DAILY WORKER. NEW YORK. FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1934 Page Five FLASHES and Soviet Critic Describes Growth Auto Workers* News CHANGE CLOSE-UPS Prepares Basis For By LENS Creative Art in the U.S.S.R. THE WAS present at a showing the Os I other night of two Soviet films to a crew of Hollywood professionals Dynamov Declares Mass Thousand* See Struggle In Industry at the Paramount Eastern Service j j Recent major- WORLD! Btudios. Astoria. L. I. The Literary Movement AUTO WORKERS’ of Art Exhibition* NEWS. officiiaJ longer article* general By of group spectators | news SENDER GARLIN ity the of had organ of the Auto Workers Union, One a regular column in the pape* never seen Soviet film before and Has Developed in Moscow published at 4210 Woodward Ave.. that recommends Itself especially to the interesting. PROM a biographer of Karl Marx to an apologist for reactions were For Detroit. Subscription *se a year. us is headed “Facts for Auto Work- the most part fabulously paid • * • 1 these By S. DINAMOV stream of art confuting all the ers”—briefs on production, sales. N, Mr. Andrew Mellon is quite stretch, live and a j a Spargo - but John people think in vacuum. Trotzkyist counter revolutionary Reviewed by R. A., cost of living and the gen- To them, stuffy studios, decadent years passed since the vari- made the distance in good time. Some i fables about “uniform’’ art In ROBERT W. DUNN | eral of you may have luxury and Malibu Beach the TWOous organizations of proletarian the economic situation of the coun- are U.S.S.R. try as it bears on the position of missed it, but Spargo took a little off only realities. Some, like Ben writers, artists and composers were Auto Workers' News is one of time some weeks ago Hecht An unprecedented number of auto workers. It is much the same for instance, intellec- done away with and the basis laid THEthe oldest militant trade union to. address a letter to the Editor of the New York are downright people visited the exhibitions of type of material as the N R. A. Times, tual harlots who have given up all for new unions organized in com- ! papers in the United States. with whom he corresponds regularly. with a of the paintings organized in connection i turns out for other industries in its pretense at honesty and turn out pliance decision Party with It was a regular weekly paper of published on April anniversaries of the October various Notes. The editor of Auto Aroused by the action of the United States Attorney-General distortions like “The Front Page" at 23, 1932. Those standard size in 1919. Detroit work- in who supported program Revolution and the Red Army. The Workers News exhibits a keen re- making a gesture at prosecuting for so much per scenario. (Hecht. the of Sov- | entries in the ers have told us that it then sold search Mellon alleged income-tax eva- who iet development and aspired to par- made visitors’ book sense and good editorial abil- sions. together with direct- exhibitions are worth !by the thousands on the street in Spargo wrote to The Times as follows: McArthur is ticipate actively in socialist con- of the read- ity getting over these facte in ing a piece of at Eastern ! In a brief as corners and in the plants of that | the and you your kitsch the eligible for ing. article, such this simplest most readable "Thank for editorial 'Mr. Mellon and the Attorney- Studio, was present.) struction were enroll- it ; and neighboring cities. For years it ment. The wisdom of this decision | is hardly possible to give an idea j style. General.' The modesty of your language the Others, nnd these of the scope i recorded the struggles of the auto • * • emphasizes unanswerable form the ma- is quite at present, wide of interests the logic and the uncompromising jority, are synthetic manifest for millions of displayed. : and auto parts workers, besides car- defense of private right in every souls far re- Soviet art has grown stronger under visitors paper has also been running sentence of your comment. moved from the turbulent currents All the genres—still life, portraits, rying new of the general labor in recent issues the new conditions. New significant movement THE special article* of the realities that are shaking landscape and satiric paintings were furnished by Federated : on "Andrew W. Mellon is an works of art have appeared and I Press the economic condition of the American citizen whose eminent service the world about them and who are highly admired by them. and left wing news agencies. by to new writers have grown up, whose The i country the Detroit Pen A? Ham* the nation richly merited the enviable reputation almost in their ignorance of --J Diversity of the Drama paper was discontinued for a which he has borne naive first works already made them pop- years j mer, group promises to be with modesty. That reputation of The same after several and was later revived Mr. Cummings (Attorney-General) anything outside their circum- ular among wide masses of read- aspiration most !of great service to the union. The scribed artificial world (years diverse forms of art is noticeable in under the editorship of Phil Ray- undertook to dishonor and destroy. If Mr. Mellon’s income tax re- of ers (Lebedenko, Sobolev, Avdeenko, Pen At Hammer organization is now, participation in the weaving of the theatrical field. mond. at that time secretary of the ! incidentally, turns. after their approval and acceptance by the internal revenue and others). SERGEI Automobile, conducting an elaborate fairytales and bluff on celluloid for DYNAMOV Some performances of classic United Aircraft and first-hand survey experts, were found to be incorrect, believed to so, The rightful role of proletarian Outstanding Soviet literary critic Vehicle Workers of I of the working and or be he had the mass consumption have made | authors such as “Talents and Ad- America, Local ! living of right them has to high who writes frequently oh 127 of conditions Detroit workers same as the humblest citizen of the land—namely, to be served that way.) A few of these were literature risen a level. American mirers," “Wolves and Sheep,” by Detroit. We remember con- and would doubtless A mass literary movement has de- authors In “International Litera- sulting its pages welcome the with notice of the review of his returns and to receive a hearing present. | Ostrovski, had a fully deserved suc- frequently in volunteer services of anv Dally before veloped. the number of literary ture.” gathering Labor | the Board of Appeals, etc." An extremely rare few (I can ; cess, but at the same time an im- material for and Worker reader in Detroit who circles has increased and, above all, mensely greater interest was shown Automobiles, the first book in the might * * * * count them on the fingers my care to assist In the of the work carried young I Labor taking two hands) are genuine artistic on with jin modern plays. Comedies proved Research Assn., labor and in- of questionnaires. ; writers has assumed an organized poem “Pressure," by dustry series. paper ap- Mr. Mellon’s “Eminent Service” creators who have compromised and j Alexandrovich, just as successful as "serious" plays. The had Pictures and cartoons and more fundamental “Steps," by Chkhikvadze, peared as a monthly, are used in are holding on to Hollywood in the ! character. “Bakii,” is significant that works, quite and at still the paper to good Soviet art welcomes the second an- by V. Totoviantz, the Armenian llt less frequent intervals, until advantage, a full what “eminent service” Mr. Mellon ha.s rendered to the nation dim hope of “being given a chance” i j different in genre and content, were Decem- cross-page picture in a recent issue *JUST niversary of the historic decision of writer, and others also belong in ' ber, 1933, when A. B. Magil took John Spargo does not disclose. As a matter of fact, an examina- to produce something away from awarded premiums at the recent j showing the charging National the Party with a number of out- this group. competition over the editorship and the paper tion of Mellon's depradations as listed in Harvey O’Connor’s the idiotic Hays formulas. Such a j All-Union under the | Guardsmen of Toledo, a lesson, K masterly standing works of art and a general The life and struggle of auspices of government. became a bi-weekly with four pages expose, Millions," man is Slavko Vorkapich, who for the col- j the These ever there was one. in the clase “Mellon's will convince one that dodging income tax enthusiasm in all fields of creative lective farmers plays of of five columns each. seven years has been trying to ap- who are building a were. “Destruction the ; nature of the democratic govem- payments is small potatoes compared to the ingenious effort. collective regime under the It is unquestionably the paper methods worked ply his brilliantly original ideas in’ leader- Squadron." by Korneichuk (on the : ment controlled by the auto mae- out by the The attention paid by the Party ship of the were workers should consult if they want Mellon dynasty for piling up millions by exploitation, the midst of apathy, mediocrity, Party, depicted in sinking of the Black Sea Squadron), ; nates and their kind. Well shot and its unremitting leadership ac- a number of works, to know what’s what in the motor financial manipulation, and various and sundry forms of chicanery. ridicule. Only his remarkable abil- such as "Ingots,” “The Miraculous Alloy,” by Kirshon pictures of striking and picketing count for this important change and by Panferov, Upturned,” by (a witty industry today.
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