Dr. 'Walter Judd Captures Audience1 .,Impressive - Religious Speeches GBERTt HUDSON (seated cemw) w=as cmmed ROTC Qwm at the annual military ball &, Walrex W. Jucld cun - WWnesdaji night. &@&TI w3tB &r, I+%+ o rQ@t, a~eSarratl CT&l@r, fhit alt-t* Cadet duW his ~kcCet-dayvisit to Hone Ecoaomks Cpb. Henry. Rayburn; Dr. Cde; ,wid knnie Hidc;51., second 4rexm. MISSHudson was Jack~ctnviEle State College on &l&md by papttlar bdlt af a&c&et 5~3g&e. Ttpsday wit& ar fin& ddrmo sn c43%ls I -Do." .Cwivantion Slated U6ifli St, PaIJ's famUar Tfie C&i* klub Section of . ~sitemant; hie one t&ing I t!kv A'f'&&ma &me Em-cs .ma dca; puttihg rhm things ba- Aqgc@align .will b1.d im irn hlhd me . ,. 18paess40 . ," Mfiwsm&2n hers dn He told rfre faculty, scudencs "%i%md~+ y, April M, via the r IUI.1 Wt?mGnspeople assembled in terrae Cole Ch_aptez as host- the hofinrs Cole Auditorium &. tkar wo of the benefit@ of &p- R&gcs:x$.~lonwill held ~S$~USEmphasis We?& &refe frqm 8:s co 930 in Maw *q~ Er caltaes ltndividuats to during which coffee wfXl qmp apart and look at them- be s&ved in the home eco- tilt&$,what they are cfoing, namicsl department The gen- SGA- President bere they are going and eral wwio~wjil rake place mu~p m~&mq in & elecrion set a aeo~rd Ule;Om&y, it @v@s ttjm a in rba @l'famce eenrar of .dw p~p8m4 @e LF ,~udgnt hr wy pmi%pflsSGA conest, i$hmf;~:cci turn a *W page, to Masm Hiall with Virginla? Ggv@rnmmaAssd#rion im me @itb w least 50 pez tat d' ; -art mr. %Urn&&af Amiston, stem? ekawn Wd By .W &udm~sus2ng their xi* He urged then CQ forget chairman, presidfng. by .of fran&iw+ &el2 f&ikih.asand. succesim~ Lhe Mlmmunisrs will Lase Mim Madred B. Davis, field a two-&birds Eta Tqylar Hardy defeare$ forward for their zeal for their faith mare &dxvjCe. ~~inafmof the t# bdw@ Ca~y1264 to 775, Judy &"I; tib. Ihead' to rapidly than they lose heirs; AmwjW Hme ~onom~cs a run~ff, W~REWtmced Jmfce' Boyd ~Wfrdb*t urges f-flake hat passion will aoze Watlon, w.121 be the pin- C M ,am dlect-d 1~ 1246 to 796 For the #mee of 3 &rter worlg, c%pl sp3k$ce2. v~te'Fouc of a powwe ~q,j;~~~WY. Lane War~m, a% Qn sunday Dr, j,,~ away more rapidly than their Srae officers of rbe ca4ege while hfs ogmwnp@,Tmmy !W@ c~mdi*te for mWUrQr, McMAHAN Dpened &e <*&-day mrfas forDr. Judd is slated to re- dub secrion are as fdlows: Mms* and Jack Sadqrd, re- d~~~~ 1722 votes. e@ndldat&e bn chi@ c~mpua. pf C~&B with EWtu ic, "What cehe the Layman - of - che Vlr SnSa WeodJ1, JSC, ~div14.d531 and 462 respemlve- 'I;&*Bl3x:a.on &m&t t~ 8 T& rem4i(. ww ]USE for Todpyls vPorld,,. Year Award from the Relig- pxeysicf e%q Sara Mitchell, 3ud- comi~s ~YV Flu= 'of * afiother h&cad~of ehe i~usHeritap bf 'America s~n,MeCormick,v&e chairtnan; SafraQ M~rianno Heart, The number of mecast .*a J%B~wB&-- aman- of 2s~gtuderirs soon. Cardinal Spellman will raorcling seerretay p; Ja~ue- 6@ w ~V&&E~Stbat &re to receive the Minister - of - SC, h@ f&~diiz rhe coming year, the Year Award at the same iyn Riley, corresppdhg amrewyi ~gnthta~tehwm, Offkers-_ AdHamots AnNamed Tw gmmm~ ,S ,at , ceremony. *41TW&m Bdp hq.dqnt~ gn a- &6&d, paxIiament arjgn; tm ml~aringc&- ba Jie Pad$-, Univqsity af SC Receives ~laamh historian: KP*Y At RE. P--'---I- Scianto ~Feir 5; 8 t& Pe@laktbm - , &-@mQ~w%a - - ,. - 1.213.1 49 G rc.- #.. ;.4.7, - --~L~~~,~.. *# R. W. sf ii:i~iii-- 8 County ha& kAa--ak-. pd- i. Berthe rhsrcollege s arant has nfbeen Cqlq noti- Ida .- k ~iliaptz, ~~n~aupo;earth . -*d-.- rrp~m ' M: na, nlstorian; Kathy old onee. n fuzzy about ourselves. Teague, Alabama College, re- *+I 14 t,pd te Q-er *as our , ..L&w*&*:g&$, f10iea*- as. ,*-ra Bum=, we, p%e 8- ceuhii rn* sctra,: ~i~tqt~s,d~iacauga; ear* hut a reli@@usow, - - b wai decred gsr~@~tof * a,M space &@enee%: GWrg . ddminandy Chrisdan, and we fied that a grant of $213,149 ford University; and Janie N* Alabarnk WUWrn, WMen; Bill Fd- Aanar fixst wa~&&Iced hold mwt d cwr hi&&sr: has been approved by the Cattrell, Huntingdon, council . R~m& partment of Health, Educa- members-at-large. Mame Fair held ,$rtJacksoa- day, Sylacatqga; mmemaric4: Up dl@ college ~UE~WRe- value* QM hcawe we are riglaw Esrrphmasiss Week when human but beau- they are tion and Welfare, according to vllle Srilte College, Kenneth Wedtins, Jr., Gail n- n-1- Mrs. S. 8. Matthews. JSC. Cralejr, Wderskiurg; mW- pra;cs;itGy all dmominrtroas magal values aT aw religious UL. bole. adviser; Miss Bernice Clark; hp~2s-ad. The grant will be used in Ebcted te serve with him rim and health: BaxMS were represented am- the hefitwp." Huntingdon, ass ociate ad- Brawn, Syfzreauga; Ronnie rmnemisliatsw wkmeame He m@&zed Ehar "we the Work - Study Program in .dwin 1966-67 we%em which students are em viser.Ar the luncheon a novelty .beae ey, (3~mmnaie, viw DObme, C?SWVUh. GQ pa-ktfepam The ui@'% oh- must *camre our religious -- f sermn~ewm the mmt sunhi- hexitag and faith; Wlsesver ployed to help pay their col- p+qWdent; Lea Am WBrd* Physics: &egg L Vaulgha, program, ' "Talking Through Sylacaug&; Dana LWairro, tiourr ever attempted h$m, and the principlefa of the CBristian lege expenses. The college @Zacauga, maaaryj and will match the grant with one- My Hats", will be presented Jane a,Ctosa- GadsBm, zqplwy, Ihkomrr was plmned to reach mare faith: rededfcaia ourdvesro by Mrs. Edward Clark, model Mareland, SyIacauga; &am students than ever More. &em and apply them in w ninth of the total amount. vale, tT608Ur@r. Last week Dr. Cole an - and designer; and Mrs. Find winners in the m- Decaun&es, Syl aca;~. Studeatla were given every ap- dally ltves." Theron E. Montgomery, nar- Scf9atffic WO portmltg m have prsonal In Ms Manay morning ad- nounced that the colleae had nual fair were atnounCd at pawre! - received a grant of $182,500 rator. i&e desinlg asaew$Ip pres2dN ldcd m.ietieh): Renee Mc+ coMe*w wi& dink- dmes, Dr. Judd spoke on Dr. Cole will, welcome the over by Wn, AB&mj te3@ kpLe cero, @r to join smd) dPs- Ghdst's great Issmmand- for the E d u c ational Op- retimg . president, p o r t u n i t y Gxant Program. group to the college; and Sara Tmy Rlndall d Sylacauga. Wazd, Syliicfya5a; (physical cussion pup8 Eind sqinars ment sbey "zbw $hat love Killian, Fort Payne, president &clenceB); Patricia Butler, where &piritual life was the the Lord Thy God , , and This program affords as- Roolnie Owens, Sylacauga, . sistance for needy students of the hostess chapter, will and Lederry Hulliq Jackson- Cr~ssville; *Sheila Pander, tapic. &y naighbor as thyself ." He extend greetings "The Madri- ville, were tap mr-aZ1 win- Dr. Wdmr Judd proved to predieted that cornnlunism who musr also have loans or galians" will sing under the Oxford. be a bxilunt speaker, will fail hecauqe St wcbes scholarships to cover their ners. in the s#injow high di- emenses. direction of Tom Warren. uMW. William FuUm, aeholax, and a detaicaced meh rn hate ffod, and he used Ctiristfan. masages rnU*mBtlrg, i&l Billy Wood, Of Good were full of thou* - pro- Atdla, wen ton over-all Editor Resigns Samaritan as an example of wirm'exs in the junior hi& di- v@ng ecatements concerned mini To lOW as a Jae Stahlkuppe has re- with today's warld, and how Brather, meam uu do same- ~t~isitm. .all ,:oi ' ed as Mirdrc of &@ COL- ro live In the conflict md thing about condic&ms; help Owens and HoUk wen Llr GIAN an$ Kaye Duke, the. confWon &bout us. Jt was the bPokenhearwd, deliver the expense-patd trips to the feature edLcv, habeen ap- a rare treat ta have the cap#ve, and love me*sfellow- H%tfm.s~lkhq Fslr - Ln- prdnM -%1iethg.sdlmr . Marilyn opwrtunicy tn listen to him man as raperson. I$~~ywmu~t rmaWal t%f be heid May ll- MeKay will Qwcieeg Kaye as and to hb opinions c)n cur- love God, for wibut love of 14 Pn Datlas, Tex. Owms &so feature editor. rent i~;.suea, God rimre can be no love of "on the u, 8. NPLV~ETUIR. Stu&tlr~g inkregtect in be- The srwdmts and faculty man, be said. O@er senk winners were coming ediwf slzould make ap- cornmimet are to be Con- Tboughauc Dr. Judd'e ad- List@ follows: writing as pEe;arion in before patuldced for their -era- dm$ were WQW ref- B@tmY, Lei& Am Ward, my 15. We Publlmd- tf~nwith Lo& mfaisrerb in erenms to world con$idons, IS& Wrbara Webb, 2nd, &md will select a new MI- plstkmirg ~33a far -rea&ing based on his eJrperienwB as a u "~$lecau~Wsry, pa- tor for the eumrner session. pmgxatn, medical rnis~ionarytq mlna; his pglitlcal experience as a congreacetnan; and his pef- sonal, knowledge of corn- murj_sih-- and. world diplomacy. He expressecl tba opinion €hat U.
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