Gilbert, St. ni deacon, and the Rev. John A. light variegated colo rs; solid con- held simultaneously in South Hills Paul's Orphanage; and the Very ffOmffr, of St. Brigid's, was sub-struction, no steel encased in stone and South Side circles. A large Rev. E. P. Griffin, pastor of St. total. Interment was in Johns- The dome, which is hemispherical number of similar rallies also will Mary's of the Mount. The pall- fen. Monday night the body was on the interior, is pierced with 16 be held in other sections of the dio- bearers were: Edward Kennedy, "16fttn the rectory to the church windows over the cornice at its cese. These rallies will take place John McDermott, Richard Burke, W. iprd of members of the Holy spring. These 16 windows will be of the heretofore annual Holy Name E. Gavin, M. J. Sullivan and Fred ;. Society remained with the the only stained glass windows processions. Yaggi. l^ fbroaghout the night. Mem- placed at the present. The dome will Bishop Approves Plans Business Houses Clow Imof the clergy recited the office be carried on four immense piers, Following the decision of the ex- Never before has McKees Rocks f it dead at 9:30 Tuesday morn- arches and pendentives. In front of ecutive committee of the Diocesan been so united in grief. All business Si- this, on the entrance side, are a wide Union of the Holy Name Society to houses were closed during the fu- Born in Wales vestibule and colonnaded passages. hold in the various districts a series neral—a token of the genuine re- gfHlar Walsh was born in Wales Dome Novel Feature of Holy Name rallies, which plan spect the town had for this promi-' fc«? and came to this country The dome will present an alto- has received the warm approval of nent Catholic leader. The mayor, 1» was 14. He received his gether unique and absolutely new the Rt. Rev. Bishop, and his bless- council members and all muniopu: education in the parochial development in building science. The ing, the officers of the Union im- employes marched in the cortege. Mttitef New York City and later dome and all the roofs will be exe- mediately got in touch with the or- Mr. O'Donovan, in addition to be- •M Old St. Michael's Seminary cuted in the Gustavina Timbrel Arch ganizers of the various districts and ing vice president of the two Trust ¿•fKwsport. For a short time he construction. The vault of the dome started preliminary arrangements, Companies, and borough controller, IMtt'U a puddler in the Cambria and all ceilings will be of Rumford President Stephen P. Barry an- was president of the McKees Rocks ialaiDs at Johnstown, Pa., after- Accoustical Tile of variegated nounces that arrangements are well Hospital, and had many other busi- ari attending St. Vincent's Acad- ors. This tile will completely coi- under way in the following districts: ness and philanthropic interests. He J«r«tBeaUy, Pa. He was gradu- vent echoes of sound and wil"' pre- Homestead, organizer, J. W. Pen- had been a trustee of St. Francis de m from St Vincent's in 1884 and to the new church unusually give ning; Braddock, organizer, Richard Sales church since the parish was at St Vincent's Archabbey, accoustical properties. So far good Butler; Wilmerding, organizer, An- organized, also being active in the as is local Conference of the St. Vincent 20,1884, by Bishop Mullen, and known only two or three such domes drew Lager; Greensburg, Jeannette de Paul Society m the larger affaiñi ifc first Mass in Johnstown. are in existence. and Latrobe, organizers, August Hel- of the diocese, and through the* Walsh then was assistant wig and J. N. Schildkamp; Donora, Pittsburgh Particular Council, both St Malachy's, from July All the interior walls to be lined Monnessen, Charleroi and Mononga- to a height approximately feet, of which he was president of for o June, 1885; Immaculate 7 hela City, organizer, Francis Poram- many years. Connellsville, June, 1885, with Yaletex Face Brick. The only by; Glassport, organizer, James O'- M86; St John the Baptist, plaster, in the church proper, will be Brien; McKeesport, Clairton and Du- The Society of St. Vincent de Paul \ to March, 1888; St. from this point to the cornice at the quesne, organizer, Al. Eofot; Wood- especially feels the loss of Mr* My, to September, 1888; break line, where the Guastavino lawn, organizer, Frank J. Yesto. O'Donovan, both locally and nation- construction ends. ally. At the national convention la Ctonelton, from Septem- It is fully expected that during the Washington, D. C., to which he had 1888 to September, 1895; (Continued on Page 8) torn, Monongahela City, (Continued on Page 8) been selected delegate, profound sor- . 1895, to January 28, row was expressed. The Holy Sac- Mary of Mercy, Pittsburgh, rifice of the Mass, and prayers wen Ml IftBBsry 28, 1900, to Julv 15, COMMITTEE OF EXCURSION IS offered there Saturday for the re- Mary's, Freeport, until —Courtesy Gazette Times. pose of his soul Benedict's Colored church, PRIESTS NAMED Above are shown views ol' the ceremonies at the laying of the cor- "Life Worthy Emulatkm" fc November 10, 1906, to nerstone. Sunday afternoon, for the new motherhouse for the Sisters of PUNNED BY ST. "The Society of St. Vincent dé * 8, 1907; St. Veronica's, Divine Providence, on the Three Degree Road, near Keown Station, Paul suffered the loss of an able i, December 8, 1907, to No- TO MAKE SURVEY "lop—A group of priests who participated, surrounding the cornerstone, GEORGE KNIGHTS leader who war eVer ready to spend 8,1911.
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