Twelfth Series, Vol. I, No. I 25 March 1998 LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) First Session (Twelfth Lok Sabha) Gazettes & Debetes Unit I...... Parliament Library BulldlnO @Q~m ~o. FBr.026 .. ~-- -- (Vol. I contains Nos. I to 8) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI I'ri ce .· Rs. 50. ()() CONTENTS (TWelfth Seriea, Vol. I, First S... lon, 199811920 (Salta) No.3, W8dnNday, March 25, 1998/Cha"" 4, 1920 (Salce) SUBJECT COlUMN MEMBERS SWORN . OBITUARY REFERENCES 2-8 PRESIDENrS ADDRESS - LAID . 8-13 INTRODUCTION OF MINISTERS . 15-17 STATEMENT BY PRIME MINISTER 17·18 Natural Calamity in Wast Bengal and Orissa PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE. 23-24 DEPARTMENTALLY rlELATED STANDING COMMITTEE-A REVIEW-LAID. 24 INTERIM BUDGET RAILWAY, 1998-99 . 30-34 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMANDS FOR GRANTS-RAILWAYS, 1997-98 . 34 INTERIM BUDGET, GENERAL 1998-99 . 34·37 SUPPLEMENTARY DEMANDS FOR GRANTs-GENERAL, 1997-98 . 37 BILL-INTRODUCED Finance Bill. 1998 37 RE: NATURAL CALAMITIES IN WEST BENGAL, ORISSA AND OTHER STATES. 37-44 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA Speaker, Sir, there are points of order alao attar the obituary reference. Wedne.dey, March 25, 1998/Chaltra 4, 1920 (Saka) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: There should be an obituary reference to the people who died because of tornado. Sir, that nhould aiso be done here. The Lok Sabha met at Fifteen Minutes past Twelve of the Clock SHRI SOMNA-rH CHATTERJEE (BOLPUR): They have died yesterday ... {1 nterruptions) [MR. SPEAKER In the Cha/tl SHRI SUDIP BANDYOPADHYAY: More than 105 people have died in West Bengal and Olissa. (English) SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA: More than 105 people have died ... (lnterruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Secretary-General may call out the names of the Members who have not yet taken the Oath MR. SPEAI(ER: Silence please. or made the Affirmation. (Interruptions) MEMBERS SWORN MR. SPE.A.KER: Silence please. I am coming to that. Lt. Gen. (Retd.) N. Foley (Nominated) Dr. (Mr~.) Beatrlx D'Souza (Nominated) 12.23 hrs. OBITUARY REFERENCES (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Han. Members, I have to Inform the SHRI SUDIP BANDYOPADHYAY (CALCUTTA NORTH House about the sad demise of Shrl Gulzarl Lal Nanda WEST): Sir, more than 105 people died in West Bengal former Prime Minister, Shri E.M.S.Namboodlrlpad. former and Orissa due to tornado. That is dangerous .... (Interrup- Chief Minister of Kerala and eleven of our other esteemed tions) friends, Shri Srikrishna Vaijnath Dhamankar, Shrlmatl Vlmla Deshmukh, Sarvashrl Mohlnder Singh Saylanwala, MR. SPEAKER: Secretary-General to lay on the Table Chakleshwar Singh, Tridib Chaudhurl, Nurul Islam. a copy of the Presidents' Address. Mohammad Idris All. '3lmalkantl Ghosh, M.A. Sreenivasan, Vaidya Dau Dayal Joshi and Shri Bhola Nath Sen_ (Interruptions) Shrl Gulzarl Lal Nanda was a Member of First. Second MR. SPEAKER: President's Address. and Third Lok Sabhas representing Sabarkantha Parliamen- (Interruptions) tary Constituency of erstwhile Bombay State during 1952- 67. Later, he was elected to Fourth and Fifth Lok Sabhas MR. SPEAKER: Introduction of Ministers by Shri Atal during 1967-77 from Kalthal Parliamentary Constituency of Blharl VaJpayee. Haryana. (Interruptions) An able Parliamentarian. he was actively associated In the governance of the nation. SM Nanda was a Minister MR. SPEAKER: I am coming to that. of Planning and Irrigation and Power during 1952-57; (Interruptions) Minister of Labour and Employment and Planning during 1957-62; Minister of Planning during 1962-63; Minister of MR. SPEAKER: I am coming to the next Item. Home Affairs during 1963-66 and Mlnilter, of Railways SHRI BASUDEB ACHARIA (BANKURA): It is after the during 1970-71. He served as the Prime Minister twlc. for brl.f periods from 27 May to 9 Jun.. 1964 and 11 obituary reference. I.... to 24 January. 1966. SHRI E. AHAMED (MANJERI): Obituary reference has Earlier. Shrl Nanda was a Member of Legislative to be taken first...(/nterrupllons) Assambly. Bombay during 1937-39 and 1947-50. He s.rv.d PROF. P.J. KURIEN (MAVELIKARA): Mr.Speaker, Sir, the State Gov.rnment of Bombay as a Parliamentary the first Item was obituary raference. How can we deviate Secretary (Labour & Excise) during 1937-39 and Mlniltar from that? .. (Interrurtlons) of Labour and Housing during 1947-50. SHRI SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY (MADURAI): Mr. A veteran fr.edom fighter. Shrl Nanda joined non- 3 Obituary References MARCH 25, 1998 Obituary References 4 cooperation movement in 1921, actively participated In the Thlruvanathapuram, Kerala on 19 March, 199B at the age Satyagraha Movement in 1932 and the Qu"-India Move- of 89 years. ment In 1942. He suffered incarceration many a time lor his ptdriotlc ventures. Despite holding very high positions, Shri Shrlkrishna Vaijnath Dhamankar was a Member of the Fifth Lok Sabha representing Bhiwandi Parliamentary Shrl Nanda. like a true Gandhian, led an austere and a pious Iile. Constituency 01 Maharashtra during 1971-77. A businessmen by profession, Shrl Dhamankar was a A widely travened pefSon,Shrl Nanda was appointed well knwon political and social worker. He worked hard for 1 substitute Government Delegate to the Asian Regional Hindu-Muslim unity for forty years In Bhlwandi and Thana Conference in 1947. He was a Leader of the Indian Delegation to the Colombo Plan Consultative Committee districts. In 1955 and Indian Parliamentary Delegation to the Inter- A renowned educationist, Shri Dhamankar strived hard flational Labour Conference held at Geneva In 1959. lor promotion of education and was associated with vanous educational and social institutions in his area. The country honoured him with its highest civilian award 'The Bharat Ratna' in July, 1997. Earlier he was also Shri Dhamankar took keen interest in the upllftment awarded the Padma Vibhushan. 01 the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and other weaker sections of the society He worked relentlessly lor An active social and political worker, Shrl Nanda was the promotion of child welfare, agriculture and community associated with various trade unions Irom 1921 in different development. capacities. He took keen Interest In the proceedings 01 the House and by dint of his sheer hard work, turned out to Shri Dhamankar passed away on 6 April. 1995 at be one of the most successful Parliamentarians in the Bhiwandi at the age of 90 years. country. Shrlmati Vimla Deshmukh was a Member 01 the Third A man 01 letters, Shri Nanda wrote several articles on Lok Sabha representing Amravati Parliamentary Const"u- wide ranging topics. His publications include 'Some Aspects ency of Maharashtra during 1 965-67. of Khadi', 'History of wage adjustment in the Ahmedabad T8IttiIe Industry', 'Approach to the Second Five-Year Plan' Shrlmati Deshmukh was also a Member 01 RaJya and 'Some Basic Conside,.tions· Sabha during 1967-72. Shri Gulzarl Lal Nanda passed away on 15 January, An aeflve SOCial and political worker, Shrimati Deshmukh 1998 at Ahmedabad, Guiarat at the age 01 one hundred worked relentlessly for the upllftment 01 women. She was years. a member 01 the All India Women's Conlerence, Vidarbha Branch and the Founder-member 01 the Bharatlya Gramin SM E.M.S. Namboodirlpad popularly known as 'EMS' Mahila Sangh. _ bom In an aristocratic and conservative Brahmin family in Malabar district of Kerala In June 1909. By the time he A widely travelled person, Shrimati Deshmukh was a began his graduation, he had revolted against both delegate to the International Social Workers' Conlerence Brahmlnical conservatism and British imperialism. He left held in Toronto, Canada dunng I 954. S~,e was elected as his studies to join the Civil Disobedience Movement of 1932. the leader of the Youth Group to represent India in the He was chosen as a General Secretary 01 the Kerala Toronto Conference. Provincial Congress Committee. In 1937 he, along with the Shrimati Vlmla Deshmukh passed away on 9 Septem· late Shrl P. Krishnaplnal formed the first Communist Group ber, 1997 at Nagpur, Maharashtra at the age 01 91 years within the Congress In Kerala. Shrl Mohlnder Singh Saylanwala was a Member 01 the Shrl Namboodiripad was the pioneer of the Communist Sixth Lok Sabha representing Ferozepur Parliamentary MOIIement In the country and had a stupendous role to Constituency of P~njab during 1977-79. play In helping the Communist Party 01 India (Marxist) become a major force In the political arena of the country. Earlier, he was a Member 01 the Punjab Legislative Assembly during 1969-77. As a leader, he headed the first Oller elected Com- munist GOYernment In the world In 1957, when he became An agriculturist by profession, Shrl Saylanwela was also the Chief Minister 01 Kerala and returned again In 1967. a well known political and social worker. Ha served his He served as the Leader 01 the Opposition In the Kerala district al Chairman, Panchayat Samni and Vice-Chairman, Legislative Assembly from 1969 ~ 1970 and later In 1977. Zna Parlahad, Ferozepur. Apart from being an astute politician, he was an author, Shri Mohinder Singh Saylanwala passed away at historian and a social commantator. All that he earned from Ferozepur on 7 November, 1997 at the age of 66 years. hie and columna went to the party he led a boob u Shrl Chakleshwar Singh wal a -Member of Fifth Lok spartan life. Sabhs representing' Mathura Parliamentary ConstHuency of Shrl E.M.S. Nambodlrlpad breathed his last at Uttar Pradesh during 1971-77. 5 Obituary References CHAITRA 4,1920 (Saka) Obituary References 6 An agriculturist by profession, Shri Singh was an active tary Constituency of West Bengal during 1996-97. socl .. 1 and political worker. He was a member of various social organisations and served his State In different Earlier, he was a Member of the West Bengal capacHies. Legislative Assembly during 1969-n, He was Chairman, Estimates Com mitt.. and member, Public Accounla Com- A veteran freedom fighter, Shrl Singh participated In mittee, Public Undertakings Committee and Committee on the 'au" India Movement' and suffered Imprisonment In Government Assurances In West Bengal Legislative Assem- t942.
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