DEVOTED TO—BASE BICYCLING GUNS GUNNING VOLUME 29, NO. 14. PHILADELPHIA, JUNE 26, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. CHICAGO GLEANINGS. PAID TO THE MEMORY OFiLAIENTED A SNEER AT THE RIDICULOUS HARRY IRIGHT, PRESENT-GIVING HABIT, The toiling ol the Monument Erected lore Wobbles and Changes in tlia to Perpetuate the Fame ol the Chicago Team Griffith©s Consist Father of Prolessional Base Ball ent Work A Local Handicap The Col, Rogers© Fine Oration, Etc, Land Overran With Freak Ball Clubs. Chicago, June 20. Editor "Sporting In the presence of about 1500 people on Life:" Three straight at Boston three June 20 the last public tribute was paid that we didn©t get, I mean. How that to the memory of Harry Wright by the un Boston team is climbing up no chance to veiling in West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Phil stop those fellows unless Long, Lowe and adelphia, of a beautiful bronze statue, a half a dozen other get laid up all to counterfeit presentment of the "Father of gether. I notice that our players were Base Ball." The heavy rain which sprang nearly all given handsome presents during up about 2 o©clock deterred many from at the opening game at Boston. Then they tending the ceremonies, which were ex went ahead and lost the game most ac tremely simple, as the loved father of base commodatingly. ball would have had them. William Tag- A NOVEL SUGGESTION©. gart, of "Taggarts* Times," presided. After That suggests an idea. We might, by a stating the object of the meeting- Mr. Tug- proper succession of presents, given at the gart introduced sculptor Edmund Quinn right time, manage to win a few and Contractor P. Keinhalter, who form games yea, even beat Baltimore. Im ally turned the statue over to the Harry agine a game played on this pattern: Wright Memorial Association, on whose be- "McGraw was given a gold watch when he ap fcalf it was received by Frank L. Hough. peared at the rubber. He bowed and politely; A FINE TRIBUTE. struck out amid cheers from tbe noiltitude. Colonel John I. Rogers, who was in excel Keeler, the next batsman, was handed an order lent voice, was the orator of the day, and for a suit of clothes, and reciprocated by a he paid a glowing compliment to the mem pop fly to second. There was some hitch about ory of the man who had devoted his© life getting Jennings© presents up to the plate, and he to the development of the national game. hit for three bases. Kelley was oflered a. Said Mr. Rogers: rolled gold collar button, but shook his head and threatened to hit the ball. Thea they History preserved in classic lore has trans brought him the shirt also, and be promptly mitted to tbe modern world the ancient pagan struck out. maxim, "De mortuis nibil nisi bouum" "Of the "The Colts toek the stick and Everitt handed dead nothing unless good." The adage attests Hotter a gold-headed cane, iu return for which. that even in tbe breast of those haughty rulers Hotter gave him four balls. Bill at once braJse of the Koman Empire the blessed spirit of char for second, and, after giving up a diamong ring ity dictated oblivion for the faults of tbe dead, and a box of cigarettes, was permitted to take and that when the doors of the sepulchre closed tbe base. On the next ball he went to third. on even an enemy they locked up forever all McGraw held wit his hand, but Bill bad nothing remembrance of bis transgressions. As a logical left to give him, and the disappointed Oriole sequence to this axiom the cemeteries of ancient Rome were coverd with gorgeous tombs, mauso angrily touched him out." leums and monuments, the vestiges of the grand Say wouldn©t games played on the pres eur of which are still to be seen along the Appian entation plan be a hot scheme? Way. Epitaphs of the dead were chiseled into THE AUSTRALIANS. the stone and brass and fulsome eulogies exag Eastern people have now had a chance gerated the virtues, while concealing the vices to see the Australians. The licking they of the departed ones. gave a picked team of Chicago and Brook From those days to these the same precedents lyn players indicates that they come pretty have been followed, and the tears of mourning near to knowing what to do with the ball have ever lengthened the perspective of good and when they are given a chance to soak it. dimmed the shadows of evil while placing flowers And that second basemaii oh, what a on tbe graves of our beloved. dream he is. and what a Pfeffer he could Cynics and those other superior mortals, who be developed into by some able manager. think they live in a world of their own crea UNCLE AND HIS TEAM tion a .much superior world than that which God are having lots of fun along the line. There created sneer at such post mortem flattery and have been a few more wobbles and changes. repeat: "Ad nauseum tbe simile," "as lying as Pfeffer made three errors Monday, and Con an epitaph." While tbe criticism is deserved in nor has played the bag ever since. Jimmy is many cases, yet the system or custom could not not in the best of sh;;pe, perhaps, for he has beeu be abolished without a shock to the tenderest errorizing at a merry clip, so much so that Uncle susceptibilities of the human heart. Monuments, announces bis intention of shifting McConuieJc whether plain wooden crosses, or sky-piercing to the bag. This might be a good move, or might granite shafts, are not intended to benefit the not. Barry has fallen down of late in his battirg, dead; they are meant as monitors to tbe living, and is no longer hitting anywhere near a .300 to hold up the nobler parts of tbe dear ones who clip, while Connor is still well above the charmed were, but are not, as exemplars for our conduct, mark. and to remind us of our mortality fast approach I presume this last tumble marks Fred Pfeffer©s ing its end. They, and all other decorations of finish. Fred has been a good old player, but 16 "God©s Acre" preach sermons in stones and flow looks as if the bell had tolled. ers, and like so many magnets draw us from the Thornton bus been chasing them in centre dur noisy world into quiet sanctuaries like this, ing Lunge©s lay-off, and managing to get in bis where retrospection brings introspection. Yes, regular errors. we may .iostle and elbow each other, in the When the team comes home there will be a crowded thoroughfares of trade; rush heedlessly merry hob. Korwau will get a trial iirst pop, along in our greed for gold, climb pantingly am and Danny Friend, who has been pitching great bition©s ladder, regardless, if in the race or as ball in tbe Western League, will be recalled and cent, we trample on the weak or faltering, or set to work. The four regular pitchers will not are deaf to the wail of woe, yet there are few be farmed or tr.ided there is room for six good in the wide, wide world there are none, thank men, if they©ll only win a game or two. God, none of us here present to-day so self- THE HARRY WRIGHT MONUMENT. © GKIF©S" GOOD WORK. absorbed in self, who can reverently tread this So far this year Griffith has. despite the ill- consecrated ground without sinking for the time luck and poor fielding behind him. pitched bis the ignoble vanities of tbe flesh and bidding Portsmouth©s Club. Sunday Players Arrested. regular good and steady jiame. but lias won :i the good angel of our souls to come up into our Portsmouth, O., June 17. The new Portsmouth Zauesville, O., June 20. The first attempt to much sma.ler per cent, of games than usual. Cal- eyes and lips and bold blest communion, through Base Ball Co., with a guaranteed capital of play Sunday base ball here under the auspices of lahan lias come up to expectations 1-iriggs, the graves of our loved ones, with the God of $4000, completed its organization last night. the Ohio and West Virginia League, resulted iu whom we all touted as the coming pitcher, lias the living and the dead. And, oh, my friends, Hon. Wells A. Hutchins was elected president, the players being arrested at the end of the sixtb won very few games, and Donzer hasn©t actually would we not all be better in our lives, our Thomas Hall, water works clerk, secretary, and inning. Mayor Gibson was inclined to permit the won a single battle. Griffith going ?n to finish, thoughts, our speech and deeds^ jwere_ our pil- G. E. Kucheri, cashier of Central Bank, treasur game, but the opposition of Sunday base ball the one game in which Denxer figures as a win- " (Continued on Tenth Page.) er. O. T. Tanner will manage and captain. An went before a Justice of tlie Peace and had a attempt will be made to na\7e Sunday ball. warrant issued. [Continui©d on Third Page.} LIFE. June -52 6- ALL Earned runs—Boston 10, Chicago 4. Two-base Holmes.If.... 3 0110 OjZimmer, c.. 3 0 0 6 play—Smith, Lachance. First on balls—By Kennedy hits—Long, Duffy 2, Colllna, Tbornlon, Decker.
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