THE WEATHER NET PRESS BUN AVERAGE DAILT CIRCULATION Fair, slightly warmer tonight. OP THE EVENING HERALD Tuesday cloudy with light snow or for the month of November! 1926,’ rain; warmer-• 4,940 ^TWELVE P i Y.V PRICE THREE CENTS ival . Classified Advertising on Page 6 MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1926. 70L. X U . No. 73. * POPULATION OF FRANCE , 40,748,851 BY CENSUS *^MORE SNOW ON Wi^^ thi Slayer and Victim’s Family NICARAGUA GAG DUB TUESDis. FLOODS EVICT ' Paris, Dbc. 27— The popula­ to BANDITS TAKE tion of France Js now 40,743,- SLEET, SNOW ! ....... New York, Dec. jV' east 85i, including 2,498,230 for- is due for anotherreenjej^Y'sCorm THOUSAIOISIN .eigners, according to the official C L A m D O W ir \ tomorrow night, to $10,750 M CASH 1926 census'figures announced HALT TRAFFIC the weather man, -unTess an un­ today. The population of the expected rise in temperature tt.' feeine.department which Includes U B E R ^ A Y E R turns it into rain. The storm THRMATB Paris and its suburbs, is 4,628,- O N H p tA Y S will not be accompanied by se­ FROM DRUGGIST 627, including 42’J,784 foreig­ vere cold. f ners. , Tennessee^ Arkansas and ConfGcting Reports Obscure Few Serious Accidents in Fairfield Man Had Just Got CARLYLE JOHNSON’ S Mississippi Hard Hit By SPEAKER AND COBB Operations of the U. S. Manchester— Snow Piles It on Realty Deals When Rise of Rivers; 2,500 Forces; Not Taking Sides, Up New England Record; FORCE GETS BONUS Thieves Come and Help TO APPEAL TO U .S. Homeless in Nashville. Says State Department Poor Trolley Service. Themselves. Meet at Ws^ington to Seek Extra Week^s Pay For All Memphis; Dec. 27.— ^With three Washington, Dec. 27— Actual de­ Fairfield, Dec. 27.— John Boyle, velopments in Nicaragua, where An icy rain on Christmas Eve dead and ljundreds homeless, trlbu; Hands— New Office and druggist, was held up in his store, taries of,the Mississippi rivei; con­ Vindication in Some Up- American bluejackets have been and a 12 inch snow storm the day landed at several places, were ob­ after Christmas made holiday trav­ just before noon today, and robbed tinued on a rampage today, causing scured today by conflicting advices eling in Manchester and through­ Record Year. of $10.75 in cash. Three mfn par­ widespread suffering and damage known Legal Way. ^ as to the activities of American na­ out New England treacherous. ticipated in the hold-up, one re­ in Tennessee, Arkansas and Mis-' Christmas Day was bright and maining in an Essex touring car val forces there. comfortably warm. Despite the The employees of the Carlyle sissippi. of. Connecticut registration, one Rivers and creeks in the three Washington, Dec. 27.— Ty Cohb Charges by Nicaraguan Liberals traveling conditions comparatively ^Johnson Machine company went The widow and children of Don R. states have run out of bonds, fiood- that the Americans had occupied standing at the door of the store and Tris Speaker, central figures in few accidents were reported. Man­ home to the Christmas Eve festivi. Mellett, murdered Canton, O., ing the lowlands, as the result of thefr capital at Puerto Cabezes and chester had its first opportunity to and the third entering and taking baseball’s newest scandal, came' to ties in a happy frame of mind at editor, sat with tense faces in the hekvy rains last week. In Nashville, expelled the revolutionary leaders learn what trolley service here the money from Boyle’s person. the national capital today ostensi­ were officially denied at the State the close of their day’s work Fri­ Canton court as the jury returned 2,500 are homeless, due to the Cum­ would be with the headquarters in Boyle, whose pharmacy is at a bly to invoke governmental aid in Department. day. The afternoon had developed prominent and generally busy Post a verdict of guilty against Pat Mc­ berland river fiood, and are tem­ Hartford. The verdict is gener­ porarily housed iu public buildings, their endeavors to clear themselves. Admiral J. L. Latimer, in charge, ally poor! for them a surprise as pleasant as Road corner in the center of Fair- Dermott, murderer of the editor. Apparently they are the only per­ has no authority to declare neutral The state highway department it was welcome. An extra week’s field, had just completed two real churches and warehouses. The lower photo shows the expres­ May Raise Mississippi sons, however, who have any idea zones In the little republic, it was and the' town highway force com­ pay was awarded each employee as estate deals In which cash pay­ In Mississippi, the Tombigbee as to' just how the'federal govern­ announced at the Dephrtment and bined in doing efficient work In a Christmas bonus. ments were made, when the hold­ sion with which McDermott met river has exceeded fiood stage. A. A. ment can be drawn into the fight. Is not “ taking sides” in the revolu­ clearing the highways yesterday. Following a custom inaugurated up men appeared. their eyes when he was on the Both are reported to have said tion thei'e. Traveling is normal today as the some time ago, the oflSce £01*06 j Knew His Ground Pennington was drowned when his witness stand. A recommendation car overturned in a ditch at Columr they planned to'lay their case be­ The Nicaraguan Liberals’ Junta rqsult of the good work of the joined in an informal dinner in the They were apparently young here., however, claimed today that of mercy saved McDermott from bUs, Miss., and in Arkansas, W> C. fore the Departent of- Justice, the snow plow crews. main office at noon. The dinner was] Italians. The manner in which Pdstofflee Department, the Federal coast which has “ rendered the con­ served under the direction of the; the death penalty but he faces a Maguire and, Cleveland McCarty Town Fortunate the man who did the hold-up work Trade Commission, the Interstate stitutional government incommuni­ Manchester was fortunate, over feminine branch of the force and] indicated he was entirely familiar life term in prison without hope were drowned near Keo, also in a cado with the rest of the world.” offered a splendid menu of fried] ditch filled with flood water. Commerce Commission and sundry the holiday week-end as far as ac-! with Boyle’s doings. I of pardon. other governmental agencies. But Liberals Win Victory cidents were concerned. Consider­ chicken and everything that goes The car drove up in front of the . The weather bureau here today officials of all these institutions de­ The department made public to­ ing the changeable weather which with it. The office rooms were very store and remained with engine 1 indicated that the Mississippi river day a dispatch from Admiral Lati­ seriously affected traffic conditions prettily decorated for the occa­ running. The look-out stood at itself will be affected by the floods clare they do not see what jurisdic­ tion the government has in the mer which told of a victory won by causing numerous automobile acci­ sion. the entrance, revolver in hand. The | on its tributaries. A crest of 31 the Liberal revolutionists over the dents about the state, Manchester A Pleasant Surprise. man who entered jabbed a pistol i feet is expected tonight, ■ .with the C&S0* American-backed Diaz forces, but was lucky to escape with but two At the close of the dinner S. H. against Boyle’s side and shoved his possibility that it may go higher. May Charge “ Trust” contained no references to the re­ slight auto accidents. Captain Her­ Simon, vice-president and general hand directly into the pocket COMMITS MURDER MILLION AND HALF Flood stage here is 35 feet. The ousted stars might appeal to ported ousting of the liberals by man Schendel of Manchester Police manager of the Carlyle Johnson where the money was resting. The No ReUef In Sight the Department o f Justice for an in­ American armed forces. Headquarters stated early today Machine company, gave an infor­ hold-up required but seconds and Nashville, Dec. 27.— The raging vestigation of organized baseball as The dispatch said: "At Pearl La- that from Friday afternoon up until mal talk. He reviewed some of the the men departed without undue A S ‘FAVOR TO LADY’ TO BURY MIKADO waters of the Cumberland river h ^ a “ trust” hut it Is exceedingly goon- there has been a defeat suf­ today, but two auto collisions had early experiences of the company haste. In a minute’s time the car left between 2,500 and 3,000 per­ doubtful if the department would fered by the government forces and been reported at the police station. following the year 1904, when he disappeared toward Bridgeport. sons homeless here and there is no listen seriously to any such plaint. they have retreated to Salse Bluff came east from Youngstown, Ohio, The drizzling rain that froze al­ Within a few minutes Boyle had relief in sight, according to the Some of the letters that figure in and El Bluff. Government forces in the interests of John and Henry most as fast as it fell, raised havoc the Westport barracks of the state local weather bureau which today the scandal went through the mails, have left their dead and wounded with traffic conditions Friday Stambaugh, financial men of Jap Diet Appropriates Al­ but postoffice officials said they did on the field. The government has Youngstown, who had a consider­ police on the telephone and, told Owed Freedom to Her, So predicted more rain.
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