Ж СВОБОДА JbSYOBODA УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІННИК ^J^J?P иіімкік oniv Ukrainian Ween PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC.. A FRATERNAL NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION 25 cents vol. LXXXVIII No. 35 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST ЗО, mi Shevchenko monument unveiled in Elmira Heights lvan Kandyba ELM1RA HElGHTS, NY. - One monument to Shevchenko erected on address in the English language. sentenced in Lviv hundred twenty years after the death of public land in the United States. He spoke of Shevchenko's legacy and Taras Shevchenko, the Ukrainian com– The monument was unveiled by urged Ukrainians to rededicate them- munity of Elmira Heights, N.Y., has Elmira Heights Mayor John Ungerland selves "to the cause of Ukraine and the erected a monument in tribute to the and the city's trustees, Chet Lunner, oppressed people of the world." poet laureate of Ukraine in a new Gordon Brink, Art Cappurillo and memorial park named in his honor. John Miller, after it was blessed by Heed Shevchenko's call Unveiling ceremonies were held here Msgr. Basil Seredowych of Syracuse, Sunday, August 23, and some 1,500 N.Y. "We who are so fortunate, so blessed persons took part in the day's festivities. Msgr. Seredowych, who was the to live in this magnificent, prosperous ! official representative of Bishop Basil and free land cannot permit the beacon The monument — a combined effort Losten of Stamford, Conn., was assist– of liberty to dim for those not as of two Ukrainian sculptors, the late ed by the Rev. Philip Bumbar, pastor of fortunate as we. Let us, as Ukrainian Anton Pavlos and Mychajlo Czeresz– St. Nicholas Church, and the Revs. Americans, heed the call of Shevchenko niowsky - stands in the park across the Peter Lisovsky and Bohdan Kin. and those through whom he now speaks. street from St. Nicholas Ukrainian Dr. Myron B. Kuropas, supreme vice Let us rally to the side of the dissidents Catholic Church, the parish building president of the Ukrainian National in Ukraine, who are the true heirs of and its school, and near other Ukrai– Association and former special assis– Taras Shevchenko," Dr. Kuropas said. nian buildings, such as the Ukrainian tant for ethnic affairs to President He concluded bis address in Ukrai– American veterans club, it is the third Gerald Ford, delivered the keynote nian, saying: "Let this opportunity serve as an example of bow we should build Ukraine in America. Let this occasion lvan Kandyba serve as an incentive for all of us to continue working for our Ukrainian HELS1NK1, Finland -1 van Kandy– communities. Let this moment be the ba, a Ukrainian attorney and a found– beginning of a new movement in our ing member of the Ukrainian Helsinki community — a movement for unity." Group, has been sentenced in Lviv, Also highlighting the unveiling cere- Ukraine, to 10 years'imprisonment and monies was the reading of the many five years' internal exile, reported t!ie telegrams and letters received from Smoloskyp Ukrainian information elected officials and Church hierarchs. Service. Mr. Kandyba, who was arrest– ed on March 24, was sentenced on July Presidential greetings 24. The charges against him are un– known. in his greeting. President Ronald Before his arrest, the 53-year-old Reagan wrote: dissident worked in an appliance fac– "1 am delighted to send my greetings tory near Lviv. He was reported to have and warmest personal regards to all been under administrative surveillance those gathered for the dedication of this and was being pressured by Soviet monument to Taras Shevchenko. authorities to publicly condemn the "This tribute to the poet of the activities of the Ukrainian Helsinki Ukraine is a fitting reminder of a man Group. Until his arrest, he was the only who abhorred injustice and sought member of the group not in custody or independence and equality for all in exile. nations. His singular literary accom– plishment combined with his dedication A veteran of World War H, Mr. to freedom for those suffering oppres– Kandyba joined Lev Lukianenko, ano– sion, set an example worthy of recogni– ther lawyer, in organizing the unofficial tion by the entire world. Ukrainian Workers' and Peasants' Union. The group was founded in 1959 "May this monument symbolize not and advocated Ukraine's secession from only Taras Shevchenko, but the liberty the USSR. he sought for all people." in 1961, Mr. Kandyba was sentenced Patriarch Josyf of the Ukrainian to 15 years' imprisonment on charges of Catholic Church noted: "treason" and "anti-Soviet agitation "1 am happy that in the land of and propaganda" as a result of his Washington a new monument to our activities in the union. Mr. Lukianenko, (Continued on page 4) who is currently imprisoned for his role in founding the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, was sentenced to be excuted, 1NS1DE: but his sentence was commuted to 15 years' imprisonment. Ш Dr. Myron B. Kuropas's address After his release in 1976, Mr. Kan– at the unveiling of the Shevchenko dyba realized that he would never be monument — page 6. permitted to practice law in the Soviet Ш Ongoing series on the state of Union and decided to declare his desire Ukrainian church art and architec– to emigrate. His request was consistent– rure. This week featuring Marco ly denied. Zubar — page 7. Despite constant pressure from au– Ш More photos of the new Taras thorities, Mr. Kandyba has refused to Shevchenko monument — page 9. denounce the Helsinki monitoring The Taras Shevchenko monument is unveiled by Elmira Heights dry officials. group. 2^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^„THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST ЗО, І98І„„„^No. 35 Ukrainian author, 85, remains undaunted East-bloc media blame the West despite KGB persecution, harassment for stalemate at Madrid Conference WASHINGTON - As expected. lism, have unleashed an arms race on an unprecedented scale," and" urged Ma– her manuscripts. For two years the East-bloc media accounts of the reasons NEW YORK - The case of 85- drid delegates to use the recess time to searches continued, and each time behind the adjournment of the Madrid year-old Nadia Surovtseva, Ukrai– prepare mutually acceptable proposals. the KGB would cart off more of Mrs. Conference to review implementation nian author and former political Earlier, veteran Moscow commenta– Surovtseva's life's work, reported of the 1975 Helsinki Accords differ prisoner, was outlined by N. Koma– tor Yuri Zhukov, also writing in Prav– Mrs. Komarva. sharply from those given in the Western rova, wife of imprisoned Soviet da, expressed concern about the dete– Perhaps the most absurd aspect of press. author viktor Nekipelov, in a recent rioration in East-West relations, claim– the KGB's actions was that they were The conference, which has been Russian samizdat publication trans– ing that the last three American admin– carried out under the pretext that the plagued by East-West disagreement on lated into Ukrainian by the Ukrai– istrations had soured on detente. nian Supreme Liberation Council 80-year-old artist was suspected of such key issues as European security "Before it is too late we can and must (abroad). counterfeiting money. and human rights since it opened last begin talks to prevent the dangerous A resident of the Ukrainian town Finally, in 1977, viktor Nekipelov, November, was adjourned on July 28 descent toward the brink of the abyss," of Uman, Mrs. Surovtseva, whose realizing that Mrs. Surovtseva's with both sides deadlocked on the warned Mr. Zhukov. apartment was searched in March creative life was being cruelly and nature of a post-Madrid disarmament and all her literary archives confis– systematically stolen by the KGB, meeting, the format for further review interestingly enough, the Soviet cated, served nearly 30 years in wrote an open letter to the French meetings, and other issues. paper izvestia gave somewhat differ– Soviet labor camps before being chapter, of the international PEN At the heart of, the deadlock is ing accounts of the Madrid meeting and amnestied in 1956. Before her arrest Club, a writers' group in which he disagreement over the scope and agenda related issues. On August 1, the paper in 1927, she was associated with was an honorary member, asking the of the disarmament parley, with the reported that the Soviet Union has Ukrainian literary and intellectual literary community to intervene on NATO nations favoring a French pro– expressed a "readiness to extend confi– circles that included the likes of her behalf. posal backed by the United States, dence-building measures to its entire European part," something it failed to Pavlo Tychyna, volodymyr Sosiura, in 1979, Mr. Nekipelov asked the while the Warsaw Pact nations prefer a do during the actual meeting. Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky, Mykola PEN Club to ask Soviet leaders and rather vague proposal put forth by the Khvylovy and others. the official Writers' Union to return Soviet delegation. This faint glimmer of compromise, however, was undercut the following According to Mrs. Komarova, Mrs. Surovtseva's archives, manu– The East European media has put the day when the paper called Max Kam– Mrs. Surovtseva, whose husband died scripts and essays. blame for the breakdown in negotia– pelman, head of the U.S. delegation, a in the Soviet camps, returned to Twelve days after the letter was tions on the West, claiming it has been "new cold war crusader, rather than a Ukraine, and with a vigor that belied written, the KGB again searched intransigent on its rejection of Soviet diplomat striving for agreement." her terrible ordeal, continued to Mrs. Surovtseva's home, this time proposals, thereby forcing the adjourn– study Ukrainian history, culture and claiming that they were looking for ment. literature. stolen goods. Again, they walked off in a July 13 broadcast, Moscow Reaction in other East European She worked at a local museum and with all her written materials, includ– Radio's domestic service charged Wes– nations seemed to follow the Soviet line, organized an art gallery which also ing the memoirs of the late Ukrai– tern delegations with torpedoing the with an emphasis on security and featured music.
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