
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CORPORATE AFFAIRS Central Registration Centre Certificate of Incorporation [Pursuant to sub-section (2) of section 7 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of2013) and rule 18 of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014] I hereby certify that DHW PROMOTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED is incorporated on this Eighteenth day of September Two thousand eighteen under the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of2013) and that the company is limited by shares. e Corporate Identity Number of the company is U92490MP2018PTC046564. The Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the company is AAGCD8482Q The Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) of the company is BPLD06033G* Given under my hand at Manesar this Eighteenth day of September Two thousand eighteen. Digital Signature Certificate ALOKTANDON Deputy Registrar Of Companies For and on behalf of the Jurisdictional Registrar of Companies Registrar of Companies Central Registration Centre Disclaimer: This certificate only evidences incorporation of the company on the basis of documents and declarations the applicant(s). This certificate is neither a license nor permission to conduct business or solicit deposits or funds from public. Permission of sector regulator is necessary wherever required. Registration status and other details of the company can be verified on www.mca.gov.in Mailing Address as per record available in Registrar of Companies office: _DHWPROMOTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED 103, KRlSHNABAG" MN0.490562, INDORE, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, 452001 * as issued by the Income Tax Department DHW PROMOnONS PRIVATE UMITED 't~ DIRECTOR [Pursuant to Schedule I (see Sections 4 and 5) 10 SPlceMOA the Companies ACI. 2013)] FORM NO, INC·33 (e-Memorandum of Association MOAlangu;l911: ® English r Hindi SRNofftUn IG93224061 • Table appllcabletc co.mpahyas notified under schedule I ofthe companles Act, 2013 1L.~__ ":'_ __l Table ;1\.- MEMORANlJUM 0FA$SUCIATION OF A COMPANY LIMITED BY SHARES 1.The Name of the Company is IOHW PROMOTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED 2.TheRegistered office ofthe company will be situated inthe state of IMadhyaPradesh.MP 3.(a)Theobjects to be pursued by the company on its incorporation are 1.To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of production,manufacturing.buying, selling,exchanging, importing, exporting, dealing andwhole~;lle or in retail in handicraft and other related goods madeof metal, wood,cement. stone, oaoer.oictn.tace.leather, and other matenats.or with any combmatlcn thereof such 01aluminum,copper, brass, bronze,bell metal, German silver, silver or any alloy thereof, real-and.irnltaticn,zarl, zariwoven embroidered, products;Handicraftof papers, Sculptures.marble, leather. such as hand bags, pouch, bangleboxes, belt travelscgpods, carpets, wood article,,goodsand articleof stones,modal of historical places. modal of-templesetc, nandmade:p.a,intingsp. hoto.frarnes..drawings and pastels,.0rig\Oae(l,gl f3vings,prints.and.liihographs,couectionof ZQOIQgiqa'i.botanical, •rniMraltiglcal o.rOlJmismatibintets~handJooJnrryaterl~ls.antiques,art;9oooS,wearingand decorativeapparels 'Of every kinds, natureand description, andalso \0 car!)' on the business ofall kinds of ivory-andmetalworks. 2. To carry on in India or elsewh'erethe business through Direct Sellingwhich includes buying.selling reselling, importing, exporting. transporting, storing, developing, manufacturing, producing, marketing,supplying all types and grades of products and services as a direct selling entity and to act as broker, agent, C & F agent, dlstributor; franchiser,ccnsuttant, collaborator,stockiest, jobworker. export house in all type,sand grades of products and services or otherwi.seto deal as per above mentionedproducts i1MW<PR0MO'nn~"'PDT\!A"!'E!.!M~ '0 3.(b)Matters which are necessary for furtherance of the objects speCified in clause3(8) are ~~ ..--.- - --.,,#~..; -.-'- ' . 1. To purchase, exchange or otherwise any movable orimmovable property and anyrights or privileges which the Company m~ldae.ruTr'" necessary or convenient for the purpose of Its main busmess. U KE(.; , "" R 2. To,en'terinto partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of interest,joint venture, reciprocal concession or co- operation with persons or companies carrying on or engaged in the main business or transaction of this Company. 3. To import. buy, exchange, alter, improve and manipulate in all kinds of plants, machinery. apparatus, tools and things necessaryor convenient for carrying on the main business of the Company. 4. To vest any movable or immovable property, rights or Interests required by or received or belonging to the Company in any person or company on behalf of or for the benefit of the Company and with or without any declared trust in favour of the Company. 5. Topurcttase.bund, carry out, equip, maintain, alter, improve, develop, manage, work. control and superintend any plants, wilrehouse, 'sheds,offices, shops, stores, buildIngs, machinery, apparatus, labour lines, and houses, warehouses. and such other works and conveniencesnecessary for carrying on the main business of the Company. 6. To undertake-orpromote scientific research relating to the main business or class of business of the Company. 7.To takeover the whole.or any part of the business, gOOdWill,uade-marxs properties and liabilities of any person orpersons. firm, . companiesor undertakings either existing or new, engaged in or carrying on or proposing to carry on business this ~ompany IS aut.hOfised to carry on,possession of any property or rights sultable for the purpose of the Company and to pay for the same either 10cash or In shares or partly in cash and partly in shares or otherwise. and enter into agreements and contracts wilh Indian and foreign indly'd .. I .. IOl1:lanizalliorlsfortechnical, or any other such assistance for carrying out all or an th I ua S.cO!llpames, corporations and such other rese~rch and development.ot manufacturing projects on Ihe basis Ofkno!.h e rnamobjects of the COlT_lpanyor for the.purpose of patent ngnls for furthering the main objet!!; of the Company. ow, or technicat GOJlaboratron<1M necessary formulas Subject.to the Provisions of Ihe.ConiPanies Acl20 13 10 amalgamale with any oth . •. f hicn at . .' . Irfllmollniieshaving similar to Ih b' 't f h C ' . ..": er company 0 w ich all or any of the" objects . e 0 lec sot e ornpany in any manner whether with or without th-eliquidation Subjec1loany law for the time being in force. to undertake or taKe part in the formation. supervision or control of the business or of any person. firm. body corporate, associauon undertaking carrying on the main business of the Company. 1. To apply for. obtain. purchase or otherwise and prolong a.nd renew any patents. patent-rights. brevets. mventicns, processes. scientific . or other assistance. manufactUring processes know-now and other information. patterns. copyri~hts. trace-marks, licenses IGOO!;l!sSIQn,asnd the hke fights or benefits. conferring an exclusive or ncn-exclusive-or limited Or unlimited right 01use thereof. which may C3[)8Cle ot being used for or In ccnnectron with the rnain.colects of the Cornpanj. or the acquisition or use otw.hich may seem tcatcuratec or Indirectly to benefit 'the Company on payment or any fee royalty or o.ther conslderatlortand (0 use. exercise or Of gf;lnt licens.e;s inre~pectthereof or othelwfSedeal with same and to spend money in experimenting upon tesling or limnrovinrr any such-parents, inyehtions. rigntor concessions. for and obtain any order under any Ad or Legislature, charter, privilege concession, license or-authonsationoJ any 1(,rM>lmrr'Ant State or other Aulht)fity for enabling tneCof)1P<lnY tQ carry on any of its main obj.ects i)'lto (llfect or for extem:lirig any of the . or for effecting ann modification of the constilulion of the Company or' for arty other such' purpose which may seem I"",,,,",~i"niand to oppose anY proceedings or applications which may seem expedient or catcuiated directly. or indirecllyto.prejudice the I,n"",,"'.""the Company. 13. To enter into any arrangements with any Government or Authorities or any persons or companies that may seem conducive to the obje.cts 01 Ihe·Company Ot any of them and to obtain frarrt any such Governme.nt, .authority. person ur company any rights. charters, 'I"""'r,,,""" licenses and concessions which the Company may think desirable to obtain and to carry out. exercise and comply therewith. 4. To procure the Company to be registered onecognised in or Under the law$ of any pl;)ce outside India and to do all act necessary ror a'ny ·forelgn country for the bUsineSS or profession of the Company. 15. To draw. ma!<e. accept. discount. execl,lte and issue bills of exchange, promissory notes bills oflading. warrants, debentures and such negotiable·or transferable instruments. of all types or securities and to open Bank Accounts of any type and to operate the same in ordinary GOurse of the Company. To advance money either with or without security. and to such persons and upon such terms and conditions as the Company may fit and also to deat with the money of the Company not immediatety required. To undertake and execute any trusts. the undertaking of wbich may seem to the Company desirable, either gratuitously or otherwise. To,establisl:!. or:promote or concur in estabtishlng or promote any company for the purpose of dealing all or any of the properties, rights liabUitiesQftheCompany. mClrtgagE~.exchange,srant liceoseSand qtheNigplj! imptQvll, manage. d.eYIlI.oPanddispos,e ofon~ertaking~, properties. lasse!:S'Elnd.,effecisofthe compaey orany part-4hereo(for such considera.tion as may be expedient and in particular fpr any shares, stocks, Idebel1tulres or other securities of any othet such compMy.llaving main objects ailogetheror in part similarto'those of the Company. SUQjectlo the ProYision.s of Companies AC12013. to distribute among the membe.rs in specie or otherwise any property of the or any proceeds of sale or disposal of any property oflhe Company in the event of winding lip. To distribute as dividend or bonus among the member or to ptace to reserve or otherwise to appty, as the Company may.
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