167 STUDENTS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR GRADUATION NEXT SUMMER The following people are co nsidered eligible for graduation in the June 1949 semester. In determining senior standing, Kanner, Joseph; Karambelas, any student who has 82 or more Clayton; Katz, David; Kelly, John academic hours, is considered in T.; Keyek, Stanley; Klansek, John; the senior class. It is to be thor- Klesa, Wesley; Kloeber, Jack; oughly understood that before any Klopfer, 1A'illiani; Knapich, Chest- one can graduate he must satisfy er; Kosicki, William; Kosik, Edwin the requirements for the specific M.; Koval, Paul J.; Kozlowski, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Friday, October 15, 1948 degree under consideration. All Hillard; Krute, Eleanor. Vol. 3, No. 12. WILKES COLLEGE, seniors should have reported to Mr. Lavelle, William J.; Lawlor, Mar- Morris last week. Students who garet R.; Lawrence, Harold; Maisel, have not yet reported should de- Seymour G.; Manning, Thomas; NOTICE! Community Chest Drive On The finitely do so. Anyone whose Martin, David T.; Martin, John W.; name has been omitted but who Matelski, Dolores; Merritt, John The Wilkes College BEACON is Campus Not Progressing Well feels that his name should be in- M ; Miller, Allan; Miller, Thomas cluded on this list should report to M.; Monigas, George; Moran, published weekly during the normal semester and is free to all. Dis- Mr. Morris immediately. Thomas; Morgan, Harold; Morri- ONLY $150 COLLECTED TO DATE IN EFFORT TO TOP LAST Following is list of prospective son, Sheldon L.; Morse, Albert. tribution points are located at the graduates: Noble, Barbara; Novitsky, Stan- Cafeteria, Conyngham Hall, the YEAR'S "OVER THE GOAL" MARK Anderson, Eugene R;. Anthony, ley; Nowak, Edward J.; Olesky, Boys' Lounge. Robert; Apfelbaum, William; Joseph; Parry, Edward J.; Penali- By BOB SANDERS Arthur, William; Baron, Philip; gon, Evelyn; Perkowski, Narcy; TO ALL STUDENTS launched last Friday Barry, Melvin; Benson, Nicholas; Perneski, Robert; Persing, June; Reverend Charles Roush, pastor The 1948 Community Chest drive was ianco, Teresa; Bisbing, Austin C.; dore; Pezzner, Louis; Pinola, Jos- of the First Baptist Church, has at Wilkes-Barre with the blowing of whistles, the marching of Pomianek, Potter, Black, Harry. eph; Theodore; requested that students refrain bands the producing of pledges for the drive of drives. Blicharz, Mitchell; Bloomburg, Kathryn M.; Pubs, ,John T.; Quoos, and from parking cars in the rear of Wilkes College is right at the top Clayton; Boyd, William, W.; Boyle, Robert. the church property, since such Edward J.; Bozewicz, John W.; Rachunas, Lawrence; Rafter, of the leading contenders for hon- action obstructs the free flow of ors with a goal set at two thou- Broby, Jack W.; Brodeck, George; Edward F.; Rapczynski, Cyprian; traffic. Spanish Club To Bush, Gerald P.; Carpineti, Seba- Rauscher, Jay; Rees, Shirley; Rice, sand dollars. Here is the total of stian; Cavan, Gerard. Arthur; Refendifer, Charles; Rob- the cash and pledges as listed on Coburn, Thomas; Connor, Ralph on, Casimer; Rowinski, Joseph; Halloween the returns for last Wednesday Hold sixty-two dollars; B.; Cupsenski, Bernard; Dale, Mal- Rubright, Robert; Russell, Roberta; Barristers Plan noon: freshmen, colm W.; Dalessandro, Arthur; Ruta, Joseph F. sophomores, seventy-nine dollars; Oct. 29 juniors, six dollars; and seniors, Danilowicz, Pascal J.; Davies, Sajeski, Edmund; Savner, Rich- Legal Addresses Party William S.; Davis, Parker; Dew, ard; Sohleicher, Laura; Schneider- three dollars. The total is one hun- dred fifty dollars, not too high con- Alice Jean; DeWitt, Paul F.; Droz- ham, Charles; Schultz, Fred; Scott, Members May Invite Friends dowski, Klem; Dyback, Nicholas. Clemence; Seitchik, Jacob; Shet- sidering the size of the student Pre-Law students at Wilkes college stu- Edwards, John W.; Eiwaz, Frank; line, Leonard; Shinaly, George; have To Extravaganza body. Last year the recently reorganized the Bar- went over the top in their ef- Elias, Samuel; Ermel, George; Snyder, Donald; Spanos, James; Club, with Joseph dents rister's Radko fort to meet a quota of fifteen hun- Evan, Frank; Evan, John Joseph; Stainer, Marie; Stanziale, William; elected as temporary chairman. The Spanish Club of Wilkes Col- Wilkes Donald Stryker, Gordon R.; Sultzer, Al- dred dollars, and this year Evanouskas, John; Evans, John H. Hibbard, Political Science lege is planning a Halloween Party enrollments E.; Evans, John V.; Evans, Robert fred; Swartrood, Joseph; Swick- has one of the largest Instructor, has been selected as the in the history of the school. There J. lick, Leonard. Faculty Advisor. The club is plan- for the members of the club and Taylor, Kenneth; Thomas, Bur- their friends. The party is to he are now 1150 day students and 570 Fe4nstein, Morris; Fex, Michael; ning on drawing up a constitution lack of pledges Freeburn, Robert; Gill, Thomas; ton J.; Verban, John; Vernall, Don- night students. The and has chosen three members held at Chase Theatre, October 29. may be attributed to the fact that Glowacki, Peter; Goldsmith, Ed- ald; Volpe, Charles. Ed Kasik, Al Miller and Bill Jona- Miss Martha Silseth is advisor for not receive ward Walters, Henry N.; Warakomski, many veterans will C.; Gorgas, Robert; Gorka, than, to serve as the Constitutional this group. The following commit- their subsistence checks until Nov- Doris; Gorski, Edward; Green Mar- Theodore; Warmus, Martin; Wasi- and up by-laws. Committee set the 1. do not have to be jorie; Groshel, Louis. lewski, Edward; Weaver, Ralph; tees have been chosen and are ember Pledges The Barristers intend to have a ,paid by a certain date. They are Haas, Karl; Hiznay, Joseph; Weiss, Carol; Weissberger, Sidney; number of well-known local law- readying plans for the affair: any time. A.; payable at Hall, Ira; Hodgeon, Ralph; Henry, White, Lewis Wideman, An- yers and judges address the group General Chairman, Mike Fex; Reese Pelton is in charge of the William; Holbrook, John; Holifleid, thony; Wilkes, Dorothy; Williams, throughout the semester. Publicity Committee, Ned McGhee, campaign and he is being assisted James; Honeywell, Donald; Hons, Albert J.; Wilson, John D.; Will- All pre-law students, or any Chairman; Jim Nolan, Richard by Robert Partridge and Robert Naomi. iams; David; Wisniewski, John R.; others who are interested, are in- Wilkes Todd, Charlotte Davis, Mr. Daven- Smith, two members of the Jonathan, William; Jones, David Wolfe, Stephen; Wolfe, Donald; vited to attend the meetings which faculty. G.; Jones, George; Jones, Henry Wolff, Russell; Woolcock, Marga- will be held in Hugo V. Mailey's port, Joyce Nobel and Mr. Brand; The Letterman's Club, led by Lewis; Jones, James Wm.; Jones, ret; Zabiegalski, Anthony; Zarem- office, second floor, Science Lecture Refreshment Committee, Dolores Thomas, is at the top of the John E. Paul ha, Edmund. Hall, Thursday afternoons at 4. Passeri, Chairman; Sherman Sick- individual campaignists so far. ler, William Lavelle, Lois DeGraw, The dormitories have pledged per cent cooperation and one hundred Lettermen To TRIBIJINAL TORE HELD TONIGHT Mr. Moore, Harold Schmidt, and will contribute a great deal of Mr. Mikolajczyk. Entertainment money to the campaign. Committee, Alex Molash, Chair- Pledges may be increased by see- Hold Elections AT SPORT DANCE MAY BE LAST man; Audrey Seaman, Mary Port- ing any of the individual teams. All er, Joe Klutchko, Miss Strayer, payments are to be taken to Reese Monday Eve. Marty Blake, Miss Wachowski and Pelton's office, room 306, the third Wilkes College Student Council will sponsor the third sport Lester Gross. House Committee, floor of Chase Hall. dance of the semester tonight at the St. Stephen's Church-house. Fred Katlin, Chairman; Virginia To follow the results of the cam- Bolin, Joseph Gries, John Persico, Elections for officers in the The dance, being held under the auspices of the Lettermen's paign, take notice to the three Wilkes College Letterman's Club John E. Jones, Marita Sheridan, thermometers in front of the cafe- will be held this coming Monday Club, will continue from 9 P. M. until midnight. Virginia Meissner and Art Speng- teria. One is for the freshmen and evening in Chase Hall Lounge ac- Reese Pelton and his twelve have failed to report for Tribunal ler. sophomore classes, one for the cording to the club's president, "Men of Melody" will provide the hearing. It is requested that club members junior and senior classes, and one Paul Thomas (everyone in the Spanish Depart- for the entire school. music. Reese and his orchestra Twenty .. five cent door - prize Nominations for the various off- ment, should watch for notices re- The winning team will be given ices were made at a meeting held have also played at the two pre- tickets will be sold in the vestibule garding further meetings and in- a party in honor of their fine work. last Monday evening in the Chase vious sport dances. to increase the Wilkes contribution formation about this affair. This party will be sponsored by the Hall Lounge. During intermission the Letter- to the Community Chest Fund. A school and will include refresh- will conduct what Frosh Nominees are: President, Bob men the drawing will be held during inter- ments and dancing. hope will be the final Tribunal. The purpose of the Community Waters, and Paul Thomas; Vice mission and prizes, probably of Theta Delt.a Rho President, Alex Molash, George The Frosh have been requested to Chest drive is to save the trouble Lewis and Joe Swartwood; Secre- subpoena the four Freshmen who Wilkes jewelry, will be awarded. of having thirty-two separate tary, Tom Moran, Joe Gallagher New WOW Handle drives. "Everybody gives, every- and Richard Scripp; Treasurer, body benefits." The men of Wilkes Norman Cross, Jack Feeney and Wednesday and Thursday of last take their physical training at the Chester Knapich. Two members of NOMINATIONS FOR ALL CLASS week the "Women of Wilkes" held YMCA, a Red Feather agency, and the executive committee will also a compulsory vote to decide upon there are countless ways in which be elected.
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