THE WESTFIELD LEADER *>TOn liihmuuonmi *unim> MOOMMT) MintWBWLY* nm/mtimOIBOULAHDi VUXL»•••!'T» VIWIPU•••••iwO •*w• mnjinnoww oomren nt ^^ Entered as Socond Claw Matter '-FIRST YEAB—No. 2 Po»t Office. Weetfleld. NTJ. Published WgBTElELD, NEW JEBSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1960 Every Thd JOfi 10 CM** Idult School To Present Laboratory School Dr. Christian To Start World ;ial Free Lecture For Adult Workers Mission Air Tour Wednesday 7,775 Students Register Dr. Frederick E. Christian, pas- tor of the Presbyterian Church in andBonaro Westfleld, will board a plane a' As Local Schools Open Council of Churches Newark Airport Wednesday to To Sponsor Week take him on the first hop of t ft To round the world mission tour un Walsh to Head YM Of Counseling der the auspices of the United Regitttr To Vote Increase of 553 Presbyterian Church in the USA Sept. 26 The Westaeld Council of Accompanied by his wife, Dr. Youth Department When Nikita and Nina paid us a Over Last Year Churches is sponsoring a labora- Christian will visit more than 13 call, L, Vestfield Adult School As tory school for adult workers with countries in his three month air- Ronald J. Walsh was designate* Veddy proper, and all like that, n will present the intema children and youth from Sunday tour, speaking to the congrega director of the Westfleld YMCA's They made it quite clear to all who Is Reported known authors and lee to Sept. 16 at the First Methodis' tions of sister churches, originally youth department, according to an would hear girry and Bonaro Over Church of Westfield. mission stations, but now est«b announcement released today by That elections in Russia aren't lished under strong local leader- Dr. S. N. Ewan Jr., superin- fiey will speak on "Mak A laboratory school Is a sus YMCA President Frank A. Ketch- pat! tendent of schools, said Tuesday Who Can Hake • Free tained experience of observation ship. More than a month will be am. The appointment was effective spent in Thailand and India where night at the. Board of Education Monday, Sept. 86 at 8:18 and participation. Student teachers Thursday. The people all go to the polls to meeting that schools opened yoter- ja Roosevelt Junior High will observe a counseling teacher extensive lecture tours have been vote arranged. Mr. Walsh has been a member day with 7,775 pupili on the rolls trained in working with his age of the professional staff of the (They'd better if they plan to en increase of (63 over last year. lljw Ztck, president of the as- Troup and skilled in group pro- Special addresses are scheduled Westfleld Y since July 1, I960, eat!) He stated that pupils could be MlMi has announced that th< :edures and will assist the teacher at colleges enroute including Silli- when he was designated assistam And can vote as they choose—air adequately housed this y«»r, but in kj the OverstreeU is pre- :n making plans and carrying them man University at Dumaguete in boys' work and youth secretary their own views the transfers that have been mad* through in actual teaching. There the Philippines, at Albor* College, His responsibilities then were pri- If, of course, they agree with itj to five residents of We»t- JUDGE KENNETH C. HAND to do this "indicate the need for I tit vicinity the opportunity will be many opportunities to ex- Teheran, Iran, and at the Beirut marily with junior and senior high 'Nikit'r Tamaquei School, and aa sooa M College for Women in Syria. i* 0MM outstanding speakers, periment with new ways of teach- DR, FREDERICK CHRISTIAN school age youth with emphaala on possible." het tk« Adult School has had ing and to broaden horizons Of special interest to Westflelil the Hi-Y program, Now here, we can go to the polls Two hundred twenty stodtntt NewGtizens' through reading, discussion with residents will be Dr. Christian's or stay home— import of local resident* for ship required to in turn establish He later became associated with from Jefferson School have DMR tUyars, and has experienced other teachers and teaching ses- misaion to present the Rev. Elbert It's an individual matter. transferred to Lincoln Sthool, Elm additional churches. Edward M. Horner as co-director But when we use our voice we Mnensl growth during the sions under the guidance of the Gates, former pastor of the Bap- of youth services, Mr, Horner be- Street School and the Senior High few years, the Board of Trus Tea Wednesday counseling teacher. tist Church in Westfteld, with a As a result of this policy, well have a choice! School. From Lincoln 10ft puplU ing primarily concerned with boys So much for Nikita's smooth i «l the Adult School decided Both children and youth work- check from WeBtfleld churches and trained Christian leaders are found of grade school age engaged in have been sent to McKinley School ifer this free lecture prior to ers will meet Sunday from 3 to 5 friendt to provide Mr. Gates with in all of the countries Dr. and the Y-Indlan Guide (father and patter, and the high school. All sixth grade opning of the winter term ao Judge Hand p.m. Those who register in the needed transportation for hiMrss . Christian will visit. The pur- ion) program and Gra-Y clubs, pupils from Franklia School are I there will be no conflict with To Be Speaker junior high and senior high sec- Church World Service Work in pose of "fraternal worker" mi«- while Mr. Walsh continued his The very fact that you don't have now in Elm Street School. Ai of tions of the youth lab will have an Hong Kong. slons is to establish cordial rcla work with junior and senior high to vote Tuesday there were 4,406 pupili scheduled classes. tlonships with other Presbyterian Is resson enough for doing it I In celebration of Constitution additional meeting 6:30 to 8:30 The Presbyterian Church hai school Y member*. enrolled in the elementary achooli, Hull there is no charge for churches around the world, to give The future is bright when your day, the civics and legislation de- p.m. Sunday. A fellowship dinner designated Dr. Christian's mission 1 949 in the junior high schools, itoture presented in the pub- evidence of the continuing inter- He is now associated with Dan- vote is your right partment of the Woman's Club of will be served at the church at as "Operation Fraternal Worker," and 1,420 in the senior high school. •Urat, attention is called to est and concern of United States iel N. Kanouse who was appointed If it's the U.S. from which you Westfteld will hold a reception at nominal cost. It was tht long established policy Dr. Ewan stated that at DM Jict ttitt students who have churches for the welfare of assistant director of youth activi- are viewing it! the club house Wednesday at 8:15 of its former Board of Foreign high school level accommodations bund for the school, either The lab school for children's churches in other countries, to in. ties for the YMCA, succeeding p.m. to welcome the approximately Missions w to create and strength- were entirely adequate, but Reese pi! or in person Sept }9, will workers (nursery through grade form them of the growth and de- Mr. Horner ai staff person related The Town Clerk's office in the 75 citizens of Westfleld, Scotch en the overseas churches that they velt Junior High School, which waa it their course receipts as four) will meet afternoon!, 1-5 velopment taking place world-wide to grade school programs. Mr, Municipal Building will remain Plains, Mountainside, Garwood, iwould not only be self-supporting designed for 800, housed »47. Edl- a of admission. These tickets p.m., Monday through Friday, to exhibit to them a representative Walsh works with the Y's youth open for the registration of voters and Fanwood who have recently but also would develop the leader- son Junior High School, desigMd [in honored up to 8 p.m., after Sept. 16. Child care will be pro- sample of a United States "fra- committee, Henry H. Coords of from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. every been naturalized. for 1,000, has 1,002 pupil*. i the general public wilt be vided at the First Baptist Church ternal worker" and to educate 120 Wychwood road, chairman, Monday through Friday from now In board business, reilfnationa (d. The principal speaker of the eve- for parents who wish to use it our own fraternal workers, and and with the Y over-all program to Sept. 29. were accepted from Mise Jtan R. ning will be Judge Kenneth C. for the afternoons of lab. There the congregations they represent, committee, Irving E. Lightbown, The League of Women Voters bject to public response to Lightcap, high school mathematics; Hand of the Superior Court of is no charge for this service. Methodists Name so as to understand other peoples chairman. would like to remind all new resi- iplin, the Adult School hopes Miss Elizabeth B, Swan, Jefferson New Jersey, who will discuss "The The lab school for workers with and cultures and to unite them in In addition to his work with dents and new voters that Sept. Mt other outstanding Bpeak- third grade, effective Sept. 30; Privileges and Obligations of Citi- youth (including grades five and a world-wide religious communion. junior and senior high school 29 is the last day to register for • to Westfield before the open- Miss Josephine Tersillo, Edison tenship." six) will meet Monday to Sept.
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