Sixth International Conference on Mars (2003) alpha_ba-bi.pdf Contents — Ba through Bi AstroBioLab: A Mobile Biotic and Soil Analysis Laboratory J. L. Bada, A. P. Zent, F. J. Grunthaner, R. C. Quinn, R. Navarro-Gonzalez, B. Gomez-Silva, and C. P. McKay .................................................................................................................................... 3175 Geological History of Water on Mars V. R. Baker ............................................................................................................................................. 3139 Martian Global Surface Mineralogy from the Thermal Emission Spectrometer: Surface Emissivity, Mineral Map, and Spectral Endmember Data Products J. L. Bandfield ........................................................................................................................................ 3052 An Autonomous Instrument Package for Providing “Pathfinder” Network Measurements on the Surface of Mars W. B. Banerdt and P. Lognonné............................................................................................................. 3221 Mars Acoustic Anemometer — Eddy Fluxes D. Banfield, R. Dissly, A. D. Toigo, P. J. Gierasch, W. R. Dagle, D. Schindel, D. A. Hutchins, and B. T. Khuri-Yakub............................................................................................................................ 3144 Ground Ice and Impacts on Mars: New Constraints from Present and Future Missions D. Baratoux, N. Mangold, F. Costard, Y. Daydou, J. Decriem, and P. Pinet ........................................ 3027 Revision of the “Catalog of Large Martian Impact Craters” N. G. Barlow .......................................................................................................................................... 3073 Utilizing Diverse Data Sets in Martian Impact Crater Studies N. G. Barlow .......................................................................................................................................... 3072 Mars Weather Systems and Maps: FFSM Analyses of MGS TES Temperature Data J. R. Barnes ............................................................................................................................................ 3127 ISIS Processing Tools for Thermal Emission Spectrometer Data K. Becker, J. R. Johnson, and L. Gaddis ................................................................................................ 3097 High Spatial Resolution Visible Color Units on Mars from the Mars Odyssey THEMIS/VIS Instrument J. F. Bell III, T. McConnochie, D. Savransky, B. Stiglitz, M. J. Wolff, P. R. Christensen, G. Mehall, P. B. James, M. Malin, M. Caplinger, M. Ravine, L. L. Cherednik, K. C. Bender, K. Murray, and the THEMIS Science Team ........................................................................................... 3238 Pancam: A Multispectral Imaging Investigation on the NASA 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission J. F. Bell III, S. W. Squyres, K. E. Herkenhoff, J. Maki, M. Schwochert, A. Dingizian, D. Brown, R. V. Morris, H. M. Arneson, M. J. Johnson, J. Joseph, J. N. Sohl-Dickstein, and the Athena Science Team................................................................................................................. 3029 The Seasonal Behavior of Water Ice Clouds in the Tharsis and Valles Marineris Regions of Mars: Mars Orbiter Camera Observations J. L. Benson, B. P. Bonev, P. B. James, K. J. Shan, B. A. Cantor, and M. Caplinger............................ 3147 Comparison of the Cracking and Fracturing Systems of Phobos and Europa Sz. Bérczi, A. Horváth, and E. Illés ........................................................................................................ 3198 Sixth International Conference on Mars (2003) alpha_ba-bi.pdf Can Hydrous Minerals Account for the Observed Mid-Latitude Water on Mars? D. L. Bish, D. T. Vaniman, C. Fialips, J. W. Carey, and W. C. Feldman............................................... 3066 Physical Alteration of Martian Dust Grains, Its Influence on Detection of Clays and Identification of Aqueous Processes on Mars J. Bishop, A. Drief, and M. D. Dyar....................................................................................................... 3008 Constraints on Martian Surface Material from a Study of Volcanic Alteration in Iceland and Hawaii J. Bishop, P. Schiffman, R. J. Southard, A. Drief, and K. L. Verosub .................................................... 3009 Sixth International Conference on Mars (2003) 3175.pdf ASTROBIOLAB: A MOBILE BIOTIC AND SOIL ANALYSIS LABORATORY. J. L. Bada 1, A. P. Zent2, F. J. Grunthaner3, R. C. Quinn4, R. Navarro-Gonzalez5, B. Gomez-Silva6, and C. P. McKay2, 1University of California at San Diego (Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093-0212, [email protected]) , 2NASA Ames Re- search Center, 3NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4SETI Institute , 5Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 6Universidad de Antofagasa, Chile. Introduction: The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Atmospheric Water: While there is general Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and NASA agreement about the importance of UV irradiation in Ames Research Center are currently developing a mo- the generation mechanism of Martian oxidants and the bile Astrobiology Laboratory (AstroBioLab) for a se- decomposition of organic compounds, the role of water ries of field campaigns using the Chilean Atacama De- is more problematic. In the course of our development sert as a Martian surface analog site. The Astrobiology of in situ reactivity monitoring instrumentation (the Science and Technology for Exploring Planets Mars Oxidant Experiment (MOx) and the Mars At- (ASTEP) program funded AstroBioLab is designed mospheric Oxidant Sensor (MAOS)) we have found around the Mars Organic Detector (MOD) instrument that many of the more virulent superoxide compounds and the Mars Oxidant Instrument (MOI) which provide react strongly with water vapor. The first reaction complementary data sets. Using this suite of Mars In- product of water with the inorganic oxidant is the gen- strument Development Program (MIDP) and Planetary eration of a strong base that rapidly accelerates reac- Instrument Definition and Development Program tions (by orders of magnitude) with both organic and (PIDDP) derived in situ instruments, which provide inorganic materials. These reactions modify the surface state-of-the-art organic compound detection (attomolar chemistry of the fine grained solids or soils in ways sensitivity) and depth profiling of oxidation chemistry, that could seriously affect residual organic compounds we measure and correlate the interplay of organic that might be trapped and preserved in the medium. A compounds, inorganic oxidants, UV irradiation and critical reassessment of the Viking results by Benner water abundance. This mobile laboratory studies the [6], has suggested that the diagenesis of meteoritic or proposition that intense UV irradiation coupled with biotic organic material in an oxidizing environment low levels of liquid water generates metastable oxi- could have lead to carboxylic acid intermediates. dizing species that can consume moderate amounts of These salts would have had low volatility and conse- seeded organic compounds. Results from the initial quently not have been detected by the Viking GCMS spring 2003 field campaign will be presented. experimental protocol. One key component of this ar- Viking Results: Today, nearly three decades after gument lies in the critical role of water in the known the mission, the results of the Viking biology experi- oxidation mechanisms of complex organic molecules. ments remain to be fully explained. These experiments Low levels of water could stabilize highly reactive revealed properties of the Martian surface material that metastable oxidants, but could also give rise to kineti- are puzzling in three respects: (1) the release of O2 gas cally-stabilized and partially-oxidized organic materi- (70–770 nanomoles g-1) when soil samples were ex- als. Higher levels of water could react with photo- posed to water vapor in the Gas Exchange Experiment chemically generated strong oxidants lowering their (GEx) [1]; (2) the ability of the surface material to net concentration. This could shift the steady state bal- rapidly decompose aqueous organic material that was ance of organic influx and environmentally induced intended to culture microbial life in the Labeled Re- oxidation leading to higher levels of organics. Still lease Experiment (LR) [2]; and (3) the apparent ab- higher abundances of water could enable the develop- sence of organics in samples analyzed by gas chroma- ment of more complex organic molecules that might tography and mass spectroscopy (GCMS)[3]. prove more resistant to photochemically enhanced oxi- Oxidants on Mars: The most widely accepted ex- dation. planation for the results of the GEx and LR experi- Atacama Test Sites: AstroBioLab field experi- ments is the presence of oxidants in the Martian soil. ments are being performed in the Atacama Desert, Differences in stability of the active agents in the two which is located along the northern Chilean pacific experiments suggest that the GEx and LR oxidants are coast from 30° S to 20° S latitude (figure 1). The part different species and that at least three different oxi- of this region between 22° S and 26° S is extremely dizing species are needed to explain all of the experi- arid; its total rainfall is only a few millimeters over mental
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