Life World Stories Carrie Underwood carved 1st woman to Business in stone win award of top Collector of ancient bricks Stocks plummet 5% reconstructs picture of past. entertainer twice > Page 13 CHINA> Page 20 > Page 10 TUESDAY, April 20, 2010 chinadaily.com.cn RMB ¥1.5 Life limping back to normal By FU JING Inside CHINA DAILY Additional coverage, pages 2,3 Editorial: Spirit of volunteerism, YUSHU, Qinghai — As page 8 truckloads of food, water and tents poured in amid inclement also rescued at 5:30 pm aft er weather, a state of relative nor- being trapped under debris for malcy has begun to return to 130 hours. Gyegu, the epicenter of a pow- Badly-needed daily necessi- erful tremor last Wednesday ties as well as the fi rst batch of that has left 1944 people dead television sets arrived Monday and 216 missing in Qinghai morning from Xining, the pro- province. vincial capital 840 km away. Vendors returned to the Earlier eff orts to send aid to streets for the first time since this remote plateau town, the 7.1 magnitude earthquake home to 100,000 people, had — China’s strongest in nearly been hampered by poor road two years — which reduced and weather conditions as well nearly 90 percent of buildings as heavy traffi c. to rubble. Survivors packed temporary Dispelling the gloom briefl y phone booths and charger sta- was news of two miracle res- tions on Gyegu’s main street, cues. trying to make free calls to Five days after the catas- relatives and friends or recharge trophe, an elderly woman their cellphones. and her four-year-old grand- Jin Shan, a vendor from daughter were pulled out Henan province, and his wife from the rubble on Monday. A woman in her 30s was SEE “COLD” PAGE 2 MICHAEL PROBST / AP Stranded passengers rest on Monday at Frankfurt airport in Germany, which was closed because of a volcanic ash cloud from Iceland. Shroud over show industry Volcanic ash cloud auto giants to promote new cars that Inside Organizers of the Spring Session of was slated to start on Friday in Beijing Full coverage, page 12 the International Chamber of Com- disrupts schedules — now faces some uncertainty. merce Banking Commission, said the Senior managers from Europe Czech Republic, said their pavilions event to be held on Wednesday in Bei- of many exhibitions were expected to arrive in Beijing no will operate as scheduled for the soft jing has been put off indefi nitely. later than Th ursday for the media day opening on Tuesday. Some European exhibitors will not By XIN DINGDING AND WANG B O on Friday but now, nobody knows Most foreign pavilions have working make it to Tuesday’s electronic exhi- CHINA DAILY whether they can make it on time. teams stationed in Shanghai. bition NEPCON China in Shanghai, “I don’t know how many of the Euro- But José Frèches, French commis- said Messy Mei, communications BEIJING — A huge ash cloud pean auto giants will fi nally show up on sioner general of the Expo, who was manager of Reed Exhibition, a Singa- spreading from a volcanic eruption media day,” said Zhang Hengjie, project scheduled to fl y to Shanghai over the pore-headquartered exhibition event ANDY WONG / AP in Iceland since Friday is likely to deal manager of the international exhibition weekend, was still stranded in Paris organizer. A family cooks a meal outside their tent in earthquake-hit a blow to China’s exhibition industry, center, the show venue. because of the air traffic ban. Three Yushu, Qinghai, on Monday. with a majority of fl ights in Europe still But the World Expo in Shanghai, designers for the France pavilion’s VIP Flights grounded grounded on Monday. scheduled to open in 11 days, will not lounge are also stranded in the French The European aviation control April typically marks the beginning be aff ected, organizers said. capital. agency Eurocontrol said on Monday on chinadaily.com.cn of the convention/exhibition season European participants at the Expo, “We can do nothing but wait,” said that it expects between 8,000 and Updates from Qinghai, as well as these highlights: in the country, and Auto China 2010 including those from Germany, Ice- Franck Serrano, director of the France Progress: Communications and power supply restored in Yushu — an annual exhibition for global land, the United Kingdom and the pavilion. SEE “FLIGHTS” PAGE 4 Diffi culties: Weather, including threat of snow, poses misery Reporter’s notebook: Harsh conditions worry aid teams Web exclusive: Authorities confi dent of orderly quake cleanup In this issue Contacts Green NGO drives change at grass roots NATION......................................................... 2-5 News COVER STORY.............................................6, 7 (86-10) 6491-8366 COMMENT ...................................................8, 9 Subscription How citizen groups successful battery dealer in Xinxiang, WORLD ......................................................10-12 (86-10) 6491-8763 having worked her way up from BUSINESS ................................................. 13-17 Advertisement (86-10) 6491-8631 a saleswoman at a small township LIFE.............................................................18-21 are helping to clean SPORTS................................................... 22, 23 E-mail company a decade earlier. [email protected] up the countryside. It was not until she took a trip to © 2010 China Daily All Rights Reserved iPhone app chinadaily.com.cn/iphone the nation’s capital in 1999 did she Vol. 30 — No. 9350 Li Jing reports from become aware of the need for greater 国内统一编号:CN11-0091 国际标准编号:ISSN0253-9543 邮发代号:1-3 environmental protection. Henan. “I read in a magazine I picked up in OFFICIAL Beijing that the discharge from a leaking MEDIA hen Tian Guirong battery can pollute up to 600,000 liters PARTNER 11 first read Silent Spring, of water and, if buried, can sterilize 1 OF EXPO DAYS Rachel Carson’s semi- square meter of farmland,” said Tian. 2010 UNTIL W nal 1962 book that is “I was shocked. I really didn’t know the SHANGHAI EXPO credited with helping to launch the business I was in could be potentially environmental movement, it changed harmful to the environment. After I her life. came back from Beijing, I immediately By courtesy of the Bank of China She was so inspired by the American started to collect all the used batteries at SOE Special published fortnightly on Tuesday naturalist’s courage to speak out about ZHANG TAO / CHINA DAILY my stall in the department store.” P15 the human impact Environmentalist Tian Guirong categorizes used batteries at a warehouse in She discovered that getting others COVERSTORY on ecology (Carson Xinxiang, Henan province, last week before disposing of them properly. as enthusiastic about environmental was harshly protection was not so easy, however. criticized at the time for her claims don’t I do something to help save the Volunteers has collected more than 70 Although the Friends of Nature pesticides caused pollution), she knew environment'?” tons of waste batteries, a serious risk to — China’s fi rst environmental NGO she could make a real diff erence. In the years following Silent Spring, the ecology in the countryside, and led — was founded in 1994, understanding “I could not help but cry when I she has done just that and even a pollution survey involving farmers on the green issue was still limited learned the author was fi ghting breast founded China’s first “green” non- across the whole drainage area of the among the majority of the Chinese cancer when she wrote the book,” government organization (NGO) run Yellow River. public, and even less so in Xinxiang, a said the 58-year-old businesswoman solely by farmers. Although she finished her just second-tier city in northern Henan. from Xinxiang, Henan province. Since its establishment in 2002, studies aft er completing only primary “It forced me to ask myself, ‘Why Xinxiang Environmental Protection education, by the late 1990s Tian was a SEE “ENVIRONMENT” PAGES 6, 7 大家网翻译交流论坛精华资料汇总 翻译考试真题及指定教材: CATTI全国人事部翻译考试最全指定教材和真题(PDF+MP3)下载汇总 CATTI全国人事部翻译考试 2009 版指定教材(PDF+MP3)下载 上海英语中高级口译笔试口试历届真题+听力+答案大汇总(含 2009) [真题来源]英语权威资料《经济学人》2009 年珍藏版TheEconomist2009 汇总 CATTI口笔译资料一帖全(更新中) 翻译书籍推荐: 100 本口笔译教程资料下载汇总(不断更新) 翻译技巧: 翻译技巧经验大汇总 [下载]复旦大学名师翻译讲义 [下载]北外英语专业超全面翻译笔记(近 10 万字) [原创]我个人收集的翻译资料大汇总(精华)有图为证 钱歌川:《翻译的技巧》 时事备考热点: 2009 年热点话题回顾 口译笔试口试备考资料大汇总 2009 年 12 月外交部发言人举行例行记者会中英文对照PDF汇总下载 翻译精练: 外交部、国内外名人致辞及热点话题中英文对照WORD 温家宝总理 2004 年记者招待会口译实录中英文对照及学习札记WORD下载 2006.03.07 中国外长李肇星答记者问口译MP3 及文稿 翻译阅读: 翻译阅读--经济学人等权威新闻杂志电子版PDF下载汇总 翻译词汇: 翻译词汇大全汇总贴 2009 年环保热词一网打尽(附哥本哈根气候大会专有名词)WORD下载 英语词汇学习丛书-词汇入门、基础、提高、拓展、突破、飞跃 翻译词典: 各类翻译词典下载汇总 [迅雷下载]英汉百科翻译大词典(上下册) 精品下载:英语新闻分类词典.rar 词典级汉英分类词汇大全(超有用) 翻译语法: 赖世雄教你学英语语法上下册(PDF+MP3)下载 中文版夸克_英语语法大全PDF下载 外研社--张道真实用英语语法PDF下载 原版英语语法Macmillan-EnglishEssential下载 原版英语语法书AGlossaryofEnglishGrammar下载 翻译拓展: 翻译拓展--中英文原版小说等下载集合 张培基《英译中国现代散文选》WORD下载 nationPAGE 2 |TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 2010 THE QINGHAI QUAKE Cold: 3,000 Surgeon cuts through grief to save lives stoves for Doctor continues saw the photos of his two sis- at King Gesar’s Square in the buried when the family home ing but he could not reach or fixing fractured bones and ters, three nieces, a nephew and heart of Yushu. “I suddenly fell collapsed. Th e young man was hear any of his relatives. stitching up wounds. quake zone operating despite a maternal aunt — all dead. He on the ground, as if an invisible outside washing his car at the When he heard cries for help “When I was told my has lost almost all his relatives. hand had pushed me hard,” he time, escaping death. from the ruins of his neighbor’s seven relatives were all dead, FROM PAGE 1 losing 7 relatives Nyima Tsering’s parents said. “I felt dizzy and heard “Th e hospital had never been house, he did not hesitate to I thought I was dreaming, and died when he was a child and people crying everywhere.” so crowded. Many patients help save the little girl.
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