PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T.11/1 TREASURY.Out tetters--Customs and Exoise. Customs, 1667-1671. 1. 1667 Nov 12. Treasury Board to various governors of plantations, reoiting various olauses of aots of trade, and admonishing etriot observanoe. \ • ). /~.J. (Q {.].. I .5 • • • • \ .. -• • PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T.ll/5 TREASURY. Out I.stters--Customs and Exoise. Customs, 1679-1681. 1. 1679 Mar ~l. Treasury reference to Customs Commissioners of petition of Rene Petit and Jacob Guerard oonoerning their proposal to \ • settle 40 families of French protestants at Carolina if King will grant assistance. / X ~ I' r- 2. 1679 Dec 20. Treasury warrant to same to send word to ports for arrest of John Culpeper, by order in council of Dec 19, inc1. copy of ord_erin council. ~ . I ,. 1679/80 Jan 17. Trpasury reference to Customs Commissioners of petition of Thomas Miller. Review of his role in Culpeppr's Rebellion; asks for counsel to prese hie chargee ~inet Gillam and Culpeper, and financial assistance. ( 1680 Dec 21. Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners to direct payment of £20 to Thomas Miller for present eup~ort. ~ l' ~ • l680/(81J Jan 20. Same to same, to employ Henry Tate as collector of plantation duty in Albemarle. ~ 6. 1680/(8lJ Mar 15. Same to same, to empla,yThomas Miller as collector at Poole (England J. t' 1to J.. ro I '1' ( • • • • • PUBLIC REC ORO OFFICE London, England T.l1/8 \ TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1681-1684. 1• 1681 Ju1 19. Warrant from Treasury Board to Customs Commissioners to appoint Henry Hudson collector of customs at Roanoke in place \ of Robert Holden. • 'A 7 (" ,( b ~{(. 2. 1681/2 Mar 1. Treasury Board to Customs Commissioners concerning forms for monthly aooounts of imports and exports. Incl. proposed forms. X 7k.'. ~ ~ .....t • I I 1682 Ju125. Same to same. InCl. ref. to Thomas Miller. X. &: 1 l' ') :"l ! 1682 Deo 2. Same,from same to same to appoint Edmond Biggs, at • I present oomptroller and surveyor general of customs at Albemarle, to be oollector there, in place of Henry Hudson, deceased. .). (~ J C .L ~ . I 5. 1682/, Jan 16. Same, from same, to same to ap~oint Edward Wade surveyor general of oustoms at Carolina in place of Edward Biggs. 1 I l.... ~ ~ "'- ~f I 6. 1684 May 14. Same to same. Incl. ref. to Thomas Miller. ~ )6:.;;,_& z:; . I • • • • PUBLIC RECORD Ol;FICE London, England T.ll/lO TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1685-1687. 1. 1685 Jul :n. Treasury Board to Commissioners of Customs. "Instruotions for oollecting the new duty," inol. that on tobaooo. v' , . .. ~ • 2. 1685 Aug 17. Warrant from Treasurer Rochester to employ George Muschamp as colleotor of plantation duties at Carolina in place of Timothy Biggs, deceased, collector and comptroller as henceforth to divide between them three-quarters of the customs receipts. ~ 'I / 3. 1685 Oct 8. Treasury Board to Commissioners of Customs. Concerning procedure for collection of tobacco duty. , ..., - I 4. 1686 Dec 18. Same to same. Concernin~ seizures of ships or goods in the plantations. • • • • • ~. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE LondoD, England T.ll/13 TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1692-1698. 1. 1693 Oct 4. Order in Counoil conoerning bonds for vessels permitted to trade with plantations. 2. 1693/4 Feb 22. Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners to appoint George lfuschaml'tpresent colleotor at "Carolina," to be collector at Maryland. x 3. 1694 Oct 29. Same to same, to apnoint Peter Jacob Guerrard collector at "Carolina" in place of Muschamp. ~ } I 4. 1696 Nov 20. Same to same, with "! proposed Eetabliehmt. of Officers to be Settled in the plantacons." Including N.C., Currituck, and Roanoke ("Paspitank" and "Paqumans"). 1690/7 Feb 5. Same to 8ame~ to ;ppoint Thomas Paise oomptroller in N.C. ~ ( 1698 Sap 2. Same to same to appoint Hent Brabant oomptroller in N.C. I • • • • • PUBLIC RmCORD OFFICE London, F.ngland T.ll/14 TREASURY. Out tetters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1698-1106 1. 1699 Nov 22. Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners to appoint Jonathan Amory to be colleotor at Currituck, N.C. y },- I I ( I • 2. 1106 May 29. Same to Edw. Harley and Arthur Maynwaring, Auditors of ~i Imprests, to pay salaries of customs officers in plantations, inol. names, with salaries and allowances, of comptroller at Currituck and oollector at Roanoke • .~ . ~~ \ ,. 1106 Aug 9. Cus tom House, Lond on, to Lord High Treasurer. Lis t of oustoms offioials in plantations, with half-yearly salaries. \ • I I U • • • • • PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T.ll/15 TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1706-1712. 1. 1708/9 Mar 24. Report of Customs Commissioners about salaries of various customs officials, incl. collectors of Currituck and Roanoke • ' ~f { , , r , - I 2. 1109 Apr 18. Treasury warrant to Customs Commissioners, incl. order to appoint Nath. Chevin oollector at Roanoke in plaoe of Samuel Swan, deceased, and to increase salaries of oollectors at Curri- tuck and Roanoke by £10 yearly. 1. I ,. n.d. (Ju1 1709] Report from Customs Commissioners to Lord High Trea- surer ooncerning American customs. I .. , I 1709/(10] Feb 18. Order in Council conoerning illegal trade, especially in tobacco, at Isle of Man. 1709/10 Feb 15. Report to the Queen from Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations ooncerning above. ~ ~I -~ • • • • PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T.1l/l6 TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Ex~. Customs, 1112-1717. 1113 Apr 28. Re~ort from Customs Commissioners to Treasury Board concerning tob~O~ rrad~. \ 2. 1713 May 1. Treasury warrant concerning above. I 3. 1714/15 Jan 25. Treasury warrant apnointing Richard Fitzwilliams comptroller of customs at Currituck, N.C., in place of Henry Brabant, deceased. , 'In. '-, 4. 1715 Jul 9. Treasury warrant to Commissioners of Customs appointing Maurice Dirohfie1d to be Surveyor General of customs in "South America. II 5. 1716 Jul 13. NCYrATION of warrant appointing Richard Fitzwilliam, oomptroller at Curri tuok, N.C. t to be oolleotor at Lower James James RiTer. 1.'I4.'(u I J • • • • • PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T.11/17 TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1716-1721. 1. 1720 Aug 5. NOl'ATION of warrant appointing Adam Cookburn to be col1eotor of customs at Roanoke, N.C., in place of Nathaniel Chevin, deceased. \ • X '1~ (ll II ( 2. 1121 Jun 23. Custom House, London. Establishment of officers of customs in plantations for half year ending midsummer 1721. Incl. N.C. I' ) I 3. 1721 Ju1 24. NOTATION of warrant ap~ointing James Watlington to be oo11eotor at Currituok, N.C., in plaoe of Tobias Knight, deoeased. '7 Ie.. '\ u; I' I • • • • PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T.ll/IS TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1721-1725. 1. 1121 Sep 20. NOTATION of warrant a"Pnointin~William Keitb to be collector of Currituck, N.C., instead of James Watlington, who deolined the apnointment. I • ,x t( " 7O~1 2. 1121 Dec 29. Custom House, London. Establishment of officers of customs in plantations for half year endin~ Christmas 1121. \ J :_ I/-::z. 3. 1123 Dec 20. Custom House, London. Same for half year ending Christmas 112;. -J.. 4. 1724 Mar 29. NOTATION of warrant appointing Isaac Ottiwel1 collector of customs at Bath 'fown,N.C., "(wch. Office was Executed by William Alexander Comptr..... of.,..-CurrituckI •••)." ~. i..( • 5. 1724 Jun 29. Custom House, London. Establishment of officers of customs in plantations for half year endin~ Midsummer 1724. \ ' ~ _ ---1. ""- 6. 1724 Aug 1. NOTATION of warrant appointing Christopher Gale collector in Currituck, Ii.C., in place of William Keitt., "who declines the Office." ~ 7& t..-- '") .» # 1 112t~JDec ;0. custom House, London. Establishment of officers of customs in plantations for half year ending Christmas 1724. (.C ~ 1 :2 • • • • .PlmLTC RF.COlllJ OFFICE London, FinrLand T.ll/19 e. Tnr.ASUHY. Out Le1.ters--Customs and Excise. Customs, 1726-1729. 1• 1725/r2( ] Feb z«. NrYPATTON of we.rrs.nt a.n""ointinp' Christopher Gale collector a:t Roanoke , N.C.. in nl.ace of Fdwar d Coc+bur-ne, \ X 76: /rr~7./ 2. 1726 '·s.y lq. Sa.meBo"'ointinr- 'I'homas Lovick collector at neaufort, ~r.c •• end "to bake care of" the co ll ec'tion at Currituck. X 'It;. {Ie 5~< I ]72(-. Jun 21. Custom H011se, London. Fsia.bl Lshmen t of customs officers in nlantations for half Yf'ar and i.nrr Hidsummpr 1726. Tnc I , N.r.. _,{ J f£ C(.1 fc. - /" 1 .{_ l726 Dec 29. Same. Same for half year e ndLnv Christma.s, 1726. ~ /{,( ~~~r ./-7 1727 l'p.c 23. Same , Sa.mefor half year endinn- Christma.s, 1727. J 7ct- ,; fr ~,I I 1'729 Jun 18. Same. Same for ha.lf year endLng Nidsummer 1729. Y7~ ~Cc{c {.I-) • • • T.n/19 Added ent_rx.. 1. 1720/f2fl] Feb 12. Rel'ort of Customs Commissioners concf1rninr: survcyor- ship of customs "of the Southern Continent of America." )' 7~-. £ tv G: 3 1-3 • • • • • PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE London, England T.11/20 TREASURY. Out Letters--Customs and Exoise. Customs, 1729-1734. 1. 1130/[31] Mar 4. '''/bereasWe are Credibly informed that a considerable Trade hath for several Years been carried on between tbe Inhabi- tants of New-England and the Inhabitants of North-Carolina And \ that the Shipo ct Vessells employed in the said 'lTadefrequent a Port on the Carolina Coast called Cape-Fair which as repre- sented unto Us is the only Port on that Coast wherein large Ships and Vessells can Enter and said to be a more commodious Port than that of Charles Town in South Carolina" warrant to Customs Commissioners to appoint John Elliot inspector of trade there.
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